Logic.hs revision 819e29dba060687cf391e444e0f6ff88c1908cc3
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-undecidable-instances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : till@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (various -fglasgow-exts extensions)
Provides data structures for logics (with symbols). Logics are
a type class with an /identity/ type (usually interpreted
by a singleton set) which serves to treat logics as
data. All the functions in the type class take the
identity as first argument in order to determine the logic.
For logic (co)morphisms see "Logic.Comorphism"
This module uses multiparameter type classes
with functional dependencies (<http://haskell.org/hawiki/FunDeps>)
for defining an interface for the notion of logic. Multiparameter type
classes are needed because a logic consists of a collection of types,
together with operations on these. Functional dependencies
are needed because no operation will involve all types of
the multiparameter type class; hence we need a method to derive
the missing types. We chose an easy way: for each logic, we
introduce a new singleton type that constitutes the identity
of the logic. All other types of the multiparameter type class
depend on this 'identy constituting' type, and all operations take
the 'identity constituting' type as first arguments. The value
of the argument of the 'identity constituting' type is irrelevant
(note that there is only one value of such a type anyway).
J. A. Goguen and R. M. Burstall
Institutions: Abstract Model Theory for Specification and
JACM 39, p. 95--146, 1992
(general notion of logic - model theory only)
J. Meseguer
General Logics
Logic Colloquium 87, p. 275--329, North Holland, 1989
(general notion of logic - also proof theory;
notion of logic representation, called map there)
T. Mossakowski:
Specification in an arbitrary institution with symbols
14th WADT 1999, LNCS 1827, p. 252--270
(treatment of symbols and raw symbols, see also CASL semantics)
T. Mossakowski, B. Klin:
Institution Independent Static Analysis for CASL
15h WADT 2001, LNCS 2267, p. 221-237, 2002.
(what is needed for static anaylsis)
S. Autexier and T. Mossakowski
Integrating HOLCASL into the Development Graph Manager MAYA
FroCoS 2002, to appear
(interface to provers)
ATerm, XML
Weak amalgamability
raw symbols are now symbols, symbols are now signature symbols
provide both signature symbol set and symbol set of a signature
introduce coercion safer functions (separately for each type)
module Logic.Logic where
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Tree as Tree(Gr)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph(Node)
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Logic.Prover -- for one half of class Sentences
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.DynamicUtils
import Common.ATerm.Lib -- (ShATermConvertible)
import ATC.DefaultMorphism()
import Common.Amalgamate -- passed to ensures_amalgamability
import Common.Taxonomy
import Taxonomy.MMiSSOntology (MMiSSOntology)
-- | Stability of logic implementations
data Stability = Stable | Testing | Unstable | Experimental
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- | shortcut for class constraints
class (Show a, PrettyPrint a, PrintLaTeX a, Typeable a, ShATermConvertible a)
=> PrintTypeConv a
-- | shortcut for class constraints with equality
class (Eq a, PrintTypeConv a) => EqPrintTypeConv a
instance (Show a, PrettyPrint a, PrintLaTeX a, Typeable a,
ShATermConvertible a) => PrintTypeConv a
instance (Eq a, PrintTypeConv a) => EqPrintTypeConv a
type EndoMap a = Map.Map a a
-- languages, define like "data CASL = CASL deriving Show"
class Show lid => Language lid where
language_name :: lid -> String
language_name i = show i
description :: lid -> String
-- default implementation
description _ = "No description available"
-- Categories are given by a quotient,
-- i.e. we need equality
-- Should we allow arbitrary composition graphs and build paths?
