ParsecInterface.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
{- HetCATS/Logic.hs
Till Mossakowski
Interface for Parsec parsers.
Generates a ParseFun as needed by Logic.hs
module Logic.ParsecInterface
import Logic.Logic
import Common.Lib.Parsec
-- import Common.Lib.Parsec.Error
-- for a Parsec parser and an initial state, obtain a ParseFun as needed in Logic.hs
toParseFun :: GenParser Char st a -> st -> ParseFun a
toParseFun p init file line col s =
case runParser (do pos <- getPosition
let pos' = setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos line) col
setPosition pos'
x <- p
s1 <- getInput
pos'' <- getPosition
return (x,s1,sourceLine pos'',sourceColumn pos''))
init file s of
Left err -> error (show err)
Right x -> x