4b0a4c7dea0f67a233dcc42ce9bb18d36de109aeChristian Maeder{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
e9458b1a7a19a63aa4c179f9ab20f4d50681c168Jens Elkner{- |
81d182b21020b815887e9057959228546cf61b6bChristian MaederModule : ./Maude/Morphism.hs
4b0a4c7dea0f67a233dcc42ce9bb18d36de109aeChristian MaederDescription : Maude Morphisms
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu ProdescuCopyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
4b0a4c7dea0f67a233dcc42ce9bb18d36de109aeChristian MaederLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecdChristian Maeder
4b0a4c7dea0f67a233dcc42ce9bb18d36de109aeChristian MaederMaintainer : mkhl@informatik.uni-bremen.de
b603f34b79bc0992e5d74f484e5bdc9f9c2346c6Christian MaederStability : experimental
b1c064439793db60fd1a6bb514c4ca9690a90a2eChristian MaederPortability : portable
f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bbChristian Maeder
b1c064439793db60fd1a6bb514c4ca9690a90a2eChristian MaederDefinition of morphisms for Maude.
b1c064439793db60fd1a6bb514c4ca9690a90a2eChristian Maeder-}
e8ffec0fa3d3061061bdc16e44247b9cf96b050fChristian Maeder
b1c064439793db60fd1a6bb514c4ca9690a90a2eChristian Maedermodule Maude.Morphism (
e8ffec0fa3d3061061bdc16e44247b9cf96b050fChristian Maeder -- * Types
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder -- ** The Morphism type
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder Morphism (..),
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder -- ** Auxiliary type
af47051acb16b97b6bc0ff7295cae44eed87d63eChristian Maeder SortMap,
b603f34b79bc0992e5d74f484e5bdc9f9c2346c6Christian Maeder KindMap,
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder OpMap,
23f8d286586ff38a9e73052b2c7c04c62c5c638fChristian Maeder -- * Construction
b603f34b79bc0992e5d74f484e5bdc9f9c2346c6Christian Maeder fromSignRenamings,
1db8436e3bc935eec7ae680e1a4f6c11eb013270Christian Maeder fromSignsRenamings,
34b317241b7401a4b0a90472e73d769d64d69a2aChristian Maeder empty,
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder identity,
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder inclusion,
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder -- * Combination
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder inverse,
414ffa281d82f05a2d742c702f8e06b0cb05b229Christian Maeder union,
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder compose,
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder -- * Testing
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder isInclusion,
b1c064439793db60fd1a6bb514c4ca9690a90a2eChristian Maeder isLegal,
34b317241b7401a4b0a90472e73d769d64d69a2aChristian Maeder -- * Conversion
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder symbolMap,
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder -- * Modification
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder setTarget,
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder qualifySorts,
e1d5f2ade9a052564973099a7ab2fc3aec091abdChristian Maeder applyRenamings,
b1c064439793db60fd1a6bb514c4ca9690a90a2eChristian Maeder extendWithSortRenaming,
414ffa281d82f05a2d742c702f8e06b0cb05b229Christian Maeder -- * Application
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder translateSentence,
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder translateSorts,
772abb916b994ad9461ddb11c88829251c5ac87aChristian Maeder) where
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maeder
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maederimport Maude.AS_Maude
772abb916b994ad9461ddb11c88829251c5ac87aChristian Maederimport Maude.Symbol
772abb916b994ad9461ddb11c88829251c5ac87aChristian Maederimport Maude.Meta
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maederimport Maude.Util
4d5f32c7e4e49e726f5d10943be3718afdff73cdChristian Maederimport Maude.Printing ()
578dd213a172c85e6c6ffdbf20be969c39d6d7b8Christian Maeder
61091743da1a9ed6dfd5e077fdcc972553358962Christian Maederimport Maude.Sign (Sign, kindRel, KindRel)
import Maude.Sentence (Sentence)
import qualified Maude.Sign as Sign
import Data.Data
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result (Result)
import Common.Doc hiding (empty)
import Common.DocUtils (Pretty (..))
