Module.hs revision 18328fcbfe4296582227d42fdcf363f5a0fb8921
module Maude.Meta.Module where
import Maude.Meta.Qid
import Maude.Meta.Term
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
*** subsort declarations
sorts SubsortDecl SubsortDeclSet .
subsort SubsortDecl < SubsortDeclSet .
data SubsortDecl = Subsort { subsort :: Sort, supersort :: Sort}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type SubsortDeclSet = Set SubsortDecl
*** sort, kind and type sets
sorts EmptyTypeSet NeSortSet NeKindSet NeTypeSet SortSet KindSet TypeSet .
subsort EmptyTypeSet < SortSet KindSet < TypeSet < QidSet .
subsort Sort < NeSortSet < SortSet .
subsort Kind < NeKindSet < KindSet .
subsort Type NeSortSet NeKindSet < NeTypeSet < TypeSet NeQidSet .
type SortSet = Set Sort
type TypeSet = Set Type
*** type lists
sort NeTypeList TypeList .
subsorts Type < NeTypeList < TypeList < QidList .
subsorts NeTypeList < NeQidList .
type TypeList = [Type]
*** sets of type lists
sort TypeListSet .
subsort TypeList TypeSet < TypeListSet .
type TypeListSet = Set TypeList
*** attribute sets
sorts Attr AttrSet .
subsort Attr < AttrSet .
data Attr =
-- operator attributes
| Comm
| Idem
| Iter
| Id Term
| LeftId Term
| RightId Term
| Strat [Int]
| Memo
| Prec Int
| Gather QidList
| Format QidList
| Ctor
| Config
| Object
| Msg
| Frozen [Int]
| Poly [Int]
| Special HookList
-- statement attributes
| Label Qid
| Metadata String
| Owise
| Nonexec
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type AttrSet = Set Attr
*** renamings
sorts Renaming RenamingSet .
subsort Renaming < RenamingSet .
data Renaming = Sort'To { from :: Qid, to :: Qid }
| Op'To { from :: Qid, to :: Qid, attrs :: AttrSet }
| Op'Type'To { from :: Qid, range :: TypeList, domain :: Type, to :: Qid, attrs :: AttrSet }
| Label'To { from :: Qid, to :: Qid }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type RenamingSet = Set Renaming
*** parameter lists
sort EmptyCommaList NeParameterList ParameterList .
subsorts Sort < NeParameterList < ParameterList .
subsort EmptyCommaList < GroundTermList ParameterList .
type ParameterList = [Sort]
*** module expressions
sort ModuleExpression .
subsort Qid < ModuleExpression .
data ModuleExpression = ModName { mod'name :: Qid }
| ModJoin { mod'left :: ModuleExpression, mod'right :: ModuleExpression }
| ModRename { mod'module :: ModuleExpression, mod'rename :: RenamingSet }
| ModInstantiate { mod'module :: ModuleExpression, mod'params :: ParameterList }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
*** parameter declarations
sorts ParameterDecl NeParameterDeclList ParameterDeclList .
subsorts ParameterDecl < NeParameterDeclList < ParameterDeclList .
data ParameterDecl = Parameter Sort ModuleExpression -- I can't think of sensible names for these.
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type ParameterDeclList = [ParameterDecl]
*** importations
sorts Import ImportList .
subsort Import < ImportList .
data Import = Protecting { imp'module :: ModuleExpression }
| Extending { imp'module :: ModuleExpression }
| Including { imp'module :: ModuleExpression }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type ImportList = [Import]
*** hooks
sorts Hook NeHookList HookList .
subsort Hook < NeHookList < HookList .
data Hook = IdHook Qid QidList
| OpHook Qid Qid QidList Qid
| TermHook Qid Term
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type HookList = [Hook]
sorts OpDecl OpDeclSet .
subsort OpDecl < OpDeclSet .
data OpDecl = Op { op'name :: Qid, op'range :: TypeList, op'domain :: Type, op'attrs :: AttrSet }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type OpDeclSet = Set OpDecl
*** conditions
sorts EqCondition Condition .
subsort EqCondition < Condition .
data Condition = Nil
| Equal Term Term
| Member Term Sort
| Match Term Term
| Implies Term Term
| Conjunction Condition Condition
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- TODO:
* Equations and Memberships can only use EqCondition; also, "Implies" is completely wrong.
