revision 3a321bd2e5b11ccb6fc6afe3baf71bc0d73f818a
signature ParserHelper =
type thy_body
val cmd_theory : Thy_Header.header parser
val cmd_header : string parser
val thy_body : thy_body parser
structure ParserHelper : ParserHelper =
type opt_target = (xstring * Position.T) option;
datatype misc_body = Chapter of opt_target * string
|Section of opt_target * string
|Subsection of opt_target * string
|Subsubsection of opt_target * string
|Text of opt_target * string
|TextRaw of opt_target * string
|Sect of string
|Subsect of string
|Subsubsect of string
|Txt of string
|TxtRaw of string;
type ml_text = string * Position.T;
(* isar-ref.pdf page 78 *)
datatype context_head = ContextNamed of xstring * Position.T
|ContextHead of ((xstring * Position.T) list
* Element.context list);
datatype instance_type = InstanceArity of string list * string list
|InstanceSubset of string;
datatype thy_body =
Classes of (binding * string list) list
|Classrel of (string * string) list
|DefaultSort of opt_target * string
|TypeDecl of ((opt_target * string list) * binding) * mixfix
|TypeSynonym of ((opt_target * string list) * binding) *
(string * mixfix)
|Nonterminal of binding list
|Arities of (string * string list * string) list
|Judgement of (binding * string * mixfix)
|Consts of (binding * string * mixfix) list
|Syntax of (string * bool) * (string * string * mixfix) list
|NoSyntax of (string * bool) * (string * string * mixfix) list
|Translations of (xstring * string) Syntax.trrule list
|NoTranslations of (xstring * string) Syntax.trrule list
|Axioms of (Attrib.binding * string) list
|Defs of (bool * bool) * ((binding * string) * Args.src list) list
|Definition of opt_target * ((binding * string option * mixfix) option
* (Attrib.binding * string))
|Abbreviation of opt_target * ((string * bool) *
((binding * string option * mixfix) option * string))
|TypeNotation of opt_target * ((string * bool) * (string * mixfix) list)
|NoTypeNotation of opt_target * ((string * bool) *
(string * mixfix) list)
|Notation of opt_target * ((string * bool) * (string * mixfix) list)
|NoNotation of opt_target * ((string * bool) * (string * mixfix) list)
|Axiomatization of (binding * string option * mixfix) list *
(Attrib.binding * string list) list
|Theorems of (opt_target * (Attrib.binding *
(Facts.ref * Args.src list) list) list) *
(binding * string option * mixfix) list
|Lemmas of (opt_target * (Attrib.binding *
(Facts.ref * Args.src list) list) list) *
(binding * string option * mixfix) list
|Declare of (opt_target * (Facts.ref * Args.src list) list list) *
(binding * string option * mixfix) list
|Hide of string * (bool * xstring list)
|Use of string
|ML of ml_text
|ML_prf of ml_text
|ML_val of ml_text
|ML_command of ml_text
|Setup of ml_text
|LocalSetup of opt_target * ml_text
|AttributeSetup of (bstring * Position.T) * (ml_text * string)
|MethodSetup of (bstring * Position.T) * (ml_text * string)
|Declaration of (opt_target * bool) * ml_text
|SyntaxDeclaration of (opt_target * bool) * ml_text
|SimprocSetup of (((opt_target * (bstring * Position.T)) *
string list) * ml_text) * xstring list
|ParseAstTranslation of bool * (string * Position.T)
|ParseTranslation of bool * (string * Position.T)
|PrintTranslation of bool * (string * Position.T)
|TypedPrintTranslation of bool * (string * Position.T)
|PrintAstTranslation of bool * (string * Position.T)
|Oracle of (bstring * Position.T) * ml_text
|Bundle of ((opt_target * binding) * (Facts.ref * Args.src list) list) *
(binding * string option * mixfix) list
|Include of (xstring * Position.T) list
|Including of (xstring * Position.T) list
|Context of context_head * thy_body list
|Locale of (binding * (Expression.expression * Element.context list))
* thy_body list
|Sublocale of (xstring * Position.T) * (Expression.expression *
(Attrib.binding * string) list)
|Interpretation of Expression.expression *
(Attrib.binding * string) list
|Interpret of Expression.expression *
(Attrib.binding * string) list
|Class of (binding * (string list * Element.context list)) *
thy_body list
|Subclass of string
|Instantiation of (string list * string list * string) * thy_body list
|Instance of (string * instance_type) option
|Overloading of (bstring * string * bool) list * thy_body list
|Misc of misc_body;
val hide = curry Hide;
(* Common Functions *)
(* taken from Pure/Isar/parse.ML *)
fun RESET_VALUE atom =
Scan.ahead ( (K true)) -- atom >>
(fn (arg, x) => (Token.assign NONE arg; x));
fun unparse_kind k = (fn () => Token.str_of_kind k)
(RESET_VALUE ( (Token.is_kind k) >> Token.unparse));
val unparse_verbatim = unparse_kind Token.Verbatim;
(* Pure/pure_syn.ML *)
(* line 12 *)
val cmd_theory = Parse.command_name "theory" |-- Thy_Header.args;
(* Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML *)
(* line 14 *)
val cmd_header = Parse.command_name "header" |-- unparse_verbatim;
(* line 133 *)
val opt_mode =
(* line 129 *)
let val mode_spec = (@{keyword "output"} >> K ("", false)) || -- Scan.optional
(@{keyword "output"} >> K false) true;
in Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.!!!
