Language.hs revision c3f7e132e0c214b755c6c4b485f4748c4dd1595c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Parsing the Maude Language
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, Uni Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Parsing the Maude language with Haskell and "Parsec".
module Maude.Language (
-- * Types
-- ** The Named Spec type
NamedSpec (..),
-- ** Parser Result types
-- * Parsers for Maude
-- ** The Abstract Parser
-- ** The Raw Parser
-- ** The Refined Parser
) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (parseFromFile, parse)
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as Token
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as Parsec (parseFromFile)
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, isNothing)
-- * Types
-- ** The Named Spec type
data NamedSpec = ModName String -- ^ A Module or Theory
| ViewName String -- ^ A View
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
-- ** Parser Result types
-- | Parsed Result for a module tree
type ParseResult = [NamedSpec]
-- | Parsed Result for a single declaration
type RawResult = Maybe (Either FilePath NamedSpec)
-- | Intermediate Result during module tree recursion
type RecResult = (Set FilePath, ParseResult)
-- * Generic Parser combinators
-- | Run the argument but return unit
void :: (Monad m) => m a -> m ()
void parser = parser >> return ()
-- | Run the argument but return 'Nothing'
ignore :: (Monad m) => m a -> m (Maybe b)
ignore parser = parser >> return Nothing
-- | Wrap the result of a successful parse
succeed :: (Monad m) => a -> m (Maybe (Either b a))
succeed = return . Just . Right
-- * Helper functions for Parsec.Language
-- | Run the argument after ensuring we aren't looking at whitespace
nonSpace :: CharParser () a -> CharParser () a
nonSpace parser = notFollowedBy space >> parser
-- | Match a literal backquote character
backquote :: CharParser () Char
backquote = char '`'
-- | A list of characters Maude considers "special"
specialChars :: String
specialChars = "()[]{},"
-- * Maude in Parsec.Language
-- | The Maude 'Parsec.Language.LanguageDef'
maudeLanguageDef :: Language.LanguageDef ()
maudeLanguageDef = Language.emptyDef {
-- TODO: Get comments right.
Language.commentStart = "***(",
Language.commentEnd = ")",
Language.commentLine = "---", -- also: "***"
Language.nestedComments = True,
Language.caseSensitive = True,
Language.identStart = Token.opStart maudeLanguageDef,
Language.identLetter = Token.opLetter maudeLanguageDef,
Language.opStart = anyChar,
Language.opLetter = let
special = backquote >>= flip option (oneOf specialChars)
other = noneOf specialChars
in nonSpace $ special <|> other
-- | The Maude 'Parsec.Token.TokenParser'
maudeTokenParser :: Token.TokenParser ()
maudeTokenParser = Token.makeTokenParser maudeLanguageDef
-- Yes, this is how Parsec.Language is _supposed_ to be used...
identifier :: CharParser () String
identifier = Token.identifier maudeTokenParser
reserved :: String -> CharParser () ()
reserved = Token.reserved maudeTokenParser
lexeme :: CharParser () a -> CharParser () a
lexeme = Token.lexeme maudeTokenParser
whiteSpace :: CharParser () ()
whiteSpace = Token.whiteSpace maudeTokenParser
dot :: CharParser () String
dot = maudeTokenParser
-- * Helper functions for parsing Maude
-- | Match any of the arguments as 'reserved' words
anyReserved :: [String] -> CharParser () ()
anyReserved = choice . map reserved
-- | Match any 'identifier' or 'operator'
something :: CharParser () String
something = identifier
-- Identifiers and operators are identical currently.
-- | Match a 'dot'-terminated statement
statement :: CharParser () [String]
statement = manyTill something dot
-- | Match the rest of a line
line :: CharParser () String
line = manyTill anyChar $ eof <|> void (lexeme newline)
-- * Parsers for Maude source code and components
-- | Parse Maude source code
toplevel :: CharParser () [RawResult]
toplevel = let
components = [systemCmd, otherCmd, debuggerCmd, modul, theory, view]
in whiteSpace >> many1 (choice components)
-- | Parse a system command
systemCmd :: CharParser () RawResult
systemCmd = let
otherSym = anyReserved
["quit", "eof", "popd", "pwd", "cd", "push", "ls"]
other = ignore $ otherSym >> line
loadSym = anyReserved ["in", "load"]
load = do loadSym; name <- line; return $ Just $ Left name
in load <|> other
-- | Parse a command
otherCmd :: CharParser () RawResult
otherCmd = let
symbol = anyReserved
["select", "parse", "debug", "reduce", "rewrite",
"frewrite", "erewrite", "match", "xmatch", "search",
"continue", "loop", "trace", "print", "break", "show",
"do", "set"]
in ignore $ symbol >> statement
-- | Parse a debugger command.
debuggerCmd :: CharParser () RawResult
debuggerCmd = let symbol = anyReserved ["resume", "abort", "step", "where"]
in ignore $ symbol >> statement
-- | Parse a Maude module
modul :: CharParser () RawResult
modul = let
modul' start stop = do
reserved start
name <- identifier
manyTill something $ reserved "is"
manyTill statement $ reserved stop
succeed $ ModName name
in modul' "fmod" "endfm"
<|> modul' "mod" "endm"
-- | Parse a Maude theory
theory :: CharParser () RawResult
theory = let
theory' start stop = do
reserved start
name <- identifier
reserved "is"
manyTill statement $ reserved stop
succeed $ ModName name
in theory' "fth" "endfth"
<|> theory' "th" "endth"
-- | Parse a Maude view
view :: CharParser () RawResult
view = do
reserved "view"
name <- identifier
manyTill statement $ reserved "endv"
succeed $ ViewName name
-- * Parsers for Maude source files
-- | Parse Maude source code
maudeParser :: CharParser () [RawResult]
maudeParser = toplevel
-- | Parse a single Maude source file
parseFromFile :: FilePath ->
IO (Either ParseError [RawResult])
parseFromFile = Parsec.parseFromFile maudeParser
-- | Parse a Maude source file and the collect the results
parseFileAndCollect :: FilePath -> RecResult ->
IO (Either ParseError RecResult)
parseFileAndCollect path results@(done, syms)
| Set.member path done = return $ Right results
| otherwise = do
parsed <- parseFromFile path
case parsed of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right res -> collectParseResults res ((Set.insert path done), syms)
-- | Collect the results from parsing a Maude source file
collectParseResults :: [RawResult] -> RecResult ->
IO (Either ParseError RecResult)
collectParseResults list results@(done, syms)
| null list = return $ Right results
| isNothing $ head list = collectParseResults (tail list) results
| otherwise = case fromJust $ head list of
Right symb -> collectParseResults (tail list) (done, (symb:syms))
Left path -> do
parsed <- parseFileAndCollect path results
case parsed of
Right res -> collectParseResults (tail list) res
Left err -> return $ Left err
-- | Parse a Maude source tree
parse :: FilePath ->
IO (Either ParseError ParseResult)
parse path = do
parsed <- parseFileAndCollect path (Set.empty, [])
case parsed of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right res -> return $ Right $ nub $ reverse $ snd res