Prover.hs revision 54ea981a0503c396c2923a1c06421c6235baf27f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : General datastructures for theorem prover interfaces
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Klaus Luettich, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (deriving Typeable)
General datastructures for theorem prover interfaces
module Logic.Prover where
import Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.ProofUtils
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
import Data.Time (TimeOfDay,midnight)
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad
import qualified Control.Concurrent as Concurrent
-- * pack sentences with their proofs
{- | instead of the sentence name (that will be the key into the order map)
the theorem status will be stored as attribute. The theorem status will be a
(wrapped) list of pairs (AnyComorphism, BasicProof) in G_theory, but a wrapped
list of (Proof_status proof_tree) in a logic specific 'Theory'. -}
type SenStatus a tStatus = SenAttr a (ThmStatus tStatus)
thmStatus :: SenStatus a tStatus -> [tStatus]
thmStatus = getThmStatus . senAttr
-- | the wrapped list of proof scripts or (AnyComorphism, BasicProof) pairs
data ThmStatus a = ThmStatus { getThmStatus :: [a] } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance (Show b, Pretty a) => Pretty (SenAttr a b) where
pretty = printSenStatus pretty
printSenStatus :: (a -> Doc) -> SenAttr a b -> Doc
printSenStatus fA = fA . sentence
emptySenStatus :: SenStatus a b
emptySenStatus = makeNamed (ThmStatus []) $ error "emptySenStatus"
instance Pretty a => Pretty (OMap.ElemWOrd a) where
pretty = printOMapElemWOrd pretty
printOMapElemWOrd :: (a -> Doc) -> OMap.ElemWOrd a -> Doc
printOMapElemWOrd fA = fA . OMap.ele
-- | the map from lables to the theorem plus status (and position)
type ThSens a b = OMap.OMap String (SenStatus a b)
noSens :: ThSens a b
noSens = OMap.empty
mapThSensValueM :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> ThSens a c -> m (ThSens b c)
mapThSensValueM f = foldM (\ m (k, v) -> do
let oe = OMap.ele v
ns <- f $ sentence oe
let ne = oe { sentence = ns }
return $ Map.insert k v { OMap.ele = ne } m) Map.empty . Map.toList
mapThSensStatus :: (b -> c) -> ThSens a b -> ThSens a c
mapThSensStatus = . mapStatus
-- | join and disambiguate
-- * separate Axioms from Theorems
-- * don't merge sentences with same key but different contents?
joinSensAux :: (Ord a, Eq b) => ThSens a b -> ThSens a b
-> (ThSens a b, [(String, String)])
joinSensAux s1 s2 = let
l1 = sortBy cmpSnd $ Map.toList s1
updN n (_, e) = (n, e)
m = OMap.size s1
l2 = map (\ (x, e) -> (x, e {OMap.order = m + OMap.order e })) $
sortBy cmpSnd $ Map.toList s2
sl2 = genericDisambigSens m fst updN (OMap.keysSet s1) l2
in (Map.fromList $ mergeSens l1 sl2,
zipWith (\ (n1, _) (n2, _) -> (n1, n2)) l2 sl2)
where mergeSens [] l2 = l2
mergeSens l1 [] = l1
mergeSens l1@((k1, e1) : r1) l2@((k2, e2) : r2) =
case cmpSenEle e1 e2 of
LT -> (k1, e1) : mergeSens r1 l2
EQ -> (k1, e1 { OMap.ele = (OMap.ele e1)
{ senAttr = ThmStatus $
union (thmStatus $ OMap.ele e1)
(thmStatus $ OMap.ele e2)}})
: mergeSens r1 r2
GT -> (k2, e2) : mergeSens l1 r2
joinSens :: (Ord a, Eq b) => ThSens a b -> ThSens a b -> ThSens a b
joinSens s1 = fst . joinSensAux s1
cmpSnd :: (Ord a1) => (String, OMap.ElemWOrd (SenStatus a1 b))
-> (String, OMap.ElemWOrd (SenStatus a1 b)) -> Ordering
cmpSnd (_, a) (_, b) = cmpSenEle a b
cmpSenEle :: (Ord a1) => OMap.ElemWOrd (SenStatus a1 b)
-> OMap.ElemWOrd (SenStatus a1 b) -> Ordering
cmpSenEle x y = case (OMap.ele x, OMap.ele y) of
(d1, d2) -> compare
