Makefile revision fa0f3519d71f719d88577b716b1579776b4a2535
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# Author: (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# This Makefile will compile the new hets system and provides also
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# targets for test programs during implementation phases.
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# !!! Note: This makefile is written for GNU make !!!
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# (gmake on solaris)
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington####################################################################
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington## Some varibles, which control the compilation
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill CunningtonHAIFA_PATHS = Network Network/Server Org Org/W3 Org/W3/N2001 \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington Org/Xmlsoap Org/Xmlsoap/Schemas Org/Xmlsoap/Schemas/Soap \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington Text Text/XML Text/XML/HXT Text/XML/Schema Text/XML/Schema/TypeMapper \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington utils utils/DrIFT-src utils/GenerateRules utils/InlineAxioms Common \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington Common/Lib Common/ATerm Logic CASL CASL/CCC CASL/CompositionTable \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington Syntax Static GUI HasCASL Haskell Modal CoCASL COL ConstraintCASL \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington CspCASL ATC Proofs Comorphisms Isabelle Driver \
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington Taxonomy CASL_DL SoftFOL OWL_DL OMDoc PGIP Propositional
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# the 'replacing spaces' example was taken from the (GNU) Make info manual
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington## set ghc imports properly for your system
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill CunningtonGHC_IMPORTS = `$(HC) --print-libdir`/imports
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# import directories for ghc-5.04.2
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill CunningtonGHC5 = $(GHC_IMPORTS)/base:$(GHC_IMPORTS)/haskell98
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington DERIVEPATH=.:$(GHC_IMPORTS):$(GHC5):$(subst $(space),:,$(PFE_PATHS))
002fd0354ed8b143749ea90a0a80735851813659Phill Cunnington# override on commandline for other architectures
(cd ../programatica/tools; \
$@.hs -o $@
strip $@
$(RM) $@
#Ti_Prop_files = property/TI/TiPropDecorate property/syntax/PropSyntaxRec
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
$(GENRULECALL) -o $@ $<
cpp_sources = \
$(wildcard utils/GenerateRules/*.hs) \
$(wildcard utils/InlineAxioms/*.hs) \
$(RM) $@
@$(PERL) -e \
$(sources) >> $@
(cd utils/GenerateRules; \
GenerateRules.hs -o ../genRules && strip ../genRules)
-i../.. -o $(INLINEAXIOMS)
if [ -d ../programatica ] ; then \
./; \
### Common/LaTeX_maps.hs generation
strip $@
@echo -n "Generating pretty/LaTeX_maps.hs ... "
@(cd pretty >/dev/null; ../utils/genItCorrections \
-o $@ $(OWL_DL_files)
$(RM) $@
## two hardcoded dependencies for a correct generation of Version.hs
%.hs: %.y
$(RM) $@
$(RM) $@
%.d : %.hs
%.d : %.lhs
$(RM) $@
$(RM) $@
$(PERL) $+ > $@
## rule for Modal/ModalSystems.hs needed for ModalLogic Translation
# uses intransparently utils/outlineAxioms
$(RM) $@
@if [ -d $(INSTALLER_DIR) ] ; then \
sed "s/^\(SPASS_DIR_MAC=\).*/\1`ls utils/SPASS-ppc-mac/ | grep SPASS`/" Makefile.inst > Makefile.inst2 ;\
@echo Please do