PreComorphism.hs revision fecce42517d20490f893c4a9dee29b000e1653ea
fd9abdda70912b99b24e3bf1a38f26fde908a74cndmodule Maude.PreComorphism where
fd9abdda70912b99b24e3bf1a38f26fde908a74cndimport Data.Maybe
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejeshimport qualified Data.List as List
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejeshimport qualified Data.Set as Set
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejeshimport qualified Data.Map as Map
96ad5d81ee4a2cc66a4ae19893efc8aa6d06fae7jailletcimport qualified Maude.Sign as MSign
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jimimport qualified Maude.Sentence as MSentence
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jimimport qualified Maude.Morphism as MMorphism
d29d9ab4614ff992b0e8de6e2b88d52b6f1f153erbowenimport qualified Maude.AS_Maude as MAS
2e545ce2450a9953665f701bb05350f0d3f26275ndimport qualified Maude.Symbol as MSym
d29d9ab4614ff992b0e8de6e2b88d52b6f1f153erbowenimport Maude.Meta.HasName
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jimimport qualified CASL.Sign as CSign
5a58787efeb02a1c3f06569d019ad81fd2efa06endimport qualified CASL.Morphism as CMorphism
af33a4994ae2ff15bc67d19ff1a7feb906745bf8rbowenimport qualified CASL.AS_Basic_CASL as CAS
3f08db06526d6901aa08c110b5bc7dde6bc39905ndimport CASL.StaticAna
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jimimport Common.Id
5a58787efeb02a1c3f06569d019ad81fd2efa06endimport Common.Result
3f08db06526d6901aa08c110b5bc7dde6bc39905ndimport Common.AS_Annotation
3b3b7fc78d1f5bfc2769903375050048ff41ff26ndimport qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jimtype IdMap = Map.Map Id Id
00b49f91367894cf867206991ff1373cfeabb759gryzortype OpTransTuple = (CSign.OpMap, CSign.OpMap, [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA], Set.Set Component)
e609c337f729875bc20e01096c7e610f45356f54nilgun-- | generates a CASL morphism from a Maude morphism
f086b4b402fa9a2fefc7dda85de2a3cc1cd0a654rjungmapMorphism :: MMorphism.Morphism -> Result (CMorphism.CASLMor)
3b3b7fc78d1f5bfc2769903375050048ff41ff26ndmapMorphism morph =
3b3b7fc78d1f5bfc2769903375050048ff41ff26nd let
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd src = MMorphism.source morph
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen tgt = morph
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen mk = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts src) (MSign.subsorts src)
c68aa7f213d409d464eaa6b963afb28678548f4frbowen cs = kindsFromMap mk
9a58dc6a2b26ec128b1270cf48810e705f1a90dbsf smap = MMorphism.sortMap morph
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen omap = MMorphism.opMap morph
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen smap' = applySortMap2CASLSorts smap cs
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen omap' = maudeOpMap2CASLOpMap mk omap
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen pmap = createPredMap mk smap
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen (src', _) = maude2casl src []
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen (tgt', _) = maude2casl tgt []
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen in return $ CMorphism.Morphism src' tgt' smap' omap' pmap ()
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | translates the Maude morphism between operators into a CASL morpshim between
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- operators
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmaudeOpMap2CASLOpMap :: IdMap -> MMorphism.OpMap -> CMorphism.Op_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmaudeOpMap2CASLOpMap im = Map.foldWithKey (translateOpMapEntry im) Map.empty
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd-- | translates the mapping between two symbols representing operators into
5a58787efeb02a1c3f06569d019ad81fd2efa06end-- a CASL operators map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowentranslateOpMapEntry :: IdMap -> MSym.Symbol -> MSym.Symbol -> CMorphism.Op_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen -> CMorphism.Op_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowentranslateOpMapEntry im (MSym.Operator from ar co) (MSym.Operator to _ _) copm = copm'
a56ff98d3082c853f69e8de5c3e8bcab2734c0earbowen where f = token2id . getName
30471a4650391f57975f60bbb6e4a90be7b284bfhumbedooh g = \ x -> fromJust $ Map.lookup (f x) im
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jim ot = CSign.OpType CAS.Total (map g ar) (g co)
5a58787efeb02a1c3f06569d019ad81fd2efa06end cop = (token2id from, ot)
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen to' = (token2id to, CAS.Total)
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd copm' = Map.insert cop to' copm
c68aa7f213d409d464eaa6b963afb28678548f4frbowentranslateOpMapEntry _ _ _ _ = Map.empty
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | generates a set of CASL symbol from a Maude Symbol
9a58dc6a2b26ec128b1270cf48810e705f1a90dbsfmapSymbol :: MSign.Sign -> MSym.Symbol -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmapSymbol sg (MSym.Sort q) = Set.singleton csym
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd where mk = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts sg) (MSign.subsorts sg)
4aa603e6448b99f9371397d439795c91a93637eand sym_id = token2id q
c3c006c28c5b03892ccaef6e4d2cbb15a13a2072rbowen kind = fromJust $ Map.lookup sym_id mk
c3c006c28c5b03892ccaef6e4d2cbb15a13a2072rbowen pred_data = CSign.PredType [kind]
c3c006c28c5b03892ccaef6e4d2cbb15a13a2072rbowen csym = CSign.Symbol sym_id $ CSign.PredAsItemType pred_data
4aa603e6448b99f9371397d439795c91a93637eandmapSymbol sg (MSym.Operator q ar co) = Set.singleton csym
c3c006c28c5b03892ccaef6e4d2cbb15a13a2072rbowen where mk = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts sg) (MSign.subsorts sg)
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd q' = token2id q
c68aa7f213d409d464eaa6b963afb28678548f4frbowen ar' = map (maudeSort2caslId mk) ar
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd co' = token2id $ getName co
20f499565e77defe9dab24dd85c02f38a1175855nd op_data = CSign.OpType CAS.Total ar' co'
c3c006c28c5b03892ccaef6e4d2cbb15a13a2072rbowen csym = CSign.Symbol q' $ CSign.OpAsItemType op_data
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4ndmapSymbol _ _ = Set.empty
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd-- | returns the sort in CASL of the Maude sort symbol
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmaudeSort2caslId :: IdMap -> MSym.Symbol -> Id
4126704c4950bfd46d32ad54e3b106ac6d868a73sfmaudeSort2caslId im sym = fromJust $ Map.lookup (token2id $ getName sym) im
4126704c4950bfd46d32ad54e3b106ac6d868a73sf-- | creates the predicate map for the CASL morphism from the Maude sort map and