import Control.Monad (unless)
-- * Types
-- ** Auxiliary types
type SortMap = SymbolMap
type KindMap = SymbolMap
type OpMap = SymbolMap
type LabelMap = SymbolMap
-- ** The Morphism type
data Morphism = Morphism {
source :: Sign,
target :: Sign,
sortMap :: SortMap,
kindMap :: KindMap,
opMap :: OpMap,
labelMap :: LabelMap
} deriving (Show, Ord, Eq, Typeable)
-- ** 'Morphism' instances
instance Pretty Morphism where
pretty mor = let
pr'pair txt left right = hsep
[txt, pretty left, text "to", pretty right]
pr'ops src tgt = pr'pair (text "op") src (getName tgt)
pr'map fun = vcat . map (uncurry fun) . Map.toList
smap = pr'map (pr'pair $ text "sort") $ sortMap mor
kmap = pr'map (pr'pair $ text "kind") $ kindMap mor
omap = pr'map pr'ops $ opMap mor
lmap = pr'map (pr'pair $ text "label") $ labelMap mor
s = pretty $ source mor
t = pretty $ target mor
in vcat [ smap, kmap, omap, lmap, pretty "\nSource:\n", s
, pretty "\nTarget\n", t ]
-- * Helper functions
-- ** to modify Morphisms
mapTarget :: (Sign -> Sign) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapTarget func mor = mor { target = func $ target mor }
mapSortMap :: (SortMap -> SortMap) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapSortMap func mor = mor { sortMap = func $ sortMap mor }
mapOpMap :: (OpMap -> OpMap) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapOpMap func mor = mor { opMap = func $ opMap mor }
mapLabelMap :: (LabelMap -> LabelMap) -> Morphism -> Morphism
mapLabelMap func mor = mor { labelMap = func $ labelMap mor }
-- ** to handle Renamings
-- TODO: Handle Attrs in Op Renamings.
renamingSymbolsMaybe :: Renaming -> Maybe (Symbol, Symbol)
renamingSymbolsMaybe rename = case rename of
SortRenaming src tgt -> Just (asSymbol src, asSymbol tgt)
LabelRenaming src tgt -> Just (asSymbol src, asSymbol tgt)
OpRenaming1 src (To tgt _) -> Just (asSymbol src, asSymbol tgt)
OpRenaming2 src dom cod (To tgt _) -> let
src' = Op src dom cod []
tgt' = Op tgt dom cod []
in Just (asSymbol src', asSymbol tgt')
TermMap _ _ -> Nothing
-- | Extract the 'Symbol's from a 'Renaming', if possible.
renamingSymbols :: Renaming -> (Symbol, Symbol)
renamingSymbols = fromJust . renamingSymbolsMaybe
-- | Separate Operator and other Renamings.
partitionRenamings :: [Renaming] -> ([Renaming], [Renaming])
partitionRenamings = let
is'op renaming = case renaming of
OpRenaming1 _ _ -> True
OpRenaming2 {} -> True
_ -> False
in partition is'op
-- ** to apply Renamings to Morphisms
{- | Insert an 'Operator' 'Renaming' into a 'Morphism'.
Iff apply is True, apply the Renaming to the Morphism's target Signature. -}
insertOpRenaming :: Bool -> Renaming -> Morphism -> Morphism
insertOpRenaming apply rename = let
syms = renamingSymbols rename
add'op = mapOpMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
use'op attrs = if apply
then mapTarget $ uncurry Sign.renameOp syms attrs
else id
in case rename of
OpRenaming1 _ (To _ attrs) -> use'op attrs . add'op
OpRenaming2 _ _ _ (To _ attrs) -> use'op attrs . add'op
_ -> id
{- | Insert a non-Operator 'Renaming' into a 'Morphism'.
iff True, apply the Renaming to the target Sign -}
insertRenaming :: Bool -> Renaming -> Morphism -> Morphism
insertRenaming apply rename = let
syms = renamingSymbols rename
add'sort = mapSortMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
use'sort = if apply
then mapTarget $ uncurry Sign.renameSort syms
else id
ren'sort = mapOpMap $ uncurry renameSortOpMap syms
add'labl = mapLabelMap $ uncurry Map.insert syms
use'labl = if apply
then mapTarget $ uncurry Sign.renameLabel syms
else id
in case rename of
SortRenaming _ _ -> ren'sort . use'sort . add'sort
LabelRenaming _ _ -> use'labl . add'labl
_ -> id
-- | Rename sorts in the profiles of an operator map.
