AnalysisOL.hs revision abd5fc85dc7e19b1614890182436940e922963a4
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Static analysis for object logics defined in LF
Copyright : (c) Kristina Sojakova, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module LF.AnalysisOL where
import LF.AS
import LF.Sign
import LF.Morphism
import LF.Analysis
import LF.Twelf2GR
import LF.Framework
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Result
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- basic analysis for object logics of LF
basicAnalysisOL :: Morphism -> (BASIC_SPEC, Sign, GlobalAnnos) ->
Result (BASIC_SPEC, ExtSign Sign Symbol, [Named EXP])
basicAnalysisOL ltruth (bs@(Basic_spec items), initsig, _) = do
let (sig,sens) = unsafePerformIO $ makeSigSenOL ltruth initsig items
let syms = getSymbols sig
let fs = makeNamedForms sens $ map r_annos $ getSenItems items
return (bs, ExtSign sig syms, fs)
-- constructs the signatures and sentences
makeSigSenOL :: Morphism -> Sign -> [Annoted BASIC_ITEM] ->
IO (Sign,[(NAME,Sentence)])
makeSigSenOL ltruth sig items = do
-- make a Twelf file
let sen_type = case mapSymbol sen_type_symbol ltruth of
Nothing -> error $ badSenTypeError
Just t -> show $ pretty t
let lSyn = target ltruth
let imp = mkRead $ sigBase lSyn
let cont1 = if (sig == lSyn || (null $ getLocalDefs sig)) then "" else
(show $ vcat $ map pretty $ getLocalDefs sig) ++ "\n"
let cont2 = printSigItems $ getSigItems items
let cont3 = printSenItems sen_type $ getSenItems items
let s1 = mkSig gen_sig1 $ mkIncl (sigModule lSyn) ++ cont1 ++ cont2
let s2 = mkSig gen_sig2 $ mkIncl gen_sig1 ++ cont3
let contents = imp ++ "\n" ++ s1 ++ "\n" ++ s2
writeFile gen_file contents
-- run Twelf on the created file
libs <- twelf2SigMor gen_file
-- construct the signature and sentences
let sig1 = getSigFromLibs gen_sig1 libs
let sig2 = getSigFromLibs gen_sig2 libs
let sens = getSens sig2
return (sig1,sens)
{- converts a mapping of raw symbols to a mapping of symbols to expressions
annotated with their type -}
translMapAnalysisOL :: Morphism -> Map.Map RAW_SYM RAW_SYM -> Sign ->
Sign -> Map.Map Symbol (EXP,EXP)
translMapAnalysisOL ltruth m sig1 sig2 =
let syms = unknownSyms (Map.keys m) sig1
in if not (null syms) then error $ badDomError syms else
unsafePerformIO $ codAnalysisOL ltruth m sig2
codAnalysisOL :: Morphism -> Map.Map RAW_SYM RAW_SYM -> Sign ->
IO (Map.Map Symbol (EXP,EXP))
codAnalysisOL ltruth m sig2 = do
-- make a Twelf file
let cont1 = (show $ pretty sig2) ++ "\n"
let cont2 = concat $ map (\ (k,v) -> (genPref k) ++ " = " ++ v ++ ".\n") $
Map.toList m
let lSyn = target ltruth
let imp = mkRead $ sigBase lSyn
let s1 = mkSig gen_sig1 $ mkIncl (sigModule lSyn) ++ cont1
let s2 = mkSig gen_sig2 $ mkIncl gen_sig1 ++ cont2
let contents = imp ++ "\n" ++ s1 ++ "\n" ++ s2
writeFile gen_file contents
-- run Twelf on the created file
libs <- twelf2SigMor gen_file
-- construct the mapping
let sig' = getSigFromLibs gen_sig2 libs
return $ getMap sig'
badSenTypeError :: String
badSenTypeError = "Sentence type cannot be constructed."