(mode_spec --| @{keyword ")"})) Syntax.mode_default end;
val trans_line = (* line 157 *)
let val trans_pat = (* line 147 *)
(@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.!!!
(Parse.xname --| @{keyword ")"}))
"logic" -- Parse.inner_syntax Parse.string
fun trans_arrow toks = (* line 152 *)
((@{keyword "\<rightharpoonup>"} || @{keyword "=>"})
>> K Syntax.Parse_Rule ||
(@{keyword "\<leftharpoondown>"} || @{keyword "<="})
>> K Syntax.Print_Rule ||
(@{keyword "\<rightleftharpoons>"} || @{keyword "=="})
>> K Syntax.Parse_Print_Rule) toks
in trans_pat -- Parse.!!! (trans_arrow -- trans_pat)
>> (fn (left, (arr, right)) => arr (left, right)) end;
val trfun = Parse.opt_keyword "advanced" -- Parse.ML_source;
fun parse_interpretation_arguments mandatory = (* line 428 *)
Parse.!!! (Parse_Spec.locale_expression mandatory) --
(Parse.where_ |-- Parse.and_list1
(Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":" -- Parse.prop)) [];
val mk_thy_body = (fn (s,p) => Parse.command_name s |-- p);
val simple_thy_body = Scan.first (mk_thy_body [
("chapter", Parse.opt_target -- unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Chapter)), (* line 19 *)
("section", Parse.opt_target -- unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Section)), (* line 24 *)
("subsection", Parse.opt_target -- unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Subsection)), (* line 29 *)
("subsubsection", Parse.opt_target -- unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Subsubsection)), (* line 34 *)
("text", Parse.opt_target -- unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Text)), (* line 39 *)
("text_raw", Parse.opt_target -- unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Text)), (* line 44 *)
("sect", unparse_verbatim >> (Misc o Sect)), (* line 49 *)
("subsect", unparse_verbatim >> (Misc o Sect)), (* line 54 *)
("subsubsect", unparse_verbatim
>> (Misc o Subsubsect)), (* line 59 *)
("txt", unparse_verbatim >> (Misc o Txt)), (* line 64 *)
("txt_raw", unparse_verbatim >> (Misc o TxtRaw)), (* line 69 *)
("classes",Scan.repeat1 (Parse.binding -- (* line 79 *)
Scan.optional ((@{keyword "\<subseteq>"}
|| @{keyword "<"}) |-- Parse.!!!
(Parse.list1 Parse.class)) []) >> Classes),
("classrel",Parse.and_list1 (Parse.class -- (* line 85 *)
((@{keyword "\<subseteq>"} || @{keyword "<"})
|-- Parse.!!! Parse.class)) >> Classrel),
("default_sort",Parse.opt_target -- Parse.sort
>> DefaultSort), (* line 92 *)
("type_decl",Parse.opt_target -- Parse.type_args (* line 99 *)
-- Parse.binding -- Parse.opt_mixfix
>> TypeDecl),
("type_synonym", (* line 104 *)
let val p = Parse.opt_target -- Parse.type_args --
Parse.binding -- (Parse.$$$ "=" |-- Parse.!!!
(Parse.typ -- Parse.opt_mixfix'))
in p >> TypeSynonym end),
("nonterminal",Parse.and_list1 Parse.binding
>> Nonterminal), (* line 110 *)
("arities",Scan.repeat1 Parse.arity >> Arities), (* line 115 *)
("judgement",Parse.const_binding >> Judgement), (* line 122 *)
("consts",Scan.repeat1 Parse.const_binding
>> Consts), (* line 126 *)
("syntax",opt_mode -- Scan.repeat1 Parse.const_decl
>> Syntax), (* line 137 *)
("no_syntax",opt_mode -- Scan.repeat1
Parse.const_decl >> Syntax), (* line 141 *)
("translations",Scan.repeat1 trans_line
>> Translations), (* line 162 *)
("no_translations",Scan.repeat1 trans_line
>> NoTranslations), (* line 166 *)
("axioms",Scan.repeat1 Parse_Spec.spec >> Axioms), (* line 173 *)
("defs", (* line 186 *)
let val opt_unchecked_overloaded =
Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.!!!
