Qid.hs revision 18328fcbfe4296582227d42fdcf363f5a0fb8921
module Maude.Meta.Qid (
) where
import qualified Common.Id as Id
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import Data.Set (Set)
-- A Quoted Identifier
newtype Qid = Qid { qid :: Id.Id }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type QidList = [Qid]
type QidSet = Set Qid
-- Convert a Qid to a String.
toString :: Qid -> String
--string (Qid q) = q
toString = show . qid
-- Convert a String to a Qid.
fromString :: String -> Qid
fromString = Qid . Id.stringToId . translate
--- Helper functions for translating a String to a Qid.
-- Quote the identifier by prepending a tick.
-- Don't keep backticks at the beginning of a string.
tick :: String -> String
tick ('`':str) = tick str
tick str = ('\'':str)
-- Escape a special character by prepending a backtick.
-- Don't place backticks at the end of a string.
backtick :: String -> String
backtick "" = ""
backtick str = ('`':str)
-- Translate the string to an identifier by masking all special characters.
translate :: String -> String
translate = tick . foldr escape ""
-- Escape a whitespace or special character.
escape :: Char -> String -> String
escape char str
| isSpecial char = collapse $ backtick (char:str)
| isSpace char = collapse $ backtick str
| otherwise = char:str
isSpecial ch = elem ch [ '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', ',' ]
isSpace ch = Char.isSpace ch || ch == '`'
-- Sequences of backticks are collapsed into one.
collapse :: String -> String
collapse ('`':'`':str) = '`':str
collapse str = str