Grothendieck.hs revision c7e03d0708369f944b6f235057b39142a21599f2
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Grothendieck logic (flattening of logic graph to a single logic)
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable (overlapping instances, dynamics, existentials)
Grothendieck logic (flattening of logic graph to a single logic)
The Grothendieck logic is defined to be the
heterogeneous logic over the logic graph.
This will be the logic over which the data
structures and algorithms for specification in-the-large
are built.
This module heavily works with existential types, see
<> and chapter 7 of /Heterogeneous
specification and the heterogeneous tool set/
R. Diaconescu:
Grothendieck institutions
J. applied categorical structures 10, 2002, p. 383-402.
T. Mossakowski:
Comorphism-based Grothendieck institutions.
In K. Diks, W. Rytter (Eds.), Mathematical foundations of computer science,
LNCS 2420, pp. 593-604
T. Mossakowski:
Heterogeneous specification and the heterogeneous tool set.
module Logic.Grothendieck(
G_basic_spec (..)
, G_sign (..)
, isHomSubGsign
, isSubGsign
, langNameSig
, G_symbol (..)
, G_symb_items_list (..)
, G_symb_map_items_list (..)
, G_diagram (..)
, G_sublogics (..)
, isProperSublogic
, G_morphism (..)
, AnyComorphism (..)
, idComorphism
, isIdComorphism
, isInclComorphism
, isModelTransportable
, hasModelExpansion
, isWeaklyAmalgamable
, compComorphism
, lessSublogicComor
, AnyMorphism (..)
, AnyModification (..)
, idModification
, vertCompModification
, horCompModification
, LogicGraph (..)
, emptyLogicGraph
, HetSublogicGraph (..)
, emptyHetSublogicGraph
, lookupLogic
, lookupCurrentLogic
, logicUnion
, lookupCompComorphism
, lookupComorphism
, lookupModification
, GMorphism (..)
, isHomogeneous
, Grothendieck (..)
, normalize
, gEmbed
, gEmbed2
, gEmbedComorphism
, gsigUnion
, gsigManyUnion
, homogeneousMorManyUnion
, logicInclusion
, updateMorIndex
, toG_morphism
, ginclusion
, compInclusion
, compHomInclusion
, findComorphismPaths
, findComorphism
, isTransportable
, G_prover (..)
, getProverName
, coerceProver
, G_cons_checker (..)
, coerceConsChecker
, coerceG_sign
, Square (..)
, LaxTriangle (..)
, mkIdSquare
, mirrorSquare
import Logic.Logic
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Morphism
import Logic.Coerce
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Graph as Tree
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils
import Data.Typeable
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Control.Monad (foldM, unless)
import Logic.Modification
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec (Parser, try, parse, eof, string, (<|>))
-- for looking up modifications
import Common.Token
import Common.Lexer
import Common.Id
-- * \"Grothendieck\" versions of the various parts of type class Logic
-- | Grothendieck basic specifications
data G_basic_spec = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_basic_spec lid basic_spec
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_basic_spec where
show (G_basic_spec _ s) = show s
instance Pretty G_basic_spec where
pretty (G_basic_spec _ s) = pretty s
{- | Grothendieck signatures with an lookup index. Zero indices
indicate unknown ones. It would be nice to have special (may be
negative) indices for empty signatures (one for every logic). -}
data G_sign = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree => G_sign
{ gSignLogic :: lid
, gSign :: (ExtSign sign symbol)
, gSignSelfIdx :: Int -- ^ index to lookup this 'G_sign' in sign map
} deriving Typeable
instance Eq G_sign where
G_sign l1 sigma1 i1 == G_sign l2 sigma2 i2 =
(i1 > 0 && i2 > 0 && i1 == i2) ||
coerceSign l1 l2 "Eq G_sign" sigma1 == Just sigma2
-- | prefer a faster subsignature test if possible
isHomSubGsign :: G_sign -> G_sign -> Bool
isHomSubGsign (G_sign i1 sigma1 s1) (G_sign i2 sigma2 s2) =
if s1 == s2 then True else
maybe False (ext_is_subsig i1 sigma1)
$ coerceSign i2 i1 "isHomSubGsign" sigma2
isSubGsign :: LogicGraph -> G_sign -> G_sign -> Bool
isSubGsign lg (G_sign lid1 (ExtSign sigma1 _) _)
