Logic.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
-- needs ghc -fglasgow-exts -fallow-overlapping-instances -package data
{- HetCATS/Logic.hs
Till Mossakowski, Christian Maeder
Provides data structures for logics (with symbols). Logics are
a type class with an "identitiy" type (usually interpreted
by a singleton set) which serves to treat logics as
data. All the functions in the type class take the
identity as first argument in order to determine the logic.
For logic representations see LogicRepr.hs
J. A. Goguen and R. M. Burstall
Institutions: Abstract Model Theory for Specification and
JACM 39, p. 95--146, 1992
(general notion of logic - model theory only)
J. Meseguer
General Logics
Logic Colloquium 87, p. 275--329, North Holland, 1989
(general notion of logic - also proof theory;
notion of logic representation, called map there)
T. Mossakowski:
Specification in an arbitrary institution with symbols
14th WADT 1999, LNCS 1827, p. 252--270
(treatment of symbols and raw symbols, see also CASL semantics)
T. Mossakowski, B. Klin:
Institution Independent Static Analysis for CASL
15h WADT 2001, LNCS 2267, p. 221-237, 2002.
(what is needed for static anaylsis)
S. Autexier and T. Mossakowski
Integrating HOLCASL into the Development Graph Manager MAYA
FroCoS 2002, to appear
(interface to provers)
ATerm, XML
Weak amalgamability
module Logic.Logic where
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Lib.Set
import FiniteMap
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Common.Result
import Logic.Prover -- for one half of class Sentences
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Data.Dynamic
-- for coercion used in Grothendieck.hs and Analysis modules
import UnsafeCoerce
-- maps
type EndoMap a = FiniteMap a a
-- diagrams are just graphs
data Diagram object morphism = Graph object morphism
-- languages, define like "data CASL = CASL deriving Show"
class Show lid => Language lid where
language_name :: lid -> String
language_name i = show i
-- (a bit unsafe) coercion using the language name
coerce :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Language lid1, Language lid2, Show a) =>
lid1 -> lid2 -> a -> Maybe b
coerce i1 i2 a = if language_name i1 == language_name i2 then
--fromDynamic (toDyn (a)) else Nothing
(Just $ unsafeCoerce a) else Nothing
rcoerce1 :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Language lid1, Language lid2, Show a) =>
lid1 -> lid2 -> Pos-> a -> b -> Result b
rcoerce1 i1 i2 pos a b =
maybeToResult pos
(if language_name i1 == language_name i2 then
"Internal type error concerning types "++show (typeOf a)
++" and "++show(typeOf b)
else "Logic "++ language_name i1 ++ " expected, but "
++ language_name i2++" found")
(coerce i1 i2 a)
rcoerce :: (Typeable a, Typeable b, Language lid1, Language lid2, Show a) =>
lid1 -> lid2 -> Pos-> a -> Result b
rcoerce i1 i2 pos a = -- rcoerce1 i1 i2 pos a undefined
maybeToResult pos
(if language_name i1 == language_name i2 then
"Internal type error concerning type "++show (typeOf a)
else "Logic "++ language_name i1 ++ " expected, but "
++ language_name i2++" found")
(coerce i1 i2 a)
-- Categories are given by a quotient,
-- i.e. we need equality
-- Should we allow arbitrary composition graphs and build paths?
class (Language lid, Eq sign, Show sign, Eq morphism, Show morphism) =>
Category lid sign morphism | lid -> sign, lid -> morphism where
ide :: lid -> sign -> morphism
comp :: lid -> morphism -> morphism -> Maybe morphism
-- diagrammatic order
dom, cod :: lid -> morphism -> sign
legal_obj :: lid -> sign -> Bool
legal_mor :: lid -> morphism -> Bool
-- abstract syntax, parsing and printing
type ParseFun a = FilePath -> Int -> Int -> String -> (a,String,Int,Int)
-- args: filename, line, column, input text
-- result: value, remaining text, line, column
class (Language lid, PrettyPrint basic_spec, Eq basic_spec,
PrettyPrint symb_items, Eq symb_items,
PrettyPrint symb_map_items, Eq symb_map_items) =>
Syntax lid basic_spec symb_items symb_map_items
| lid -> basic_spec, lid -> symb_items,
lid -> symb_map_items
-- parsing
parse_basic_spec :: lid -> Maybe(ParseFun basic_spec)
parse_symb_items :: lid -> Maybe(ParseFun symb_items)
parse_symb_map_items :: lid -> Maybe(ParseFun symb_map_items)
-- sentences (plus prover stuff and "symbol" with "Ord" for efficient lookup)
class (Category lid sign morphism, Show sentence,
Ord symbol, Show symbol)
=> Sentences lid sentence proof_tree sign morphism symbol
| lid -> sentence, lid -> sign, lid -> morphism,
lid -> symbol, lid -> proof_tree
-- sentence translation
map_sen :: lid -> morphism -> sentence -> Result sentence
-- parsing of sentences
parse_sentence :: lid -> sign -> String -> Result sentence
-- is a term parser needed as well?
