Morphism.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, DeriveDataTypeable
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk , FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, IncoherentInstances
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk , ExistentialQuantification, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk{- |
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkModule : $Header$
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkDescription : interface (type class) for logic projections (morphisms) in Hets
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkMaintainer :
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkStability : provisional
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkPortability : non-portable (via Logic)
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkInterface (type class) for logic projections (morphisms) in Hets
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkProvides data structures for institution morphisms.
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk These are just collections of
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk functions between (some of) the types of logics.
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk{- References: see Logic.hs
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk Todo:
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenk morphism modifications / representation maps
5b64d5d44892834ba97f003080f3467299b7c5c5jeff.schenkmodule Logic.Morphism where
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.Comorphism
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Typeable
import ATerm.Lib -- (ShATermConvertible)
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
class (Language cid,
Logic lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1,
Logic lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2) =>
Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2
| cid -> lid1, cid -> lid2
, lid1 -> sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1
symb_map_items1 sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
, lid2 -> sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2
symb_map_items2 sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2
{- source and target logic and sublogic
the source sublogic is the maximal one for which the comorphism works
the target sublogic is the resulting one -}
morSourceLogic :: cid -> lid1
morSourceSublogic :: cid -> sublogics1
morTargetLogic :: cid -> lid2
morTargetSublogic :: cid -> sublogics2
-- finer information of target sublogics corresponding to source sublogics
morMapSublogicSign :: cid -> sublogics1 -> sublogics2
-- information about the source sublogics corresponding to target sublogics
morMapSublogicSen :: cid -> sublogics2 -> sublogics1
{- the translation functions are partial
because the target may be a sublanguage
map_basic_spec :: cid -> basic_spec1 -> Maybe basic_spec2
we do not cover theoroidal morphisms,
since there are no relevant examples and they do not compose nicely
no mapping of theories, since signatures and sentences are mapped
contravariantly -}
morMap_sign :: cid -> sign1 -> Maybe sign2
morMap_morphism :: cid -> morphism1 -> Maybe morphism2
morMap_sentence :: cid -> sign1 -> sentence2 -> Maybe sentence1
{- also covers semi-morphisms ??
with no sentence translation
- but these are spans! -}
morMap_sign_symbol :: cid -> sign_symbol1 -> Set.Set sign_symbol2
-- morConstituents not needed, because composition only via lax triangles
-- | identity morphisms
data IdMorphism lid sublogics =
IdMorphism lid sublogics deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism sign_symbol symbol proof_tree =>
Language (IdMorphism lid sublogics) where
language_name (IdMorphism lid sub) = "id_" ++ language_name lid
++ case sublogicName sub of
[] -> ""
h -> '.' : h
instance Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism sign_symbol symbol proof_tree =>
Morphism (IdMorphism lid sublogics)
lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism sign_symbol symbol proof_tree
lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism sign_symbol symbol proof_tree
morSourceLogic (IdMorphism lid _sub) = lid
morTargetLogic (IdMorphism lid _sub) = lid
morSourceSublogic (IdMorphism _lid sub) = sub
morTargetSublogic (IdMorphism _lid sub) = sub
-- changed to identities!
morMapSublogicSign _ x = x
morMapSublogicSen _ x = x
morMap_sign _ = Just
morMap_morphism _ = Just
morMap_sentence _ _ = Just
morMap_sign_symbol _ = Set.singleton
-- composition not needed, use lax triangles instead
-- | comorphisms inducing morphisms
class Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2 =>
InducingComorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2
indMorMap_sign :: cid -> sign2 -> Maybe sign1
indMorMap_morphism :: cid -> morphism2 -> Maybe morphism1
epsilon :: cid -> sign2 -> Maybe morphism2
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Morphisms as spans of comorphisms
{- if the morphism is (psi, alpha, beta) : I -> J
it is replaced with the following span
SignI id -> SignI psi -> SignJ
SenI alpha <- psi;SenJ id -> psi;SenJ
ModI beta -> psi^op;ModJ id <- psi^op;ModJ -}
{- 1. introduce a new logic for the domain of the span
this logic will have
the name (SpanDomain cid) where cid is the name of the morphism
sublogics - pairs (s1, s2) with s1 being a sublogic of I and s2
being a sublogic of J; the lattice is the product lattice of the two
existing lattices
basic_spec will be () - the unit type, because we mix signatures
with sentences in specifications
sentence - sentences of J, wrapped
symb_items - ()
symb_map_items - ()
sign - signatures of I
morphism - morphisms of I
sign_symbol - sign_symbols of I
symbol - symbols of I
proof_tree - proof_tree of J -}
data SpanDomain cid = SpanDomain cid deriving (Eq, Show)
data SublogicsPair a b = SublogicsPair a b deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable)
instance Language cid => Language (SpanDomain cid) where
language_name (SpanDomain cid) = "SpanDomain" ++ language_name cid
{- the category of signatures is exactly the category of signatures of
the sublogic on which the morphism is defined, but with another name -}