renameSortOpMap :: Symbol -> Symbol -> OpMap -> OpMap
renameSortOpMap from to = Map.map $ mapSorts $ Map.singleton from to
-- | Insert 'Renaming's into a 'Morphism'.
insertRenamings :: Bool -> Morphism -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
insertRenamings apply mor rens = let
(ops, rest) = partitionRenamings rens
add'ops = flip (foldr $ insertOpRenaming apply) ops
add'rest = flip (foldr $ insertRenaming apply) rest
in add'rest . add'ops $ mor
-- * Construction
-- | Create a 'Morphism' from an initial 'Sign'ature and a list of 'Renaming's.
fromSignRenamings :: Sign -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
fromSignRenamings s rs = kindMorph $ insertRenamings True (identity s) rs
-- | Create a 'Morphism' from a pair of 'Sign'atures and a list of 'Renaming's.
fromSignsRenamings :: Sign -> Sign -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
fromSignsRenamings sign1 sign2 rs =
kindMorph $ insertRenamings False (inclusion sign1 sign2) rs
-- | the empty 'Morphism'
empty :: Morphism
empty = identity Sign.empty
-- | the identity 'Morphism'
identity :: Sign -> Morphism
identity sign = inclusion sign sign
-- | the inclusion 'Morphism'
inclusion :: Sign -> Sign -> Morphism
inclusion src tgt = Morphism {
source = src,
target = tgt,
sortMap = Map.empty,
kindMap = Map.empty,
opMap = Map.empty,
labelMap = Map.empty
-- * Combination
-- | the inverse 'Morphism'
inverse :: Morphism -> Result Morphism
inverse mor = let
invertMap = Map.foldWithKey (flip Map.insert) Map.empty
in return $ kindMorph Morphism {
source = target mor,
target = source mor,
sortMap = invertMap $ sortMap mor,
kindMap = invertMap $ kindMap mor,
opMap = invertMap $ opMap mor,
labelMap = invertMap $ labelMap mor
-- | the union of two 'Morphism's
union :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Morphism
union mor1 mor2 = let
apply func items = func (items mor1) (items mor2)
in kindMorph Morphism {
source = apply Sign.union source,
target = apply Sign.union target,
sortMap = apply Map.union sortMap,
kindMap = apply Map.union kindMap,
opMap = apply Map.union opMap,
labelMap = apply Map.union labelMap
-- Just a shorthand for types inside compose.
type Extraction = Morphism -> SymbolMap
-- | the composition of two 'Morphism's
compose :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Result Morphism
compose f g
| target f /= source g = fail
"target of the first and source of the second morphism are different"
| otherwise = let
{- Take SymbolMap |mp| of each Morphism.
Convert each SymbolMap to a function.
Compose those functions. -}
map'map :: Extraction -> Symbol -> Symbol
map'map mp = mapAsFunction (mp g) . mapAsFunction (mp f)
{- Map |x| via the composed SymbolMaps |mp| of both Morphisms.
Insert the renaming mapping into a SymbolMap. -}
insert :: Extraction -> Symbol -> SymbolMap -> SymbolMap
insert mp x = let y = map'map mp x
in if x == y then id else Map.insert x y
-- Map each symbol in |items| via the combined SymbolMaps |mp|.
compose'map :: Extraction -> (Sign -> SymbolSet) -> SymbolMap
compose'map mp items = if Map.null (mp g)
-- if the SymbolMap of |g| is empty, we use the one from |f|
then mp f
{- otherwise we start with the SymbolSet from |source f|
and construct a combined SymbolMap by applying both
SymbolMaps (from |f| and |g|) to each item in |insert| -}
else Set.fold (insert mp) Map.empty $ items (source f)
-- We want a morphism from |source f| to |target g|.