(G_sign lid2 (ExtSign sigma2 _) _) =
Just True ==
do Comorphism cid <- resultToMaybe $
logicInclusion lg (Logic lid1) (Logic lid2)
sigma1' <- coercePlainSign lid1 (sourceLogic cid)
"Grothendieck.isSubGsign: cannot happen" sigma1
sigma2' <- coercePlainSign lid2 (targetLogic cid)
"Grothendieck.isSubGsign: cannot happen" sigma2
sigma1t <- resultToMaybe $ map_sign cid sigma1'
return $ is_subsig (targetLogic cid) (fst sigma1t) sigma2'
instance Show G_sign where
show (G_sign _ s _) = show s
instance Pretty G_sign where
pretty (G_sign _ (ExtSign s _) _) = pretty s
langNameSig :: G_sign -> String
langNameSig (G_sign lid _ _) = language_name lid
-- | Grothendieck symbols
data G_symbol = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_symbol lid symbol
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_symbol where
show (G_symbol _ s) = show s
instance Pretty G_symbol where
pretty (G_symbol _ s) = pretty s
instance Eq G_symbol where
(G_symbol i1 s1) == (G_symbol i2 s2) =
language_name i1 == language_name i2 && coerceSymbol i1 i2 s1 == s2
-- | Grothendieck symbol lists
data G_symb_items_list = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_symb_items_list lid [symb_items]
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_symb_items_list where
show (G_symb_items_list _ l) = show l
instance Pretty G_symb_items_list where
pretty (G_symb_items_list _ l) = ppWithCommas l
instance Eq G_symb_items_list where
(G_symb_items_list i1 s1) == (G_symb_items_list i2 s2) =
coerceSymbItemsList i1 i2 "Eq G_symb_items_list" s1 == Just s2
-- | Grothendieck symbol maps
data G_symb_map_items_list = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_symb_map_items_list lid [symb_map_items]
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_symb_map_items_list where
show (G_symb_map_items_list _ l) = show l
instance Pretty G_symb_map_items_list where
pretty (G_symb_map_items_list _ l) = ppWithCommas l
instance Eq G_symb_map_items_list where
(G_symb_map_items_list i1 s1) == (G_symb_map_items_list i2 s2) =
coerceSymbMapItemsList i1 i2 "Eq G_symb_map_items_list" s1 == Just s2
-- | Grothendieck diagrams
data G_diagram = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_diagram lid (Tree.Gr sign morphism)
deriving Typeable
-- | Grothendieck sublogics
data G_sublogics = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_sublogics lid sublogics
deriving Typeable
instance Show G_sublogics where
show (G_sublogics lid sub) = case sublogic_names sub of
[] -> error "show G_sublogics"
h : _ -> show lid ++ (if null h then "" else "." ++ h)
instance Eq G_sublogics where
g1 == g2 = compare g1 g2 == EQ
instance Ord G_sublogics where
compare (G_sublogics lid1 l1) (G_sublogics lid2 l2) =
case compare (language_name lid1) $ language_name lid2 of
EQ -> compare (forceCoerceSublogic lid1 lid2 l1) l2
r -> r
isProperSublogic :: G_sublogics -> G_sublogics -> Bool
isProperSublogic a@(G_sublogics lid1 l1) b@(G_sublogics lid2 l2) =
isSubElem (forceCoerceSublogic lid1 lid2 l1) l2 && a /= b
{- | Homogeneous Grothendieck signature morphisms with indices. For
the domain index it would be nice it showed also the emptiness. -}
data G_morphism = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree => G_morphism
{ gMorphismLogic :: lid
, gMorphismSelfIdx :: Int -- ^ lookup index in morphism map
, gMorphism :: morphism
, gMorphismDomIdx :: Int -- ^ 'G_sign' index of domain
, gMorphismCodIdx :: Int -- ^ 'G_sign' index of codomain
} deriving Typeable
instance Show G_morphism where
show (G_morphism _ _ l _ _) = show l
-- * Comorphisms and existential types for the logic graph
-- | Existential type for comorphisms
data AnyComorphism = forall cid lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1
symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2
symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 =>
Comorphism cid
deriving Typeable
instance Eq AnyComorphism where
Comorphism cid1 == Comorphism cid2 =
constituents cid1 == constituents cid2
-- need to be refined, using comorphism translations !!!
