Twelf2DG.hs revision 6a32388422e4c41a174071a3c434c76255c9885a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Conversion of Twelf files to Development Graphs
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module LF.Twelf2DG where
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Network.URI
--import Static.GTheory
import Static.ComputeTheory
--import Static.AnalysisStructured
import Static.DevGraph
--import Logic.Grothendieck
import LF.Sign
--import LF.Morphism
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.LibName
import Common.Utils
import Control.Monad
import Text.XML.Light.Input
import Text.XML.Light.Types
import Text.XML.Light.Proc
import Driver.Options
-- path to the Twelf folder must be set in the environment variable TWELF_LIB
twelf :: String
twelf = "check-some"
options :: [String]
options = ["-omdoc", "."]
(Map.Map Symbol EXP))
omdocNS :: Maybe String
omdocNS = Just ""
openMathNS :: Maybe String
openMathNS = Just ""
omdocQN :: QName
omdocQN = QName "omdoc" omdocNS Nothing
theoryQN :: QName
theoryQN = QName "theory" omdocNS Nothing
viewQN :: QName
viewQN = QName "view" omdocNS Nothing
includeQN :: QName
includeQN = QName "include" omdocNS Nothing
structureQN :: QName
structureQN = QName "structure" omdocNS Nothing
constantQN :: QName
constantQN = QName "constant" omdocNS Nothing
aliasQN :: QName
aliasQN = QName "alias" omdocNS Nothing
notationQN :: QName
notationQN = QName "notation" omdocNS Nothing
typeQN :: QName
typeQN = QName "type" omdocNS Nothing
definitionQN :: QName
definitionQN = QName "definition" omdocNS Nothing
omobjQN :: QName
omobjQN = QName "OMOBJ" openMathNS Nothing
omsQN :: QName
omsQN = QName "OMS" openMathNS Nothing
omaQN :: QName
omaQN = QName "OMA" openMathNS Nothing
ombindQN :: QName
ombindQN = QName "OMBIND" openMathNS Nothing
ombvarQN :: QName
ombvarQN = QName "OMBVAR" openMathNS Nothing
omattrQN :: QName
omattrQN = QName "OMATTR" openMathNS Nothing
omatpQN :: QName
omatpQN = QName "OMATP" openMathNS Nothing
omvQN :: QName
omvQN = QName "OMV" openMathNS Nothing
typeOMS :: Element
typeOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "type"] [] Nothing
arrowOMS :: Element
arrowOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "arrow"] [] Nothing
lambdaOMS :: Element
lambdaOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "lambda"] [] Nothing
piOMS :: Element
piOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "Pi"] [] Nothing
impLambdaOMS :: Element
impLambdaOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "implicit_lambda"] [] Nothing
impPiOMS :: Element
impPiOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "implicit_Pi"] [] Nothing
oftypeOMS :: Element
oftypeOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN "",
Attr moduleQN "lf",
Attr nameQN "oftype"] [] Nothing
nameQN :: QName
nameQN = (QName "name" Nothing Nothing)
moduleQN :: QName
moduleQN = (QName "module" Nothing Nothing)
baseQN :: QName
baseQN = (QName "base" Nothing Nothing)
fromQN :: QName
fromQN = (QName "from" Nothing Nothing)
toQN :: QName
toQN = (QName "to" Nothing Nothing)
getNameAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getNameAttr e = findAttr nameQN e
getModuleAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getModuleAttr e = findAttr moduleQN e
getBaseAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getBaseAttr e = findAttr baseQN e
getFromAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getFromAttr e = findAttr fromQN e
getToAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getToAttr e = findAttr toQN e
-- compares two OMS elements
eqOMS :: Element -> Element -> Bool
eqOMS e1 e2 =
let b = getBaseAttr e1 == getBaseAttr e2
m = getModuleAttr e1 == getModuleAttr e2
n = getNameAttr e1 == getNameAttr e2
in and [b,m,n]
-- resolves the first file path wrt to the second
resolve :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
resolve fp1 fp2 =
case parseURIReference fp1 of
Nothing -> error "Invalid file name."
Just uri1 -> do
case parseURIReference fp2 of
Nothing -> error "Invalid file name."
Just uri2 -> do
case relativeTo uri1 uri2 of
Nothing -> error "Invalid file name."