(((@{keyword "unchecked"} >> K true) --
Scan.optional (@{keyword "overloaded"} >> K true) false ||
@{keyword "overloaded"} >> K (false, true)) --|
@{keyword ")"})) (false, false);
in opt_unchecked_overloaded --
Scan.repeat1 (Parse_Spec.thm_name ":" -- Parse.prop
>> (fn ((x, y), z) => ((x, z), y)))
>> Defs end),
("definition",Parse.opt_target -- Parse_Spec.constdef
>> Definition), (* line 195 *)
("abbreviation",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 199 *)
(opt_mode -- (Scan.option
Parse_Spec.constdecl --
Parse.prop)) >> Abbreviation),
("type_notation",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 204 *)
(opt_mode -- Parse.and_list1
(Parse.type_const -- Parse.mixfix))
>> TypeNotation),
("no_type_notation",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 210 *)
(opt_mode -- Parse.and_list1
(Parse.type_const -- Parse.mixfix))
>> NoTypeNotation),
("notation",Parse.opt_target --
(opt_mode -- Parse.and_list1
(Parse.const -- Parse_Spec.locale_mixfix))
>> Notation), (* line 216 *)
("no_notation",Parse.opt_target --
(opt_mode -- Parse.and_list1
(Parse.const -- Parse_Spec.locale_mixfix))
>> NoNotation), (* line 216 *)
("axiomatization",Scan.optional Parse.fixes [] -- (* line 231 *)
Scan.optional (Parse.where_ |--
Parse.!!! (Parse.and_list1
Parse_Spec.specs)) []
>> Axiomatization),
("theorems",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 244 *)
Parse_Spec.name_facts --
Parse.for_fixes >> Theorems),
("lemmas",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 248 *)
Parse_Spec.name_facts --
Parse.for_fixes >> Lemmas),
("declare",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 251 *)
Parse.and_list1 Parse_Spec.xthms1 --
Parse.for_fixes >> Declare),
("hide_class",(Parse.opt_keyword "open" >> not) -- (* line 264 *)
Scan.repeat1 Parse.xname
>> hide "class"),
("hide_type",(Parse.opt_keyword "open" >> not) -- (* line 265 *)
Scan.repeat1 Parse.xname
>> hide "type"),
("hide_const",(Parse.opt_keyword "open" >> not) -- (* line 266 *)
Scan.repeat1 Parse.xname
>> hide "const"),
("hide_fact",(Parse.opt_keyword "open" >> not) -- (* line 267 *)
Scan.repeat1 Parse.xname
>> hide "fact"),
("use",Parse.path >> Use), (* line 273 *)
("ML",Parse.ML_source >> ML), (* line 280 *)
("ML_prf",Parse.ML_source >> ML_prf), (* line 287 *)
("ML_val",Parse.ML_source >> ML_val), (* line 293 *)
("ML_command",Parse.ML_source >> ML_command), (* line 297 *)
("setup",Parse.ML_source >> Setup), (* line 301 *)
("local_setup",Parse.opt_target --
Parse.ML_source >> LocalSetup), (* line 305 *)
("attribute_setup",Parse.position -- (* line 309 *)
Parse.!!! (@{keyword "="} |--
Parse.ML_source -- Scan.optional
Parse.text "") >> AttributeSetup),
("method_setup",Parse.position -- (* line 315 *)
Parse.!!! (@{keyword "="} |--
Parse.ML_source -- Scan.optional
Parse.text "") >> MethodSetup),
("declaration",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 321 *)
Parse.opt_keyword "pervasive" --
Parse.ML_source >> Declaration),
("syntax_declaration",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 326 *)
Parse.opt_keyword "pervasive" --
Parse.ML_source >> SyntaxDeclaration),
("simproc_setup",Parse.opt_target -- (* line 331 *)
Parse.position --
(@{keyword "("} |-- Parse.enum1 "|"
Parse.term --| @{keyword ")"} --|
@{keyword "="}) -- Parse.ML_source
-- Scan.optional (@{keyword "identifier"}
|-- Scan.repeat1 Parse.xname) []
>> SimprocSetup),
("parse_ast_translation",trfun >>
ParseAstTranslation), (* line 343 *)
("parse_translation",trfun >> ParseTranslation), (* line 348 *)
("print_translation",trfun >> PrintTranslation), (* line 353 *)
("typed_print_translation", trfun >>
TypedPrintTranslation), (* line 358 *)
("print_ast_translation", trfun >>
PrintAstTranslation), (* line 364 *)
("oracle", Parse.position --
(@{keyword "="} |-- Parse.ML_source) >> Oracle),(* line 371 *)
("bundle", Parse.opt_target -- (Parse.binding (* line 379 *)
--| @{keyword "="}) -- Parse_Spec.xthms1 --
Parse.for_fixes >> Bundle),
("include", Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position
Parse.xname) >> Include), (* line 384 *)
("including", Scan.repeat1 (Parse.position
Parse.xname) >> Including), (* line 390 *)
("print_bundles", Scan.succeed PrintBundles), (* line 396 *)
("sublocale", Parse.position Parse.xname --| (* line 434 *)
(@{keyword "\<subseteq>"} ||
@{keyword "<"}) --
parse_interpretation_arguments false
>> Sublocale),
("interpretation", (* line 442 *)
parse_interpretation_arguments true
>> Interpretation),
("interpret", (* line 449 *)
parse_interpretation_arguments true
>> Interpret),
("subclass", (* line 471 *)
Parse.class >> Subclass),
("instance",Scan.option (Parse.class -- (* line 481 *)
(((@{keyword "\<subseteq>"} || @{keyword "<"})
|-- Parse.!!! Parse.class) >> InstanceSubset
|| Parse.multi_arity >> InstanceArity))
>> Instance)]);
(* Isabelle/Isar/isar_syn.ML line 415 *)
val locale_val =
Parse_Spec.locale_expression false --
Scan.optional (@{keyword "+"} |-- Parse.!!!