instance Ord AnyComorphism where
Comorphism cid1 < Comorphism cid2 =
constituents cid1 < constituents cid2
instance Show AnyComorphism where
show (Comorphism cid) = language_name cid
++ " : " ++ language_name (sourceLogic cid)
++ " -> " ++ language_name (targetLogic cid)
-- | compute the identity comorphism for a logic
idComorphism :: AnyLogic -> AnyComorphism
idComorphism (Logic lid) = Comorphism (mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid))
-- | Test whether a comporphism is the identity
isIdComorphism :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) =
constituents cid == []
-- | Test whether a comorphism is an ad-hoc inclusion
isInclComorphism :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isInclComorphism (Comorphism cid) =
Logic (sourceLogic cid) == Logic (targetLogic cid) &&
(isProperSublogic (G_sublogics (sourceLogic cid) (sourceSublogic cid))
(G_sublogics (targetLogic cid) (targetSublogic cid)))
-- * Properties of comorphisms
-- | Test whether a comorphism is model-transportable
isModelTransportable :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isModelTransportable (Comorphism cid) = is_model_transportable cid
-- | Test whether a comorphism has model expansion
hasModelExpansion :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
hasModelExpansion (Comorphism cid) = has_model_expansion cid
-- | Test whether a comorphism is weakly amalgamable
isWeaklyAmalgamable :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isWeaklyAmalgamable (Comorphism cid) = is_weakly_amalgamable cid
-- | Compose comorphisms
compComorphism :: Monad m => AnyComorphism -> AnyComorphism -> m AnyComorphism
compComorphism (Comorphism cid1) (Comorphism cid2) =
let l1 = targetLogic cid1
l2 = sourceLogic cid2 in
if language_name l1 == language_name l2 then
if isSubElem (forceCoerceSublogic l1 l2 $ targetSublogic cid1)
$ sourceSublogic cid2
then {- case (isIdComorphism cm1,isIdComorphism cm2) of
(True,_) -> return cm2
(_,True) -> return cm1
_ -> -} return $ Comorphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2)
else fail ("Sublogic mismatch in composition of "++language_name cid1++
" and "++language_name cid2)
else fail ("Logic mismatch in composition of "++language_name cid1++
" and "++language_name cid2)
-- | check if sublogic fits for comorphism
lessSublogicComor :: G_sublogics -> AnyComorphism -> Bool
lessSublogicComor (G_sublogics lid1 sub1) (Comorphism cid) =
let lid2 = sourceLogic cid
in language_name lid2 == language_name lid1
&& isSubElem (forceCoerceSublogic lid1 lid2 sub1) (sourceSublogic cid)
-- * Morphisms
-- | Existential type for morphisms
data AnyMorphism = forall cid lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
Morphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1
symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2
symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 =>
Morphism cid
deriving Typeable
instance Eq AnyMorphism where
Morphism cid1 == Morphism cid2 =
constituents cid1 == constituents cid2
-- need to be refined, using morphism translations !!!
instance Show AnyMorphism where
show (Morphism cid) =
language_name cid
++" : "++language_name (morSourceLogic cid)
++" -> "++language_name (morTargetLogic cid)
-- * Modifications
data AnyModification = forall
lid cid1 cid2
log1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
log2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
log3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3
log4 sublogics4 basic_spec4 sentence4 symb_items4 symb_map_items4
sign4 morphism4 symbol4 raw_symbol4 proof_tree4.