class (Language lid, Eq sign, Eq morphism)
=> Category lid sign morphism | lid -> sign morphism where
ide :: lid -> sign -> morphism
comp :: lid -> morphism -> morphism -> Result morphism
-- diagrammatic order
dom, cod :: lid -> morphism -> sign
legal_obj :: lid -> sign -> Bool
legal_mor :: lid -> morphism -> Bool
-- abstract syntax, parsing and printing
class (Language lid, PrintTypeConv basic_spec,
EqPrintTypeConv symb_items,
EqPrintTypeConv symb_map_items)
=> Syntax lid basic_spec symb_items symb_map_items
| lid -> basic_spec symb_items symb_map_items
-- parsing
parse_basic_spec :: lid -> Maybe(AParser st basic_spec)
parse_symb_items :: lid -> Maybe(AParser st symb_items)
parse_symb_map_items :: lid -> Maybe(AParser st symb_map_items)
-- default implementations
parse_basic_spec _ = Nothing
parse_symb_items _ = Nothing
parse_symb_map_items _ = Nothing
-- sentences (plus prover stuff and "symbol" with "Ord" for efficient lookup)
class (Category lid sign morphism, Ord sentence,
Ord symbol,
PrintTypeConv sign, PrintTypeConv morphism,
PrintTypeConv sentence, PrintTypeConv symbol,
Eq proof_tree, Show proof_tree, ShATermConvertible proof_tree,
Typeable proof_tree)
=> Sentences lid sentence proof_tree sign morphism symbol
| lid -> sentence proof_tree sign morphism symbol
-- sentence translation
map_sen :: lid -> morphism -> sentence -> Result sentence
map_sen l _ _ = statErr l "map_sen"
-- simplification of sentences (leave out qualifications)
simplify_sen :: lid -> sign -> sentence -> sentence
simplify_sen _ _ = id -- default implementation
-- parsing of sentences
parse_sentence :: lid -> Maybe (AParser st sentence)
parse_sentence _ = Nothing
-- print a sentence with comments
print_named :: lid -> GlobalAnnos -> Named sentence -> Doc
print_named _ = printLabelledSen
sym_of :: lid -> sign -> Set.Set symbol
symmap_of :: lid -> morphism -> EndoMap symbol
sym_name :: lid -> symbol -> Id
provers :: lid -> [Prover sign sentence proof_tree]
provers _ = []
cons_checkers :: lid -> [ConsChecker sign sentence morphism proof_tree]
cons_checkers _ = []
conservativityCheck :: lid -> (sign, [Named sentence]) ->
morphism -> [Named sentence] -> Result (Maybe Bool)
conservativityCheck l _ _ _ = statErr l "conservativityCheck"
-- | a dummy function to allow type checking *.inline.hs files
inlineAxioms :: StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol => lid -> String -> [Named sentence]
inlineAxioms _ _ = error "inlineAxioms"
-- static analysis
statErr :: (Language lid, Monad m) => lid -> String -> m a
statErr lid str = fail ("Logic." ++ str ++ " nyi for: " ++ language_name lid)
class ( Syntax lid basic_spec symb_items symb_map_items
, Sentences lid sentence proof_tree sign morphism symbol
, Ord raw_symbol, PrintLaTeX raw_symbol, Typeable raw_symbol)
=> StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
| lid -> basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
-- static analysis of basic specifications and symbol maps
basic_analysis :: lid ->
Maybe((basic_spec, -- abstract syntax tree
sign, -- efficient table for env signature
GlobalAnnos) -> -- global annotations
Result (basic_spec,sign,sign,[Named sentence]))
-- the resulting bspec has analyzed axioms in it
-- sign's: sigma_local, sigma_complete, i.e.
-- the second output sign united with the input sign
-- should yield the first output sign
-- the second output sign is the accumulated sign
-- default implementation
basic_analysis _ = Nothing
-- Shouldn't the following deliver Maybes???
sign_to_basic_spec :: lid -> sign -> [Named sentence] -> basic_spec
stat_symb_map_items ::
lid -> [symb_map_items] -> Result (EndoMap raw_symbol)
stat_symb_map_items _ _ = fail "Logic.stat_symb_map_items"
stat_symb_items :: lid -> [symb_items] -> Result [raw_symbol]
stat_symb_items l _ = statErr l "stat_symb_items"
-- amalgamation
weaklyAmalgamableCocone :: lid -> Tree.Gr sign morphism
-> Result (sign, Map.Map Node morphism)
weaklyAmalgamableCocone l _ = statErr l "weaklyAmalgamableCocone"
-- architectural sharing analysis
ensures_amalgamability :: lid ->
([CASLAmalgOpt], -- the program options
Tree.Gr sign morphism, -- the diagram to be analyzed
[(Node, morphism)], -- the sink
Tree.Gr String String) -- the descriptions of nodes and edges
-> Result Amalgamates
ensures_amalgamability l _ = statErr l "ensures_amalgamability"
-- symbols and symbol maps
symbol_to_raw :: lid -> symbol -> raw_symbol
id_to_raw :: lid -> Id -> raw_symbol
matches :: lid -> symbol -> raw_symbol -> Bool
-- operations on signatures and morphisms
empty_signature :: lid -> sign
signature_union :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Result sign
signature_union l _ _ = statErr l "signature_union"
morphism_union :: lid -> morphism -> morphism -> Result morphism
morphism_union l _ _ = statErr l "morphism_union"
