XMLtoPT.hs revision 76457fb926e307be264794bc43c0dfa5f3740be1
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : parsing functions from XML to parse tree
Maintainer : a.jakubauskas@jacobs-university.de
Parsing functions from XML to parse tree
module MMT.XMLtoPT where
import MMT.Tools
-- import qualified MMT.TestData as Test1 -- local file
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Text.XML.Light
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
file :: String
file = Test1.file
contents :: String -> IO String
contents fname = readFile fname
readPT :: String -> IO [Content]
readPT fname = liftM parseXML (readFile fname)
-- just for testing
testPrint :: IO ()
testPrint = do
tree <- readPT file
print (map parseDeclR (onlyElems tree))
parse :: String -> IO [Result Decl]
parse fname = do
tree <- readPT fname
return (map parseDeclR (onlyElems tree))
-- get attribute value by key (string)
getAttByName :: String -> Element -> String
getAttByName x e = fromJust
(findAttr QName {qName = x, qURI = Nothing, qPrefix = Nothing} e)
getAttByNameR :: String -> Element -> Result String
getAttByNameR x e = let
maybeVal = findAttr QName
{qName = x, qURI = Nothing, qPrefix = Nothing}
case maybeVal of
Just str -> Result [] (Just str)
Nothing -> Result [] Nothing
-- TODO: a shorthand func that deals specifically with application case
-- getSymbName :: Element -> (String,Maybe(String,String))
getElName :: Element -> String
getElName e = (qName.elName) e
makeQName :: String -> QName
makeQName n = QName {qName = n, qURI=Nothing, qPrefix=Nothing}
parseDeclR :: Element -> Result Decl
parseDeclR e = let
chil = elChildren e
chilR = mapM parseTreeR chil
case maybeResult chilR of
(Just r) -> Result
(diags chilR)
(Just (Decl
(getAttByName "pattern" e)
(getAttByName "name" e) r))
Nothing -> Result (diags chilR) Nothing
parseTreeR :: Element -> Result Tree
parseTreeR e = let
tree = parseNTreeR ((qName . elName) e ) e
parseNTreeR :: String -> Element -> Result Tree
parseNTreeR "var" e = Result [] (Just (Variable (getAttByName "name" e)))
parseNTreeR "app" e = let
args = elChildren e
body = mapM parseTreeR args
case maybeResult body of
(Just r) ->
Result [] (Just
(getAttByName "name" e)
r ))
Nothing -> Result (diags body) Nothing
do let args = elChildren e
a <- mapM parseTree args
return (Application (getAttByName "name" e) a)
parseNTreeR "bind" e = let
binder = (getAttByName "binder" e)
var = (getAttByName "var" e)
body = parseTreeR (head (elChildren e))
case maybeResult body of
(Just r) -> Result [] (Just (Bind binder var r))
Nothing -> Result [] Nothing
parseNTreeR "tbind" e = let
binder = (getAttByName "binder" e)
var = (getAttByName "var" e)
tp = parseTreeR (head (elChildren e))
body = parseTreeR (last (elChildren e))
case (maybeResult tp, maybeResult body) of
(Just t, Just b) -> Result [] (Just
(Tbind binder var
t b))
(_, _) -> Result
(diags tp ++ diags body)
parseNTreeR str _ = let
msg = "error while parsing file " ++
-- file ++
": unknown node <" ++ str ++ ">"
diag = Diag Error msg nullRange
Result [diag] Nothing