Modification lid cid1 cid2
log1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
log2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
log3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3
log4 sublogics4 basic_spec4 sentence4 symb_items4 symb_map_items4
sign4 morphism4 symbol4 raw_symbol4 proof_tree4
=> Modification lid
deriving Typeable
instance Eq AnyModification where
rules for equality
instance Show AnyModification where
show (Modification lid) = language_name lid ++
":" ++ language_name (sourceComorphism lid) ++
"=>" ++ language_name (targetComorphism lid)
idModification :: AnyComorphism -> AnyModification
idModification (Comorphism cid) = Modification (IdModif cid)
-- | vertical compositions of modifications
vertCompModification :: Monad m => AnyModification -> AnyModification
-> m AnyModification
vertCompModification (Modification lid1) (Modification lid2) =
let cid1 = targetComorphism lid1
cid2 = sourceComorphism lid2
if language_name cid1 == language_name cid2
then return $ Modification (VerCompModif lid1 lid2)
else fail $ "Comorphism mismatch in composition of" ++ language_name lid1
++ "and" ++ language_name lid2
-- | horizontal composition of modifications
horCompModification :: Monad m => AnyModification -> AnyModification
-> m AnyModification
horCompModification (Modification lid1) (Modification lid2) =
let cid1 = sourceComorphism lid1
cid2 = sourceComorphism lid2
in if language_name (targetLogic cid1) == language_name (sourceLogic cid2)
then return $ Modification (HorCompModif lid1 lid2)
else fail $ "Logic mismatch in composition of" ++ language_name lid1
++ "and" ++ language_name lid2
-- | Logic graph
data LogicGraph = LogicGraph
{ logics :: Map.Map String AnyLogic
, currentLogic :: String
, comorphisms :: Map.Map String AnyComorphism
, inclusions :: Map.Map (String, String) AnyComorphism
, unions :: Map.Map (String, String) (AnyComorphism, AnyComorphism)
, morphisms :: Map.Map String AnyMorphism
, modifications :: Map.Map String AnyModification
, squares :: Map.Map (AnyComorphism, AnyComorphism) [Square]
emptyLogicGraph :: LogicGraph
emptyLogicGraph = LogicGraph
{ logics = Map.empty
, currentLogic = "CASL"
, comorphisms = Map.empty
, inclusions = Map.empty
, unions = Map.empty
, morphisms = Map.empty
, modifications = Map.empty
, squares = Map.empty }
-- | Heterogenous Sublogic Graph
-- this graph only contains interesting Sublogics plus comorphisms relating
-- these sublogics; a comorphism might be mentioned multiple times
data HetSublogicGraph = HetSublogicGraph
{ sublogicNodes :: Map.Map String G_sublogics
, comorphismEdges :: Map.Map (String,String) [AnyComorphism]}
emptyHetSublogicGraph :: HetSublogicGraph
emptyHetSublogicGraph = HetSublogicGraph Map.empty Map.empty
-- | find a logic in a logic graph
lookupLogic :: Monad m => String -> String -> LogicGraph -> m AnyLogic
lookupLogic error_prefix logname logicGraph =
case Map.lookup logname $ logics logicGraph of
Nothing -> fail $ error_prefix ++" in LogicGraph logic \""
++ logname ++ "\" unknown"
Just lid -> return lid
lookupCurrentLogic :: Monad m => String -> LogicGraph -> m AnyLogic
lookupCurrentLogic msg lg = lookupLogic msg (currentLogic lg) lg
-- | union to two logics
logicUnion :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> AnyLogic
-> Result (AnyComorphism, AnyComorphism)
logicUnion lg l1@(Logic lid1) l2@(Logic lid2) =
case logicInclusion lg l1 l2 of
Result _ (Just c) -> return (c,idComorphism l2)
_ -> case logicInclusion lg l2 l1 of
Result _ (Just c) -> return (idComorphism l1,c)
_ -> case Map.lookup (ln1,ln2) (unions lg) of
Just u -> return u
Nothing -> case Map.lookup (ln2,ln1) (unions lg) of
Just (c2,c1) -> return (c1,c2)
Nothing -> fail $ "Union of logics " ++ ln1 ++
" and " ++ ln2 ++ " does not exist"
where ln1 = language_name lid1
ln2 = language_name lid2
-- | find a comorphism composition in a logic graph
lookupCompComorphism :: Monad m => [String] -> LogicGraph -> m AnyComorphism
lookupCompComorphism nameList logicGraph = do
cs <- sequence $ map lookupN nameList
case cs of
