Prover.hs revision 33fc94b09b906329ca7505caa1ddcddf67e3f8da
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Provide prover stuff for class Logic.Sentences
module Logic.Prover where
import Common.DynamicUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Data.Dynamic
-- theories and theory morphisms
data Theory sign sen = Theory sign [Named sen]
data TheoryMorphism sign sen mor =
TheoryMorphism {t_source :: Theory sign sen,
t_target :: Theory sign sen,
t_morphism :: mor
-- proofs and provers
-- e.g. the file name, or the script itself, or a configuration string
data Tactic_script = Tactic_script String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Proof_status proof_tree = Open String
| Disproved String
| Proved { goalName :: String,
usedAxioms :: [String], -- used axioms or theorems or goals
proverName :: String, -- name of prover
proofTree :: proof_tree,
tacticScript :: Tactic_script }
| Consistent Tactic_script
deriving (Eq, Show)
isProvedStat :: Proof_status proof_tree -> Bool
isProvedStat (Proved _ _ _ _ _) = True
isProvedStat _ = False
data ProverTemplate goal proof_tree = Prover
{ prover_name :: String,
prover_sublogic :: String,
prove :: String -> goal -> IO([Proof_status proof_tree])
-- input: theory name, theory, goals
-- output: proof status for goals and lemmas
{- possibly needed in the future
add_sym :: symbol -> IO(Bool), -- returns True if succeeded
remove_sym :: symbol -> IO(Bool), -- returns True if succeeded
add_sen :: sen -> IO(Bool), -- returns True if succeeded
remove_sen :: sen -> IO(Bool), -- returns True if succeeded
add_termination_info :: [symbol] -> [(symbol,[symbol])] -> IO(Bool), -- returns True if succeeded
remove_termination_info :: [symbol] -> [(symbol,[symbol])] -> IO(Bool), -- returns True if succeeded
replay :: proof_tree -> Maybe sen -- what about the theory???
type Prover sign sentence proof_tree =
ProverTemplate (Theory sign sentence) proof_tree
type ConsChecker sign sentence morphism proof_tree =
ProverTemplate (TheoryMorphism sign sentence morphism) proof_tree
theoryTc :: TyCon
theoryTc = mkTyCon "Logic.Prover.Theory"
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (Theory a b) where
typeOf t = mkTyConApp theoryTc
[typeOf ((undefined :: Theory a b -> a) t),
typeOf ((undefined :: Theory a b -> b) t)]
theoryMorTc :: TyCon
theoryMorTc = mkTyCon "Logic.Prover.TheoryMorphism"
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c)
=> Typeable (TheoryMorphism a b c) where
typeOf t = mkTyConApp theoryMorTc
[typeOf ((undefined :: TheoryMorphism a b c -> a) t),
typeOf ((undefined :: TheoryMorphism a b c -> b) t),
typeOf ((undefined :: TheoryMorphism a b c -> c) t)]
proverTc :: TyCon
proverTc = mkTyCon "Logic.Prover.ProverTemplate"
instance (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Typeable (ProverTemplate a b) where
typeOf p = mkTyConApp proverTc
[typeOf ((undefined :: ProverTemplate a b -> a) p),
typeOf ((undefined :: ProverTemplate a b -> b) p)]
tcProof_status :: TyCon
tcProof_status = mkTyCon "Logic.Prover.Proof_status"
instance Typeable proof_tree => Typeable (Proof_status proof_tree) where
typeOf b = mkTyConApp tcProof_status
[typeOf $ (undefined :: Proof_status proof_tree -> proof_tree) b]