Comorphism.hs revision 0cd4575fe679a26de63d9a75a4d66d8366f79ab8
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian Maeder{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian Maeder{- |
81d182b21020b815887e9057959228546cf61b6bChristian MaederModule : $Header$
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian MaederDescription : interface and class for logic translations
97018cf5fa25b494adffd7e9b4e87320dae6bf47Christian MaederCopyright : (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian MaederLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecdChristian MaederMaintainer :
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian MaederStability : provisional
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian MaederPortability : non-portable (via Logic)
f3a94a197960e548ecd6520bb768cb0d547457bbChristian Maeder
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian MaederCentral interface (type class) for logic translations (comorphisms) in Hets
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder These are just collections of
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder functions between (some of) the types of logics.
e8ffec0fa3d3061061bdc16e44247b9cf96b050fChristian Maeder
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder References: see Logic.hs
e8ffec0fa3d3061061bdc16e44247b9cf96b050fChristian Maeder-}
e8ffec0fa3d3061061bdc16e44247b9cf96b050fChristian Maeder
e8ffec0fa3d3061061bdc16e44247b9cf96b050fChristian Maedermodule Logic.Comorphism
076b559b2ea7b2f1d303df992ae71cd6c6fe563cChristian Maeder ( CompComorphism (..)
35db0960aa2e2a13652381c756fae5fb2b27213bChristian Maeder , InclComorphism
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder , inclusion_logic
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder , inclusion_source_sublogic
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder , inclusion_target_sublogic
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , mkInclComorphism
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , mkIdComorphism
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , Comorphism (..)
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , targetSublogic
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder , map_sign
99f16a0f9ca757410960ff51a79b034503384fe2Christian Maeder , ext_map_sign
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , mapDefaultMorphism
99f16a0f9ca757410960ff51a79b034503384fe2Christian Maeder , wrapMapTheory
6e5180855658f12f9059d9041f447bf0935de344Christian Maeder , simpleTheoryMapping
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , mkTheoryMapping
8a1f427564a5ae2db32332512237ef645289c34dChristian Maeder , AnyComorphism (..)
76647324ed70f33b95a881b536d883daccf9568dChristian Maeder , idComorphism
76647324ed70f33b95a881b536d883daccf9568dChristian Maeder , isIdComorphism
76647324ed70f33b95a881b536d883daccf9568dChristian Maeder , isModelTransportable
4e013227ed41ccd2e3d09dd44bedd651e1901f38Christian Maeder , hasModelExpansion
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder , isWeaklyAmalgamable
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder , compComorphism
76fa667489c5e0868ac68de9f0253ac10f73d0b5Christian Maeder ) where
76647324ed70f33b95a881b536d883daccf9568dChristian Maeder
76fa667489c5e0868ac68de9f0253ac10f73d0b5Christian Maederimport Logic.Logic
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maederimport Logic.Coerce
76fa667489c5e0868ac68de9f0253ac10f73d0b5Christian Maederimport Logic.ExtSign
76647324ed70f33b95a881b536d883daccf9568dChristian Maederimport Common.ExtSign
fd5d3885a092ac0727fa2436cdfc3b248318ebd8Christian Maederimport Common.Result
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederimport Common.ProofUtils
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederimport Common.AS_Annotation
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederimport Common.Doc
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederimport Common.DocUtils
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederimport qualified Data.Set as Set
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederimport Data.Typeable
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maeder
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maederclass (Language cid,
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maeder Logic lid1 sublogics1
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
8a1f427564a5ae2db32332512237ef645289c34dChristian Maeder sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1,
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maeder Logic lid2 sublogics2
b475a916d62584a2af5f51749240db7a5f0c8b82Christian Maeder basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maeder sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2) =>
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder Comorphism cid
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
fd5d3885a092ac0727fa2436cdfc3b248318ebd8Christian Maeder sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
fd5d3885a092ac0727fa2436cdfc3b248318ebd8Christian Maeder lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
fd5d3885a092ac0727fa2436cdfc3b248318ebd8Christian Maeder sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder | cid -> lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder where
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder -- source and target logic and sublogic
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder -- the source sublogic is the maximal one for which the comorphism works
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder sourceLogic :: cid -> lid1
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder sourceSublogic :: cid -> sublogics1
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder targetLogic :: cid -> lid2
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder -- finer information of target sublogics corresponding to source sublogics
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder -- this function must be partial because mapTheory is partial
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder mapSublogic :: cid -> sublogics1 -> Maybe sublogics2
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder -- the translation functions are partial
4be371b81d055e03a5946e4ec333613f313d689bChristian Maeder -- because the target may be a sublanguage
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder -- map_basic_spec :: cid -> basic_spec1 -> Result basic_spec2
7de39d39bc1700cc8a9bb9df90b920aad9e18d4aChristian Maeder -- cover theoroidal comorphisms as well
ac9e33c3c35b2663e5cb76483228910f142d9576Christian Maeder map_theory :: cid -> (sign1,[Named sentence1])
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder -> Result (sign2,[Named sentence2])
529f678f015ae5276f87da63114cdce750b366aeChristian Maeder map_morphism :: cid -> morphism1 -> Result morphism2
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder map_sentence :: cid -> sign1 -> sentence1 -> Result sentence2
b7941d1840cb336e11e7a7c0916f7b763c0366f0Christian Maeder -- also covers semi-comorphisms
568a1ce407fd05a2007c5db3c5c57098bf13997fChristian Maeder -- with no sentence translation
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder -- - but these are spans!
