Morphism.hs revision 27aad79faa0eec8d0e7dda32bca710db95bd2d0a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Morphisms for Maude
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of morphisms for Maude.
module Maude.Morphism (
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Symbol
import Maude.Meta
import Maude.Util
import Maude.Printing ()
import Maude.Sign (Sign)
import Maude.Sentence (Sentence)
import qualified Maude.Sign as Sign
import qualified Maude.Sentence as Sen
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result (Result)
import qualified Common.Result as Result
import Common.Doc hiding (empty)
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty(..))
type SortMap = SymbolMap
type OpMap = SymbolMap
type LabelMap = SymbolMap
data Morphism = Morphism {
source :: Sign,
target :: Sign,
sortMap :: SortMap,
opMap :: OpMap,
labelMap :: LabelMap
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty mor = let
pr'pair txt left right = hsep
[txt, pretty left, text "to", pretty right]
pr'ops src tgt = pr'pair (text "op") src (getName tgt)
pr'map fun = vcat . map (uncurry fun) . Map.toList
smap = pr'map (pr'pair $ text "sort") $ sortMap mor
omap = pr'map pr'ops $ opMap mor
lmap = pr'map (pr'pair $ text "label") $ labelMap mor
in vcat [ smap, omap, lmap ]
-- text "\n\nTarget:" <$$> pretty $ target mor
-- mapSource :: (Sign -> Sign) -> Morphism -> Morphism
-- mapSource func mor = mor { source = func $ source mor }
mapTarget :: (Sign -> Sign) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapTarget func mor = mor { target = func $ target mor }
mapSortMap :: (SymbolMap -> SymbolMap) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapSortMap func mor = mor { sortMap = func $ sortMap mor }
mapOpMap :: (SymbolMap -> SymbolMap) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapOpMap func mor = mor { opMap = func $ opMap mor }
mapLabelMap :: (SymbolMap -> SymbolMap) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapLabelMap func mor = mor { labelMap = func $ labelMap mor }
-- | Separate Operator and other Renamings.
partitionRenamings :: [Renaming] -> ([Renaming], [Renaming])
partitionRenamings = let
is'op renaming = case renaming of
OpRenaming1 _ _ -> True
OpRenaming2 _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
in partition is'op
renamingSymbolsMaybe :: Renaming -> Maybe (Symbol, Symbol)
renamingSymbolsMaybe rename = case rename of
SortRenaming src tgt -> Just (asSymbol src, asSymbol tgt)
LabelRenaming src tgt -> Just (asSymbol src, asSymbol tgt)
OpRenaming1 src (To tgt _) -> Just (asSymbol src, asSymbol tgt)
OpRenaming2 src dom cod (To tgt _) -> let
src' = getName src
tgt' = getName tgt
dom' = map asSymbol dom
cod' = asSymbol cod
in Just (Operator src' dom' cod', Operator tgt' dom' cod')
-- TODO: We are not currently handling TermMaps, right?
TermMap _ _ -> Nothing
renamingSymbols :: Renaming -> (Symbol, Symbol)
renamingSymbols = fromJust . renamingSymbolsMaybe
applyRenamings :: Morphism -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
applyRenamings mor rens = let
(ops, rest) = partitionRenamings rens
add'ops = flip (foldr applyOpRenaming) ops
add'rest = flip (foldr applyRenaming) rest
in add'rest . add'ops $ mor
-- | create a Morphism from an initial signature and a list of Renamings
fromSignRenamings :: Sign -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
fromSignRenamings = applyRenamings . identity
-- TODO: Handle Attrs in Op Renamings.
applyOpRenaming :: Renaming -> Morphism -> Morphism
applyOpRenaming rename = let
syms = renamingSymbols rename
add'op = mapOpMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
use'op = mapTarget . uncurry Sign.renameOp syms
in case rename of
OpRenaming1 _ (To _ attrs) -> use'op attrs . add'op
OpRenaming2 _ _ _ (To _ attrs) -> use'op attrs . add'op
_ -> id
applyRenaming :: Renaming -> Morphism -> Morphism
applyRenaming rename = let
syms = renamingSymbols rename
add'sort = mapSortMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
use'sort = mapTarget $ uncurry Sign.renameSort syms
ren'sort = mapOpMap $ uncurry renameSortOpMap syms
add'labl = mapLabelMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
use'labl = mapTarget $ uncurry Sign.renameLabel syms
in case rename of
SortRenaming _ _ -> ren'sort . use'sort . add'sort
LabelRenaming _ _ -> use'labl . add'labl
_ -> id
-- | create a Morphism from the initial signatures and a list of Renamings
fromSignsRenamings :: Sign -> Sign -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
fromSignsRenamings sign1 sign2 rens = let
(ops, rest) = partitionRenamings rens
add'ops = flip (foldr insertOpRenaming) ops
add'rest = flip (foldr insertRenaming) rest
mor = inclusion sign1 sign2
in add'rest . add'ops $ mor
-- TODO: Handle Attrs in Op Renamings.
insertOpRenaming :: Renaming -> Morphism -> Morphism
insertOpRenaming rename = let
syms = renamingSymbols rename
add'op = mapOpMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
in case rename of
OpRenaming1 _ _ -> add'op
OpRenaming2 _ _ _ _ -> add'op
_ -> id
insertRenaming :: Renaming -> Morphism -> Morphism
insertRenaming rename = let
syms = renamingSymbols rename
add'sort = mapSortMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
ren'sort = mapOpMap $ uncurry renameSortOpMap syms
add'labl = mapLabelMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
in case rename of
SortRenaming _ _ -> ren'sort . add'sort
LabelRenaming _ _ -> add'labl
_ -> id
-- | Rename sorts in the profiles of an operator map.
