AsSymbol.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Viewing Maude data types as Symbols
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2008-2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Viewing Maude data types as Symbols.
Defines a type class 'AsSymbol' that lets us treat Maude data types as
'Symbol's, converting back and forth between them as needed.
Consider importing "Maude.Meta" instead of this module.
module Maude.Meta.AsSymbol (
-- * The AsSymbol type class
AsSymbol (..),
-- * Auxiliary functions
) where
import Maude.AS_Maude
import Maude.Symbol
import Maude.Meta.HasName
import Maude.Util
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- * The AsSymbol type class
{- | Represents something that can be converted into a 'Symbol'.
Instances should only override /one/ of its class methods: -}
{- * Use 'asSymbol' when every member of the instance type can be
represented as a 'Symbol'. -}
-- * Use 'asSymbolMaybe' otherwise.
-- Each function is defined in terms of the other one by default.
class AsSymbol a where
-- | Convert the input into a 'Symbol'.
asSymbol :: a -> Symbol
asSymbol = fromJust . asSymbolMaybe
-- | Convert the input into 'Maybe' a 'Symbol'
asSymbolMaybe :: a -> Maybe Symbol
asSymbolMaybe = Just . asSymbol
-- * Auxiliary functions
-- | Instead of a single 'Symbol', convert the input into a 'SymbolSet'.
asSymbolSet :: (AsSymbol a) => a -> SymbolSet
asSymbolSet = maybe Set.empty Set.singleton . asSymbolMaybe
{- | Apply a 'SymbolMap' to the input, then convert the result back to
the original type. -}
mapAsSymbol :: (AsSymbol a) => (Symbol -> a) -> SymbolMap -> a -> a
mapAsSymbol ctr mp item = let extract = ctr . mapAsFunction mp
in maybe item extract $ asSymbolMaybe item
-- * Predefined 'AsSymbol' instances
instance AsSymbol Symbol where
asSymbol = id
instance AsSymbol Type where
asSymbol typ = case typ of
TypeSort sort -> asSymbol sort
TypeKind kind -> asSymbol kind
instance AsSymbol Sort where
asSymbol = Sort . getName
instance AsSymbol Kind where
asSymbol = Kind . getName
instance AsSymbol LabelId where
asSymbol = Labl . getName
instance AsSymbol OpId where
asSymbol = OpWildcard . getName
instance AsSymbol StmntAttr where
asSymbolMaybe attr = case attr of
Label name -> Just $ Labl name
_ -> Nothing
instance AsSymbol Operator where
asSymbol (Op op dom cod _) = let
op' = getName op
dom' = map asSymbol dom
cod' = asSymbol cod
in Operator op' dom' cod'
instance AsSymbol Term where
asSymbolMaybe term = case term of
Const _ _ -> Nothing
Var _ _ -> Nothing
Apply op ts tp -> let
dom = map (asSymbol . getTermType) ts
cod = asSymbol tp
in Just $ Operator op dom cod