fd5d3885a092ac0727fa2436cdfc3b248318ebd8Christian Maeder map_sentence = failMapSentence
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder map_symbol :: cid -> sign1 -> symbol1 -> Set.Set symbol2
76647324ed70f33b95a881b536d883daccf9568dChristian Maeder map_symbol = errMapSymbol
ac510075311023bf24175f7a76b89ec2bbda0626Christian Maeder extractModel :: cid -> sign1 -> proof_tree2
7c57322afb6342e5cc8b1fdc96050b707407fc61Christian Maeder -> Result (sign1, [Named sentence1])
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder extractModel cid _ _ = fail
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder $ "extractModel not implemented for comorphism "
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder ++ language_name cid
5b1f1d57c75562a7af79e8256f4afa07febe921bChristian Maeder --properties of comorphisms
is_model_transportable :: cid -> Bool
-- a comorphism (\phi, \alpha, \beta) is model-transportable
-- if for any signature \Sigma,
-- any \Sigma-model M and any \phi(\Sigma)-model N
-- for any isomorphism h : \beta_\Sigma(N) -> M
-- there exists an isomorphism h': N -> M' such that \beta_\Sigma(h') = h
is_model_transportable _ = False
has_model_expansion :: cid -> Bool
has_model_expansion _ = False
is_weakly_amalgamable :: cid -> Bool
is_weakly_amalgamable _ = False
constituents :: cid -> [String]
constituents cid = [language_name cid]
isInclusionComorphism :: cid -> Bool
isInclusionComorphism _ = False
targetSublogic :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> sublogics2
targetSublogic cid = maybe (top_sublogic $ targetLogic cid)
id $ mapSublogic cid $ sourceSublogic cid
-- | this function is base on 'map_theory' using no sentences as input
map_sign :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> sign1 -> Result (sign2,[Named sentence2])
map_sign cid sign = wrapMapTheory cid (sign,[])
ext_map_sign :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> ExtSign sign1 symbol1
-> Result (ExtSign sign2 symbol2, [Named sentence2])
ext_map_sign cid (ExtSign sign _) = do
(sign2, sens2) <- map_sign cid sign
return (makeExtSign (targetLogic cid) sign2, sens2)
mapDefaultMorphism :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> morphism1 -> Result morphism2
mapDefaultMorphism cid mor = do
(sig1, _) <- map_sign cid $ dom mor
(sig2, _) <- map_sign cid $ cod mor
inclusion (targetLogic cid) sig1 sig2
failMapSentence :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> sign1 -> sentence1 -> Result sentence2
failMapSentence cid _ _ =
fail $ "Unsupported sentence translation " ++ show cid
errMapSymbol :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> sign1 -> symbol1 -> Set.Set symbol2
errMapSymbol cid _ _ = error $ "no symbol mapping for " ++ show cid
-- | use this function instead of 'map_theory'
wrapMapTheory :: Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2
=> cid -> (sign1, [Named sentence1])
-> Result (sign2, [Named sentence2])
wrapMapTheory cid (sign, sens) = let res = map_theory cid (sign, sens) in
if isIdComorphism $ Comorphism cid then res else case sourceSublogic cid of
sub -> case minSublogic sign of
sigLog -> case foldl join sigLog
$ map (minSublogic . sentence) sens of
senLog ->
if isSubElem senLog sub
then res
else fail $ "for '" ++ language_name cid ++
"' expected sublogic '" ++
sublogicName sub ++
"'\n but found sublogic '" ++
sublogicName senLog ++
"' with signature sublogic '" ++
sublogicName sigLog ++ "'\n" ++
show (vcat $ pretty sign : map
(print_named $ sourceLogic cid) sens)
simpleTheoryMapping :: (sign1 -> sign2) -> (sentence1 -> sentence2)
-> (sign1, [Named sentence1])
-> (sign2, [Named sentence2])
simpleTheoryMapping mapSig mapSen (sign,sens) =
(mapSig sign, map (mapNamed mapSen) sens)
mkTheoryMapping :: (Monad m) => (sign1 -> m (sign2, [Named sentence2]))
-> (sign1 -> sentence1 -> m sentence2)
-> (sign1, [Named sentence1])
-> m (sign2, [Named sentence2])
mkTheoryMapping mapSig mapSen (sign,sens) = do
(sign',sens') <- mapSig sign
sens'' <- mapM (mapNamedM $ mapSen sign) sens
return (sign', nameAndDisambiguate $ sens' ++ sens'')
data InclComorphism lid sublogics = InclComorphism
{ inclusion_logic :: lid
, inclusion_source_sublogic :: sublogics
, inclusion_target_sublogic :: sublogics }
