Twelf2DG.hs revision 27bdba808fa9637ef10b739233fde57c77245f5d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Conversion of Twelf files to Development Graphs
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module LF.Twelf2DG ( anaTwelfFile ) where
import System.Exit
import System.Process
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import System.IO (hGetContents)
import Network.URI
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Static.GTheory
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Logic
import LF.Sign
import LF.Morphism
import LF.Logic_LF
import Data.List
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (Node)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import qualified Common.Consistency as Cons
import Control.Monad
import Text.XML.Light.Input
import Text.XML.Light.Types
import Text.XML.Light.Proc
import Driver.Options
type SIGS = Map.Map NODE Sign
type MORPHS = Map.Map (LINK,NODE,NODE) Morphism
type NODE_MAP = Map.Map NODE (Sign,Node)
type LINK_MAP = Map.Map LINK Morphism
type LibEnvExt = (LibEnv,GR_MAP)
type LibEnvFull = (LibEnvExt,BASE,GRAPH)
emptyGraph :: GRAPH
emptyGraph = (Map.empty,Map.empty)
emptyGrMap :: GR_MAP
emptyGrMap = (Map.empty,Map.empty)
omdocNS :: Maybe String
omdocNS = Just ""
openMathNS :: Maybe String
openMathNS = Just ""
lfBase :: String
lfBase = ""
mmtBase :: String
mmtBase = ""
lfMod :: String
lfMod = "lf"
mmtMod :: String
mmtMod = "mmt"
omdocQN :: QName
omdocQN = QName "omdoc" omdocNS Nothing
theoryQN :: QName
theoryQN = QName "theory" omdocNS Nothing
viewQN :: QName
viewQN = QName "view" omdocNS Nothing
includeQN :: QName
includeQN = QName "include" omdocNS Nothing
structureQN :: QName
structureQN = QName "structure" omdocNS Nothing
constantQN :: QName
constantQN = QName "constant" omdocNS Nothing
aliasQN :: QName
aliasQN = QName "alias" omdocNS Nothing
notationQN :: QName
notationQN = QName "notation" omdocNS Nothing
typeQN :: QName
typeQN = QName "type" omdocNS Nothing
definitionQN :: QName
definitionQN = QName "definition" omdocNS Nothing
omobjQN :: QName
omobjQN = QName "OMOBJ" openMathNS Nothing
omsQN :: QName
omsQN = QName "OMS" openMathNS Nothing
omaQN :: QName
omaQN = QName "OMA" openMathNS Nothing
ombindQN :: QName
ombindQN = QName "OMBIND" openMathNS Nothing
ombvarQN :: QName
ombvarQN = QName "OMBVAR" openMathNS Nothing
omattrQN :: QName
omattrQN = QName "OMATTR" openMathNS Nothing
omatpQN :: QName
omatpQN = QName "OMATP" openMathNS Nothing
omvQN :: QName
omvQN = QName "OMV" openMathNS Nothing
ommorQN :: QName
ommorQN = QName "OMMOR" omdocNS Nothing
conassQN :: QName
conassQN = QName "conass" omdocNS Nothing
strassQN :: QName
strassQN = QName "strass" omdocNS Nothing
typeOMS :: Element
typeOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "type"] [] Nothing
arrowOMS :: Element
arrowOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "arrow"] [] Nothing
lambdaOMS :: Element
lambdaOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "lambda"] [] Nothing
piOMS :: Element
piOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "Pi"] [] Nothing
impLambdaOMS :: Element
impLambdaOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "implicit_lambda"] [] Nothing
impPiOMS :: Element
impPiOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "implicit_Pi"] [] Nothing
oftypeOMS :: Element
oftypeOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN lfBase,
Attr moduleQN lfMod,
Attr nameQN "oftype"] [] Nothing
compOMS :: Element
compOMS =
Element omsQN [Attr baseQN mmtBase,
Attr moduleQN mmtMod,
Attr nameQN "composition"] [] Nothing
nameQN :: QName
nameQN = (QName "name" Nothing Nothing)
moduleQN :: QName
moduleQN = (QName "module" Nothing Nothing)
baseQN :: QName
baseQN = (QName "base" Nothing Nothing)
fromQN :: QName
fromQN = (QName "from" Nothing Nothing)
toQN :: QName
toQN = (QName "to" Nothing Nothing)
omdocE :: String
omdocE = "omdoc"
twelfE :: String
twelfE = "elf"
-- path to the Twelf folder must be set in the environment variable TWELF_LIB
twelf :: String
twelf = "check-some"
options :: [String]
options = ["-omdoc"]
getNameAttr :: Element -> String
getNameAttr e =
case findAttr nameQN e of
Nothing -> error $ "Element is missing a name." ++ (show e)
Just n -> n
getModuleAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getModuleAttr e = findAttr moduleQN e
getBaseAttr :: Element -> Maybe String
getBaseAttr e = findAttr baseQN e
getFromAttr :: Element -> String
getFromAttr e =
case findAttr fromQN e of
Nothing -> error "Element is missing a \"from\" attribute."
