Translate.hs revision 13ed13e06a5dd4aad12044ed7e7503cbe7f62990
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translate 'Id' to Isabelle strings
module Isabelle.Translate (showIsaConstT, showIsaConstIT,
showIsaTypeT, showIsaTypeIT,
--showIsaT, showIsaIT,
transConstStringT, transTypeStringT,
transString, isaPrelude,
charMap) where
import Common.Id
import Common.ProofUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaStrings
------------------- Id translation functions -------------------
data IsaPreludes = IsaPreludes
{preTypes :: Map.Map BaseSig (Set.Set String),
preConsts :: Map.Map BaseSig (Set.Set String)}
isaPrelude :: IsaPreludes
isaPrelude = IsaPreludes {
preTypes = Map.fromList
[(HsHOLCF_thy, types holcfS), (MainHC_thy, types mainS),
(Main_thy, types mainS), (HOLCF_thy, types holcfS),
(HOL_thy, types holS), (Pure_thy, types pureS)],
preConsts = Map.fromList
[(HsHOLCF_thy, Set.insert "fliftbin" (consts holcfS)),
(MainHC_thy, foldr Set.insert (consts mainS) ["pApp","apt","app","defOp","pair"]),
(Main_thy, consts mainS), (HOLCF_thy, consts holcfS),
(HOL_thy, consts holS), (Pure_thy, consts pureS)]}
--showIsaT :: Id -> BaseSig -> String
--showIsaT ide thy = let
-- rdru = reverse . dropWhile (== '_')
-- tr = transTypeStringT thy
-- str = show ide
-- in if isInfix2 ide then "XX" ++ tr (rdru $ rdru str) else tr str
-- otherwise cutting off may lead to a name clash!
--showIsaIT :: Id -> Int -> BaseSig -> String
--showIsaIT ident i theory = showIsaT ident theory ++ "_" ++ show i
showIsaT1 :: (String -> String) -> Id -> String
showIsaT1 tr ide = let
rdru = reverse . dropWhile (== '_')
str = show ide
in if isInfix2 ide then "XX" ++ tr (rdru $ rdru str) else tr str
-- otherwise cutting off may lead to a name clash!
showIsaConstT :: Id -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaConstT ide thy = showIsaT1 (transConstStringT thy) ide
showIsaTypeT :: Id -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaTypeT ide thy = showIsaT1 (transTypeStringT thy) ide
showIsaConstIT :: Id -> Int -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaConstIT ident i theory = showIsaConstT ident theory ++ "_" ++ show i
showIsaTypeIT :: Id -> Int -> BaseSig -> String
showIsaTypeIT ident i theory = showIsaTypeT ident theory ++ "_" ++ show i
--transOldStringT :: BaseSig -> String -> String
--transOldStringT i s = let t = transString s in
-- if Set.member t $ maybe (error "Isabelle.Translate.transStringT") id
-- $ Map.lookup i (preConsts isaPrelude)
-- then t++"X" else t -- ++ "X" else t
transConstStringT :: BaseSig -> String -> String
transConstStringT i s = let t = transString s in
if Set.member t $ maybe (error "Isabelle.Translate.transStringT") id
$ Map.lookup i (preConsts isaPrelude)
then t++"X" else t -- ++ "X" else t
transTypeStringT :: BaseSig -> String -> String
transTypeStringT i s = let t = transString s in
if Set.member t $ maybe (error "Isabelle.Translate.transStringT") id
$ Map.lookup i (preTypes isaPrelude)
then t++"X" else t -- ++ "X" else t
-- | check for legal alphanumeric isabelle characters
isIsaChar :: Char -> Bool
isIsaChar c = isAlphaNum c && isAscii c || c `elem` "_'"
transString :: String -> String
transString str = let
x = 'X'
replaceChar1 d | d == x = "YX" -- code out existing X!
| isIsaChar d = [d]
| otherwise = replaceChar d ++ [x]
in case str of
"" -> [x]
c : s -> let l = replaceChar1 c in
(if isDigit c || c `elem` "_'" then [x, c]
else l) ++ concatMap replaceChar1 s
-- | injective replacement of special characters
replaceChar :: Char -> String
-- <>
replaceChar c = if isIsaChar c then [c] else let n = ord c in
if n <= 32 || n >= 127 && n < 160 || n > 255 then "Slash_" ++ show n
else maybe (error "Isabelle.replaceChar") id $ Map.lookup c charMap