4126704c4950bfd46d32ad54e3b106ac6d868a73sf-- the map between sorts and kinds
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowencreatePredMap :: IdMap -> MMorphism.SortMap -> CMorphism.Pred_map
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4ndcreatePredMap im = Map.foldWithKey (createPredMap4sort im) Map.empty
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | creates an entry of the predicate map for a single sort
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowencreatePredMap4sort :: IdMap -> MSym.Symbol -> MSym.Symbol -> CMorphism.Pred_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen -> CMorphism.Pred_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowencreatePredMap4sort im from to m = Map.insert key id_to m
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen where id_from = token2id $ getName from
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen id_to = token2id $ getName to
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd kind = fromJust $ Map.lookup id_from im
00b49f91367894cf867206991ff1373cfeabb759gryzor key = (id_from, CSign.PredType [kind])
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | computes the sort morphism of CASL from the sort morphism in Maude and the set
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd-- of kinds
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenapplySortMap2CASLSorts :: MMorphism.SortMap -> Set.Set Id -> CMorphism.Sort_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenapplySortMap2CASLSorts sm = Set.fold (applySortMap2CASLSort sm) Map.empty
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | computes the morphism for a single kind
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenapplySortMap2CASLSort :: MMorphism.SortMap -> Id -> CMorphism.Sort_map -> CMorphism.Sort_map
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenapplySortMap2CASLSort sm sort csm = new_csm
157312a2bcbad225c12462fc6d74b1aa3f32dceehumbedooh where toks = getTokens sort
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen new_toks = map (rename sm) toks
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd new_sort = mkId new_toks
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh new_csm = if new_sort == sort
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen then csm
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen else Map.insert sort new_sort csm
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh-- | renames the sorts in a given kind
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejeshrename :: MMorphism.SortMap -> Token -> Token
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenrename sm tok = new_tok
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen where sym = MSym.Sort tok
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh sym' = if Map.member sym sm
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen then fromJust $ Map.lookup sym sm
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh else sym
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh new_tok = getName sym'
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | translates a Maude sentence into a CASL formula
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmapSentence :: MSign.Sign -> MSentence.Sentence -> Result CAS.CASLFORMULA
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmapSentence sg sen@(MSentence.Equation eq) = case any MAS.owise ats of
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen False -> return $ sentence $ noOwiseSen2Formula mk named
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen True -> let
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd sg_sens = map (makeNamed "") $ Set.toList $ MSign.sentences sg
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen (no_owise_sens, _, _) = splitOwiseEqs sg_sens
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen no_owise_forms = map (noOwiseSen2Formula mk) no_owise_sens
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen trans = sentence $ owiseSen2Formula mk no_owise_forms named
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen in return trans
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen where mk = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts sg) (MSign.subsorts sg)
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen MAS.Eq _ _ _ ats = eq
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen named = makeNamed "" sen
00b49f91367894cf867206991ff1373cfeabb759gryzormapSentence sg sen@(MSentence.Membership mb) = return $ sentence form
00b49f91367894cf867206991ff1373cfeabb759gryzor where mk = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts sg) (MSign.subsorts sg)
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh MAS.Mb _ _ _ _ = mb
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jim named = makeNamed "" sen
5a58787efeb02a1c3f06569d019ad81fd2efa06end form = mb_rl2formula mk named
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenmapSentence sg sen@(MSentence.Rule rl) = return $ sentence form
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd where mk = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts sg) (MSign.subsorts sg)
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen MAS.Rl _ _ _ _ = rl
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen named = makeNamed "" sen
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen form = mb_rl2formula mk named
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen-- | applies maude2casl to compute the CASL signature and sentences from
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd-- the Maude ones, and wraps them into a Result datatype
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejeshmapTheory :: (MSign.Sign, [Named MSentence.Sentence])
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh -> Result (CSign.CASLSign, [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA])
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejeshmapTheory (sg, nsens) = return $ maude2casl sg nsens
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh-- | computes new signature and sentences of CASL associated to the
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh-- given Maude signature and sentences
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4ndmaude2casl :: MSign.Sign -> [Named MSentence.Sentence]
4aa603e6448b99f9371397d439795c91a93637eand -> (CSign.CASLSign, [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA])
bbcc277fef0330ac4c1f937cb0dea78248225c0ahumbedoohmaude2casl msign nsens = (csign { CSign.sortSet = cs,
bbcc277fef0330ac4c1f937cb0dea78248225c0ahumbedooh CSign.emptySortSet = cs,
4aa603e6448b99f9371397d439795c91a93637eand CSign.opMap = cops',