deriving Show
-- | construction of an identity comorphism
mkIdComorphism :: (Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree) =>
lid -> sublogics -> InclComorphism lid sublogics
mkIdComorphism lid sub = InclComorphism
{ inclusion_logic = lid
, inclusion_source_sublogic = sub
, inclusion_target_sublogic = sub }
-- | construction of an inclusion comorphism
mkInclComorphism :: (Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree,
Monad m) =>
lid -> sublogics -> sublogics
-> m (InclComorphism lid sublogics)
mkInclComorphism lid srcSub trgSub =
if isSubElem srcSub trgSub
then return $ InclComorphism
{ inclusion_logic = lid
, inclusion_source_sublogic = srcSub
, inclusion_target_sublogic = trgSub }
else fail ("mkInclComorphism: first sublogic must be a "++
"subElem of the second sublogic")
instance (Language lid, Eq sublogics, Show sublogics, SublogicName sublogics)
=> Language (InclComorphism lid sublogics) where
language_name (InclComorphism lid sub_src sub_trg) =
let sblName = sublogicName sub_src
lname = language_name lid
in if sub_src == sub_trg
then "id_" ++ lname ++
if null sblName
then "" else "." ++ sblName
else "incl_" ++ lname ++ ":" ++
sblName ++ "->" ++ sublogicName sub_trg
instance Logic lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree =>
Comorphism (InclComorphism lid sublogics)
lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
lid sublogics
basic_spec sentence symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree
sourceLogic = inclusion_logic
targetLogic = inclusion_logic
sourceSublogic = inclusion_source_sublogic
mapSublogic cid subl =
if isSubElem subl $ inclusion_source_sublogic cid
then Just subl
else Nothing
map_theory _ = return
map_morphism _ = return
map_sentence _ = \_ -> return
map_symbol _ _ = Set.singleton
constituents cid =
if inclusion_source_sublogic cid
== inclusion_target_sublogic cid
then []
else [language_name cid]
is_model_transportable _ = True
has_model_expansion _ = True
is_weakly_amalgamable _ = True
isInclusionComorphism _ = True
data CompComorphism cid1 cid2 = CompComorphism cid1 cid2 deriving Show
instance (Language cid1, Language cid2)
=> Language (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) where
language_name (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
language_name cid1 ++ ";" ++ language_name cid2
instance (Comorphism cid1
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2,
Comorphism cid2
lid4 sublogics4 basic_spec4 sentence4 symb_items4 symb_map_items4
sign4 morphism4 symbol4 raw_symbol4 proof_tree4
lid3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3)
=> Comorphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2)
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid3 sublogics3 basic_spec3 sentence3 symb_items3 symb_map_items3
sign3 morphism3 symbol3 raw_symbol3 proof_tree3 where
sourceLogic (CompComorphism cid1 _) =
sourceLogic cid1
targetLogic (CompComorphism _ cid2) =
targetLogic cid2
sourceSublogic (CompComorphism cid1 _) =
sourceSublogic cid1
mapSublogic (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) sl =
mapSublogic cid1 sl >>=
(\ y -> mapSublogic cid2 $
forceCoerceSublogic (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2) y)
map_sentence (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
\si1 se1 ->
do (si2,_) <- map_sign cid1 si1
se2 <- map_sentence cid1 si1 se1
(si2', se2') <- coerceBasicTheory
(targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping sentence along comorphism" (si2, [makeNamed "" se2])
case se2' of
[x] -> map_sentence cid2 si2' $ sentence x
_ -> error "CompComorphism.map_sentence"
map_theory (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
\ti1 ->
do ti2 <- map_theory cid1 ti1
ti2' <- coerceBasicTheory (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping theory along comorphism" ti2
wrapMapTheory cid2 ti2'
map_morphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) = \ m1 ->
do m2 <- map_morphism cid1 m1
m3 <- coerceMorphism (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping signature morphism along comorphism"m2
map_morphism cid2 m3
map_symbol (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) sig1 = let
th = map_sign cid1 sig1 in
case maybeResult th of