Just a -> a
getToAttr :: Element -> String
getToAttr e =
case findAttr toQN e of
Nothing -> error "Element is missing a \"to\" attribute."
Just a -> a
makeLName :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
makeLName fp = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ dropExtension $ resolve fp (dir ++ "/")
-- retrieves the base, module, and name attributes
getBMN :: Element -> NODE -> (BASE,MODULE,NAME)
getBMN e (base,modul) =
let n = case findAttr nameQN e of
Nothing -> ""
Just n' -> n'
m = case getModuleAttr e of
Nothing -> modul
Just m' -> m'
b = case getBaseAttr e of
Nothing -> base
Just b' -> replaceExtension (resolve b' base) twelfE
in (b,m,n)
-- compares two OMS elements
eqOMS :: Element -> Element -> Bool
eqOMS e1 e2 =
if (elName e1 /= omsQN || elName e2 /= omsQN)
then False
else and [getNameAttr e1 == getNameAttr e2
,getModuleAttr e1 == getModuleAttr e2
,getBaseAttr e1 == getBaseAttr e2]
-- resolves the first file path wrt to the second
resolve :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
resolve fp1 fp2 =
case parseURIReference fp1 of
Nothing -> error "Invalid file name."
Just uri1 -> do
case parseURIReference fp2 of
Nothing -> error "Invalid file name."
Just uri2 -> do
case relativeTo uri1 uri2 of
Nothing -> error "Invalid file name."
Just f -> show f
-- returns the referenced base and module
parseRef :: String -> String -> NODE
parseRef ref base =
case elemIndices '?' ref of
[i] -> let (br,(_:m)) = splitAt i ref
b = replaceExtension (resolve br base) twelfE
in (b,m)
_ -> error "Invalid reference."
{- parses the referenced file if needed and imports all signatures
and morphisms from it -}
addFromFile :: FilePath -> LibEnvFull -> IO LibEnvFull
addFromFile fp libs@(le@(lenv,_),base,gr) = do
file <- makeLName fp
if (file == base || Map.member (emptyLibName file) lenv)
then return libs
else do le1 <- twelf2DG fp le
return (le1,base,gr)
-- looks up the node number for the given signature reference
lookupNode :: NODE -> LibEnvFull -> Node
lookupNode ref ((_,(sigmap,_)),_,_) =
case Map.lookup ref sigmap of
Just (_,n) -> n
Nothing -> error $ "Node number cannot be found." ++ (show ref)
-- finds the signature by base and module
lookupSig :: NODE -> LibEnvFull -> Sign
lookupSig ref ((_,(sigmap,_)),_,(sigs,_)) =
case Map.lookup ref sigmap of
Just (sig,_) -> sig
Nothing -> case Map.lookup ref sigs of
Just sig -> sig
Nothing -> error "Signature cannot be found."