9e213c30f8f58680f0350736a2a6221baad94131humbedooh CSign.assocOps = assoc_ops,
aaf7b7f4cc1be050310c3d7f48bce0ec67e174e4nd CSign.predMap = preds,
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh CSign.declaredSymbols = syms }, new_sens)
db99fa79ac42b9cc42b63386eb289aecb0f3cb9cnd where csign = CSign.emptySign ()
545f1a3ee91056d6de32adab10c2eab26db89f27dpejesh mk' = arrangeKinds (MSign.sorts msign) (MSign.subsorts msign)
bf082801b4063fe22a99661889cbd9a7701dae9fnd cs = kindsFromMap mk'
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen mk = Map.insert (token2id $ mkSimpleId "Universal") (token2id $ mkSimpleId "[Universal]") mk'
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen ks = kindPredicates mk
9a58dc6a2b26ec128b1270cf48810e705f1a90dbsf rp = rewPredicates ks cs
9a58dc6a2b26ec128b1270cf48810e705f1a90dbsf rs = rewPredicatesSens cs
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen ops = MSign.ops msign
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen ksyms = kinds2syms cs
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen (cops, assoc_ops, ops_forms, comps) = translateOps mk ops
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen ctor_sen = [ctorSen False (cs, Rel.empty, comps)]
a56ff98d3082c853f69e8de5c3e8bcab2734c0earbowen cops' = predefinedOps cs cops
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen ops_syms = ops2symbols cops
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen (no_owise_sens, owise_sens, mbs_rls_sens) = splitOwiseEqs nsens
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen no_owise_forms = map (noOwiseSen2Formula mk) no_owise_sens
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen owise_forms = map (owiseSen2Formula mk no_owise_forms) owise_sens
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen mb_rl_forms = map (mb_rl2formula mk) mbs_rls_sens
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen preds = Map.unionWith (Set.union) ks rp
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen preds_syms = preds2syms preds
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen syms = Set.union ksyms $ Set.union ops_syms preds_syms
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen new_sens = concat [rs, ops_forms, no_owise_forms, owise_forms, mb_rl_forms, ctor_sen]
4aa603e6448b99f9371397d439795c91a93637eandpredefinedOps :: Set.Set Id -> CSign.OpMap -> CSign.OpMap
9e213c30f8f58680f0350736a2a6221baad94131humbedoohpredefinedOps kinds om = Set.fold predefinedOpKind om'' kinds
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen where if_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "if_then_else_fi"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen double_eq_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "_==_"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen neg_double_eq_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "_=/=_"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen om' = Map.delete double_eq_id $ Map.delete if_id om
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen om'' = Map.delete neg_double_eq_id om'
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenpredefinedOpKind :: Id -> CSign.OpMap -> CSign.OpMap
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowenpredefinedOpKind kind om = om3
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen where if_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "if_then_else_fi"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen double_eq_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "_==_"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen neg_double_eq_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "_=/=_"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen bool_id = token2id $ mkSimpleId "[Bool]"
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen if_opt = Set.singleton $ CSign.OpType CAS.Total [bool_id, kind, kind] kind
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen eq_opt = Set.singleton $ CSign.OpType CAS.Total [kind, kind] bool_id
9a58dc6a2b26ec128b1270cf48810e705f1a90dbsf om1 = Map.insertWith Set.union if_id if_opt om
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen om2 = Map.insertWith Set.union double_eq_id eq_opt om1
c35acdcbd4d173d3c536cf0be1295fa6c510cf8drbowen om3 = Map.insertWith Set.union neg_double_eq_id eq_opt om2
3b3b7fc78d1f5bfc2769903375050048ff41ff26ndpredefinedSens :: Set.Set Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
7add1372edb1ee95a2c4d1314df4c7567bda7c62jimpredefinedSens = Set.fold predefinedSensKind []
00b49f91367894cf867206991ff1373cfeabb759gryzorpredefinedSensKind :: Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA] -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
7f5b59ccc63c0c0e3e678a168f09ee6a2f51f9d0ndpredefinedSensKind kind acc = concat [iss, eqs, neqs, psen, acc]
e609c337f729875bc20e01096c7e610f45356f54nilgun where iss = ifSens kind
f086b4b402fa9a2fefc7dda85de2a3cc1cd0a654rjung eqs = equalitySens kind
727872d18412fc021f03969b8641810d8896820bhumbedooh neqs = nonEqualitySens kind
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd psen = plusSen
cc7e1025de9ac63bd4db6fe7f71c158b2cf09fe4humbedoohifSens :: Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abndifSens kind = [form'', neg_form'']
cc7e1025de9ac63bd4db6fe7f71c158b2cf09fe4humbedooh where v1 = newVarIndex 1 kind
727872d18412fc021f03969b8641810d8896820bhumbedooh v2 = newVarIndex 2 kind
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd bv = newVarIndex 2 $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "[Bool]"
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd true_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "true"
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd true_term = CAS.Application true_id [] nullRange
ac082aefa89416cbdc9a1836eaf3bed9698201c8humbedooh if_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "if_then_else_fi"
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd if_term = CAS.Application if_id [bv, v1, v2] nullRange
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd prem = CAS.Strong_equation bv true_term nullRange
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd concl = CAS.Strong_equation if_term v1 nullRange
727872d18412fc021f03969b8641810d8896820bhumbedooh form = CAS.Implication prem concl True nullRange
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd form' = quantifyUniversally form
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd neg_prem = CAS.Negation prem nullRange
30471a4650391f57975f60bbb6e4a90be7b284bfhumbedooh neg_concl = CAS.Strong_equation if_term v2 nullRange
205f749042ed530040a4f0080dbcb47ceae8a374rjung neg_form = CAS.Implication neg_prem neg_concl True nullRange
af33a4994ae2ff15bc67d19ff1a7feb906745bf8rbowen neg_form' = quantifyUniversally neg_form