final_union :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Result sign
final_union l _ _ = statErr l "final_union"
is_transportable :: lid -> morphism -> Bool
is_transportable l _ =
error ("Logic.is_transportable nyi for logic"++language_name l)
-- see CASL reference manual, III.4.1.2
is_subsig :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Bool
inclusion :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Result morphism
inclusion l _ _ = statErr l "inclusion"
generated_sign, cogenerated_sign ::
lid -> Set.Set symbol -> sign -> Result morphism
generated_sign l _ _ = statErr l "generated_sign"
cogenerated_sign l _ _ = statErr l "cogenerated_sign"
induced_from_morphism ::
lid -> EndoMap raw_symbol -> sign -> Result morphism
induced_from_morphism l _ _ = statErr l "induced_from_morphism"
induced_from_to_morphism ::
lid -> EndoMap raw_symbol -> sign -> sign -> Result morphism
induced_from_to_morphism l _ _ _ =
statErr l "induced_from_to_morphism"
-- generate taxonomy from theory
theory_to_taxonomy :: lid
-> TaxoGraphKind
-> MMiSSOntology
-> sign -> [Named sentence]
-> Result MMiSSOntology
theory_to_taxonomy l _ _ _ _ = statErr l "theory_to_taxonomy"
-- sublogics
class (Ord l, Show l) => LatticeWithTop l where
meet, join :: l -> l -> l
top :: l
-- a dummy instance
instance LatticeWithTop () where
meet _ _ = ()
join _ _ = ()
top = ()
-- logics
class (StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol,
LatticeWithTop sublogics, ShATermConvertible sublogics,
Typeable sublogics)
=> Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
| lid -> sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
-- stability of the implementation
stability :: lid -> Stability
-- default
stability _ = Experimental
-- for a process logic, return its data logic
data_logic :: lid -> Maybe AnyLogic
data_logic _ = Nothing
sublogic_names :: lid -> sublogics -> [String]
sublogic_names lid _ = [language_name lid]
-- the first name is the principal name
all_sublogics :: lid -> [sublogics]
all_sublogics _ = [top]
is_in_basic_spec :: lid -> sublogics -> basic_spec -> Bool
is_in_basic_spec _ _ _ = False
is_in_sentence :: lid -> sublogics -> sentence -> Bool
is_in_sentence _ _ _ = False
is_in_symb_items :: lid -> sublogics -> symb_items -> Bool
is_in_symb_items _ _ _ = False
is_in_symb_map_items :: lid -> sublogics -> symb_map_items -> Bool
is_in_symb_map_items _ _ _ = False
is_in_sign :: lid -> sublogics -> sign -> Bool
is_in_sign _ _ _ = False
is_in_morphism :: lid -> sublogics -> morphism -> Bool
is_in_morphism _ _ _ = False
is_in_symbol :: lid -> sublogics -> symbol -> Bool
is_in_symbol _ _ _ = False
min_sublogic_basic_spec :: lid -> basic_spec -> sublogics
min_sublogic_basic_spec _ _ = top
min_sublogic_sentence :: lid -> sentence -> sublogics
min_sublogic_sentence _ _ = top
min_sublogic_symb_items :: lid -> symb_items -> sublogics
min_sublogic_symb_items _ _ = top
min_sublogic_symb_map_items :: lid -> symb_map_items -> sublogics
min_sublogic_symb_map_items _ _ = top
min_sublogic_sign :: lid -> sign -> sublogics
min_sublogic_sign _ _ = top
min_sublogic_morphism :: lid -> morphism -> sublogics
min_sublogic_morphism _ _ = top
min_sublogic_symbol :: lid -> symbol -> sublogics
min_sublogic_symbol _ _ = top
proj_sublogic_basic_spec :: lid -> sublogics
-> basic_spec -> basic_spec
proj_sublogic_basic_spec _ _ b = b
proj_sublogic_symb_items :: lid -> sublogics
-> symb_items -> Maybe symb_items
proj_sublogic_symb_items _ _ _ = Nothing
proj_sublogic_symb_map_items :: lid -> sublogics
-> symb_map_items -> Maybe symb_map_items
proj_sublogic_symb_map_items _ _ _ = Nothing
proj_sublogic_sign :: lid -> sublogics -> sign -> sign
proj_sublogic_sign _ _ s = s
proj_sublogic_morphism :: lid -> sublogics -> morphism -> morphism
proj_sublogic_morphism _ _ m = m
proj_sublogic_epsilon :: lid -> sublogics -> sign -> morphism
proj_sublogic_epsilon li _ s = ide li s
proj_sublogic_symbol :: lid -> sublogics -> symbol -> Maybe symbol
proj_sublogic_symbol _ _ _ = Nothing
top_sublogic :: lid -> sublogics
top_sublogic _ = top
-- Derived functions
empty_theory :: StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol =>
lid -> Theory sign sentence proof_tree
empty_theory lid = Theory (empty_signature lid) Map.empty
-- Existential type covering any logic
data AnyLogic = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
Logic lid
instance Show AnyLogic where
show (Logic lid) = language_name lid
instance Eq AnyLogic where
Logic lid1 == Logic lid2 = language_name lid1 == language_name lid2
tyconAnyLogic :: TyCon
tyconAnyLogic = mkTyCon "Logic.Logic.AnyLogic"
instance Typeable AnyLogic where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp tyconAnyLogic []
{- class hierarchy:
| /
Sentences Syntax
\ /
StaticAnalysis (no sublogics)