Printing.hs revision 7cc38b3c10994dd7ce31a79c80c547700ede6435
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Transformation between Haskell and Maude
Copyright : (c) Adrian Riesco, Facultad de Informatica UCM 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Translations from Haskell to Maude.
module Maude.Printing () where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Symbol
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty(..))
import Data.List (intersperse)
combine :: (Pretty a) => (Doc -> Doc) -> ([Doc] -> Doc) -> [a] -> Doc
combine _ _ [] = empty
combine wrap dsep list = wrap . dsep . map pretty $ list
parenPretties :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> Doc
parenPretties = combine parens hsep
bracketPretties :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> Doc
bracketPretties = combine brackets hsep
combineHooks :: (Pretty a) => [a] -> Doc
combineHooks = let bracketed doc = lbrack $+$ doc <> rbrack
in combine bracketed vcat
prettySentence :: (Pretty a, Pretty b) =>
String -> String -> Doc -> a -> b -> [Condition] -> [StmntAttr] -> Doc
prettySentence s1 s2 op t1 t2 cs as = hsep $ if null cs
then [keyword s1, pretty t1, op, pretty t2, pretty as, dot]
else [keyword s2, pretty t1, op, pretty t2, pretty cs, pretty as, dot]
instance Pretty Membership where
pretty (Mb t s cs as) = prettySentence "mb" "cmb" colon t s cs as
instance Pretty Equation where
pretty (Eq t1 t2 cs as) = prettySentence "eq" "ceq" equals t1 t2 cs as
instance Pretty Rule where
pretty (Rl t1 t2 cs as) = prettySentence "rl" "crl" implies t1 t2 cs as
instance Pretty Condition where
pretty cond = let pretty' x y z = hsep [pretty x, y, pretty z]
in case cond of
MbCond t s -> pretty' t colon s
EqCond t1 t2 -> pretty' t1 equals t2
RwCond t1 t2 -> pretty' t1 implies t2
MatchCond t1 t2 -> pretty' t1 (text ":=") t2
pretties = combine (text "if" <+>) (hsep . intersperse andDoc)
instance Pretty Attr where
pretty attr = case attr of
Assoc -> text "assoc"
Comm -> text "comm"
Idem -> text "idem"
Iter -> text "iter"
Id term -> text "id:" <+> pretty term
LeftId term -> text "id-left:" <+> pretty term
RightId term -> text "id-right:" <+> pretty term
Strat ints -> text "strat" <+> parenPretties ints
Memo -> text "memo"
Prec int -> text "prec" <+> pretty int
Gather qids -> text "gather" <+> parenPretties qids
Format qids -> text "format" <+> parenPretties qids
Ctor -> text "ctor"
Config -> text "config"
Object -> text "object"
Msg -> text "msg"
Frozen ints -> text "frozen" <+> parenPretties ints
Poly ints -> text "poly" <+> parenPretties ints
Special hooks -> text "special" <+> combineHooks hooks
pretties = bracketPretties
instance Pretty StmntAttr where
pretty attr = case attr of
Owise -> text "owise"
Nonexec -> text "nonexec"
Metadata str -> text "metadata" <+> doubleQuotes (pretty str)
Label qid -> text "label" <+> doubleQuotes (pretty qid)
Print _ -> empty
pretties = bracketPretties
instance Pretty Hook where
pretty hook = case hook of
IdHook qid qs -> hsep
[text "id-hook", pretty qid, parenPretties qs]
OpHook qid op dom cod -> let symb = mkOpPartial op dom cod
in hsep [text "op-hook", pretty qid, parens $ pretty symb]
TermHook qid term -> hsep
[text "term-hook", pretty qid, parens $ pretty term]
pretties = combine parens vcat
instance Pretty Term where
pretty term = case term of
Const qid _ -> pretty qid
Var qid tp -> hcat [pretty qid, colon, pretty tp]
Apply qid ts _ -> pretty qid <> (parens . pretty $ ts)
pretties = combine id sepByCommas
instance Pretty Type where
pretty typ = case typ of
TypeSort sort -> pretty sort
TypeKind kind -> pretty kind
instance Pretty Sort where
pretty (SortId qid) = pretty qid
instance Pretty Kind where
pretty (KindId qid) = pretty qid
instance Pretty ParamId where
pretty (ParamId qid) = pretty qid
instance Pretty ViewId where
pretty (ViewId qid) = pretty qid
instance Pretty ModId where
pretty (ModId qid) = pretty qid
instance Pretty LabelId where
pretty (LabelId qid) = pretty qid
instance Pretty OpId where
pretty (OpId qid) = pretty qid