(sentence d1, isAxiom d1, isDef d1) (sentence d2, isAxiom d2, isDef d2)
diffSens :: (Ord a,Eq b) => ThSens a b -> ThSens a b -> ThSens a b
diffSens s1 s2 = let
l1 = sortBy cmpSnd $ Map.toList s1
l2 = sortBy cmpSnd $ Map.toList s2
in Map.fromList $ diffS l1 l2
where diffS [] _ = []
diffS l1 [] = l1
diffS l1@((k1, e1) : r1) l2@((_, e2) : r2) =
case cmpSenEle e1 e2 of
LT -> (k1, e1) : diffS r1 l2
EQ -> diffS r1 r2
GT -> diffS l1 r2
mapValue :: (a -> b) -> SenStatus a c -> SenStatus b c
mapValue f d = d { sentence = f $ sentence d }
mapStatus :: (b -> c) -> SenStatus a b -> SenStatus a c
mapStatus f d = d { senAttr = ThmStatus $ map f $ thmStatus d }
-- | sets the field isAxiom according to the boolean value;
-- if isAxiom is False for a sentence and set to True,
-- the field wasTheorem is set to True
markAsAxiom :: Ord a => Bool -> ThSens a b -> ThSens a b
markAsAxiom b = $ \ d -> d
{ isAxiom = b
, wasTheorem = b && (not (isAxiom d) || wasTheorem d) }
markAsGoal :: Ord a => ThSens a b -> ThSens a b
markAsGoal = markAsAxiom False
toNamedList :: ThSens a b -> [AS_Anno.Named a]
toNamedList = map (uncurry toNamed) . OMap.toList
toNamed :: String -> SenStatus a b -> AS_Anno.Named a
toNamed k s = s { AS_Anno.senAttr = k }
-- | putting Sentences from a list into a map
toThSens :: Ord a => [AS_Anno.Named a] -> ThSens a b
toThSens = OMap.fromList . map
( \ v -> (AS_Anno.senAttr v, v { senAttr = ThmStatus [] }))
. nameAndDisambiguate
-- | theories with a signature and sentences with proof states
data Theory sign sen proof_tree =
Theory sign (ThSens sen (Proof_status proof_tree))
mapTheoryStatus :: (a -> b) -> Theory sign sentence a
-> Theory sign sentence b
mapTheoryStatus f (Theory sig thSens) =
Theory sig (mapThSensStatus (mapProofStatus f) thSens)
-- | theory morphisms between two theories
data TheoryMorphism sign sen mor proof_tree = TheoryMorphism
{ t_source :: Theory sign sen proof_tree
, t_target :: Theory sign sen proof_tree
, t_morphism :: mor }
-- e.g. the file name, or the script itself, or a configuration string
data Tactic_script = Tactic_script String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | failure reason
data Reason = Reason [String]
instance Ord Reason where
compare _ _ = EQ
instance Eq Reason where
a == b = compare a b == EQ
-- | enumeration type representing the status of a goal
data GoalStatus =
Open Reason -- ^ failure reason
| Disproved
| Proved (Maybe Bool) -- ^ Just True means consistent; Nothing don't know
deriving (Eq, Ord)
-- needed for automated theorem provers like SPASS;
-- provers like Isabelle set it to Nothing
instance Show GoalStatus where
show gs = case gs of
Open (Reason l) -> unlines $ "Open" : l
Disproved -> "Disproved"
Proved mc -> "Proved" ++ maybe ""
( \ c -> "(" ++ (if c then "" else "in") ++ "consistent)") mc
isOpenGoal :: GoalStatus -> Bool
isOpenGoal gs = case gs of
Open _ -> True
_ -> False
openGoalStatus :: GoalStatus
openGoalStatus = Open $ Reason []
-- | data type representing the proof status for a goal or
data Proof_status proof_tree = Proof_status
{ goalName :: String
, goalStatus :: GoalStatus
, usedAxioms :: [String] -- ^ used axioms
, proverName :: String -- ^ name of prover
, proofTree :: proof_tree
, usedTime :: TimeOfDay
, tacticScript :: Tactic_script }
| Consistent Tactic_script
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
{- | constructs an open proof status with basic information filled in;
make sure to set proofTree to a useful value before you access it. -}
openProof_status :: Ord pt => String -- ^ name of the goal
-> String -- ^ name of the prover
-> pt -> Proof_status pt
openProof_status goalname provername proof_tree = Proof_status