Just f -> show f
-- generates a library from the path of a Twelf file
anaTwelfFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaTwelfFile _ file = do
dg <- twelf2DG file
let name = emptyLibName ""
return $ Just (name,
Map.singleton name $ computeDGraphTheories Map.empty dg)
-- generates a development graph from the path of a Twelf file
twelf2DG :: FilePath -> IO DGraph
twelf2DG file = do
twelf2SigsAndMorphs file
return emptyDG
-- generates signatures and morphisms from the path of a Twelf file
twelf2SigsAndMorphs :: FilePath -> IO SIGS_AND_MORPHS
twelf2SigsAndMorphs file = do
runTwelf file
getSigsAndMorphs file
return (Map.empty,Map.empty)
-- runs twelf to create an omdoc file
runTwelf :: FilePath -> IO ()
runTwelf file = do
dir <- getEnvDef "TWELF_LIB" ""
if null dir
then error "environment variable TWELF_LIB is not set"
else do
(_, _, _, pr) <- runInteractiveProcess (concat [dir, "/" ,twelf])
(options ++ [file])
exitCode <- waitForProcess pr --getProcessExitCode pr
case exitCode of
ExitFailure i ->
error $ "Calling Twelf failed with exitCode: " ++ show i ++
" on file " ++ file
ExitSuccess -> return ()
{-case exitCode of
Nothing -> return ()
Just ExitSuccess -> error "Twelf terminated immediately."
Just (ExitFailure i) ->
error $ "Calling Twelf failed with exitCode: " ++ show i-}
-- converts the specifications and views into signatures and morphisms
getSigsAndMorphs :: FilePath -> IO SIGS_AND_MORPHS
getSigsAndMorphs fp = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
let file = resolve fp (dir ++ "/")
let omdoc_file = replaceExtension file "omdoc"
xml <- readFile omdoc_file
let elems = onlyElems $ parseXML xml
let elems1 = filter (\ e -> elName e == omdocQN) elems
case elems1 of
[root] ->
foldM (\ sm e ->
let n = elName e
in if (n == theoryQN) then addSign file e sm else
if (n == viewQN) then addMorph file e sm else
return sm
(Map.empty, Map.empty)
$ elChildren root
_ -> fail "Not an OMDoc file."
-- transforms a theory element into a signature and adds it to the map
addSign :: FilePath -> Element -> SIGS_AND_MORPHS -> IO SIGS_AND_MORPHS
addSign file e sm =
case getNameAttr e of
Nothing -> error "Theory element must have a name."
Just name -> do
let sig = Sign file name []
(sm1,sig1) <-
foldM (\ sms el ->
let n = elName el
in if (n == includeQN) then addIncl el sms else
if (n == structureQN) then addStruct el sms else
if (n == constantQN) then addConst el sms else
if (n == aliasQN) then addAlias el sms else
if (n == notationQN) then addNotat el sms else
return sms
$ elChildren e
let (sigs,morphs) = sm1
let sigs1 = Map.insert (file,name) sig1 sigs
return (sigs1,morphs)
-- adds a constant declaration to the signature
addConst :: Element -> (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign) -> IO (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign)
addConst e (sm,sig) = do
let sym = case getNameAttr e of
Nothing -> error "Constant element must have a name."
Just n -> Symbol (sigBase sig) (sigName sig) n
let typ = case findChildren typeQN e of
[t] -> type2exp sig t
_ -> error "Constant element must have a unique type child."
let val = case findChildren definitionQN e of
[] -> Nothing
[v] -> Just $ definition2exp sig v
_ -> error $ concat ["Constant element must have at most ",
"one definition child."]
let sig1 = addDef (Def sym typ val) sig
return (sm,sig1)
-- converts a type element to an expression
type2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
type2exp sig e =
case findChildren omobjQN e of
[omobj] -> omobj2exp sig omobj
_ -> error "Type element must have a unique OMOBJ child."
-- converts a definition element to an expression
definition2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
definition2exp sig e =
case findChildren omobjQN e of
[omobj] -> omobj2exp sig omobj
_ -> error "Definition element must have a unique OMOBJ child."
-- converts an OMOBJ element to an expression
omobj2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
omobj2exp sig e =
case elChildren e of
[el] -> omel2exp sig el
_ -> error "OMOBJ element must have a unique child."
-- converts an Open Math element to an expression
omel2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
omel2exp sig e =
let name = elName e
in if (name == omsQN) then oms2exp sig e else
if (name == omaQN) then oma2exp sig e else
if (name == ombindQN) then ombind2exp sig e else
if (name == omvQN) then oms2exp sig e else
error $ concat ["Only OMA, OMS, and OMBIND elements correspond "
,"to an expression."]
-- converts an OMS element to an expression
oms2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
oms2exp sig e =
let curBase = sigBase sig
curModule = sigName sig
in if (eqOMS e typeOMS)
then Type
else case getNameAttr e of
Nothing -> error "OMS element must have a name."