-- finds the morphism by base, module, and name
lookupMorph :: LINK -> LibEnvFull -> Morphism
lookupMorph ref ((_,(_,mormap)),_,(_,morphs)) =
case Map.lookup ref mormap of
Just morph -> morph
Nothing ->
let morphs1 = Map.filterWithKey (\ (l,_,_) _ -> l == ref) morphs
in case Map.toList morphs1 of
[(_,morph)] -> morph
_ -> error "Morphism cannot be found."
-- adds the signature to the signature collection
addSigToGraph :: Sign -> LibEnvFull -> LibEnvFull
addSigToGraph sig (le,file,(sigs,morphs)) =
let b = sigBase sig
m = sigModule sig
sigs1 = Map.insert (b,m) sig sigs
in (le,file,(sigs1,morphs))
-- adds the morphism to the morphism collection
addMorphToGraph :: Morphism -> LibEnvFull -> LibEnvFull
addMorphToGraph m (le,file,(sigs,morphs)) =
let sig1 = source m
sig2 = target m
l = (morphBase m, morphModule m, morphName m)
s = (sigBase sig1, sigModule sig1)
t = (sigBase sig2, sigModule sig2)
morphs1 = Map.insert (l,s,t) m morphs
in (le,file,(sigs,morphs1))
-- adds the signature to the node map
addSigToGrMap :: Sign -> Node -> LibEnvFull -> LibEnvFull
addSigToGrMap sig nod ((l,(sigmap,mormap)),file,gr) =
let b = sigBase sig
m = sigModule sig
sigmap1 = Map.insert (b,m) (sig,nod) sigmap
in ((l,(sigmap1,mormap)),file,gr)
-- adds the morphism to the link map
addMorphToGrMap :: Morphism -> LibEnvFull -> LibEnvFull
addMorphToGrMap morph ((l,(sigmap,mormap)),file,gr) =
let b = morphBase morph
m = morphModule morph
n = morphName morph
mormap1 = Map.insert (b,m,n) morph mormap
in ((l,(sigmap,mormap1)),file,gr)
-- analyzes the given Twelf file
anaTwelfFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaTwelfFile _ fp = do
name <- makeLName fp
(libs,_) <- twelf2DG fp (emptyLibEnv,emptyGrMap)
return $ Just (emptyLibName name, libs)
-- updates the library environment by adding specs from the Twelf file
twelf2DG :: FilePath -> LibEnvExt -> IO LibEnvExt
twelf2DG fp le = do
dir <- getCurrentDirectory
let file = resolve fp (dir ++ "/")
runTwelf file
libs <- buildGraph file le
return $ makeLibEnv libs
-- runs twelf to create an omdoc file
runTwelf :: FilePath -> IO ()
runTwelf file = do
let dir = dropFileName file
twelfdir <- getEnvDef "TWELF_LIB" ""
if null twelfdir
then error "environment variable TWELF_LIB is not set"
else do
(_, out, err, pr) <-
runInteractiveProcess (concat [twelfdir, "/" ,twelf])
(options ++ [dir,file])
exitCode <- waitForProcess pr
outH <- hGetContents out
errH <- hGetContents err
case exitCode of
ExitFailure i -> do
putStrLn (outH ++ errH)
error $ "Calling Twelf failed with exitCode: " ++ show i ++
" on file " ++ file
ExitSuccess -> return ()
-- generates a library environment from raw libraries
makeLibEnv :: LibEnvFull -> LibEnvExt
makeLibEnv libs = do
let libs1 = addNodes libs
libs2 = addLinks libs1
((l,grmap),file,_) = libs2
lname = emptyLibName file
dg = computeDGraphTheories l $ lookupDGraph lname l
l1 = Map.insert lname dg l
in (l1,grmap)
-- adds nodes to the library environment
addNodes :: LibEnvFull -> LibEnvFull
addNodes libs@(_,_,(sigs,_)) =
let (dg2,libs3) =
Map.fold (\ sig (dg,libs1) ->
let (nod,dg1) = addSigToDG sig dg
libs2 = addSigToGrMap sig nod libs1
in (dg1,libs2)
) (emptyDG,libs) sigs
((l,grmap),base,gr) = libs3
l1 = Map.insert (emptyLibName base) dg2 l