provers :: lid -> [Prover sentence proof_tree symbol]
cons_checkers :: lid -> [Cons_checker
(TheoryMorphism sign sentence morphism)]
-- static analysis
class ( Syntax lid basic_spec symb_items symb_map_items
, Sentences lid sentence proof_tree sign morphism symbol
, Show raw_symbol, Eq raw_symbol)
=> StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol
| lid -> basic_spec, lid -> sentence, lid -> symb_items,
lid -> symb_map_items, lid -> proof_tree,
lid -> sign, lid -> morphism, lid -> symbol, lid -> raw_symbol
-- static analysis of basic specifications and symbol maps
basic_analysis :: lid ->
Maybe((basic_spec, -- abstract syntax tree
sign, -- efficient table for env signature
GlobalAnnos) -> -- global annotations
Result (sign,sign,[(String,sentence)]))
-- the first output sign is the accumulated sign
-- the second output sign united with the input sing
-- should yield the first output sign
sign_to_basic_spec :: lid -> sign -> [(String,sentence)] -> basic_spec
stat_symb_map_items ::
lid -> [symb_map_items] -> Result (EndoMap raw_symbol)
stat_symb_items :: lid -> [symb_items] -> Result [raw_symbol]
-- architectural sharing analysis for one morphism
ensures_amalgamability :: lid ->
(Diagram sign morphism, Node, sign, LEdge morphism, morphism) ->
Result (Diagram sign morphism)
-- do we need it also for sinks consisting of two morphisms?
-- symbols and symbol maps
symbol_to_raw :: lid -> symbol -> raw_symbol
id_to_raw :: lid -> Id -> raw_symbol
sym_of :: lid -> sign -> Set symbol
symmap_of :: lid -> morphism -> EndoMap symbol
matches :: lid -> symbol -> raw_symbol -> Bool
sym_name :: lid -> symbol -> Id
-- operations on signatures and morphisms
add_sign :: lid -> sign -> sign -> sign
empty_signature :: lid -> sign
signature_union :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Result sign
morphism_union :: lid -> morphism -> morphism -> Result morphism
final_union :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Result sign
is_subsig :: lid -> sign -> sign -> Bool
generated_sign, cogenerated_sign ::
lid -> [symbol] -> sign -> Result morphism
induced_from_morphism ::
lid -> EndoMap raw_symbol -> sign -> Result morphism
induced_from_to_morphism ::
lid -> EndoMap raw_symbol -> sign -> sign -> Result morphism
extend_morphism ::
lid -> sign -> morphism -> sign -> sign -> Result morphism
-- sublogics
class (Ord l, Show l) => LatticeWithTop l where
meet, join :: l -> l -> l
top :: l
-- logics
class (StaticAnalysis lid
basic_spec sentence proof_tree symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol,
LatticeWithTop sublogics,
Typeable sublogics, Typeable basic_spec, Typeable sentence,
Typeable symb_items, Typeable symb_map_items, Typeable sign,
Typeable morphism, Typeable symbol, Typeable raw_symbol,
Typeable proof_tree) =>
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
| lid -> sublogics, lid -> basic_spec, lid -> sentence, lid -> symb_items,
lid -> symb_map_items, lid -> proof_tree,
lid -> sign, lid -> morphism, lid ->symbol, lid -> raw_symbol
sublogic_names :: lid -> sublogics -> [String]
-- the first name is the principal name
all_sublogics :: lid -> [sublogics]
is_in_basic_spec :: lid -> sublogics -> basic_spec -> Bool
is_in_sentence :: lid -> sublogics -> sentence -> Bool
is_in_symb_items :: lid -> sublogics -> symb_items -> Bool
is_in_symb_map_items :: lid -> sublogics -> symb_map_items -> Bool
is_in_sign :: lid -> sublogics -> sign -> Bool
is_in_morphism :: lid -> sublogics -> morphism -> Bool
is_in_symbol :: lid -> sublogics -> symbol -> Bool
min_sublogic_basic_spec :: lid -> basic_spec -> sublogics
min_sublogic_sentence :: lid -> sentence -> sublogics
min_sublogic_symb_items :: lid -> symb_items -> sublogics
min_sublogic_symb_map_items :: lid -> symb_map_items -> sublogics
min_sublogic_sign :: lid -> sign -> sublogics
min_sublogic_morphism :: lid -> morphism -> sublogics
min_sublogic_symbol :: lid -> symbol -> sublogics
proj_sublogic_basic_spec :: lid -> sublogics -> basic_spec -> basic_spec
proj_sublogic_symb_items :: lid -> sublogics -> symb_items -> Maybe symb_items
proj_sublogic_symb_map_items :: lid -> sublogics -> symb_map_items -> Maybe symb_map_items
proj_sublogic_sign :: lid -> sublogics -> sign -> sign
proj_sublogic_morphism :: lid -> sublogics -> morphism -> morphism
proj_sublogic_epsilon :: lid -> sublogics -> sign -> morphism
proj_sublogic_symbol :: lid -> sublogics -> symbol -> Maybe symbol
instance Typeable a => Typeable (Set a) where
typeOf l = mkAppTy (mkTyCon "Set") []
instance (Typeable a,Typeable b) => Typeable (FiniteMap a b) where
typeOf l = mkAppTy (mkTyCon "FiniteMap") []
{- class hierarchy:
| /
Sentences Syntax
\ /
StaticAnalysis (no sublogics)