c:cs1 -> foldM compComorphism c cs1
_ -> fail "Illegal empty comorphism composition"
hasSublogic name (Logic lid) = elem name (sublogic_names $ top_sublogic lid)
lookupN name =
case name of
'i':'d':'_':logic -> do
let (mainLogic, subLogicD) = span (/= '.') logic
--subLogicD will begin with a . which has to be removed
l <- maybe (fail ("Cannot find Logic "++mainLogic)) return
$ Map.lookup mainLogic (logics logicGraph)
case hasSublogic (tail subLogicD) l of
True -> return $ idComorphism l
False -> fail ("Error in sublogic name"++logic)
_ -> maybe (fail ("Cannot find logic comorphism "++name)) return
$ Map.lookup name (comorphisms logicGraph)
-- | find a comorphism in a logic graph
lookupComorphism :: Monad m => String -> LogicGraph -> m AnyComorphism
lookupComorphism coname = lookupCompComorphism $ splitOn ';' coname
-- | find a modification in a logic graph
lookupModification :: (Monad m) => String -> LogicGraph -> m AnyModification
lookupModification input lG
= case parse (parseModif lG << eof) "" input of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right x -> x
parseModif :: (Monad m) => LogicGraph -> Parser (m AnyModification)
parseModif lG = do
(xs, _) <- separatedBy (vertcomp lG) crossT
let r = do y <- sequence xs
case y of
m:ms -> return $ foldM horCompModification m ms
_ -> Nothing
case r of
Nothing -> fail "Illegal empty horizontal composition"
Just m -> return m
vertcomp :: (Monad m) => LogicGraph -> Parser (m AnyModification)
vertcomp lG = do
(xs, _) <- separatedBy (pm lG) semiT
let r = do
y <- sequence xs
case y of
m:ms -> return $ foldM vertCompModification m ms
_ -> Nothing
--r has type Maybe (m AnyModification)
case r of
Nothing -> fail "Illegal empty vertical composition"
Just m -> return m
pm :: (Monad m) => LogicGraph -> Parser (m AnyModification)
pm lG = parseName lG <|> bracks lG
bracks :: (Monad m) => LogicGraph -> Parser (m AnyModification)
bracks lG = do
modif <- parseModif lG
return modif
parseIdentity :: (Monad m) => LogicGraph -> Parser (m AnyModification)
parseIdentity lG = do
try (string "id_")
tok <- simpleId
let name = tokStr tok
case Map.lookup name (comorphisms lG) of
Nothing -> fail $ "Cannot find comorphism" ++ name
Just x -> return $ return $ idModification x
parseName :: (Monad m) => LogicGraph -> Parser (m AnyModification)
parseName lG = parseIdentity lG <|> do
tok <- simpleId
let name = tokStr tok
case Map.lookup name (modifications lG) of
Nothing -> fail $ "Cannot find modification" ++ name
Just x -> return $ return x
-- * The Grothendieck signature category
-- | Grothendieck signature morphisms with indices
data GMorphism = forall cid lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1
symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2
symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 => GMorphism
{ gMorphismComor :: cid
, gMorphismSign :: ExtSign sign1 symbol1
, gMorphismSignIdx :: Int -- ^ 'G_sign' index of source signature
, gMorphismMor :: morphism2
, gMorphismMorIdx :: Int -- ^ `G_morphism index of target morphism
} deriving Typeable
instance Eq GMorphism where
GMorphism cid1 sigma1 in1 mor1 in1' == GMorphism cid2 sigma2 in2 mor2 in2'
= Comorphism cid1 == Comorphism cid2
&& G_sign (sourceLogic cid1) sigma1 in1 ==
G_sign (sourceLogic cid2) sigma2 in2
&& (in1' > 0 && in2' > 0 && in1' == in2'
|| coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid1) (targetLogic cid2)
"Eq GMorphism.coerceMorphism" mor1 == Just mor2)
isHomogeneous :: GMorphism -> Bool
isHomogeneous (GMorphism cid _ _ _ _) =
isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid)
data Grothendieck = Grothendieck deriving (Typeable, Show)
instance Language Grothendieck
instance Show GMorphism where
show (GMorphism cid s _ m _) =
show (normalize (Comorphism cid)) ++ "(" ++ show s ++ ")" ++ show m
instance Pretty GMorphism where
pretty (GMorphism cid (ExtSign s _) _ m _) =
text (show (normalize (Comorphism cid)))
parens (space <> pretty s <> space)
pretty m
normalize :: AnyComorphism -> AnyComorphism
normalize = id
{- todo: somthing like the following...
