Shellout.hs revision d5e2485c87abb79e1be7c1f7c95a5eab5ea27423
module Maude.Shellout (
) where
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Sign (Sign)
import Maude.Sentence (Sentence)
import qualified Maude.Sign as Sign
import qualified Maude.Sentence as Sen
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty(..))
import Common.Utils
maudePath :: String
maudePath = "maude"
maudeArgs :: [String]
maudeArgs = ["-interactive", "-no-banner", "-no-advise"]
maudeHetsPath :: String
maudeHetsPath = "Maude/hets.prj"
-- | runs @maude@ in an interactive subprocess
runMaude :: IO (Handle, Handle, Handle, ProcessHandle)
runMaude = runInteractiveProcess maudePath maudeArgs Nothing Nothing
-- | performs the basic analysis, extracting the signature and the sentences
-- of the given Maude text, that can use the signature accumulated thus far
basicAnalysis :: Sign -> MaudeText -> IO (Sign, [Sentence])
basicAnalysis sign (MaudeText mt) = do
(hIn, hOut, _, _) <- runMaude
hPutStrLn hIn $ unwords ["in", maudeHetsPath]
let sigStr = show $ parens
$ vcat [text "mod FROM-HETS is", pretty sign, text mt, text "endm"]
hPutStrLn hIn sigStr
hFlush hIn
specOut <- hGetContents hOut
hClose hIn
let spStr = findSpec specOut
case readMaybe spStr of
Just sp -> return $ convertSpec sp
Nothing ->
fail $ "cannot interpret the following maude output:\n" ++ spStr
++ "\ncreated for:\n" ++ sigStr
++ "\nmaude return:\n" ++ specOut
-- | extracts the signature and the sentences from a specification
convertSpec :: Spec -> (Sign, [Sentence])
convertSpec (SpecMod spec) = (Sign.fromSpec spec, Sen.fromSpec spec)
convertSpec _ = (Sign.empty, [])
-- | extracts the string corresponding to a specification
findSpec :: String -> String
findSpec = let
findSpecBeg = dropWhile $ not . isPrefixOf "Spec"
findSpecEnd = takeWhile $ not . isPrefixOf "@#$endHetsSpec$#@"
filterNil = filter $ (/=) '\NUL'
in filterNil . unlines . findSpecEnd . findSpecBeg . lines
-- | extracts a Maude module or view
getAllOutput :: Handle -> String -> Bool -> IO String
getAllOutput hOut s False = do
ss <- hGetLine hOut
getAllOutput hOut (s ++ "\n" ++ ss) (final ss)
getAllOutput _ s True = return $ prepare s
-- | extracts the Haskell representation of a Maude module or view
getAllSpec :: Handle -> String -> Bool -> IO String
getAllSpec hOut s False = do
ss <- hGetLine hOut
getAllSpec hOut (s ++ "\n" ++ ss) (finalSpec ss)
getAllSpec _ s True = return s
-- | possible ends of a Maude module or view
final :: String -> Bool
final "endfm" = True
final "endm" = True
final "endth" = True
final "endfth" = True
final "endv" = True
final _ = False
-- | end of the Haskell representation of a Maude module or view
finalSpec :: String -> Bool
finalSpec "@#$endHetsSpec$#@" = True
finalSpec _ = False
-- | drops the header and adds the parens for Full Maude
prepare :: String -> String
prepare s = "(" ++ (drop 8 s) ++ ")"