*** membership axioms
sorts MembAx MembAxSet .
subsort MembAx < MembAxSet .
data MembAx = Mb Term Sort AttrSet
| Cmb Term Sort Condition AttrSet -- EqCondition, actually!
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type MembAxSet = Set MembAx
*** equations
sorts Equation EquationSet .
subsort Equation < EquationSet .
data Equation = Eq Term Term AttrSet
| Ceq Term Term Condition AttrSet -- EqCondition, actually!
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type EquationSet = Set Equation
*** rules
sorts Rule RuleSet .
subsort Rule < RuleSet .
data Rule = Rl Term Term AttrSet
| Crl Term Term Condition AttrSet
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type RuleSet = Set Rule
*** modules
sorts FModule SModule FTheory STheory Module .
subsorts FModule < SModule < Module .
subsorts FTheory < STheory < Module .
sort Header .
subsort Qid < Header .
data Header = Name { h'name :: Qid }
| Head { h'name :: Qid, h'params :: ParameterDeclList }
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
class Module a where
getName :: a -> Qid
getImports :: a -> ImportList
getSorts :: a -> SortSet
getSubsorts :: a -> SubsortDeclSet
getOps :: a -> OpDeclSet
getMbs :: a -> MembAxSet
getEqs :: a -> EquationSet
getRls :: a -> RuleSet
data FModule = FMod {
fm'name :: Header,
fm'imports :: ImportList,
fm'sorts :: SortSet,
fm'subsorts :: SubsortDeclSet,
fm'ops :: OpDeclSet,
fm'mbs :: MembAxSet,
fm'eqs :: EquationSet
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Module FModule where
getName = h'name . fm'name
getImports = fm'imports
getSorts = fm'sorts
getSubsorts = fm'subsorts
getOps = fm'ops
getMbs = fm'mbs
getEqs = fm'eqs
getRls _ = Set.empty
data SModule = Mod {
m'name :: Header,
m'imports :: ImportList,
m'sorts :: SortSet,
m'subsorts :: SubsortDeclSet,
m'ops :: OpDeclSet,
m'mbs :: MembAxSet,
m'eqs :: EquationSet,
m'rls :: RuleSet
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Module SModule where
getName = h'name . m'name
getImports = m'imports
getSorts = m'sorts
getSubsorts = m'subsorts
getOps = m'ops
getMbs = m'mbs
getEqs = m'eqs
getRls = m'rls
data FTheory = FTh {
fth'name :: Qid,
fth'imports :: ImportList,
fth'sorts :: SortSet,
fth'subsorts :: SubsortDeclSet,
fth'ops :: OpDeclSet,
fth'mbs :: MembAxSet,
fth'eqs :: EquationSet
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Module FTheory where
getName = fth'name
getImports = fth'imports
getSorts = fth'sorts
getSubsorts = fth'subsorts
getOps = fth'ops
getMbs = fth'mbs
getEqs = fth'eqs
getRls _ = Set.empty
data STheory = Th {
th'name :: Qid,
th'imports :: ImportList,
th'sorts :: SortSet,
th'subsorts :: SubsortDeclSet,
th'ops :: OpDeclSet,
th'mbs :: MembAxSet,
th'eqs :: EquationSet,
th'rls :: RuleSet
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Module STheory where
getName = th'name
getImports = th'imports
getSorts = th'sorts
getSubsorts = th'subsorts
getOps = th'ops
getMbs = th'mbs
getEqs = th'eqs
getRls = th'rls
{- NOTE:
Modules are "supersets" of signatures, so I should be able to declare
instance (Module a) => Signature a where ...
Morphisms are more closely related to renamings, so I should use those.
Also, Views aren't currently represented at the meta level.
Outstanding Issues:
* Haskell doesn't support subtyping as easily as Maude does.
* Theories in Maude cannot be parameterized (Views can in Full Maude).
* I'm still missing lots of "scaffolding" types.
* This Haskell mode ... needs improvement, should switch back to Emacs.