(Scan.repeat1 Parse_Spec.context_element)) [] ||
Scan.repeat1 Parse_Spec.context_element >> pair ([], []);
fun rec_thy_body toks = Scan.first [
(Parse.command_name "context" |-- (* line 405 *)
((Parse.position Parse.xname >> ContextNamed) ||
(Scan.optional Parse_Spec.includes [] --
Scan.repeat Parse_Spec.context_element
>> ContextHead))
--| Parse.begin
-- Scan.repeat (simple_thy_body || rec_thy_body)
>> Context),
(Parse.command_name "locale" |-- (* line 421 *)
Parse.binding --
Scan.optional (@{keyword "="} |--
Parse.!!! locale_val) (([], []), []) --
((Parse.begin |-- Scan.repeat
(simple_thy_body || rec_thy_body)
--| Parse.command_name "end") ||
Scan.succeed []) >> Locale),
(* line 464 *)
(let val class_val = (* Pure/Isar/isar_syn.ML line 458 *)
Parse_Spec.class_expression -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "="}
|-- Parse.!!! (Scan.repeat1 Parse_Spec.context_element)) []
|| Scan.repeat1 Parse_Spec.context_element >> pair []
val p = Parse.binding -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "="}
|-- class_val) ([], [])
in Parse.command_name "class" |-- p --
((Parse.begin |-- Scan.repeat
(simple_thy_body || rec_thy_body)
--| Parse.command_name "end") ||
Scan.succeed []) >> Class end),
((Parse.command_name "instantiation" |-- (* line 475 *)
Parse.multi_arity -- (Parse.begin |--
Scan.repeat (simple_thy_body ||
--| Parse.command_name "end")) >> Instantiation),
(let val p = Scan.repeat1 ( --| (* line 493 *)
(@{keyword "\<equiv>"} || @{keyword "=="}) --
Parse.term -- Scan.optional (@{keyword "("} |--
(@{keyword "unchecked"} >> K false) --|
@{keyword ")"}) true >> Parse.triple1)
in Parse.command_name "overloading" |-- p
-- (Parse.begin |-- Scan.repeat
(simple_thy_body || rec_thy_body) --|
Parse.command_name "end")
>> Overloading end)
] toks;
val thy_body = simple_thy_body || rec_thy_body;
signature Parser =
val scan : string -> Token.T list;
val dbg : Token.T list -> (Token.kind * string) list
datatype thy = Thy of {header:string option,
body:ParserHelper.thy_body list};
val thy : Token.T list -> thy
val parse_typ : theory -> (string * Position.T) option -> string -> typ
structure Parser : Parser =
open ParserHelper
datatype thy = Thy of {header:string option,
body:thy_body list};
(* scan isabelle source transforming it into a sequence of commands *)
fun scan s = (Path.explode s)
|> Source.of_string |> Symbol.source
|> Token.source {do_recover = SOME false}
Keyword.get_lexicons Position.start
|> Token.source_proper |> Source.exhaust;
val dbg = (fn t => (Token.kind_of t,Token.content_of t));
val thy = Scan.catch (Scan.option cmd_header -- cmd_theory
-- Scan.repeat thy_body
--| Parse.command_name "end"
#> (fn (((h,a),b),_) => Thy {header=h,args=a,body=b}));
fun parse_typ T loc =
let val ctxt = Named_Target.context_cmd (the_default
("-", Position.none) loc) T
in Syntax.parse_typ ctxt end;