Comorphism.hs revision 19298cbfd6ee2abd904f3181af7760b965b822c3
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach{-|
8267b99c0d7a187abe6f87ad50530dc08f5d1cdcAndy Gimblett
e071fb22ea9923a2a4ff41184d80ca46b55ee932Till MossakowskiModule : $Header$
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47Christian MaederLicence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1edTill MossakowskiMaintainer :
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachStability : provisional
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus RoggenbachPortability : non-portable (via Logic)
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bbChristian Maeder Provides data structures for institution comorphisms.
8267b99c0d7a187abe6f87ad50530dc08f5d1cdcAndy Gimblett These are just collections of
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach functions between (some of) the types of logics.
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder-}
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach{- References: see Logic.hs
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
c4b2418421546a337f83332fe0db04742dcd735dAndy Gimblett Todo:
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblett Weak amalgamability, also for comorphisms
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach comorphism modifications
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach comorphisms out of sublogic relationships
ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315Christian Maeder restrictions of comorphisms to sublogics
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder morphisms and other translations via spans
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder-}
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblettmodule Logic.Comorphism where
61051521e4d82769a47f23aecb5fb477de47d534Andy Gimblett
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblettimport Logic.Logic
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblettimport Common.Lib.Set
b3dca469a9e267d6d71acfdeca7bf284d0581dc7Till Mossakowskiimport Common.Result
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbachimport Data.Maybe
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblettimport Data.Dynamic
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblettimport Common.DynamicUtils
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblettimport Common.AS_Annotation
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblett
929190acb9f2b2f5857dce841c5a389710895515Andy Gimblettclass (Language cid,
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach Logic lid1 sublogics1
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
61051521e4d82769a47f23aecb5fb477de47d534Andy Gimblett sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblett Logic lid2 sublogics2
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblett basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) =>
e99df192a380bfa91e3261c911751bb034c09a17Till Mossakowski Comorphism cid
da955132262baab309a50fdffe228c9efe68251dCui Jian lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblett sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblett lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
e99df192a380bfa91e3261c911751bb034c09a17Till Mossakowski sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
e99df192a380bfa91e3261c911751bb034c09a17Till Mossakowski | cid -> lid1, cid -> lid2
eca4db63ed0bdbd93b62678feea6e3eb80aa47bbChristian Maeder
da955132262baab309a50fdffe228c9efe68251dCui Jian where
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblett -- source and target logic and sublogic
1c7c4d95775a8ad5f7373e5cf0bad86f8301c56cAndy Gimblett -- the source sublogic is the maximal one for which the comorphism works
eca4db63ed0bdbd93b62678feea6e3eb80aa47bbChristian Maeder -- the target sublogic is the resulting one
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski sourceLogic :: cid -> lid1
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski sourceSublogic :: cid -> sublogics1
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski targetLogic :: cid -> lid2
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski targetSublogic :: cid -> sublogics2
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder -- finer information of target sublogics corresponding to source sublogics
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder mapSublogic :: cid -> sublogics1 -> sublogics2
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder -- default implementation
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder mapSublogic cid _ = targetSublogic cid
b3dca469a9e267d6d71acfdeca7bf284d0581dc7Till Mossakowski -- the translation functions are partial
a79fe3aad8743ea57e473ea5f66a723244cb9c0eMarkus Roggenbach -- because the target may be a sublanguage
b3dca469a9e267d6d71acfdeca7bf284d0581dc7Till Mossakowski -- map_basic_spec :: cid -> basic_spec1 -> Result basic_spec2
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder -- cover theoroidal comorphisms as well
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder map_theory :: cid -> (sign1,[Named sentence1])
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder -> Result (sign2,[Named sentence2])
03136b84a0c70d877e227444f0875e209506b9e4Christian Maeder map_morphism :: cid -> morphism1 -> Result morphism2
1df33829303cbf924aa018ac5ce9a28e69c17d22Till Mossakowski map_sentence :: cid -> sign1 -> sentence1 -> Result sentence2
b3dca469a9e267d6d71acfdeca7bf284d0581dc7Till Mossakowski -- also covers semi-comorphisms
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder -- with no sentence translation
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder -- - but these are spans!