in ((l1,grmap),base,gr)
-- inserts a signature as a node to the development graph
addSigToDG :: Sign -> DGraph -> (Node,DGraph)
addSigToDG sig dg =
let node = getNewNodeDG dg
name = Token (sigModule sig) nullRange
nodeName = emptyNodeName { getName = name }
info = newNodeInfo DGBasic
extSign = makeExtSign LF sig
gth = noSensGTheory LF extSign startSigId
nodeLabel = newInfoNodeLab nodeName info gth
dg1 = insNodeDG (node,nodeLabel) dg
emptyNode = EmptyNode $ Logic LF
genSig = GenSig emptyNode [] emptyNode
nodeSig = NodeSig node $ G_sign LF extSign startSigId
gEntry = SpecEntry $ ExtGenSig genSig nodeSig
dg2 = dg1 { globalEnv = Map.insert name gEntry $ globalEnv dg1 }
in (node,dg2)
-- adds links to the library environment
addLinks :: LibEnvFull -> LibEnvFull
addLinks libs@((l,_),file,(_,morphs)) =
let lname = emptyLibName file
dg = lookupDGraph lname l
(dg3,libs3) =
Map.foldWithKey (\ (_,_,t) morph (dg1,libs1) ->
let sig = lookupSig t libs1
morph1 = morph { target = sig }
dg2 = addMorphToDG morph1 dg1 libs1
libs2 = addMorphToGrMap morph1 libs1
in (dg2,libs2)
) (dg,libs) morphs
((l1,grmap),_,gr) = libs3
l2 = Map.insert lname dg3 l1
in ((l2,grmap),file,gr)
-- inserts a morphism as a link to the development graph
addMorphToDG :: Morphism -> DGraph -> LibEnvFull -> DGraph
addMorphToDG morph dg libs =
let m = morphModule morph
n = morphName morph
k = morphType morph
gMorph = gEmbed $ G_morphism LF morph startMorId
thmStatus = Proven (DGRule "Type-checked") emptyProofBasis
linkKind = case k of
Definitional -> DefLink
Postulated -> ThmLink thmStatus
Unknown -> error "Unknown morphism type."
consStatus = ConsStatus Cons.None Cons.None LeftOpen
linkType = ScopedLink Global linkKind consStatus
linkLabel = defDGLink gMorph linkType SeeTarget
(node1,dg1) = addRefNode dg (source morph) libs
(node2,dg2) = addRefNode dg1 (target morph) libs
(_,dg3) = insLEdgeDG (node1,node2,linkLabel) dg2
in if (k == Definitional && null n) then dg3 else
let n' = if (k == Postulated) then m else m ++ sigDelimS ++ n
name = Token n' nullRange
extSignSrc = makeExtSign LF $ source morph
extSignTar = makeExtSign LF $ target morph
nodeSigSrc = NodeSig node1 $ G_sign LF extSignSrc startSigId
nodeSigTar = NodeSig node2 $ G_sign LF extSignTar startSigId
emptyNode = EmptyNode $ Logic LF
genSigTar = GenSig emptyNode [] emptyNode
extGenSigTar = ExtGenSig genSigTar nodeSigTar
gEntry = StructEntry $ ExtViewSig nodeSigSrc gMorph extGenSigTar
dg4 = dg3 { globalEnv = Map.insert name gEntry $ globalEnv dg3 }
in dg4
-- constructs a reference node to the specified signature, if needed
addRefNode :: DGraph -> Sign -> LibEnvFull -> (Node,DGraph)
addRefNode dg sig libs@(_,file,_) =
let b = sigBase sig
m = sigModule sig
node = lookupNode (b,m) libs
in if (b == file)
then (node,dg)
else let info = newRefInfo (emptyLibName b) node
refNodeM = lookupInAllRefNodesDG info dg
in case refNodeM of
Just refNode -> (refNode,dg)
Nothing -> insRefSigToDG sig info dg libs
-- inserts a signature as a reference node to the development graph
insRefSigToDG :: Sign -> DGNodeInfo -> DGraph -> LibEnvFull -> (Node,DGraph)
insRefSigToDG sig info dg ((l,_),_,_) =
let node = getNewNodeDG dg
m = sigModule sig
nodeName = emptyNodeName { getName = Token m nullRange }
