Sentence.hs revision 27aad79faa0eec8d0e7dda32bca710db95bd2d0a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Sentences for Maude
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of sentences for Maude.
module Maude.Sentence (
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Meta
import Maude.Printing ()
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, fromJust)
import Common.Id (mkSimpleId)
import Common.Doc (vcat)
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty(..))
data Sentence = Membership Membership
| Equation Equation
| Rule Rule
deriving (Show, Read, Ord, Eq)
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty sent = case sent of
Membership mb -> pretty mb
Equation eq -> pretty eq
Rule rl -> pretty rl
pretties = vcat . map pretty
instance HasSorts Sentence where
getSorts sen = case sen of
Membership mb -> getSorts mb
Equation eq -> getSorts eq
Rule rl -> getSorts rl
mapSorts mp sen = case sen of
Membership mb -> Membership $ mapSorts mp mb
Equation eq -> Equation $ mapSorts mp eq
Rule rl -> Rule $ mapSorts mp rl
instance HasOps Sentence where
getOps sen = case sen of
Membership mb -> getOps mb
Equation eq -> getOps eq
Rule rl -> getOps rl
mapOps mp sen = case sen of
Membership mb -> Membership $ mapOps mp mb
Equation eq -> Equation $ mapOps mp eq
Rule rl -> Rule $ mapOps mp rl
instance HasLabels Sentence where
getLabels sen = case sen of
Membership mb -> getLabels mb
Equation eq -> getLabels eq
Rule rl -> getLabels rl
mapLabels mp sen = case sen of
Membership mb -> Membership $ mapLabels mp mb
Equation eq -> Equation $ mapLabels mp eq
Rule rl -> Rule $ mapLabels mp rl
-- | Extract the |Sentence|s of a |Module|
fromSpec :: Module -> [Sentence]
fromSpec (Module _ _ stmts) = fromStatements stmts
-- | Extract the |Sentence|s from the |Statement|s
fromStatements :: [Statement] -> [Sentence]
fromStatements stmts = let
convert stmt = case stmt of
SubsortStmnt sbsrt -> Just [fromSubsort sbsrt]
OpStmnt op -> Just $ fromOperator op
MbStmnt mb -> Just [Membership mb]
EqStmnt eq -> Just [Equation eq]
RlStmnt rl -> Just [Rule rl]
_ -> Nothing
in concat $ mapMaybe convert stmts
-- | Check whether a |Sentence| is a |Rule|
isRule :: Sentence -> Bool
isRule sent = case sent of
Rule _ -> True
_ -> False
fromSubsort :: SubsortDecl -> Sentence
fromSubsort (Subsort s1 s2) = Membership mb
where v = Var (mkSimpleId "V") (TypeSort s1)
cond = MbCond v s1
mb = Mb v s2 [cond] []
fromOperator :: Operator -> [Sentence]
fromOperator (Op op_id ar co ats) = concat [comm_sens, assoc_sens, idem_sens,
id_sens, leftId_sens, rightId_sens]
where assoc_sens = if any assoc ats
then assocEq (getName op_id) (head ar) (head $ tail ar) co
else []
comm_sens = if any comm ats
then commEq (getName op_id) (head ar) (head $ tail ar) co
else []
idem_sens = if any idem ats
then idemEq (getName op_id) (head ar) co
else []
id_sens = if any idtty ats
then identityEq (getName op_id) (head ar) (fromJust $ getIdentity ats) co
else []
leftId_sens = if any leftId ats
then leftIdEq (getName op_id) (head ar) (fromJust $ getIdentity ats) co
else []
rightId_sens = if any rightId ats
then rightIdEq (getName op_id) (head ar) (fromJust $ getIdentity ats) co
else []
commEq :: Qid -> Type -> Type -> Type -> [Sentence]
commEq op ar1 ar2 co = [Equation $ Eq t1 t2 [] []]
where v1 = Var (mkSimpleId "v1") ar1
v2 = Var (mkSimpleId "v2") ar2
t1 = Apply op [v1, v2] co
t2 = Apply op [v2, v1] co
assocEq :: Qid -> Type -> Type -> Type -> [Sentence]
assocEq op ar1 ar2 co = [eq]
where v1 = Var (mkSimpleId "v1") ar1
v2 = Var (mkSimpleId "v2") ar2
v3 = Var (mkSimpleId "v3") ar2
t1 = Apply op [v1, v2] co
t2 = Apply op [t1, v3] co
t3 = Apply op [v2, v3] co
t4 = Apply op [v1, t3] co
eq = Equation $ Eq t2 t4 [] []
idemEq :: Qid -> Type -> Type -> [Sentence]
idemEq op ar co = [Equation $ Eq t v [] []]
where v = Apply (mkSimpleId "v") [] ar
t = Apply op [v, v] co
identityEq :: Qid -> Type -> Term -> Type -> [Sentence]
identityEq op ar1 idt co = [eq1, eq2]
where v = Var (mkSimpleId "v") ar1
t1 = Apply op [v, idt] co
t2 = Apply op [idt, v] co
eq1 = Equation $ Eq t1 v [] []
eq2 = Equation $ Eq t2 v [] []
leftIdEq :: Qid -> Type -> Term -> Type -> [Sentence]
leftIdEq op ar1 idt co = [eq1, eq2]
where v = Var (mkSimpleId "v") ar1
t = Apply op [idt, v] co
eq1 = Equation $ Eq t v [] []
eq2 = Equation $ Eq v t [] []
rightIdEq :: Qid -> Type -> Term -> Type -> [Sentence]
rightIdEq op ar1 idt co = [eq1, eq2]
where v = Var (mkSimpleId "v") ar1
t = Apply op [v, idt] co
eq1 = Equation $ Eq t v [] []
eq2 = Equation $ Eq v t [] []