Translate.hs revision 05d2566826e920a5d23d6b5afff353018ff81760
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translate 'Id' to Isabelle strings
module Isabelle.Translate (showIsa, showIsaT, showIsaSid, showIsaI, showIsaIT, replaceChar, transString) where
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe
import Debug.Trace
import Isabelle.IsaSign
------------------- Id translation functions -------------------
isaPrelude :: Map.Map IName (Set.Set String)
isaPrelude = Set.fromList $ Map.fromList
("HOL",["!!","!!","#prop","0","1","==","==>","=?=","ALL ","All","EX ","EX! ","Ex","Ex1","False",
"Goal","If","LEAST ","Least","Let","Not","TYPE","The","True","Trueprop",
"one_class","op &","op *","op +","op -","op -->","op <","op <=",
"op =","op |","ord","ord_class","order",
("Main",["!!","#prop","*","+","0","1","==", "==>","=?=","@Coll","@Finset","@INTER","@INTER1",
"@INTER_le", "@INTER_less","@SetCompr","@Sigma","@Times","@UNION","@UNION1","@UNION_le",
"EX ","EX! ","Eps","Ex","Ex1","False","Field","Finites","GREATEST ","Goal","Greatest",
"GreatestM","INF ","INTER","Id","If","Image","In0","In1","Inf_many","Inl","Inl_Rep","Inr",
"Inr_Rep","Integ","Inter","Ints","Inv","LC","LEAST ","Leaf","Least","LeastM","Left","Let",
"Lim","MOST ","Max","Min","NCons","Nat","Nats","Nibble0","Nibble1","Nibble2","Nibble3",
"{}","~=>", "O", "o"])]
showIsa :: Id -> String
showIsa ident = trace "Please use 'showIsaT :: Id -> IName -> String' instead of showIsa."
(showIsaT ident "Pure")
showIsaT :: Id -> IName -> String
showIsaT ident theory =
-- "stripUnderscores sident" was substided by sident because there is no problem, if reserved words
-- differ from sident only by underscrores
if Set.member sident $ Map.findWithDefault Set.empty theory isaPrelude
then sident++"X" else sident
sident = transString $ show ident
selList [] _ = []
selList ((l,list):ls) thy = if l == thy then list else selList ls thy
-- not in use
-- stripUnderscores :: String -> String
-- stripUnderscores = catMaybes . map (\c -> if c=='_' then Nothing else Just c)
showIsaSid :: SIMPLE_ID -> String
showIsaSid = transString . show
showIsaI :: Id -> Int -> String
showIsaI ident i = trace "Please use 'showIsaIT :: Id -> Int -> IName -> String' instead of showIsaI."
(showIsaIT ident i "Pure")
showIsaIT :: Id -> Int -> IName -> String
showIsaIT ident i theory = showIsaT ident theory ++ "_" ++ show i
isIsaChar :: Char -> Bool
isIsaChar c = (isAlphaNum c && isAscii c) || c `elem` "_'"
replaceChar1 :: Char -> String
replaceChar1 c | isIsaChar c = [c]
| otherwise = replaceChar c++"X"
transString :: String -> String
transString "" = "X"
transString (c:s) =
if isInf (c:s) then concat $ map replaceChar1 (cut (c:s))
else ((if isAlpha c && isAscii c then [c]