extSign = makeExtSign LF sig
gth = noSensGTheory LF extSign startSigId
nodeLabel1 = newInfoNodeLab nodeName info gth
refDG = lookupDGraph (ref_libname info) l
refGlobTh = globalTheory $ labDG refDG $ ref_node info
nodeLabel2 = nodeLabel1 { globalTheory = refGlobTh}
dg1 = insNodeDG (node,nodeLabel2) dg
dg2 = addToRefNodesDG node info dg1
in (node,dg2)
-- builds raw development graph libraries
buildGraph :: FilePath -> LibEnvExt -> IO LibEnvFull
buildGraph fp le = do
let omdoc_file = replaceExtension fp omdocE
xml <- readFile omdoc_file
file <- makeLName fp
let elems = onlyElems $ parseXML xml
let elems1 = filter (\ e -> elName e == omdocQN) elems
case elems1 of
[root] -> do
foldM (\ libs e ->
let n = elName e
in if (n == theoryQN) then addSign e libs else
if (n == viewQN) then addView e libs else
return libs
$ elChildren root
_ -> fail "Not an OMDoc file."
-- transforms a theory element into a signature and adds it to the libraries
addSign :: Element -> LibEnvFull -> IO LibEnvFull
addSign e libs@(_,base,_) = do
let name = getNameAttr e
let sig = Sign base name []
(libs1,sig1) <-
foldM (\ ls el ->
let n = elName el
in if (n == includeQN) then addIncl el ls else
if (n == structureQN) then addStruct el ls else
if (n == constantQN) then addConst el ls else
if (n == aliasQN) then addAlias el ls else
if (n == notationQN) then addNotat el ls else
return ls
$ elChildren e
return $ addSigToGraph sig1 libs1
-- so far views are ignored
addView :: Element -> LibEnvFull -> IO LibEnvFull
addView e libs@(_,file,_) = do
let name = getNameAttr e
let from = getFromAttr e
let to = getToAttr e
let (b1,m1) = parseRef from file
let (b2,m2) = parseRef to file
libs1 <- addFromFile b1 libs
libs2 <- addFromFile b2 libs1
let srcSig = lookupSig (dropExtension b1, m1) libs2
let tarSig = lookupSig (dropExtension b2, m2) libs2
(morph,libs3) <- getViewMorph name srcSig tarSig (elChildren e) libs2
let libs4 = addMorphToGraph morph libs3
return libs4
{- constructs the view morphism -}
getViewMorph :: String -> Sign -> Sign -> [Element] -> LibEnvFull ->
IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
getViewMorph name srcSig tarSig els libs@(_,file,_) = do
let b1 = sigBase srcSig
let m1 = sigModule srcSig
let b2 = sigBase tarSig
let m2 = sigModule tarSig
(symmap,libs1) <- constructMap els (b1,m1) (b2,m2) libs
let morph = Morphism file name "" srcSig tarSig Postulated symmap
return (morph,libs1)
-- adds a constant declaration to the signature
addConst :: Element -> (LibEnvFull,Sign) -> IO (LibEnvFull,Sign)
addConst e (lib,sig) = do
let ref@(base,modul) = (sigBase sig, sigModule sig)
let sym = Symbol base modul $ getNameAttr e
let typ = case findChildren typeQN e of
[t] -> type2exp t ref
_ -> error "Constant element must have a unique type child."
let val = case findChildren definitionQN e of
[] -> Nothing
[v] -> Just $ definition2exp v ref
_ -> error $ concat ["Constant element must have at most ",
"one definition child."]
let sig1 = addDef (Def sym typ val) sig
return (lib,sig1)
-- converts a type element to an expression
type2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
type2exp e ref =
case findChildren omobjQN e of
[omobj] -> omobj2exp omobj ref
_ -> error "Type element must have a unique OMOBJ child."