Just n ->
case getModuleAttr e of
Nothing -> Const $ Symbol curBase curModule n
Just m ->
case getBaseAttr e of
Nothing -> Const $ Symbol curBase m n
Just b -> Const $ Symbol (resolve b curBase) m n
-- converts an OMA element to an expression
oma2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
oma2exp sig e =
case elChildren e of
[] -> error "OMA element must have at least one child."
(f:as) ->
let as1 = map (omel2exp sig) as
in if (elName f == omsQN && eqOMS f arrowOMS)
then case as1 of
[] -> error $
concat ["The -> constructor must be applied"
," to at least one argument."]
_ -> Func (init as1) (last as1)
else let f1 = omel2exp sig f
in Appl f1 as1
-- converts an OMBIND element to an expression
ombind2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
ombind2exp sig e =
case elChildren e of
[f,d,b] ->
if (elName d /= ombvarQN)
then error "The second child of OMBIND must be OMBVAR."
else let d1 = ombvar2decls sig d
b1 = omel2exp sig b
in if (elName f/= omsQN)
then error "The first child of OMBIND must be OMS."
else if (eqOMS f lambdaOMS) then Lamb d1 b1 else
if (eqOMS f piOMS) then Pi d1 b1 else
{- so far implicit binders are treated
as explicit -}
if (eqOMS f impLambdaOMS) then Lamb d1 b1 else
if (eqOMS f impPiOMS) then Pi d1 b1 else
error $ concat ["The first child of OMBIND "
,"must be be Pi or Lambda."]
_ -> error "OMBIND element must have exactly 3 children."
-- converts an OMBVAR element to a list of declaration
ombvar2decls :: Sign -> Element -> [DECL]
ombvar2decls sig e =
let attrs = findChildren omattrQN e
in map (omattr2decl sig) attrs
-- converts an OMATTR element to a declaration
omattr2decl :: Sign -> Element -> DECL
omattr2decl sig e =
case findChildren omatpQN e of
[omatp] ->
case findChildren omvQN e of
[omv] -> (omv2var omv, omatp2exp sig omatp)
_ -> error "OMATTR element must have a unique OMV child."
_ -> error "OMATTR element must have a unique OMATP child."
-- converts an OMV element to a variable
omv2var :: Element -> VAR
omv2var e =
case getNameAttr e of
Nothing -> error "OMV element must have a name."
Just v -> v
-- converts an OMATP element to an expression
omatp2exp :: Sign -> Element -> EXP
omatp2exp sig e =
case elChildren e of
[c1,c2] ->
if (and [elName c1 == omsQN, eqOMS c1 oftypeOMS])
then omel2exp sig c2
else error $ concat ["The first child of OMATP",
"must be the \"oftype\" symbol."]
_ -> error "OMATP element must have exactly two children."
{- adds declarations arising from an inclusion to the signature
adds the inclusion to the morphism map -}
addIncl :: Element -> (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign) -> IO (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign)
addIncl e ((sigs1,morphs1),sig1) = do
let curBase = sigBase sig1
let curModule = sigName sig1
case getFromAttr e of
Nothing -> error "Include element must have a \"from\" attribute."
Just ref ->
case elemIndices '?' ref of
[i] -> do let (br,m) = splitAt i ref
let b = replaceExtension (resolve br curBase) "elf"
let source = (b,m)
let target = (curBase,curModule)
(sigs2,morphs2) <- twelf2SigsAndMorphs b
let sigs = Map.union sigs1 sigs2
let morphs3 = Map.union morphs1 morphs2
let sig = case Map.lookup source sigs of
Nothing ->
error "Invalid inclusion source."
Just (Sign _ _ ds) -> addDefs ds sig1
let morphs = Map.insert ((curBase,""),source,target)
return ((sigs,morphs),sig)
_ -> error "Invalid inclusion source."
{- adds declarations arising from a structure to the signature
adds the structure to the morphism map -}
addStruct :: Element -> (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign) -> IO (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign)
addStruct _ sm = return sm
-- so far aliases are ignored
addAlias :: Element -> (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign) -> IO (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign)
addAlias _ sm = return sm
-- so far notations are ignored
addNotat :: Element -> (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign) -> IO (SIGS_AND_MORPHS,Sign)
addNotat _ sm = return sm
-- so far views are ignored
addMorph :: FilePath -> Element -> SIGS_AND_MORPHS -> IO SIGS_AND_MORPHS
addMorph _ _ sm = return sm