Translate.hs revision 5421dfe94879c995076603a87a5699714123660e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translate 'Id' to Isabelle strings
module Isabelle.Translate (showIsaConstT, showIsaConstIT,
showIsaTypeT, transConstStringT,
transString, isaPrelude) where
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaStrings
------------------- Id translation functions -------------------
data IsaPreludes = IsaPreludes
{ preTypes :: Map.Map BaseSig (Set.Set String)
, preConsts :: Map.Map BaseSig (Set.Set String) }
isaPrelude :: IsaPreludes
isaPrelude = IsaPreludes {
preTypes = Map.fromList
[(HsHOLCF_thy, types holcfS), (MainHC_thy, types mainS),
(Main_thy, types mainS), (HOLCF_thy, types holcfS)],
preConsts = Map.fromList
[(HsHOLCF_thy, Set.insert "fliftbin" (consts holcfS)),
(MainHC_thy, foldr Set.insert (consts mainS)
(Main_thy, consts mainS), (HOLCF_thy, consts holcfS)]}
showIsaT1 :: (String -> String) -> Id -> String
showIsaT1 tr ide = let
rdru = reverse . dropWhile (== '_')
str = show ide
in if isInfix2 ide then "XX" ++ tr (rdru $ rdru str) else tr str
showIsaConstT :: Id -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaConstT ide thy = showIsaT1 (transConstStringT thy) ide
showIsaTypeT :: Id -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaTypeT ide thy = showIsaT1 (transTypeStringT thy) ide
-- | add a number for overloading
showIsaConstIT :: Id -> Int -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaConstIT ident i theory = showIsaConstT ident theory ++ "_" ++ show i
transIsaStringT :: Map.Map BaseSig (Set.Set String) -> BaseSig
-> String -> String
transIsaStringT m i s = let t = transString s in
if Set.member t $ maybe (error "Isabelle.transIsaStringT") id
$ Map.lookup i m
then t ++ "X" else t
transConstStringT :: BaseSig -> String -> String
transConstStringT = transIsaStringT $ preConsts isaPrelude
transTypeStringT :: BaseSig -> String -> String
transTypeStringT = transIsaStringT $ preTypes isaPrelude
-- | check for legal alphanumeric isabelle characters
isIsaChar :: Char -> Bool
isIsaChar c = isAlphaNum c && isAscii c || c `elem` "_'"
transString :: String -> String
transString str = let
x = 'X'
replaceChar1 d | d == x = "YX" -- code out existing X!
| isIsaChar d = [d]
| otherwise = replaceChar d ++ [x]
in case str of
"" -> [x]
c : s -> let l = replaceChar1 c in
(if isDigit c || c `elem` "_'" then [x, c]
else l) ++ concatMap replaceChar1 s
-- | injective replacement of special characters
replaceChar :: Char -> String
-- <>
replaceChar c = if isIsaChar c then [c] else let n = ord c in
if n <= 32 || n >= 127 && n < 160 || n > 255 then "Slash_" ++ show n
else maybe (error "Isabelle.replaceChar") id $ Map.lookup c charMap