normalize (Comorphism cid) =
case cid of
CompComorphism r1 r2 ->
case (normalize (Comorphism r1), normalize (Comorphism r2)) of
(Comorphism n1, Comorphism n2) ->
if isIdComorphism (Comorphism n1) then Comorphism n2
else if isIdComorphism (Comorphism n2) then Comorphism n1
else Comorphism (CompComorphism n1 n2)
_ -> Comorphism cid
instance Category Grothendieck G_sign GMorphism where
ide _ (G_sign lid sigma@(ExtSign s _) ind) =
GMorphism (mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid))
sigma ind (ide lid s) 0
comp _
(GMorphism r1 sigma1 ind1 mor1 _)
(GMorphism r2 _sigma2 _ mor2 _) =
do let lid1 = sourceLogic r1
lid2 = targetLogic r1
lid3 = sourceLogic r2
lid4 = targetLogic r2
mor1' <- coerceMorphism lid2 lid3 "Grothendieck.comp" mor1
mor1'' <- map_morphism r2 mor1'
mor <- comp lid4 mor1'' mor2
if isIdComorphism (Comorphism r1) &&
case coerceSublogic lid2 lid3 "Grothendieck.comp"
(targetSublogic r1) of
Just sl1 -> maybe (error ("Logic.Grothendieck: Category "++
"instance.comp: no mapping for " ++
show sl1))
(isSubElem (targetSublogic r2))
(mapSublogic r2 sl1)
_ -> False
then do
sigma1' <- coerceSign lid1 lid3 "Grothendieck.comp" sigma1
return (GMorphism r2 sigma1' ind1 mor 0)
else if isIdComorphism (Comorphism r2)
then do mor2' <- coerceMorphism lid4 lid2 "Grothendieck.comp" mor2
mor' <- comp lid2 mor1 mor2'
return (GMorphism r1 sigma1 ind1 mor' 0)
else return (GMorphism (CompComorphism r1 r2) sigma1 ind1 mor 0)
dom _ (GMorphism r sigma ind _mor _) =
G_sign (sourceLogic r) sigma ind
cod _ (GMorphism r _sigma _ mor _) =
G_sign lid2 (mkExtSign $ cod lid2 mor) 0
where lid2 = targetLogic r
legal_obj _ (G_sign lid (ExtSign sigma _) _) = legal_obj lid sigma
legal_mor _ (GMorphism r (ExtSign s _) _ mor _) =
legal_mor lid2 mor &&
case maybeResult $ map_sign r s of
Just (sigma',_) -> sigma' == cod lid2 mor
Nothing -> False
where lid2 = targetLogic r
-- | Embedding of homogeneous signature morphisms as Grothendieck sig mors
gEmbed2 :: G_sign -> G_morphism -> GMorphism
gEmbed2 (G_sign lid2 sig si) (G_morphism lid _ mor ind _) =
let cid = mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid)
Just sig1 = coerceSign lid2 (sourceLogic cid) "gEmbed2" sig
in GMorphism cid sig1 si mor ind
-- | Embedding of homogeneous signature morphisms as Grothendieck sig mors
gEmbed :: G_morphism -> GMorphism
gEmbed (G_morphism lid s1 mor ind _) =
GMorphism (mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid))
(mkExtSign $ dom lid mor) s1 mor ind
-- | Embedding of comorphisms as Grothendieck sig mors
gEmbedComorphism :: AnyComorphism -> G_sign -> Result GMorphism
gEmbedComorphism (Comorphism cid) (G_sign lid sig ind) = do
sig'@(ExtSign s _) <- coerceSign lid (sourceLogic cid) "gEmbedComorphism" sig
(sigTar,_) <- map_sign cid s
let lidTar = targetLogic cid
return (GMorphism cid sig' ind (ide lidTar sigTar) 0)
-- | heterogeneous union of two Grothendieck signatures
gsigUnion :: LogicGraph -> G_sign -> G_sign -> Result G_sign
gsigUnion lg gsig1@(G_sign lid1 (ExtSign sigma1 _) _)
gsig2@(G_sign lid2 (ExtSign sigma2 _) _) =
if language_name lid1 == language_name lid2
then homogeneousGsigUnion gsig1 gsig2
else do
(Comorphism cid1, Comorphism cid2) <-
logicUnion lg (Logic lid1) (Logic lid2)
let lidS1 = sourceLogic cid1
lidS2 = sourceLogic cid2
lidT1 = targetLogic cid1
lidT2 = targetLogic cid2
sigma1' <- coercePlainSign lid1 lidS1 "Union of signaturesa" sigma1
sigma2' <- coercePlainSign lid2 lidS2 "Union of signaturesb" sigma2
(sigma1'',_) <- map_sign cid1 sigma1' -- where to put axioms???