mor = inclusion (source f) (target g)
in return $ kindMorph mor {
sortMap = compose'map sortMap getSorts,
opMap = compose'map opMap getOps,
labelMap = compose'map labelMap getLabels
-- * Testing
-- | True iff the 'Morphism' is an inclusion
isInclusion :: Morphism -> Bool
isInclusion mor = let
null'sortMap = Map.null (sortMap mor)
null'opMap = Map.null (opMap mor)
null'labelMap = Map.null (labelMap mor)
in null'sortMap && null'opMap && null'labelMap
-- | True iff the 'Morphism' is legal
isLegal :: Morphism -> Result ()
isLegal mor = let
src = source mor
tgt = target mor
smap = sortMap mor
omap = opMap mor
lmap = labelMap mor
subset mp items = let mapped = Set.map $ mapAsFunction mp
in Set.isSubsetOf (mapped $ items src) $ items tgt
lg'source = Sign.isLegal src
lg'sortMap = subset smap getSorts
lg'opMap = subset omap getOps
lg'labelMap = subset lmap getLabels
lg'target = Sign.isLegal tgt
in unless (and [lg'source, lg'sortMap, lg'opMap, lg'labelMap, lg'target]) $
fail "illegal Maude morphism"
-- * Conversion
-- | extract the complete 'SymbolMap' of a 'Morphism'
symbolMap :: Morphism -> SymbolMap
symbolMap mor = Map.unions [sortMap mor, opMap mor, labelMap mor]
-- * Modification
-- | set a new target for a 'Morphism'
setTarget :: Sign -> Morphism -> Morphism
setTarget sg m = kindMorph $ mapTarget (const sg) m
-- | qualify a list of 'Symbol's inside a 'Morphism'
qualifySorts :: Morphism -> Qid -> Symbols -> Morphism
qualifySorts mor qid syms = let
insert symb = Map.insert symb $ qualify qid symb
smap = foldr insert Map.empty syms
q'tgt = mapTarget $ mapSorts smap
q'smap = mapSortMap $ mapSorts smap
x'smap = mapSortMap $ Map.union smap
in kindMorph $ q'tgt . x'smap . q'smap $ mor
-- | apply a list of 'Renaming's to a 'Morphism'
applyRenamings :: Morphism -> [Renaming] -> Morphism
applyRenamings m rs = kindMorph $ insertRenamings True m rs
-- | apply a 'Sort' 'Renaming' to a 'Morphism'
extendWithSortRenaming :: Symbol -> Symbol -> Morphism -> Morphism
extendWithSortRenaming src tgt m = let
add'sort = mapSortMap $ Map.insert src tgt
use'sort = mapTarget $ Sign.renameSort src tgt
ren'sort = mapOpMap $ renameSortOpMap src tgt
in kindMorph $ ren'sort . use'sort $ add'sort m
-- * Application
-- | translate a 'Sentence' along a 'Morphism'
translateSentence :: Morphism -> Sentence -> Result Sentence
translateSentence mor = let
smap = mapSorts (sortMap mor)
omap = mapOps (opMap mor)
lmap = mapLabels (labelMap mor)
in return . lmap . smap . omap
-- | translate 'Sort's along a 'Morphism'
translateSorts :: (HasSorts a) => Morphism -> a -> a
translateSorts = mapSorts . sortMap
-- * Auxiliary functions
kindMorph :: Morphism -> Morphism
kindMorph morph = morph { kindMap = kindMorphAux kr1 sm kr2}
where kr1 = kindRel $ source morph
kr2 = kindRel $ target morph
sm = Map.toList $ sortMap morph
kindMorphAux :: KindRel -> [(Symbol, Symbol)] -> KindRel -> KindMap
kindMorphAux _ [] _ = Map.empty
kindMorphAux kr1 ((s1, s2) : ls) kr2 = Map.union m m'
where m = kindMorphAux kr1 ls kr2
(k1, k2) = case (Map.lookup s1 kr1, Map.lookup s2 kr2) of
(Just r1, Just r2) -> (r1, r2)
_ -> (s1, s1)
m' = if k1 == k2
then Map.empty
else Map.singleton k1 k2