0d0ba3a410038e179b695446bb149cce6264e0abnd name1 = show kind ++ "_if_true"
7fec19672a491661b2fe4b29f685bc7f4efa64d4nd name2 = show kind ++ "_if_false"
7fec19672a491661b2fe4b29f685bc7f4efa64d4nd form'' = makeNamed name1 form'
7fec19672a491661b2fe4b29f685bc7f4efa64d4nd neg_form'' = makeNamed name2 neg_form'
equalitySens :: Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
equalitySens kind = [form'', comp_form'']
where v1 = newVarIndex 1 kind
v2 = newVarIndex 2 kind
true_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "true"
true_term = CAS.Application true_id [] nullRange
false_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "false"
false_term = CAS.Application false_id [] nullRange
prem = CAS.Strong_equation v1 v2 nullRange
double_eq_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "_==_"
double_eq_term = CAS.Application double_eq_id [v1, v2] nullRange
concl = CAS.Strong_equation double_eq_term true_term nullRange
form = CAS.Implication prem concl True nullRange
form' = quantifyUniversally form
neg_prem = CAS.Negation prem nullRange
new_concl = CAS.Strong_equation double_eq_term false_term nullRange
comp_form = CAS.Implication neg_prem new_concl True nullRange
comp_form' = quantifyUniversally comp_form
name1 = show kind ++ "_==_true"
name2 = show kind ++ "_==_false"
form'' = makeNamed name1 form'
comp_form'' = makeNamed name2 comp_form'
nonEqualitySens :: Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
nonEqualitySens kind = [form'', comp_form'']
where v1 = newVarIndex 1 kind
v2 = newVarIndex 2 kind
true_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "true"
true_term = CAS.Application true_id [] nullRange
false_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "false"
false_term = CAS.Application false_id [] nullRange
prem = CAS.Strong_equation v1 v2 nullRange
double_eq_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "_=/=_"
double_eq_term = CAS.Application double_eq_id [v1, v2] nullRange
concl = CAS.Strong_equation double_eq_term false_term nullRange
form = CAS.Implication prem concl True nullRange
form' = quantifyUniversally form
neg_prem = CAS.Negation prem nullRange
new_concl = CAS.Strong_equation double_eq_term true_term nullRange
comp_form = CAS.Implication neg_prem new_concl True nullRange
comp_form' = quantifyUniversally comp_form
name1 = show kind ++ "_=/=_false"
name2 = show kind ++ "_=/=_true"
form'' = makeNamed name1 form'
comp_form'' = makeNamed name2 comp_form'
plusSen :: [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
plusSen = [form'']
where v1 = newVarIndex 1 $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "[Nat]"
v2 = newVarIndex 2 $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "[Nat]"
plus_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "_+_"
succ_id = CAS.Op_name $ token2id $ mkSimpleId "s_"
succ_v1 = CAS.Application succ_id [v1] nullRange
lhs = CAS.Application plus_id [succ_v1, v2] nullRange
add_term = CAS.Application plus_id [v1, v2] nullRange
rhs = CAS.Application succ_id [add_term] nullRange
form = CAS.Strong_equation lhs rhs nullRange
form' = quantifyUniversally form
name = "add_+_"
form'' = makeNamed name form'
-- | translates the Maude operator map into a tuple of CASL operators, CASL
-- associative operators and the formulas generated by the operator attributes
-- and the membership induced from each Maude operator
translateOps :: IdMap -> MSign.OpMap -> OpTransTuple
translateOps im = Map.fold (translateOpDeclSet im) (Map.empty, Map.empty, [], Set.empty)
-- | translates an operator declaration set into a tern as described above
translateOpDeclSet :: IdMap -> MSign.OpDeclSet -> OpTransTuple -> OpTransTuple
translateOpDeclSet im ods tpl = Set.fold (translateOpDecl im) tpl ods
translateOpDecl :: IdMap -> MSign.OpDecl -> OpTransTuple -> OpTransTuple
translateOpDecl im (syms, ats) (ops, assoc_ops, forms, cs) = (ops', assoc_ops', forms', cs')
where predOps = ops2pred im syms
sym = head $ Set.toList syms
(cop_id, ot) = fromJust $ maudeSym2CASLOp im sym
cop_type = Set.singleton ot
forms' = forms ++ predOps
ops' = Map.insertWith (Set.union) cop_id cop_type ops
assoc_ops' = if any MAS.assoc ats
then Map.insertWith (Set.union) cop_id cop_type assoc_ops
else assoc_ops
cs' = if any MAS.ctor ats
then Set.insert (Component cop_id ot) cs
else cs
-- | translates a Maude operator symbol into a pair with the id of the operator
-- and its CASL type
maudeSym2CASLOp :: IdMap -> MSym.Symbol -> Maybe (Id, CSign.OpType)
maudeSym2CASLOp im (MSym.Operator op ar co) = Just (token2id op, ot)
where f = token2id . getName
g = \ x -> fromJust $ Map.lookup (f x) im
ot = CSign.OpType CAS.Total (map g ar) (g co)
maudeSym2CASLOp _ _ = Nothing
-- | generates the predicates associated to each operator declaration in Maude
-- due to the associated membership if the coarity is a sort and not a kind
ops2pred :: IdMap -> MSym.SymbolSet -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
ops2pred im = Set.fold (op2pred im) []
-- | generates the memebership predicate associated to an operator
op2pred :: IdMap -> MSym.Symbol -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA] -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
op2pred im (MSym.Operator op ar co) acc = case co of
MSym.Sort s -> let
op' = CAS.Op_name $ token2id op
co' = token2id s
(vars, prems) = ops2predPremises im ar 0
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name co'
op_term = CAS.Application op' vars nullRange
op_pred = CAS.Predication pred_name [op_term] nullRange
conj_form = createConjForm prems
imp_form = if null prems
then op_pred
else CAS.Implication conj_form op_pred True nullRange
q_form = quantifyUniversally imp_form
final_form = makeNamed "" q_form
in final_form : acc
_ -> acc
op2pred _ _ acc = acc
-- | creates a conjuctive formula distinguishing the size of the list
createConjForm [] = CAS.True_atom nullRange
createConjForm [a] = a
createConjForm fs = CAS.Conjunction fs nullRange
-- | generates the predicates asserting the "true" sort of the operator if all
-- the arguments have the correct sort
ops2predPremises :: IdMap -> [MSym.Symbol] -> Int -> ([CAS.CASLTERM], [CAS.CASLFORMULA])
ops2predPremises im (MSym.Sort s : ss) i = (var : terms, form : forms)
where s' = token2id s
kind = fromJust $ Map.lookup s' im
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name s'
var = newVarIndex i kind
form = CAS.Predication pred_name [var] nullRange
(terms, forms) = ops2predPremises im ss (i + 1)
ops2predPremises im (MSym.Kind k : ss) i = (var : terms, forms)
where k' = token2id k
kind = fromJust $ Map.lookup k' im
var = newVarIndex i kind
(terms, forms) = ops2predPremises im ss (i + 1)
ops2predPremises _ _ _ = ([], [])
-- | traverses the Maude sentences, returning a pair of list of sentences.