-- converts a definition element to an expression
definition2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
definition2exp e ref =
case findChildren omobjQN e of
[omobj] -> omobj2exp omobj ref
_ -> error "Definition element must have a unique OMOBJ child."
-- converts an OMOBJ element to an expression
omobj2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
omobj2exp e ref =
case elChildren e of
[el] -> omel2exp el ref
_ -> error "OMOBJ element must have a unique child."
-- converts an Open Math element to an expression
omel2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
omel2exp e ref =
let name = elName e
in if (name == omsQN) then oms2exp e ref else
if (name == omaQN) then oma2exp e ref else
if (name == ombindQN) then ombind2exp e ref else
if (name == omvQN) then omv2exp e ref else
error $ concat ["Only OMA, OMS, and OMBIND elements correspond "
,"to an expression."]
-- converts an OMS element to an expression
oms2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
oms2exp e ref =
if (eqOMS e typeOMS)
then Type
else let (b,m,n) = getBMN e ref
in Const $ Symbol (dropExtension b) m n
-- converts an OMA element to an expression
oma2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
oma2exp e ref =
case elChildren e of
[] -> error "OMA element must have at least one child."
(f:as) ->
let as1 = map (\ a -> omel2exp a ref) as
in if (eqOMS f arrowOMS)
then case as1 of
[] -> error $
concat ["The -> constructor must be applied"
," to at least one argument."]
_ -> Func (init as1) (last as1)
else let f1 = omel2exp f ref
in Appl f1 as1
-- converts an OMBIND element to an expression
ombind2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
ombind2exp e ref =
case elChildren e of
[f,d,b] ->
if (elName d /= ombvarQN)
then error "The second child of OMBIND must be OMBVAR."
else let d1 = ombvar2decls d ref
b1 = omel2exp b ref
in if (eqOMS f lambdaOMS) then Lamb d1 b1 else
if (eqOMS f piOMS) then Pi d1 b1 else
{- so far implicit binders are treated
as explicit -}
if (eqOMS f impLambdaOMS) then Lamb d1 b1 else
if (eqOMS f impPiOMS) then Pi d1 b1 else
error $ concat ["The first child of OMBIND "
,"must be be Pi or Lambda."]
_ -> error "OMBIND element must have exactly 3 children."
-- converts an OMBVAR element to a list of declaration
ombvar2decls :: Element -> NODE -> [DECL]
ombvar2decls e ref =
let attrs = findChildren omattrQN e
in map (\ a -> omattr2decl a ref) attrs
-- converts an OMATTR element to a declaration
omattr2decl :: Element -> NODE -> DECL
omattr2decl e ref =
case findChildren omatpQN e of
[omatp] ->
case findChildren omvQN e of
[omv] -> (getNameAttr omv, omatp2exp omatp ref)
_ -> error "OMATTR element must have a unique OMV child."
_ -> error "OMATTR element must have a unique OMATP child."
-- converts an OMATP element to an expression
omatp2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
omatp2exp e ref =
case elChildren e of
[c1,c2] ->
if (eqOMS c1 oftypeOMS)
then omel2exp c2 ref
else error $ concat ["The first child of OMATP",
"must be the \"oftype\" symbol."]
_ -> error "OMATP element must have exactly two children."
