Framework.hs revision e8dd447a2aa5fbac10668749dfe4142c05ec3d7d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Utility functions for defining the Edinburgh Logical Framework
as an instance of LogicFram
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module LF.Framework where
import LF.AS
import LF.Sign
import LF.Morphism
import LF.Analysis
import LF.Twelf2GR
import Framework.WriteLogic
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import System.IO.Unsafe
baseSigLF :: Sign
baseSigLF =
let b = ""
m = "Base"
o = Symbol b m "o"
ded = Symbol b m "ded"
in Sign b m
[ Def o Type Nothing
, Def ded (Func [Const o] Type) Nothing ]
sen_type_symbol :: Symbol
sen_type_symbol = Symbol "" "Base" "o"
-- basic analysis for object logics of LF
basicAnalysisOL :: Morphism -> (BASIC_SPEC, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (BASIC_SPEC, ExtSign Sign Symbol, [Named EXP])
basicAnalysisOL ltruth (bs@(Basic_spec items), initsig, _) =
if initsig /= target ltruth
then error "Structuring for LF nyi."
else do
let (sig,sen) = unsafePerformIO $
constructSigSenOL ltruth gen_file gen_sig items
let syms = getSymbols sig
let fs = makeNamedForms sen $ map r_annos $ getSenItems items
return (bs, ExtSign sig syms, fs)
-- constructs the signatures and sentences
constructSigSenOL :: Morphism -> BASE -> MODULE ->
[Annoted BASIC_ITEM] -> IO (Sign,[(NAME,Sentence)])
constructSigSenOL ltruth fp name items = do
file <- resolveToCur fp
makeTwelfFileOL ltruth file name (getSigItems items) (getSenItems items)
retrieveSigSen file name
-- constructs a Twelf file to analyze the signature and sentences
makeTwelfFileOL :: Morphism -> BASE -> MODULE ->
[Annoted BASIC_ITEM] -> [Annoted BASIC_ITEM] -> IO ()
makeTwelfFileOL ltruth file name sig_items sen_items = do
let lsyn = target ltruth
let sen_type = case mapSymbol sen_type_symbol ltruth of
Nothing -> error "Sentence type cannot be constructed."
Just t -> show $ pretty t
let sig1 = wrapInSig (sigModule lsyn) $ show (pretty lsyn) ++ "\n"
let sig2 = wrapInSig name $ wrapInIncl (sigModule lsyn) ++
printSigItems sig_items
let sig3 = wrapInSig (senSuf name) $ wrapInIncl name ++
printSenItems sen_type sen_items
writeFile file $ sig1 ++ "\n" ++ sig2 ++ "\n" ++ sig3
writeLogicLF :: String -> String
writeLogicLF l =
let basic_specC = "BASIC_SPEC"
symb_itemsC = "SYMB_ITEMS"
symb_map_itemsC = "SYMB_MAP_ITEMS"
signC = "Sign"
sentenceC = "Sentence"
morphismC = "Morphism"
symbolC = "Symbol"
raw_symbolC = "Symbol"
sublogicsC = "()"
proof_treeC = "()"
-- module declaration
comp_opt = mkCompOpt [multiOpt,synOpt]
mod_decl = mkModDecl $ l ++ "." ++ "Logic_" ++ l
-- imports
impts1 = mkImports ["Logic.Logic"]
impts2 = mkImports ["LF.AS", "LF.Parse", "LF.Sign", "LF.Morphism",
"LF.Framework", "LF.Logic_LF ()"]
impts3 = mkImports [l ++ "." ++ "Syntax"]
-- lid
lid = mkLid l
-- language
descriptionI = mkImpl "description" l "\"User-defined logic.\""
lang = mkInst "Language" l [] [descriptionI]
-- syntax
parse_basic_specI = mkImpl "parse_basic_spec" l "Just basicSpec"
parse_symb_itemsI = mkImpl "parse_symb_items" l "Just symbItems"
parse_symb_map_itemsI = mkImpl "parse_symb_map_items" l
"Just symbMapItems"
syntax = mkInst "Syntax" l
[basic_specC, symb_itemsC, symb_map_itemsC]
[parse_basic_specI, parse_symb_itemsI, parse_symb_map_itemsI]
-- sentences
sentences = mkInst "Sentences" l [sentenceC, signC, morphismC,
symbolC] []
-- logic
logic = mkInst "Logic" l [sublogicsC, basic_specC, sentenceC,
symb_itemsC, symb_map_itemsC, signC, morphismC,
symbolC, raw_symbolC, proof_treeC] []
-- static analysis
empty_signatureI = mkImpl "empty_signature" l "cod $ ltruth"
basic_analysisI = mkImpl "basic_analysis" l
"Just $ basicAnalysisOL ltruth"
analysis = mkInst "StaticAnalysis" l
[basic_specC, sentenceC, symb_itemsC, symb_map_itemsC,
signC, morphismC, symbolC, raw_symbolC]
[empty_signatureI, basic_analysisI]
-- file
header = comp_opt
body = intercalate "\n\n" $
[mod_decl, impts1, impts2, impts3, lid, lang, syntax, sentences,
logic, analysis]
in header ++ "\n" ++ body
writeSyntaxLF :: String -> Morphism -> String
writeSyntaxLF l ltruth =
let -- module declaration
mod_decl = mkModDecl $ l ++ "." ++ "Syntax"
-- imports
impts1 = mkImports ["LF.Sign", "LF.Morphism"]
impts2 = mkImports ["Data.Map"]
-- ltruth declaration
ltruth_decl = mkDecl "ltruth" "Morphism" $ show ltruth
in intercalate "\n\n" [mod_decl, impts1, impts2, ltruth_decl]