-- The first list in the pair are the equations without the attribute "owise",
-- while the second one are the equations with this attribute
splitOwiseEqs :: [Named MSentence.Sentence] ->
([Named MSentence.Sentence], [Named MSentence.Sentence], [Named MSentence.Sentence])
splitOwiseEqs [] = ([], [], [])
splitOwiseEqs (s : ss) = res
where (no_owise_sens, owise_sens, mbs_rls) = splitOwiseEqs ss
sen = sentence s
res = case sen of
MSentence.Equation (MAS.Eq _ _ _ ats) -> case any MAS.owise ats of
True -> (no_owise_sens, s : owise_sens, mbs_rls)
False -> (s : no_owise_sens, owise_sens, mbs_rls)
_ -> (no_owise_sens, owise_sens, s : mbs_rls)
-- | translates a Maude equation defined without the "owise" attribute into
-- a CASL formula
noOwiseSen2Formula :: IdMap -> Named MSentence.Sentence
noOwiseSen2Formula im s = s'
where MSentence.Equation eq = sentence s
sen' = noOwiseEq2Formula im eq
s' = s { sentence = sen' }
-- | translates a Maude equation defined with the "owise" attribute into
-- a CASL formula
owiseSen2Formula :: IdMap -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
-> Named MSentence.Sentence -> Named CAS.CASLFORMULA
owiseSen2Formula im owise_forms s = s'
where MSentence.Equation eq = sentence s
sen' = owiseEq2Formula im owise_forms eq
s' = s { sentence = sen' }
-- | translates a Maude membership or rule into a CASL formula
mb_rl2formula :: IdMap -> Named MSentence.Sentence -> Named CAS.CASLFORMULA
mb_rl2formula im s = case sen of
MSentence.Membership mb -> let
mb' = mb2formula im mb
in s { sentence = mb' }
MSentence.Rule rl -> let
rl' = rl2formula im rl
in s { sentence = rl' }
_ -> makeNamed "" $ CAS.False_atom nullRange
where sen = sentence s
-- | create the CASL predicates derived from Maude subsort declarations
subsortSens :: IdMap -> [(MSym.Symbol, MSym.Symbol)] -> [CAS.CASLFORMULA]
subsortSens im = map (subsortSen im)
-- | create a CASL predicate from a Maude subsort declaration
subsortSen :: IdMap -> (MSym.Symbol, MSym.Symbol) -> CAS.CASLFORMULA
subsortSen im (sub, super) = quantifyUniversally form
where sub' = getName sub
super' = getName super
kind = fromJust $ Map.lookup (token2id sub') im
sub_pred_name = CAS.Pred_name $ token2id sub'
super_pred_name = CAS.Pred_name $ token2id super'
var = newVar kind
sub_form = CAS.Predication sub_pred_name [var] nullRange
super_form = CAS.Predication super_pred_name [var] nullRange
form = CAS.Implication sub_form super_form True nullRange
-- | generates a new variable qualified with the given number
newVarIndex :: Int -> Id -> CAS.CASLTERM
newVarIndex i sort = CAS.Qual_var var sort nullRange
where var = mkSimpleId $ "V" ++ show i
-- | generates a new variable
newVar :: Id -> CAS.CASLTERM
newVar sort = CAS.Qual_var var sort nullRange
where var = mkSimpleId "V"
-- | Id for the rew predicate
rewID :: Id
rewID = token2id $ mkSimpleId "rew"
-- | translate a Maude equation without the "owise" attribute into a CASL formula
noOwiseEq2Formula :: IdMap -> MAS.Equation -> CAS.CASLFORMULA
noOwiseEq2Formula im (MAS.Eq t t' [] _) = quantifyUniversally form
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
form = CAS.Strong_equation ct ct' nullRange
noOwiseEq2Formula im (MAS.Eq t t' conds@(_:_) _) = quantifyUniversally form
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
conds_form = conds2formula im conds
concl_form = CAS.Strong_equation ct ct' nullRange
form = CAS.Implication conds_form concl_form True nullRange
-- | transforms a Maude equation defined with the otherwise attribute into
-- a CASL formula
owiseEq2Formula :: IdMap -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA] -> MAS.Equation
owiseEq2Formula im no_owise_form eq = form
where (eq_form, vars) = noQuantification $ noOwiseEq2Formula im eq
(op, ts, _) = fromJust $ getLeftApp eq_form
ex_form = existencialNegationOtherEqs op ts no_owise_form
imp_form = CAS.Implication ex_form eq_form True nullRange
form = CAS.Quantification CAS.Universal vars imp_form nullRange
-- | generates a conjunction of negation of existencial quantifiers
existencialNegationOtherEqs :: CAS.OP_SYMB -> [CAS.CASLTERM] ->
existencialNegationOtherEqs op ts forms = form
where ex_forms = foldr ((++) . existencialNegationOtherEq op ts) [] forms
form = if length ex_forms > 1
then CAS.Conjunction ex_forms nullRange
else head ex_forms
-- | given a formula, if it refers to the same operator indicated by the parameters
-- the predicate creates a list with the negation of the existence of variables that
-- match the pattern described in the formula. In other case it returns an empty list
existencialNegationOtherEq :: CAS.OP_SYMB -> [CAS.CASLTERM] ->
existencialNegationOtherEq req_op terms form = case ok of
False -> []
True -> let
(_, ts, conds) = fromJust tpl
ts' = qualifyExVarsTerms ts
conds' = qualifyExVarsForms conds
prems = (createEqs ts' terms) ++ conds'
conj_form = CAS.Conjunction prems nullRange
ex_form = if vars' /= []
then CAS.Quantification CAS.Existential vars' conj_form nullRange
else conj_form
neg_form = CAS.Negation ex_form nullRange
in [neg_form]
where (inner_form, vars) = noQuantification $ sentence form
vars' = qualifyExVars vars
tpl = getLeftApp inner_form
ok = case tpl of