(sigma2'',_) <- map_sign cid2 sigma2' -- where to put axioms???
sigma2''' <- coercePlainSign lidT2 lidT1 "Union of signaturesc" sigma2''
sigma3 <- signature_union lidT1 sigma1'' sigma2'''
return (G_sign lidT1 (mkExtSign sigma3) 0)
-- | homogeneous Union of two Grothendieck signatures
homogeneousGsigUnion :: G_sign -> G_sign -> Result G_sign
homogeneousGsigUnion (G_sign lid1 sigma1 _) (G_sign lid2 sigma2 _) = do
sigma2' <- coerceSign lid2 lid1 "Union of signaturesd" sigma2
sigma3 <- ext_signature_union lid1 sigma1 sigma2'
return (G_sign lid1 sigma3 0)
-- | union of a list of Grothendieck signatures
gsigManyUnion :: LogicGraph -> [G_sign] -> Result G_sign
gsigManyUnion _ [] =
fail "union of emtpy list of signatures"
gsigManyUnion lg (gsigma : gsigmas) =
foldM (gsigUnion lg) gsigma gsigmas
-- | homogeneous Union of a list of morphisms
homogeneousMorManyUnion :: [G_morphism] -> Result G_morphism
homogeneousMorManyUnion [] =
fail "homogeneous union of emtpy list of morphisms"
homogeneousMorManyUnion (gmor : gmors) =
foldM ( \ (G_morphism lid2 _ mor2 _ _) (G_morphism lid1 _ mor1 _ _) -> do
mor1' <- coerceMorphism lid1 lid2 "homogeneousMorManyUnion" mor1
mor <- morphism_union lid2 mor1' mor2
return (G_morphism lid2 0 mor 0 0)) gmor gmors
-- | inclusion between two logics
logicInclusion :: LogicGraph -> AnyLogic -> AnyLogic -> Result AnyComorphism
logicInclusion logicGraph l1@(Logic lid1) (Logic lid2) =
let ln1 = language_name lid1
ln2 = language_name lid2 in
if ln1==ln2 then
return (idComorphism l1)
else case Map.lookup (ln1,ln2) (inclusions logicGraph) of
Just (Comorphism i) ->
return (Comorphism i)
Nothing ->
fail ("No inclusion from "++ln1++" to "++ln2++" found")
updateMorIndex :: Int -> GMorphism -> GMorphism
updateMorIndex i (GMorphism cid sign si mor _) = GMorphism cid sign si mor i
toG_morphism :: GMorphism -> G_morphism
toG_morphism (GMorphism cid _ _ mor i) = G_morphism (targetLogic cid) 0 mor i 0
-- | inclusion morphism between two Grothendieck signatures
ginclusion :: LogicGraph -> G_sign -> G_sign -> Result GMorphism
ginclusion logicGraph (G_sign lid1 sigma1 ind) (G_sign lid2 sigma2 _) = do
Comorphism i <- logicInclusion logicGraph (Logic lid1) (Logic lid2)
ext1@(ExtSign sigma1' _) <-
coerceSign lid1 (sourceLogic i) "Inclusion of signatures" sigma1
(sigma1'',_) <- map_sign i sigma1'
ExtSign sigma2' _ <-
coerceSign lid2 (targetLogic i) "Inclusion of signatures" sigma2
unless (is_subsig (targetLogic i) sigma1'' sigma2') $
fail $ showDoc sigma1'' "\nis not a sub-signature of\n" ++
showDoc sigma2' ""
mor <- inclusion (targetLogic i) sigma1'' sigma2'
return (GMorphism i ext1 ind mor 0)
-- | Composition of two Grothendieck signature morphisms
-- | with itermediate inclusion
compInclusion :: LogicGraph -> GMorphism -> GMorphism -> Result GMorphism
compInclusion lg mor1 mor2 = do
let sigma1 = cod Grothendieck mor1
sigma2 = dom Grothendieck mor2
unless (isSubGsign lg sigma1 sigma2)
(fail "Logic.Grothendieck.compInclusion: not a subsignature")
incl <- ginclusion lg sigma1 sigma2
mor <- comp Grothendieck mor1 incl
comp Grothendieck mor mor2
-- | Composition of two Grothendieck signature morphisms
-- | with intermediate homogeneous inclusion
compHomInclusion :: GMorphism -> GMorphism -> Result GMorphism
compHomInclusion mor1 mor2 = compInclusion emptyLogicGraph mor1 mor2
-- | Find all (composites of) comorphisms starting from a given logic
findComorphismPaths :: LogicGraph -> G_sublogics -> [AnyComorphism]
findComorphismPaths lg (G_sublogics lid sub) =
nub $ map fst $ iterateComp (0::Int) [(idc,[idc])]
idc = Comorphism (mkIdComorphism lid sub)
coMors = Map.elems $ comorphisms lg
-- compute possible compositions, but only up to depth 3
