Sign.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Definition of signatures for the Edinburgh
Logical Framework
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module LF.Sign
, Symbol (..)
, EXP (..)
, Sentence
, DEF (..)
, Sign (..)
, isSym
, toSym
, gen_base
, gen_module
, emptySig
, addDef
, getSymbols
, getDeclaredSyms
, getDefinedSyms
, getLocalSyms
, getLocalDefs
, getGlobalSyms
, getGlobalDefs
, isConstant
, isDeclaredSym
, isDefinedSym
, isLocalSym
, isGlobalSym
, getSymType
, getSymValue
, getSymsOfType
, getFreeVars
, getConstants
, recForm
, isSubsig
, sigUnion
, sigIntersection
, genSig
, coGenSig
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Keywords
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type VAR = String
type NAME = String
type MODULE = String
type BASE = String
gen_base :: String
gen_base = "gen_twelf_file.elf"
gen_module :: String
gen_module = "GEN_SIG"
data Symbol = Symbol
{ symBase :: BASE
, symModule :: MODULE
, symName :: NAME
} deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
type RAW_SYM = String
instance GetRange Symbol
data EXP = Type
| Var VAR
| Const Symbol
| Appl EXP [EXP]
| Func [EXP] EXP
deriving (Ord, Show)
instance GetRange EXP
type Sentence = EXP
type CONTEXT = [(VAR, EXP)]
data DEF = Def
{ getSym :: Symbol
, getType :: EXP
, getValue :: Maybe EXP
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Sign = Sign
{ sigBase :: BASE
, sigModule :: MODULE
, getDefs :: [DEF]
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
emptySig :: Sign
emptySig = Sign gen_base gen_module []
addDef :: DEF -> Sign -> Sign
addDef d (Sign b m ds) = Sign b m $ ds ++ [d]
{- tests whether a raw symbol represents a valid identifier (True) or
an expression (False) -}
isSym :: RAW_SYM -> Bool
isSym s =
let forbidden = whiteChars ++ (twelfDeclChars \\ twelfSymChars)
in null (intersect s forbidden)
-- converts a raw symbol to a symbol; must be a valid identifier
toSym :: RAW_SYM -> Symbol
toSym = Symbol gen_base gen_module
-- get the set of all symbols
getSymbols :: Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
getSymbols (Sign _ _ ds) = Set.fromList $ map getSym ds
-- checks if the symbol is defined or declared in the signature
isConstant :: Symbol -> Sign -> Bool
isConstant s sig = Set.member s $ getSymbols sig
-- get the set of declared symbols
getDeclaredSyms :: Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
getDeclaredSyms (Sign _ _ ds) =
Set.fromList $ map getSym $ filter (isNothing . getValue) ds
-- checks if the symbol is declared in the signature
isDeclaredSym :: Symbol -> Sign -> Bool
isDeclaredSym s sig = Set.member s $ getDeclaredSyms sig
-- get the set of declared symbols
getDefinedSyms :: Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
getDefinedSyms (Sign _ _ ds) =
Set.fromList $ map getSym $ filter (isJust . getValue) ds
-- checks if the symbol is defined in the signature
isDefinedSym :: Symbol -> Sign -> Bool
isDefinedSym s sig = Set.member s $ getDefinedSyms sig
-- get the set of symbols not included from other signatures
getLocalSyms :: Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
getLocalSyms sig = Set.filter (`isLocalSym` sig) $ getSymbols sig
-- checks if the symbol is local to the signature
isLocalSym :: Symbol -> Sign -> Bool
isLocalSym s sig = sigBase sig == symBase s && sigModule sig == symModule s
-- get the list of local definitions
getLocalDefs :: Sign -> [DEF]
getLocalDefs sig = filter (\ (Def s _ _) -> isLocalSym s sig) $ getDefs sig
-- get the set of symbols included from other signatures
getGlobalSyms :: Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
getGlobalSyms sig = Set.filter (`isGlobalSym` sig) $ getSymbols sig
-- checks if the symbol is global
isGlobalSym :: Symbol -> Sign -> Bool
isGlobalSym s sig = not $ isLocalSym s sig
-- get the list of global definitions
getGlobalDefs :: Sign -> [DEF]
getGlobalDefs sig = filter (\ (Def s _ _) -> isGlobalSym s sig) $ getDefs sig
-- returns the type/kind for the given symbol
getSymType :: Symbol -> Sign -> Maybe EXP
getSymType sym sig =
let res = find (\ d -> getSym d == sym) $ getDefs sig