renameSortOpMap :: Symbol -> Symbol -> OpMap -> OpMap
renameSortOpMap from to = $ mapSorts $ Map.singleton from to
-- | extract the SymbolMap of a Morphism
symbolMap :: Morphism -> SymbolMap
symbolMap mor = Map.unions [sortMap mor, opMap mor, labelMap mor]
-- | the empty Morphism
empty :: Morphism
empty = identity Sign.empty
-- | the identity Morphism
identity :: Sign -> Morphism
identity sign = inclusion sign sign
-- | the inclusion Morphism
inclusion :: Sign -> Sign -> Morphism
inclusion src tgt = Morphism {
source = src,
target = tgt,
sortMap = Map.empty,
opMap = Map.empty,
labelMap = Map.empty
-- | the inverse Morphism
inverse :: Morphism -> Result Morphism
inverse mor = let
invertMap = Map.foldWithKey (flip Map.insert) Map.empty
in return Morphism {
source = target mor,
target = source mor,
sortMap = invertMap $ sortMap mor,
opMap = invertMap $ opMap mor,
labelMap = invertMap $ labelMap mor
-- | the composition of two Morphisms
compose :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result Morphism
compose f g
| target f /= source g = fail
"target of the first and source of the second morphism are different"
| otherwise = let
-- Take SymbolMap |mp| of each Morphism.
-- Convert each SymbolMap to a function.
-- Compose those functions.
map'map :: (Morphism -> SymbolMap) -> Symbol -> Symbol
map'map mp = mapAsFunction (mp g) . mapAsFunction (mp f)
-- Map |x| via the composed SymbolMaps |mp| of both Morphisms.
-- Insert the renaming mapping into a SymbolMap.
insert :: (Morphism -> SymbolMap) -> Symbol -> SymbolMap -> SymbolMap
insert mp x = let y = map'map mp x
in if x == y then id else Map.insert x y
-- Map each symbol in |items| via the combined SymbolMaps |mp|.
compose'map :: (Morphism -> SymbolMap) -> (Sign -> SymbolSet) -> SymbolMap
compose'map mp items = if Map.null (mp g)
-- if the SymbolMap of |g| is empty, we use the one from |f|
then mp f
-- otherwise we start with the SymbolSet from |source f|
-- and construct a combined SymbolMap by applying both
-- SymbolMaps (from |f| and |g|) to each item in |insert|
else Set.fold (insert mp) Map.empty $ items (source f)
-- We want a morphism from |source f| to |target g|.
mor = inclusion (source f) (target g)
in return mor {
sortMap = compose'map sortMap getSorts,
opMap = compose'map opMap getOps,
labelMap = compose'map labelMap getLabels
-- | check that a Morphism is legal
isLegal :: Morphism -> Bool
isLegal mor = let
src = source mor
tgt = target mor
smap = sortMap mor
omap = opMap mor
lmap = labelMap mor
subset mp items = let mapped = $ mapAsFunction mp
in Set.isSubsetOf (mapped $ items src) $ items tgt
lg'source = Sign.isLegal src
lg'sortMap = subset smap getSorts
lg'opMap = subset omap getOps
lg'labelMap = subset lmap getLabels
lg'target = Sign.isLegal tgt
in all id [lg'source, lg'sortMap, lg'opMap, lg'labelMap, lg'target]
-- | check that a Morphism is the identity
isIdentity :: Morphism -> Bool
isIdentity mor = source mor == target mor
-- | check that a Morphism is an Inclusion
isInclusion :: Morphism -> Bool
isInclusion mor = let
null'sortMap = Map.null (sortMap mor)
null'opMap = Map.null (opMap mor)
null'labelMap = Map.null (labelMap mor)
in all id [null'sortMap, null'opMap, null'labelMap]
-- | translate a Sentence along a Morphism
mapSentence :: Morphism -> Sentence -> Result Sentence
mapSentence mor = let
smap = mapSorts (sortMap mor)
omap = mapOps (opMap mor)
lmap = mapLabels (labelMap mor)
in return . lmap . smap . omap
union :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Morphism
union m1 m2 = let apply func items = func (items m1) (items m2)
in Morphism {
source = apply Sign.union source,
target = apply Sign.union target,
sortMap = apply Map.union sortMap,
opMap = apply Map.union opMap,
labelMap = apply Map.union labelMap
setTarget :: Sign -> Morphism -> Morphism
setTarget sign morph = morph {target = sign}
renameSorts :: Morphism -> Symbols -> Symbols
renameSorts = mapSorts . sortMap
qualifySorts :: Morphism -> Qid -> Symbols -> Morphism
qualifySorts mor qid syms = let
insert symb = Map.insert symb $ qualify qid symb
smap = foldr insert Map.empty syms
q'tgt = mapTarget $ mapSorts smap
q'smap = mapSortMap $ mapSorts smap
x'smap = mapSortMap $ Map.union smap
in q'tgt . x'smap . q'smap $ mor
-- FIXME: Code duplication!
extendWithSortRenaming :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Morphism -> Morphism
extendWithSortRenaming src tgt = let
add'sort = mapSortMap $ Map.insert src tgt
use'sort = mapTarget $ Sign.renameSort src tgt
ren'sort = mapOpMap $ renameSortOpMap src tgt
in ren'sort . use'sort . add'sort
getNewSorts :: [Symbol] -> Morphism -> [Symbol]
getNewSorts ss morph = mapSorts (sortMap morph) ss