iterateComp n l = -- (l::[(AnyComorphism,[AnyComorphism])]) =
if n>3 || l==newL then newL else iterateComp (n+1) newL
newL = nub (l ++ (concat (map extend l)))
-- extend comorphism list in all directions, but no cylces
extend (coMor, cmps) =
let addCoMor c =
case compComorphism coMor c of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c1 -> Just (c1, c : cmps)
in catMaybes $ map addCoMor $ filter (not . (`elem` cmps)) $ coMors
-- | finds first comorphism with a matching sublogic
findComorphism ::Monad m => G_sublogics -> [AnyComorphism] -> m AnyComorphism
findComorphism _ [] = fail "No matching comorphism found"
findComorphism gsl@(G_sublogics lid sub) ((Comorphism cid):rest) =
let l2 = sourceLogic cid
rec = findComorphism gsl rest in
if language_name lid == language_name l2
then if isSubElem (forceCoerceSublogic lid l2 sub) $ sourceSublogic cid
then return $ Comorphism cid
else rec
else rec
-- | check transportability of Grothendieck signature morphisms
-- | (currently returns false for heterogeneous morphisms)
isTransportable :: GMorphism -> Bool
isTransportable (GMorphism cid _ ind1 mor ind2) = ind1 >0 && ind2 >0
&& isModelTransportable(Comorphism cid)
&& is_transportable (targetLogic cid) mor
-- * Provers
-- | provers and consistency checkers for specific logics
data G_prover = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_prover lid (Prover sign sentence sublogics proof_tree)
deriving Typeable
getProverName :: G_prover -> String
getProverName (G_prover _ p) = prover_name p
coerceProver ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2,
Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String
-> Prover sign1 sentence1 sublogics1 proof_tree1
-> m (Prover sign2 sentence2 sublogics2 proof_tree2)
coerceProver l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1
data G_cons_checker = forall lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree .
Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
G_cons_checker lid
(ConsChecker sign sentence sublogics morphism proof_tree)
deriving Typeable
coerceConsChecker ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Logic lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2,
Monad m) => lid1 -> lid2 -> String
-> ConsChecker sign1 sentence1 sublogics1 morphism1 proof_tree1
-> m (ConsChecker sign2 sentence2 sublogics2 morphism2 proof_tree2)
coerceConsChecker l1 l2 msg m1 = primCoerce l1 l2 msg m1
coerceG_sign ::
(Logic lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
Monad m) => lid1 -> String -> G_sign -> m sign1
coerceG_sign l1 msg (G_sign l2 sign2 _) = primCoerce l2 l1 msg sign2
-- * Lax triangles and weakly amalgamable squares of lax triangles
-- a lax triangle looks like:
-- laxTarget
-- i -------------------------------------> k
-- ^ laxModif
-- | |
-- i ------------- > j -------------------> k
-- laxFst laxSnd
-- and I_k is quasi-semi-exact
data LaxTriangle = LaxTriangle {
laxModif :: AnyModification,
laxFst, laxSnd, laxTarget :: AnyComorphism
} deriving Show
-- a weakly amalgamable square of lax triangles
-- consists of two lax triangles with the same laxTarget
data Square = Square {
leftTriangle, rightTriangle :: LaxTriangle
} deriving Show
-- for deriving Eq, first equality for modifications is needed
mkIdSquare :: AnyLogic -> Square
mkIdSquare (Logic lid) = let
idCom = Comorphism (mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid))
idMod = idModification idCom
idTriangle = LaxTriangle{
laxModif = idMod,
laxFst = idCom,
laxSnd = idCom,
laxTarget = idCom}
in Square{leftTriangle = idTriangle, rightTriangle = idTriangle}
mirrorSquare :: Square -> Square
mirrorSquare s = Square{
leftTriangle = rightTriangle s,
rightTriangle = leftTriangle s}