-- converts an OMV element to an expression
omv2exp :: Element -> NODE -> EXP
omv2exp e _ = Var $ getNameAttr e
{- adds declarations arising from an inclusion to the signature
adds the inclusion to the morphism map -}
addIncl :: Element -> (LibEnvFull,Sign) -> IO (LibEnvFull,Sign)
addIncl e (libs@(_,file,_),sig) = do
let from = getFromAttr e
let (b,m) = parseRef from file
libs1 <- addFromFile b libs
let srcSig = lookupSig (dropExtension b, m) libs1
let tarSig = addInclSyms srcSig sig
let morph = getInclMorph srcSig tarSig
let libs2 = addMorphToGraph morph libs1
return (libs2,tarSig)
-- adds included definitions to the signature
addInclSyms :: Sign -> Sign -> Sign
addInclSyms (Sign _ _ ds) sig =
let syms = getAllSyms sig
in foldl (\ sig1 d ->
if (Set.member (getSym d) syms)
then sig1
else addDef d sig1
) sig ds
-- constructs the inclusion morphism
getInclMorph :: Sign -> Sign -> Morphism
getInclMorph sig1 sig2 =
Morphism (sigBase sig2) (sigModule sig2) "" sig1 sig2 Definitional Map.empty
{- adds declarations arising from a structure to the signature
adds the structure to the morphism map -}
addStruct :: Element -> (LibEnvFull,Sign) -> IO (LibEnvFull,Sign)
addStruct e (libs@(_,file,_),sig) = do
let name = getNameAttr e
let from = getFromAttr e
let (b,m) = parseRef from file
libs1 <- addFromFile b libs
let srcSig = lookupSig (dropExtension b, m) libs1
(tarSig,morph,libs2) <- processStruct name srcSig sig (elChildren e) libs1
let libs3 = addMorphToGraph morph libs2
return (libs3,tarSig)
{- adds the definitions imported by a structure to the signature and
constructs the structure morphism -}
processStruct :: String -> Sign -> Sign -> [Element] -> LibEnvFull ->
IO (Sign,Morphism,LibEnvFull)
processStruct name srcSig tarSig els libs = do
let b1 = sigBase srcSig
let m1 = sigModule srcSig
let b2 = sigBase tarSig
let m2 = sigModule tarSig
let prefix = name ++ structDelimS
let rel sym = Symbol b2 m2 $ prefix ++ (symName sym)
(symmap,libs1) <- constructMap els (b1,m1) (b2,m2) libs
let Sign _ _ ds = srcSig
let morph_init =
Morphism b2 m2 name (Sign b1 m1 []) tarSig Definitional Map.empty
let (sig2,morph2) =
foldl (\ (sig,morph) (Def s t v) ->
let local = isLocalSym s srcSig
defined = isDefinedSym s srcSig
sig1 = if (not local) then sig else
let s1 = rel s
t1 = case translate morph t of
Just t1'-> t1'
Nothing -> error $
"Structure could not be formed. " ++ name
v1 = case v of
Just v1' -> translate morph v1'
Nothing -> Map.lookup s symmap
in addDef (Def s1 t1 v1) sig
morph1 = let source1 = addDef (Def s t v) $ source morph
e = if local
then Const $ rel s
else Map.findWithDefault (Const s)
s symmap
map1 = if defined
then symMap morph
else Map.insert s e $ symMap morph
in morph { source = source1
, target = sig1
, symMap = map1 }
in (sig1, canForm morph1)
) (tarSig,morph_init) ds
return (sig2,morph2,libs1)
-- constructs the translation part of the structure
constructMap :: [Element] -> NODE -> NODE -> LibEnvFull ->
IO (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull)
constructMap els src tar libs = do
foldM (\ ml el ->
let n = elName el
in if (n == conassQN) then conass2map el ml src tar else
if (n == includeQN) then incl2map el ml src tar else
if (n == strassQN) then strass2map el ml src tar else
return ml
) (Map.empty,libs) els
-- converts the constant assignment into a map
conass2map :: Element -> (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull) -> NODE ->
NODE -> IO (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull)
conass2map e (mapp,libs) src tar = do
let (b,m,n) = getBMN e src
case findChildren omobjQN e of
[omobj] -> do let expr = omobj2exp omobj tar
let map1 = Map.insert (Symbol b m n) expr mapp
return (map1,libs)
_ -> error "Constant assignment element must have a unique OMMOR child."
-- converts the included morphism into a map
incl2map :: Element -> (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull) -> NODE ->
NODE -> IO (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull)
incl2map e (m,l) _ tar =
case findChildren ommorQN e of
[ommor] -> do (mor,l1) <- ommor2mor ommor tar l
let m1 = Map.union m $ symMap mor
return (m1,l1)
_ -> error "Include element must have a unique OMMOR child."
