HasLabels.hs revision c71a28752b8269572ba1de2e2230bb97a4dde6ea
module Maude.Meta.HasLabels (
) where
import Maude.Meta.Qid
-- import Maude.Meta.Term
import Maude.Meta.Module
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
class HasLabels a where
getLabels :: a -> QidSet
mapLabels :: QidMap -> a -> a
instance HasLabels Attr where
getLabels attr = case attr of
Label l -> Set.singleton l
_ -> Set.empty
mapLabels mp attr = case attr of
Label l -> Label (mapAsFunction mp l)
_ -> attr
instance (HasLabels a) => HasLabels [a] where
getLabels = Set.unions . map getLabels
mapLabels = map . mapLabels
instance (HasLabels a, HasLabels b) => HasLabels (a, b) where
getLabels (a, b) = Set.union (getLabels a) (getLabels b)
mapLabels mp (a, b) = (mapLabels mp a, mapLabels mp b)
instance (HasLabels a, HasLabels b, HasLabels c) => HasLabels (a, b, c) where
getLabels (a, b, c) = Set.union (getLabels a) (getLabels (b, c))
mapLabels mp (a, b, c) = (mapLabels mp a, mapLabels mp b, mapLabels mp c)
instance (Ord a, HasLabels a) => HasLabels (Set a) where
mapLabels = Set.map . mapLabels
instance HasLabels OpDecl where
getLabels = getLabels . op'attrs
mapLabels mp op = op {
op'attrs = mapLabels mp (op'attrs op)
instance HasLabels MembAx where
getLabels mb = case mb of
Mb _ _ as -> getLabels as
Cmb _ _ _ as -> getLabels as
mapLabels mp mb = case mb of
Mb t s as -> Mb t s (mapLabels mp as)
Cmb t s c as -> Cmb t s c (mapLabels mp as)
instance HasLabels Equation where
getLabels eq = case eq of
Eq _ _ as -> getLabels as
Ceq _ _ _ as -> getLabels as
mapLabels mp eq = case eq of
Eq t1 t2 as -> Eq t1 t2 (mapLabels mp as)
Ceq t1 t2 c as -> Ceq t1 t2 c (mapLabels mp as)
instance HasLabels Rule where
getLabels rl = case rl of
Rl _ _ as -> getLabels as
Crl _ _ _ as -> getLabels as
mapLabels mp rl = case rl of
Rl t1 t2 as -> Rl t1 t2 (mapLabels mp as)
Crl t1 t2 c as -> Crl t1 t2 c (mapLabels mp as)