Nothing -> False
Just _ -> let (op, ts, _) = fromJust tpl
in req_op == op && length terms == length ts
-- | qualifies the variables in a list of formulas with the suffix "_ex" to
-- distinguish them from the variables already bound
qualifyExVarsForms = map qualifyExVarsForm
-- | qualifies the variables in a formula with the suffix "_ex" to distinguish them
-- from the variables already bound
qualifyExVarsForm (CAS.Strong_equation t t' r) = CAS.Strong_equation qt qt' r
where qt = qualifyExVarsTerm t
qt' = qualifyExVarsTerm t'
qualifyExVarsForm (CAS.Predication op ts r) = CAS.Predication op ts' r
where ts' = qualifyExVarsTerms ts
qualifyExVarsForm f = f
-- | qualifies the variables in a list of terms with the suffix "_ex" to
-- distinguish them from the variables already bound
qualifyExVarsTerms :: [CAS.CASLTERM] -> [CAS.CASLTERM]
qualifyExVarsTerms = map qualifyExVarsTerm
-- | qualifies the variables in a term with the suffix "_ex" to distinguish them
-- from the variables already bound
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Qual_var var sort r) = CAS.Qual_var (qualifyExVarAux var) sort r
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Application op ts r) = CAS.Application op ts' r
where ts' = map qualifyExVarsTerm ts
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Sorted_term t s r) = CAS.Sorted_term (qualifyExVarsTerm t) s r
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Cast t s r) = CAS.Cast (qualifyExVarsTerm t) s r
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Conditional t1 f t2 r) = CAS.Conditional t1' f t2' r
where t1' = qualifyExVarsTerm t1
t2' = qualifyExVarsTerm t2
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_term ts) = CAS.Mixfix_term ts'
where ts' = map qualifyExVarsTerm ts
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_parenthesized ts r) = CAS.Mixfix_parenthesized ts' r
where ts' = map qualifyExVarsTerm ts
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_bracketed ts r) = CAS.Mixfix_bracketed ts' r
where ts' = map qualifyExVarsTerm ts
qualifyExVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_braced ts r) = CAS.Mixfix_braced ts' r
where ts' = map qualifyExVarsTerm ts
qualifyExVarsTerm t = t
-- | qualifies a list of variables with the suffix "_ex" to
-- distinguish them from the variables already bound
qualifyExVars :: [CAS.VAR_DECL] -> [CAS.VAR_DECL]
qualifyExVars = map qualifyExVar
-- | qualifies a variable with the suffix "_ex" to distinguish it from
-- the variables already bound
qualifyExVar :: CAS.VAR_DECL -> CAS.VAR_DECL
qualifyExVar (CAS.Var_decl vars s r) = CAS.Var_decl vars' s r
where vars' = map qualifyExVarAux vars
-- | qualifies a token with the suffix "_ex"
qualifyExVarAux :: Token -> Token
qualifyExVarAux var = mkSimpleId $ show var ++ "_ex"
-- | creates a list of strong equalities from two lists of terms
createEqs (t1 : ts1) (t2 : ts2) = CAS.Strong_equation t1 t2 nullRange : ls
where ls = createEqs ts1 ts2
createEqs _ _ = []
-- | extracts the operator at the top and the arguments of the lefthand side
-- in a strong equation
getLeftApp (CAS.Strong_equation term _ _) = case getLeftAppTerm term of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (op, ts) -> Just (op, ts, [])
getLeftApp (CAS.Implication prem concl _ _) = case getLeftApp concl of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (op, ts, _) -> Just (op, ts, conds)
where conds = getPremisesImplication prem
getLeftApp _ = Nothing
-- | extracts the operator at the top and the arguments of the lefthand side
-- in an application term
getLeftAppTerm (CAS.Application op ts _) = Just (op, ts)
getLeftAppTerm _ = Nothing
-- | extracts the formulas of the given premise, distinguishing whether it is
-- a conjunction or not
getPremisesImplication :: CAS.CASLFORMULA -> [CAS.CASLFORMULA]
getPremisesImplication (CAS.Conjunction forms _) = forms
getPremisesImplication form = [form]
-- | translate a Maude membership into a CASL formula
mb2formula :: IdMap -> MAS.Membership -> CAS.CASLFORMULA
mb2formula im (MAS.Mb t s [] _) = quantifyUniversally form
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name $ token2id $ getName s
form = CAS.Predication pred_name [ct] nullRange
mb2formula im (MAS.Mb t s conds@(_ : _) _) = quantifyUniversally form
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name $ token2id $ getName s
conds_form = conds2formula im conds
concl_form = CAS.Predication pred_name [ct] nullRange
form = CAS.Implication conds_form concl_form True nullRange
-- | translate a Maude rule into a CASL formula
rl2formula :: IdMap -> MAS.Rule -> CAS.CASLFORMULA
rl2formula im (MAS.Rl t t' [] _) = quantifyUniversally form
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name rewID
form = CAS.Predication pred_name [ct, ct'] nullRange
rl2formula im (MAS.Rl t t' conds@(_:_) _) = quantifyUniversally form
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name rewID
conds_form = conds2formula im conds
concl_form = CAS.Predication pred_name [ct, ct'] nullRange
form = CAS.Implication conds_form concl_form True nullRange
-- | translate a conjunction of Maude conditions to a CASL formula
conds2formula :: IdMap -> [MAS.Condition] -> CAS.CASLFORMULA