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder map_symbol :: cid -> symbol1 -> Set symbol2
fbb2d28086a1860850f661fbf4af531322bac405Christian Maeder constituents :: cid -> [String]
-- default implementation
constituents cid = [language_name cid]
map_sign :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> sign1 -> Result (sign2,[Named sentence2])
map_sign cid sign = map_theory cid (sign,[])
simpleTheoryMapping :: (sign1 -> sign2) -> (sentence1 -> sentence2)
-> (sign1, [Named sentence1])
-> (sign2, [Named sentence2])
simpleTheoryMapping mapSig mapSen (sign,sens) =
(mapSig sign, map (mapNamed mapSen) sens)
mkTheoryMapping :: (Monad m) => (sign1 -> m (sign2, [Named sentence2]))
-> (sign1 -> sentence1 -> m sentence2)
-> (sign1, [Named sentence1])
-> m (sign2, [Named sentence2])
mkTheoryMapping mapSig mapSen (sign,sens) = do
(sign',sens') <- mapSig sign
sens'' <- mapM (mapNamedM $ mapSen sign) sens
return (sign',sens'++sens'')
data IdComorphism lid sublogics =
IdComorphism lid sublogics
instance Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
Show (IdComorphism lid sublogics)
show = language_name
idComorphismTc :: TyCon
idComorphismTc = mkTyCon "Logic.Comorphism.IdComorphism"
instance Typeable (IdComorphism lid sub) where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp idComorphismTc []
instance Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
Language (IdComorphism lid sublogics) where
language_name (IdComorphism lid sub) =
case sublogic_names lid sub of
[] -> error "language_name IdComorphism"
h : _ -> "id_" ++ language_name lid ++ "." ++ h
instance Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
Comorphism (IdComorphism lid sublogics)
lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
sourceLogic (IdComorphism lid _sub) = lid
targetLogic (IdComorphism lid _sub) = lid
sourceSublogic (IdComorphism _lid sub) = sub
targetSublogic (IdComorphism _lid sub) = sub
mapSublogic _ = id
map_theory _ = return
map_morphism _ = return
map_sentence _ = \_ -> return
map_symbol _ = single
constituents _ = []
data CompComorphism cid1 cid2 = CompComorphism cid1 cid2 deriving Show
tyconCompComorphism :: TyCon
tyconCompComorphism = mkTyCon "Logic.Comorphism.CompComorphism"
instance Typeable (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) where
typeOf _ = mkTyConApp tyconCompComorphism []
instance (Comorphism cid1
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2,
Comorphism cid2
lid4 sublogics4 basic_spec4 sentence4 symb_items4 symb_map_items4
sign4 morphism4 symbol4 raw_symbol4 proof_tree4
lid3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3)
=> Language (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) where
language_name (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
language_name cid1++";"
++language_name cid2
instance (Comorphism cid1
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2,
Comorphism cid2
lid4 sublogics4 basic_spec4 sentence4 symb_items4 symb_map_items4
sign4 morphism4 symbol4 raw_symbol4 proof_tree4
lid3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3)
=> Comorphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2)
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3 where
sourceLogic (CompComorphism cid1 _) =
sourceLogic cid1
targetLogic (CompComorphism _ cid2) =
targetLogic cid2
sourceSublogic (CompComorphism cid1 _) =
sourceSublogic cid1
targetSublogic (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
mapSublogic cid2
(idcoerce (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
(targetSublogic cid1))
mapSublogic (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
mapSublogic cid2
. idcoerce (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
. mapSublogic cid1
map_sentence (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
\si1 se1 ->
do (si2,_) <- map_sign cid1 si1
se2 <- map_sentence cid1 si1 se1
(si2', se2') <- mcoerce (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping sentence along comorphism" (si2, se2)
map_sentence cid2 si2' se2'
map_theory (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
\ti1 ->
do ti2 <- map_theory cid1 ti1
ti2' <- mcoerce (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping theory along comorphism" ti2
map_theory cid2 ti2'
map_morphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) = \ m1 ->
do m2 <- map_morphism cid1 m1
m3 <- mcoerce (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping signature morphism along comorphism"m2
map_morphism cid2 m3
map_symbol (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) = \ s1 ->
let mycast = fromJust . mcoerce (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping symbol along comorphism"
in unions
(map (map_symbol cid2 . mycast)
(toList (map_symbol cid1 s1)))
constituents (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
constituents cid1 ++ constituents cid2