-- converts the structure assignment into a map
strass2map :: Element -> (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull) -> NODE ->
NODE -> IO (Map.Map Symbol EXP, LibEnvFull)
strass2map e (m,l) src tar =
case findChildren ommorQN e of
[ommor] -> do (mor1,l1) <- retrieveMorph (getBMN e src) l
(mor2,l2) <- ommor2mor ommor tar l1
let m1 = Map.union m $ combineMorphs mor1 mor2
return (m1,l2)
_ -> error "Structure assignment element must have a unique OMMOR child."
-- converts an OMMOR element to a morphism
ommor2mor :: Element -> NODE -> LibEnvFull -> IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
ommor2mor e ref libs =
case elChildren e of
[el] -> omel2mor el ref libs
_ -> error "OMMOR element must have a unique child."
-- converts an Open Math element to a morphism
omel2mor :: Element -> NODE -> LibEnvFull -> IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
omel2mor e ref libs =
let name = elName e
in if (name == omsQN) then oms2mor e ref libs else
if (name == omaQN) then oma2mor e ref libs else
error "Only OMA and OMS elements correspond to a morphism."
-- converts an OMS element to a morphism
oms2mor :: Element -> NODE -> LibEnvFull -> IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
oms2mor e ref libs = retrieveMorph (getBMN e ref) libs
-- converts an OMA element to a morphism
oma2mor :: Element -> NODE -> LibEnvFull -> IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
oma2mor e ref l = do
case elChildren e of
[c,m1,m2] -> do
if (eqOMS c compOMS)
then do (mor1,l1) <- omel2mor m1 ref l
(mor2,l2) <- omel2mor m2 ref l1
let morR = compMorph (mor1 { target = source mor2 }) mor2
let mor = case morR of
Result _ (Just mor') -> mor'
_ -> error "Morphism cannot be retrieved."
return (mor,l2)
else error "The first child of OMA in OMMOR must be composition."
_ -> error "OMA in OMMOR must have exactly three children."
-- retrieves a morphism by the link name
retrieveMorph :: LINK -> LibEnvFull -> IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
retrieveMorph (b,m,n) l = retrieveMorphH b m (splitBy '/' n) l
retrieveMorphH :: BASE -> MODULE -> [NAME] -> LibEnvFull ->
IO (Morphism,LibEnvFull)
retrieveMorphH b m ns l = do
l1 <- addFromFile (replaceExtension b twelfE) l
let b' = dropExtension b
case ns of
[] -> error "Empty morphism name."
[n] -> do
let mor = lookupMorph (b',m,n) l1
return (mor,l1)
(n1:n2) -> do
let mor1 = lookupMorph (b',m,n1) l1
let sig = source mor1
let b1 = sigBase sig
let m1 = sigModule sig
(mor2,l2) <- retrieveMorphH b1 m1 n2 l1
let morR = compMorph (mor2 { target = sig }) mor1
let mor = case morR of
Result _ (Just mor') -> mor'
_ -> error "Morphism cannot be retrieved."
return (mor,l2)
-- combines two morphisms according to the structure assignment
combineMorphs :: Morphism -> Morphism -> Map.Map Symbol EXP
combineMorphs mor1 mor2 =
let local = getLocalSyms $ source mor1
declared = getDeclaredSyms $ source mor1
in Set.fold ( \ s ->
let s1 = case mapSymbol s mor1 of
Just (Const s1') -> s1'
_ -> error $ "Morphisms cannot be combined."
e1 = case mapSymbol s mor2 of
Just e1' -> e1'
_ -> error $ "Morphisms cannot be combined."
in Map.insert s1 e1
) Map.empty $ Set.intersection local declared
-- so far aliases are ignored
addAlias :: Element -> (LibEnvFull,Sign) -> IO (LibEnvFull,Sign)
addAlias _ ls = return ls
-- so far notations are ignored
addNotat :: Element -> (LibEnvFull,Sign) -> IO (LibEnvFull,Sign)
addNotat _ ls = return ls