Locale.thy revision 8f38f1aeb6ac1c9514f8d6d5e509ff7298ed5b78
(* Taken from http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/users/clemens/publications/types2003.pdf *)
theory Locale
imports HOL
locale semi =
fixes prod :: "['a, 'a] => 'a" (infixl "*" 70)
assumes assoc: "(x * y) * z = x * (y * z)"
locale comm_semi = semi +
assumes comm: "x * y = y * x"
and test: "False=x & ~x"
and test1: "y=y"
and test2: "x=x"
theorem (in comm_semi) lcomm:
"x * (y * z) = y * (x * z)"
proof -
have "x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z" by (simp add: assoc)
also have "... = (y * x) * z" by (simp add: comm)
also have "... = y * (x * z)" by (simp add: assoc)
finally show ?thesis .
locale parent
locale parent1
locale child = parent + parent1