{ goalName = goalname
, goalStatus = openGoalStatus
, usedAxioms = []
, proverName = provername
, proofTree = proof_tree
, usedTime = midnight
, tacticScript = Tactic_script "" }
mapProofStatus :: (a->b) -> Proof_status a -> Proof_status b
mapProofStatus f st = st {proofTree = f $ proofTree st}
isProvedStat :: Proof_status proof_tree -> Bool
isProvedStat pst = case pst of
Consistent _ -> False
_ -> isProvedGStat . goalStatus $ pst
isProvedGStat :: GoalStatus -> Bool
isProvedGStat gs = case gs of
Proved _ -> True
_ -> False
goalUsedInProof :: Monad m => Proof_status proof_tree -> m Bool
goalUsedInProof pst = case goalStatus pst of
Proved m -> maybe (fail "don't know if goal was used") return m
_ -> fail "not a proof"
-- | different kinds of prover interfaces
data ProverKind = ProveGUI | ProveCMDLautomatic
-- | determine if a prover kind is implemented
hasProverKind :: ProverKind -> ProverTemplate x s m y z -> Bool
hasProverKind pk pt = case pk of
ProveGUI -> isJust $ proveGUI pt
ProveCMDLautomatic -> isJust $ proveCMDLautomatic pt
data FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism = FreeDefMorphism
{ freeDefMorphism :: morphism
, pathFromFreeDef :: morphism
, freeTheory :: [AS_Anno.Named sentence]
, isCofree :: Bool }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | prover or consistency checker
data ProverTemplate theory sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree = Prover
{ prover_name :: String,
prover_sublogic :: sublogics,
proveGUI :: Maybe (String -> theory -> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]
-> IO ([Proof_status proof_tree])),
-- input: imported theories, theory name, theory (incl. goals)
-- output: proof status for goals and lemmas
proveCMDLautomatic :: Maybe (String -> Tactic_script
-> theory -> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]
->IO (Result ([Proof_status proof_tree]))),
-- input: theory name, Tactic_script,
-- theory (incl. goals, but only the first one is tried)
-- output: proof status for goals and lemmas
proveCMDLautomaticBatch ::
Maybe (Bool -- 1.
-> Bool -- 2.
-> Concurrent.MVar (Result [Proof_status proof_tree]) -- 3.
-> String -- 4.
-> Tactic_script -- 5.
-> theory -- 6.
-> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]
-> IO (Concurrent.ThreadId,Concurrent.MVar ())) -- output
-- input: 1. True means include proven theorems in subsequent
-- proof attempts;
-- 2. True means save problem file for each goal;
-- 3. MVar reference to a Result [] or empty MVar,
-- used to store the result of each attempt in the batch run;
-- 4. theory name;
-- 5. default Tactic_script;
-- 6. theory (incl. goals and
-- Open SenStatus for individual tactic_scripts)
-- output: fst --> identifier of the batch thread for killing it,
-- after each proof attempt the result is stored in the
-- IOref
-- snd --> MVar to wait for the end of the thread
} deriving Typeable
type Prover sign sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree =
ProverTemplate (Theory sign sentence proof_tree)
sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree
mkProverTemplate :: String -> sublogics
-> (String -> theory -> [FreeDefMorphism sentence morphism]
-> IO [Proof_status proof_tree])
-> ProverTemplate theory sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree
mkProverTemplate str sl fct = Prover
{ prover_name = str
, prover_sublogic = sl
, proveGUI = Just fct
, proveCMDLautomatic = Nothing
, proveCMDLautomaticBatch = Nothing }
type ConsChecker sign sentence sublogics morphism proof_tree =
ProverTemplate (TheoryMorphism sign sentence morphism proof_tree)
sentence morphism sublogics proof_tree