in case res of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Def _ t _) -> Just t
-- returns the value for the given symbol, if it exists
getSymValue :: Symbol -> Sign -> Maybe EXP
getSymValue sym sig =
let res = find (\ d -> getSym d == sym) $ getDefs sig
in case res of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (Def _ _ v) -> v
-- returns the set of symbols of the given type
getSymsOfType :: EXP -> Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
getSymsOfType t sig =
Set.fromList $ map getSym $ filter (\ (Def _ t' _) -> t' == t) $ getDefs sig
-- pretty printing
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSig
instance Pretty DEF where
pretty = printDef
instance Pretty EXP where
pretty = printExp
instance Pretty Symbol where
pretty = printSymbol
printSig :: Sign -> Doc
printSig sig = vcat $ map printDef (getDefs sig)
printDef :: DEF -> Doc
printDef (Def s t v) =
case v of
Nothing -> fsep [ pretty s
, colon <+> pretty t <> dot ]
Just val -> fsep [ pretty s
, colon <+> pretty t
, text "=" <+> pretty val <> dot ]
printSymbol :: Symbol -> Doc
printSymbol s = text $ symName s
printExp :: EXP -> Doc
printExp Type = text "type"
printExp (Const s) = pretty s
printExp (Var n) = text n
printExp (Appl e es) =
let f = printExpWithPrec (precAppl + 1) e
as = map (printExpWithPrec precAppl) es
in hsep (f : as)
printExp (Func es e) =
let as = map (printExpWithPrec precFunc) es
val = printExpWithPrec (precFunc + 1) e
in hsep $ punctuate (text " ->") (as ++ [val])
printExp (Pi ds e) = sep [braces $ printContext ds, pretty e]
printExp (Lamb ds e) = sep [brackets $ printContext ds, pretty e]
printExpWithPrec :: Int -> EXP -> Doc
printExpWithPrec i e =
if prec e >= i
then parens $ printExp e
else printExp e
prec :: EXP -> Int
prec Type = 0
prec Const {} = 0
prec Var {} = 0
prec Appl {} = 1
prec Func {} = 2
prec Pi {} = 3
prec Lamb {} = 3
precFunc, precAppl :: Int
precFunc = 2
precAppl = 1
printContext :: CONTEXT -> Doc
printContext xs = sep $ punctuate comma $ map printVarDecl xs
printVarDecl :: (VAR, EXP) -> Doc
printVarDecl (n, e) = sep [text n, colon <+> pretty e]
{- converts the expression into a form where each construct takes
exactly one argument -}
recForm :: EXP -> EXP
recForm (Appl f []) = recForm f
recForm (Appl f as) = Appl (recForm $ Appl f $ init as) [recForm $ last as]
recForm (Func [] a) = recForm a
recForm (Func (t : ts) a) = Func [recForm t] $ recForm $ Func ts a
recForm (Pi [] t) = recForm t
recForm (Pi ((n, t) : ds) a) =
Pi [(n, recForm t)] $ recForm $ Pi ds a
recForm (Lamb [] t) = recForm t
recForm (Lamb ((n, t) : ds) a) =
Lamb [(n, recForm t)] $ recForm $ Lamb ds a
recForm t = t
{- modifies the given name until it is different from each of the names
in the input set -}
getNewName :: VAR -> Set.Set VAR -> VAR
getNewName var names = getNewNameH var names var 0
getNewNameH :: VAR -> Set.Set VAR -> VAR -> Int -> VAR
getNewNameH var names root i =
if Set.notMember var names
then var
else let newVar = root ++ show i
in getNewNameH newVar names root $ i + 1
-- returns the set of free Variables used within an expression
getFreeVars :: EXP -> Set.Set VAR
getFreeVars e = getFreeVarsH $ recForm e
getFreeVarsH :: EXP -> Set.Set VAR
getFreeVarsH Type = Set.empty
getFreeVarsH (Const _) = Set.empty
getFreeVarsH (Var x) = Set.singleton x
getFreeVarsH (Appl f [a]) =
Set.union (getFreeVarsH f) (getFreeVarsH a)
getFreeVarsH (Func [t] v) =
Set.union (getFreeVarsH t) (getFreeVarsH v)
getFreeVarsH (Pi [(n, t)] a) =
Set.delete n $ Set.union (getFreeVarsH t) (getFreeVarsH a)
getFreeVarsH (Lamb [(n, t)] a) =
Set.delete n $ Set.union (getFreeVarsH t) (getFreeVarsH a)
getFreeVarsH _ = Set.empty
-- returns the set of symbols used within an expression
getConstants :: EXP -> Set.Set Symbol
getConstants e = getConstantsH $ recForm e
getConstantsH :: EXP -> Set.Set Symbol
getConstantsH Type = Set.empty
getConstantsH (Const s) = Set.singleton s
getConstantsH (Var _) = Set.empty
getConstantsH (Appl f [a]) =
Set.union (getConstantsH f) (getConstantsH a)
getConstantsH (Func [t] v) =
Set.union (getConstantsH t) (getConstantsH v)
getConstantsH (Pi [(_, t)] a) =
Set.union (getConstantsH t) (getConstantsH a)
getConstantsH (Lamb [(_, t)] a) =