conds2formula im conds = CAS.Conjunction forms nullRange
where forms = map (cond2formula im) conds
-- | translate a single Maude condition to a CASL formula
cond2formula :: IdMap -> MAS.Condition -> CAS.CASLFORMULA
cond2formula im (MAS.EqCond t t') = CAS.Strong_equation ct ct' nullRange
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
cond2formula im (MAS.MatchCond t t') = CAS.Strong_equation ct ct' nullRange
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
cond2formula im (MAS.MbCond t s) = CAS.Predication pred_name [ct] nullRange
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name $ token2id $ getName s
cond2formula im (MAS.RwCond t t') = CAS.Predication pred_name [ct, ct'] nullRange
where ct = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t
ct' = maudeTerm2caslTerm im t'
pred_name = CAS.Pred_name rewID
-- | translate a Maude term into a CASL term
maudeTerm2caslTerm :: IdMap -> MAS.Term -> CAS.CASLTERM
maudeTerm2caslTerm im (MAS.Var q ty) = CAS.Qual_var q kind nullRange
where kind = fromJust $ Map.lookup (token2id $ getName ty) im
maudeTerm2caslTerm _ (MAS.Const q _) = CAS.Application (CAS.Op_name name) [] nullRange
where name = token2id q
maudeTerm2caslTerm im (MAS.Apply q ts _) = CAS.Application (CAS.Op_name name) tts nullRange
where name = token2id q
tts = map (maudeTerm2caslTerm im) ts
rewPredicatesSens :: Set.Set Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
rewPredicatesSens = Set.fold rewPredicateSens []
rewPredicateSens :: Id -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA] -> [Named CAS.CASLFORMULA]
rewPredicateSens kind acc = [ref, trans] ++ acc
where ref = reflSen kind
trans = transSen kind
-- | creates the reflexivity predicate for the given kind
reflSen :: Id -> Named CAS.CASLFORMULA
reflSen kind = makeNamed name $ quantifyUniversally form
where v = newVar kind
pn = CAS.Pred_name rewID
form = CAS.Predication pn [v, v] nullRange
name = "rew_refl_" ++ show kind
-- | creates the transitivity predicate for the given kind
transSen :: Id -> Named CAS.CASLFORMULA
transSen kind = makeNamed name $ quantifyUniversally form
where v1 = newVarIndex 1 kind
v2 = newVarIndex 2 kind
v3 = newVarIndex 3 kind
pn = CAS.Pred_name rewID
prem1 = CAS.Predication pn [v1, v2] nullRange
prem2 = CAS.Predication pn [v2, v3] nullRange
concl = CAS.Predication pn [v1, v3] nullRange
conj_form = CAS.Conjunction [prem1, prem2] nullRange
form = CAS.Implication conj_form concl True nullRange
name = "rew_trans_" ++ show kind
-- | generate the predicates for the rewrites
rewPredicates :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType) -> Set.Set Id
-> Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType)
rewPredicates m = Set.fold rewPredicate m
rewPredicate :: Id -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType)
-> Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType)
rewPredicate kind m = Map.insertWith (Set.union) rewID ar m
where ar = Set.singleton $ CSign.PredType [kind, kind]
-- | create the predicates that assign sorts to each term
kindPredicates :: IdMap -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType)
kindPredicates = Map.foldWithKey kindPredicate Map.empty
-- | create the predicates that assign the current sort to the
-- corresponding terms
kindPredicate :: Id -> Id -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType)
-> Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType)
kindPredicate sort kind mis = case sort == (token2id $ mkSimpleId "Universal") of
True -> mis
False -> let ar = Set.singleton $ CSign.PredType [kind]
in Map.insertWith (Set.union) sort ar mis
-- | extract the kinds from the map of id's
kindsFromMap :: IdMap -> Set.Set Id
kindsFromMap = Map.fold Set.insert Set.empty
-- | return a map where each sort is mapped to its kind, both of them
-- already converted to Id
arrangeKinds :: MSign.SortSet -> MSign.SubsortRel -> IdMap
arrangeKinds ss r = arrangeKindsList (Set.toList ss) r Map.empty
-- | traverse the sorts and creates a table that assigns to each sort its kind
arrangeKindsList :: [MSym.Symbol] -> MSign.SubsortRel -> IdMap -> IdMap
arrangeKindsList [] _ m = m
arrangeKindsList l@(s : _) r m = arrangeKindsList not_rel r m'
where tops = List.sort $ getTop r s
tc = Rel.transClosure r
(rel, not_rel) = sameKindList s tc l
f = \ x y z -> Map.insert (sym2id y) (sort2id x) z
m' = foldr (f tops) m rel
-- | creates two list distinguishing in the first componente the symbols
-- with the same kind than the given one and in the second one the
-- symbols with different kind
sameKindList :: MSym.Symbol -> MSign.SubsortRel -> [MSym.Symbol]
-> ([MSym.Symbol], [MSym.Symbol])
sameKindList _ _ [] = ([], [])
sameKindList t r (t' : ts) = if MSym.sameKind r t t'
then (t' : hold, not_hold)
else (hold, t' : not_hold)
where (hold, not_hold) = sameKindList t r ts
-- | transform the set of Maude sorts in a set of CASL sorts, including
-- only one sort for each kind.
sortsTranslation :: MSign.SortSet -> MSign.SubsortRel -> Set.Set Id
sortsTranslation ss r = sortsTranslationList (Set.toList ss) r
-- | transform a list representing the Maude sorts in a set of CASL sorts,
-- including only one sort for each kind.