Nothing -> error "failed translating signature"
Just (sig2', _) -> let
th2 = coerceBasicTheory
(targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
"Mapping symbol along comorphism" (sig2', [])
in case maybeResult th2 of
Nothing -> error "failed coercing"
Just (sig2, _) ->
\ s1 ->
let mycast = coerceSymbol (targetLogic cid1) (sourceLogic cid2)
in Set.unions
(map (map_symbol cid2 sig2 . mycast)
(Set.toList (map_symbol cid1 sig1 s1)))
extractModel (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) sign pt3 =
let lid1 = sourceLogic cid1
lid3 = sourceLogic cid2
in if language_name lid1 == language_name lid3 then do
bTh1 <- map_sign cid1 sign
(sign1, _) <-
coerceBasicTheory (targetLogic cid1) lid3 "extractModel1" bTh1
bTh2 <- extractModel cid2 sign1 pt3
coerceBasicTheory lid3 lid1 "extractModel2" bTh2
else fail $ "extractModel not implemented for comorphism composition with "
++ language_name cid1
constituents (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
constituents cid1 ++ constituents cid2
is_model_transportable (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
is_model_transportable cid1 && is_model_transportable cid2
has_model_expansion (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
has_model_expansion cid1 && has_model_expansion cid2
is_weakly_amalgamable (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
is_weakly_amalgamable cid1 && is_weakly_amalgamable cid2
isInclusionComorphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2) =
isInclusionComorphism cid1 && isInclusionComorphism cid2
-- * Comorphisms and existential types for the logic graph
-- | Existential type for comorphisms
data AnyComorphism = forall cid lid1 sublogics1
basic_spec1 sentence1 symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2
basic_spec2 sentence2 symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 .
Comorphism cid
lid1 sublogics1 basic_spec1 sentence1
symb_items1 symb_map_items1
sign1 morphism1 symbol1 raw_symbol1 proof_tree1
lid2 sublogics2 basic_spec2 sentence2
symb_items2 symb_map_items2
sign2 morphism2 symbol2 raw_symbol2 proof_tree2 =>
Comorphism cid deriving Typeable -- used for GTheory
instance Eq AnyComorphism where
a == b = compare a b == EQ
instance Ord AnyComorphism where
compare (Comorphism cid1) (Comorphism cid2) = compare
(language_name cid1, constituents cid1)
(language_name cid2, constituents cid2)
-- maybe needs to be refined, using comorphism translations?
instance Show AnyComorphism where
show (Comorphism cid) = language_name cid
++ " : " ++ language_name (sourceLogic cid)
++ " -> " ++ language_name (targetLogic cid)
instance Pretty AnyComorphism where
pretty = text . show
-- | compute the identity comorphism for a logic
idComorphism :: AnyLogic -> AnyComorphism
idComorphism (Logic lid) = Comorphism (mkIdComorphism lid (top_sublogic lid))
-- | Test whether a comporphism is the identity
isIdComorphism :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isIdComorphism (Comorphism cid) = null $ constituents cid
-- * Properties of comorphisms
-- | Test whether a comorphism is model-transportable
isModelTransportable :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isModelTransportable (Comorphism cid) = is_model_transportable cid
-- | Test whether a comorphism has model expansion
hasModelExpansion :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
hasModelExpansion (Comorphism cid) = has_model_expansion cid
-- | Test whether a comorphism is weakly amalgamable
isWeaklyAmalgamable :: AnyComorphism -> Bool
isWeaklyAmalgamable (Comorphism cid) = is_weakly_amalgamable cid
-- | Compose comorphisms
compComorphism :: Monad m => AnyComorphism -> AnyComorphism -> m AnyComorphism
compComorphism (Comorphism cid1) (Comorphism cid2) =
let l1 = targetLogic cid1
l2 = sourceLogic cid2
msg = "ogic mismatch in composition of " ++ language_name cid1
++ " and " ++ language_name cid2
if language_name l1 == language_name l2 then
if isSubElem (forceCoerceSublogic l1 l2 $ targetSublogic cid1)
$ sourceSublogic cid2
then {- case (isIdComorphism cm1,isIdComorphism cm2) of
(True,_) -> return cm2
(_,True) -> return cm1
_ -> -} return $ Comorphism (CompComorphism cid1 cid2)
else fail $ "Subl" ++ msg
else fail $ "L" ++ msg