Set.union (getConstantsH t) (getConstantsH a)
getConstantsH _ = Set.empty
{- Variable renamings:
- the first argument specifies the desired variable renamings
- the second argument specifies the set of variables which cannot
be used as new variable names -}
rename :: Map.Map VAR VAR -> Set.Set VAR -> EXP -> EXP
rename m s e = renameH m s (recForm e)
renameH :: Map.Map VAR VAR -> Set.Set VAR -> EXP -> EXP
renameH _ _ Type = Type
renameH _ _ (Const n) = Const n
renameH m _ (Var n) = Var $ Map.findWithDefault n n m
renameH m s (Appl f [a]) = Appl (rename m s f) [rename m s a]
renameH m s (Func [t] u) = Func [rename m s t] (rename m s u)
renameH m s (Pi [(x, t)] a) =
let t1 = rename m s t
x1 = getNewName x s
a1 = rename (Map.insert x x1 m) (Set.insert x1 s) a
in Pi [(x1, t1)] a1
renameH m s (Lamb [(x, t)] a) =
let t1 = rename m s t
x1 = getNewName x s
a1 = rename (Map.insert x x1 m) (Set.insert x1 s) a
in Lamb [(x1, t1)] a1
renameH _ _ t = t
-- equality
instance Eq EXP where
e1 == e2 = eqExp (recForm e1) (recForm e2)
eqExp :: EXP -> EXP -> Bool
eqExp Type Type = True
eqExp (Const x1) (Const x2) = x1 == x2
eqExp (Var x1) (Var x2) = x1 == x2
eqExp (Appl f1 [a1]) (Appl f2 [a2]) = f1 == f2 && a1 == a2
eqExp (Func [t1] s1) (Func [t2] s2) = t1 == t2 && s1 == s2
eqExp (Pi [(n1, t1)] s1) (Pi [(n2, t2)] s2) =
let vars = Set.delete n1 $ getFreeVars s1
vars1 = Set.delete n2 $ getFreeVars s2
in vars1 == vars &&
let s3 = rename (Map.singleton n2 n1) (Set.insert n1 vars) s2
in t1 == t2 && s1 == s3
eqExp (Lamb [(n1, t1)] s1) (Lamb [(n2, t2)] s2) =
let vars = Set.delete n1 $ getFreeVars s1
vars1 = Set.delete n2 $ getFreeVars s2
in vars1 == vars &&
let s3 = rename (Map.singleton n2 n1) (Set.insert n1 vars) s2
in t1 == t2 && s1 == s3
eqExp _ _ = False
-- tests for inclusion of signatures
isSubsig :: Sign -> Sign -> Bool
isSubsig (Sign _ _ ds1) (Sign _ _ ds2) =
Set.isSubsetOf (Set.fromList ds1) (Set.fromList ds2)
-- constructs the union of two signatures
sigUnion :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
sigUnion sig1 sig2 = return $
foldl (\ sig d@(Def s t v) ->
if isConstant s sig
then let Just t1 = getSymType s sig
v1 = getSymValue s sig
in if t == t1 && v == v1 then sig else
error $ conflictDefsError s
else addDef d sig
) sig1 $ getDefs sig2
-- constructs the intersection of two signatures
sigIntersection :: Sign -> Sign -> Result Sign
sigIntersection sig1 sig2 = do
let defs1 = Set.fromList $ getDefs sig1
let defs2 = Set.fromList $ getDefs sig2
let defs = Set.difference defs1 defs2
let syms = getSym defs
coGenSig syms sig1
-- constructs the signature generated by the specified symbol set
genSig :: Set.Set Symbol -> Sign -> Result Sign
genSig syms sig = do
let syms' = inclSyms syms sig
let defs' = filter (\ d -> Set.member (getSym d) syms') $ getDefs sig
return $ Sign gen_base gen_module defs'
inclSyms :: Set.Set Symbol -> Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
inclSyms syms sig =
foldl (\ syms' (Def s t v) ->
if Set.notMember s syms' then syms' else
let syms1 = getConstants t
syms2 = case v of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just v' -> getConstants v'
in Set.union syms' $ Set.union syms1 syms2
) syms $ reverse $ getDefs sig
-- constructs the signature cogenerated by the specified symbol set
coGenSig :: Set.Set Symbol -> Sign -> Result Sign
coGenSig syms sig = do
let syms' = exclSyms syms sig
let defs' = filter (\ d -> Set.notMember (getSym d) syms') $ getDefs sig
return $ Sign gen_base gen_module defs'
exclSyms :: Set.Set Symbol -> Sign -> Set.Set Symbol
exclSyms syms sig =
foldl (\ syms' (Def s t v) ->
if Set.member s syms' then syms' else
let syms1 = getConstants t
syms2 = case v of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just v' -> getConstants v'
diff = Set.intersection syms' $ Set.union syms1 syms2
in if Set.null diff then syms' else Set.insert s syms'
) syms $ getDefs sig
{- ------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
conflictDefsError :: Symbol -> String
conflictDefsError s =
"Symbol " ++ show (pretty s) ++ " has conflicting declarations " ++
"in the signature union and hence the union is not defined."