Translate.hs revision e79472ac9f45b44b205357ff33965c36bfe6f765
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translate 'Id' to Isabelle strings
module Isabelle.Translate (showIsa, showIsaSid, showIsaI, transString) where
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.Char
------------------- Id translation functions -------------------
showIsa :: Id -> String
showIsa = transString . show
showIsaSid :: SIMPLE_ID -> String
showIsaSid = transString . show
showIsaI :: Id -> Int -> String
showIsaI ident i = showIsa ident ++ "_" ++ show i
isIsaChar :: Char -> Bool
isIsaChar c = (isAlphaNum c && isAscii c) || c `elem` "_'"
replaceChar1 :: Char -> String
replaceChar1 c | isIsaChar c = [c]
| otherwise = replaceChar c++"__"
transString :: String -> String
transString "" = "X"
transString (c:s) =
if isInf (c:s) then concat $ map replaceChar1 (cut (c:s))
else ((if isAlpha c && isAscii c then [c]
else 'X':replaceChar1 c) ++ (concat $ map replaceChar1 s))
isInf :: String -> Bool
isInf s = has2Under s && has2Under (reverse s)
has2Under :: String -> Bool
has2Under (fs:sn:_) = fs == '_' && sn == '_'
has2Under _ = False
cut :: String -> String
cut = reverse . tail . tail . reverse . tail . tail
-- Replacement of special characters
replaceChar :: Char -> String
replaceChar c = Map.findWithDefault "_" c $ Map.fromList
[('!' , "Exclam"),
('#' , "Sharp"),
('$' , "Dollar"),
('%' , "Percent"),
('&' , "Amp"),
('(' , "OBra"),
(')' , "CBra"),
('*' , "x"),
('+' , "Plus"),
(',' , "Comma"),
('-' , "Minus"),
('.' , "Dot"),
('/' , "Div"),
(':' , "Colon"),
(';' , "Semi"),
('<' , "Lt"),
('=' , "Eq"),
('>' , "Gt"),
('?' , "Q"),
('@' , "At"),
('\\' , "Back"),
('^' , "Hat"),
('`' , "'"),
('{' , "Cur"),
('|' , "Bar"),
('}' , "Ruc"),
('~' , "Tilde"),
('\128' , "A1"),
('\129' , "A2"),
('\130' , "A3"),
('\131' , "A4"),
('\132' , "A5"),
('\133' , "A6"),
('\134' , "AE"),
('\135' , "C"),
('\136' , "E1"),
('\137' , "E2"),
('\138' , "E3"),
('\139' , "E4"),
('\140' , "I1"),
('\141' , "I2"),
('\142' , "I3"),
('\143' , "I4"),
('\144' , "D1"),
('\145' , "N1"),
('\146' , "O1"),
('\147' , "O2"),
('\148' , "O3"),
('\149' , "O4"),
('\150' , "O5"),
('\151' , "x"),
('\152' , "O"),
('\153' , "U1"),
('\154' , "U2"),
('\155' , "U3"),
('\156' , "U4"),
('\157' , "Y"),
('\158' , "F"),
('\159' , "ss"),
('�' , "SpanishExclam"),
('�' , "c"),
('�' , "Lb"),
('�' , "o"),
('�' , "Yen"),
('�' , "Bar1"),
('�' , "Paragraph"),
('�' , "\"),"),
('�' , "Copyright"),
('�' , "a1"),
('�' , "\"),"),
('�' , "not"),
('�' , "Minus1"),
('�' , "Regmark"),
('�' , "Degree"),
('�' , "Plusminus"),
('�' , "2"),
('�' , "3"),
('�' , "'"),
('�' , "Mu"),
('�' , "q"),
('�' , "Dot"),
('�' , "'"),
('�' , "1"),
('�' , "2"),
('�' , "\"),"),
('�' , "Quarter"),
('�' , "Half"),
('�' , "Threequarter"),
('�' , "Q"),
('�' , "A7"),
('�' , "A8"),
('�' , "A9"),
('�' , "A10"),
('�' , "A11"),
('�' , "A12"),
('�' , "AE2"),
('�' , "C2"),
('�' , "E5"),
('�' , "E6"),
('�' , "E7"),
('�' , "E8"),
('�' , "I5"),
('�' , "I6"),
('�' , "I7"),
('�' , "I8"),
('�' , "D2"),
('�' , "N2"),
('�' , "O6"),
('�' , "O7"),
('�' , "O8"),
('�' , "O9"),
('�' , "O10"),
('�' , "xx"),
('�' , "011"),
('�' , "U5"),
('�' , "U6"),
('�' , "U7"),
('�' , "U8"),
('�' , "Y"),
('�' , "F"),
('�' , "ss"),
('�' , "a2"),
('�' , "a3"),
('�' , "a4"),
('�' , "a5"),
('�' , "a6"),
('�' , "a7"),
('�' , "ae"),
('�' , "c"),
('�' , "e1"),
('�' , "e2"),
('�' , "e3"),
('�' , "e4"),
('�' , "i1"),
('�' , "i2"),
('�' , "i3"),
('�' , "i4"),
('�' , "d"),
('�' , "n"),
('�' , "o1"),
('�' , "o2"),
('�' , "o3"),
('�' , "o4"),
('�' , "o5"),
('�' , "Div1"),
('�' , "o6"),
('�' , "u1"),
('�' , "u2"),
('�' , "u3"),
('�' , "u4"),
('�' , "y5"),
('�' , "f"),
('�' , "y")]