else 'X':replaceChar1 c) ++ (concat $ map replaceChar1 s))
isInf :: String -> Bool
isInf s = has2Under s && has2Under (reverse s)
has2Under :: String -> Bool
has2Under (fs:sn:_) = fs == '_' && sn == '_'
has2Under _ = False
cut :: String -> String
cut = reverse . tail . tail . reverse . tail . tail
-- Replacement of special characters
replaceChar :: Char -> String
replaceChar c = if isIsaChar c then [c] else
Map.findWithDefault "_" c $ Map.fromList
[('!' , "Exclam"),
('#' , "Sharp"),
('$' , "Dollar"),
('%' , "Percent"),
('&' , "Amp"),
('(' , "OBra"),
(')' , "CBra"),
('*' , "x"),
('+' , "Plus"),
(',' , "Comma"),
('-' , "Minus"),
('.' , "Dot"),
('/' , "Div"),
(':' , "Colon"),
(';' , "Semi"),
('<' , "Lt"),
('=' , "Eq"),
('>' , "Gt"),
('?' , "Q"),
('@' , "At"),
('\\' , "Back"),
('^' , "Hat"),
('`' , "'"),
('{' , "Cur"),
('|' , "Bar"),
('}' , "Ruc"),
('~' , "Tilde"),
('\128' , "A1"),
('\129' , "A2"),
('\130' , "A3"),
('\131' , "A4"),
('\132' , "A5"),
('\133' , "A6"),
('\134' , "AE"),
('\135' , "C"),
('\136' , "E1"),
('\137' , "E2"),
('\138' , "E3"),
('\139' , "E4"),
('\140' , "I1"),
('\141' , "I2"),
('\142' , "I3"),
('\143' , "I4"),
('\144' , "D1"),
('\145' , "N1"),
('\146' , "O1"),
('\147' , "O2"),
('\148' , "O3"),
('\149' , "O4"),
('\150' , "O5"),
('\151' , "x"),
('\152' , "O"),
('\153' , "U1"),
('\154' , "U2"),
('\155' , "U3"),
('\156' , "U4"),
('\157' , "Y"),
('\158' , "F"),
('\159' , "ss"),
('�' , "SpanishExclam"),
('�' , "c"),
('�' , "Lb"),
('�' , "o"),
('�' , "Yen"),
('�' , "Bar1"),
('�' , "Paragraph"),
('�' , "\'"),
('�' , "Copyright"),
('�' , "a1"),
('�' , "\'"),
('�' , "not"),
('�' , "Minus1"),
('�' , "Regmark"),
('�' , "Degree"),
('�' , "Plusminus"),
('�' , "2"),
('�' , "3"),
('�' , "'"),
('�' , "Mu"),
('�' , "q"),
('�' , "Dot"),
('�' , "'"),
('�' , "1"),
('�' , "2"),
('�' , "\'"),
('�' , "Quarter"),
('�' , "Half"),
('�' , "Threequarter"),
('�' , "Q"),
('�' , "A7"),
('�' , "A8"),
('�' , "A9"),
('�' , "A10"),
('�' , "A11"),
('�' , "A12"),
('�' , "AE2"),
('�' , "C2"),
('�' , "E5"),
('�' , "E6"),
('�' , "E7"),
('�' , "E8"),
('�' , "I5"),
('�' , "I6"),
('�' , "I7"),
('�' , "I8"),
('�' , "D2"),
('�' , "N2"),
('�' , "O6"),
('�' , "O7"),
('�' , "O8"),
('�' , "O9"),
('�' , "O10"),
('�' , "xx"),
('�' , "011"),
('�' , "U5"),
('�' , "U6"),
('�' , "U7"),
('�' , "U8"),
('�' , "Y"),
('�' , "F"),
('�' , "ss"),
('�' , "a2"),
('�' , "a3"),
('�' , "a4"),
('�' , "a5"),
('�' , "a6"),
('�' , "a7"),
('�' , "ae"),
('�' , "c"),
('�' , "e1"),
('�' , "e2"),
('�' , "e3"),
('�' , "e4"),
('�' , "i1"),
('�' , "i2"),
('�' , "i3"),
('�' , "i4"),
('�' , "d"),
('�' , "n"),
('�' , "o1"),
('�' , "o2"),
('�' , "o3"),
('�' , "o4"),
('�' , "o5"),
('�' , "Div1"),
('�' , "o6"),
('�' , "u1"),
('�' , "u2"),
('�' , "u3"),
('�' , "u4"),
('�' , "y5"),
('�' , "f"),
('�' , "y")]