sortsTranslationList :: [MSym.Symbol] -> MSign.SubsortRel -> Set.Set Id
sortsTranslationList [] _ = Set.empty
sortsTranslationList (s : ss) r = Set.insert (sort2id tops) res
where tops@(top : _) = List.sort $ getTop r s
ss' = deleteRelated ss top r
res = sortsTranslation ss' r
-- | return a maximal element from the sort relation
getTop :: MSign.SubsortRel -> MSym.Symbol -> [MSym.Symbol]
getTop r tok = case succs of
[] -> [tok]
toks@(_:_) -> foldr ((++) . (getTop r)) [] toks
where succs = Set.toList $ Rel.succs r tok
-- | delete from the list of sorts those in the same kind that the parameter
deleteRelated :: [MSym.Symbol] -> MSym.Symbol -> MSign.SubsortRel -> MSign.SortSet
deleteRelated ss sym r = foldr (f sym tc) Set.empty ss
where tc = Rel.transClosure r
f = \ sort trC x y -> if MSym.sameKind trC sort x
then y
else Set.insert x y
-- | build an Id from a token with the function mkId
token2id :: Token -> Id
token2id t = mkId [t]
-- | build an Id from a Maude symbol
sym2id :: MSym.Symbol -> Id
sym2id = token2id . getName
-- | build an Id from a list of sorts, including the "[" and "," if needed
sort2id :: [MSym.Symbol] -> Id
sort2id syms = mkId tokens'
where tokens = map getName syms
tokens' = mkSimpleId "[" : (putCommas tokens) ++ [mkSimpleId "]"]
-- | inserts commas between tokens
putCommas :: [Token] -> [Token]
putCommas [] = []
putCommas [t] = [t]
putCommas (t : ts) = t : (mkSimpleId ",") : putCommas ts
-- | add universal quantification of all variables in the formula
quantifyUniversally form = if null var_decl
then form
else CAS.Quantification CAS.Universal var_decl form nullRange
where vars = getVars form
var_decl = listVarDecl vars
-- | traverses a map with sorts as keys and sets of variables as value and creates
-- a list of variable declarations
listVarDecl :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set Token) -> [CAS.VAR_DECL]
listVarDecl = Map.foldWithKey f []
where f = \ sort var_set acc -> CAS.Var_decl (Set.toList var_set) sort nullRange : acc
-- | removes a quantification from a formula
noQuantification (CAS.Quantification _ vars form _) = (form, vars)
noQuantification form = (form, [])
-- | translate the CASL sorts to symbols
kinds2syms :: Set.Set Id -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
kinds2syms = kind2sym
-- | translate a CASL sort to a CASL symbol
kind2sym :: Id -> CSign.Symbol
kind2sym k = CSign.Symbol k CSign.SortAsItemType
-- | translates the CASL predicates into CASL symbols
preds2syms :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set CSign.PredType) -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
preds2syms = Map.foldWithKey pred2sym Set.empty
-- | translates a CASL predicate into a CASL symbol
pred2sym :: Id -> Set.Set CSign.PredType -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
pred2sym pn spt acc = Set.union set acc
where set = Set.fold (createSym4id pn) Set.empty spt
-- | creates a CASL symbol for a predicate
createSym4id :: Id -> CSign.PredType -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
createSym4id pn pt acc = Set.insert sym acc
where sym = CSign.Symbol pn $ CSign.PredAsItemType pt
-- | translates the CASL operators into CASL symbols
ops2symbols :: CSign.OpMap -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
ops2symbols = Map.foldWithKey op2sym Set.empty
-- | translates a CASL operator into a CASL symbol
op2sym :: Id -> Set.Set CSign.OpType -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
op2sym on sot acc = Set.union set acc
where set = Set.fold (createSymOp4id on) Set.empty sot
-- | creates a CASL symbol for an operator
createSymOp4id :: Id -> CSign.OpType -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol -> Set.Set CSign.Symbol
createSymOp4id on ot acc = Set.insert sym acc
where sym = CSign.Symbol on $ CSign.OpAsItemType ot
-- | extract the variables from a CASL formula and put them in a map
-- with keys the sort of the variables and value the set of variables
-- in this sort
getVars :: CAS.CASLFORMULA -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set Token)
getVars (CAS.Quantification _ _ f _) = getVars f
getVars (CAS.Conjunction fs _) = foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVars) Map.empty fs
getVars (CAS.Disjunction fs _) = foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVars) Map.empty fs
getVars (CAS.Implication f1 f2 _ _) = Map.unionWith (Set.union) v1 v2
where v1 = getVars f1
v2 = getVars f2
getVars (CAS.Equivalence f1 f2 _) = Map.unionWith (Set.union) v1 v2
where v1 = getVars f1
v2 = getVars f2
getVars (CAS.Negation f _) = getVars f
getVars (CAS.Predication _ ts _) = foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVars (CAS.Definedness t _) = getVarsTerm t
getVars (CAS.Existl_equation t1 t2 _) = Map.unionWith (Set.union) v1 v2
where v1 = getVarsTerm t1
v2 = getVarsTerm t2
getVars (CAS.Strong_equation t1 t2 _) = Map.unionWith (Set.union) v1 v2
where v1 = getVarsTerm t1
v2 = getVarsTerm t2
getVars (CAS.Membership t _ _) = getVarsTerm t
getVars (CAS.Mixfix_formula t) = getVarsTerm t
getVars _ = Map.empty
-- | extract the variables of a CASL term
getVarsTerm :: CAS.CASLTERM -> Map.Map Id (Set.Set Token)
getVarsTerm (CAS.Qual_var var sort _) = Map.insert sort (Set.singleton var) Map.empty
getVarsTerm (CAS.Application _ ts _) = foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (CAS.Sorted_term t _ _) = getVarsTerm t
getVarsTerm (CAS.Cast t _ _) = getVarsTerm t
getVarsTerm (CAS.Conditional t1 f t2 _) = Map.unionWith (Set.union) v3 m
where v1 = getVarsTerm t1
v2 = getVarsTerm t2
v3 = getVars f
m = Map.unionWith (Set.union) v1 v2
getVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_term ts) = foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_parenthesized ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_bracketed ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm (CAS.Mixfix_braced ts _) =
foldr (Map.unionWith (Set.union) . getVarsTerm) Map.empty ts
getVarsTerm _ = Map.empty
-- | generates the constructor constraint
ctorSen :: Bool -> GenAx -> Named CAS.CASLFORMULA
ctorSen isFree (sorts, _, ops) = do
let sortList = Set.toList sorts
opSyms = map ( \ c -> let ide = compId c in CAS.Qual_op_name ide
(CSign.toOP_TYPE $ compType c) $ posOfId ide) $ Set.toList ops
allSyms = opSyms
resType _ (CAS.Op_name _) = False
resType s (CAS.Qual_op_name _ t _) = CAS.res_OP_TYPE t == s
getIndex s = maybe (-1) id $ List.findIndex (== s) sortList
addIndices (CAS.Op_name _) =
error "CASL/StaticAna: Internal error in function addIndices"
addIndices os@(CAS.Qual_op_name _ t _) =
(os,map getIndex $ CAS.args_OP_TYPE t)
collectOps s =
CAS.Constraint s (map addIndices $ filter (resType s) allSyms) s
constrs = map collectOps sortList
f = CAS.Sort_gen_ax constrs isFree
makeNamed ("ga_generated_" ++ showSepList (showString "_") showId sortList "") f