instance Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2
=> Syntax (SpanDomain cid) () sign_symbol1 () ()
-- default is ok
newtype S2 s = S2 { sentence2 :: s }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Typeable, ShATermConvertible, Pretty)
instance GetRange s => GetRange (S2 s) where
getRange (S2 s) = getRange s
rangeSpan (S2 s) = rangeSpan s
instance Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2
=> Sentences (SpanDomain cid) (S2 sentence2) sign1 morphism1
sign_symbol1 where
{- one has to take care about signature and morphisms
and translate them to targetLogic
we get a Maybe sign/morphism -}
map_sen (SpanDomain cid) mor1 (S2 sen) =
case morMap_morphism cid mor1 of
Just mor2 -> fmap S2 $
map_sen (morTargetLogic cid) mor2 sen
Nothing -> statFail (SpanDomain cid) "map_sen"
simplify_sen (SpanDomain cid) sigma (S2 sen) =
case morMap_sign cid sigma of
Just sigma2 -> S2 $
simplify_sen (morTargetLogic cid) sigma2 sen
Nothing -> error "simplify_sen"
print_named (SpanDomain cid) = print_named (morTargetLogic cid)
. mapNamed sentence2
sym_of (SpanDomain cid) = sym_of (morSourceLogic cid)
symmap_of (SpanDomain cid) = symmap_of (morSourceLogic cid)
sym_name (SpanDomain cid) = sym_name (morSourceLogic cid)
instance (Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2)
=> StaticAnalysis (SpanDomain cid) () (S2 sentence2) () ()
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 where
ensures_amalgamability l _ = statFail l "ensures_amalgamability"
symbol_to_raw (SpanDomain cid) = symbol_to_raw (morSourceLogic cid)
id_to_raw (SpanDomain cid) = id_to_raw (morSourceLogic cid)
matches (SpanDomain cid) = matches (morSourceLogic cid)
empty_signature (SpanDomain cid) = empty_signature (morSourceLogic cid)
signature_union (SpanDomain cid) = signature_union (morSourceLogic cid)
final_union (SpanDomain cid) = final_union (morSourceLogic cid)
morphism_union (SpanDomain cid) = morphism_union (morSourceLogic cid)
is_subsig (SpanDomain cid) = is_subsig (morSourceLogic cid)
subsig_inclusion (SpanDomain cid) = subsig_inclusion (morSourceLogic cid)
generated_sign (SpanDomain cid) = generated_sign (morSourceLogic cid)
cogenerated_sign (SpanDomain cid) = cogenerated_sign (morSourceLogic cid)
is_transportable (SpanDomain cid) = is_transportable (morSourceLogic cid)
is_injective (SpanDomain cid) = is_injective (morSourceLogic cid)
instance (SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics1, SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics2)
=> SemiLatticeWithTop (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) where
top = SublogicsPair top top
join (SublogicsPair x1 y1) (SublogicsPair x2 y2) =
SublogicsPair (join x1 x2) (join y1 y2)
instance (SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics1, MinSublogic sublogics2 sentence2)
=> MinSublogic (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) (S2 sentence2) where
minSublogic (S2 sen2) = SublogicsPair top (minSublogic sen2)
{- just a dummy implementation, it should be the sublogic of sen2 in J
paired with its image through morMapSublogicSen? -}
instance (MinSublogic sublogics1 alpha, SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics2)
=> MinSublogic (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) alpha where
minSublogic x = SublogicsPair (minSublogic x) top
{- also should have instances of MinSublogic class for Sublogics-pair
and morphism1, sign_symbol1, sign1 this is why the wrapping is needed -}
{- instance SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics => MinSublogic sublogics () where
minSublogic _ = top -}
instance (MinSublogic sublogics1 alpha, SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics2)
=> ProjectSublogic (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) alpha where
projectSublogic _ x = x
-- it should be used for (), morphism1, sign_symbol1, sign1
instance (MinSublogic sublogics1 sign1, SemiLatticeWithTop sublogics2)
=> ProjectSublogicM (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) sign1 where
projectSublogicM _ = Just
instance (ShATermConvertible a, ShATermConvertible b)
=> ShATermConvertible (SublogicsPair a b) where
toShATermAux att0 (SublogicsPair a b) = do
(att1, a') <- toShATerm' att0 a
(att2, b') <- toShATerm' att1 b
return $ addATerm (ShAAppl "SublogicsPair" [a', b'] []) att2
fromShATermAux ix att0 = case getShATerm ix att0 of
ShAAppl "SublogicsPair" [a, b] _ ->
case fromShATerm' a att0 of { (att1, a') ->
case fromShATerm' b att1 of { (att2, b') ->
(att2, SublogicsPair a' b') }}
u -> fromShATermError "SublogicsPair" u
instance (SublogicName sublogics1, SublogicName sublogics2)
=> SublogicName (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) where
sublogicName (SublogicsPair sub1 sub2) =
let s1 = sublogicName sub1
s2 = sublogicName sub2
in if null s1 then s2 else if null s2 then s1 else
s1 ++ "|" ++ s2
instance ( MinSublogic sublogics1 ()
, Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 sign_symbol2 symbol2 proof_tree2
) => Logic (SpanDomain cid) (SublogicsPair sublogics1 sublogics2) ()
(S2 sentence2) () () sign1 morphism1 sign_symbol1 symbol1 proof_tree2
stability (SpanDomain _) = Experimental
data_logic (SpanDomain _) = Nothing
top_sublogic (SpanDomain cid) = SublogicsPair
(top_sublogic $ morSourceLogic cid) $ top_sublogic $ morTargetLogic cid
all_sublogics (SpanDomain cid) =
[ SublogicsPair x y
| x <- all_sublogics (morSourceLogic cid)
, y <- all_sublogics (morTargetLogic cid) ]
-- project_sublogic_epsilon - default implementation for now
provers _ = []
cons_checkers _ = []
conservativityCheck _ = []
empty_proof_tree (SpanDomain cid) = empty_proof_tree (morTargetLogic cid)
-- * Morphisms
-- | Existential type for morphisms
data AnyMorphism = forall cid lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1
symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2
symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 =>
Morphism cid
instance Eq AnyMorphism where
Morphism cid1 == Morphism cid2 =
constituents cid1 == constituents cid2
-- need to be refined, using morphism translations !!!
instance Show AnyMorphism where
show (Morphism cid) = language_name cid
++ " : " ++ language_name (morSourceLogic cid)
++ " -> " ++ language_name (morTargetLogic cid)