MarkSimp.hs revision 2fc44bccbdb9dd30d3aa1b49fff1f3e3c3e64d0a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : mark certain Isabelle sentenes for the simplifier
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
try to recognize formulas for the simplifier
module Isabelle.MarkSimp (markSimp) where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
markSimp :: Named Sentence -> Named Sentence
markSimp s = let prefixIsin = any (flip isPrefixOf $ senAttr s) in
if isDef s || prefixIsin excludePrefixes
then s else mapNamed
(markSimpSen $ \ ns -> isSimpRuleSen ns || prefixIsin includePrefixes) s
excludePrefixes :: [String]
excludePrefixes = ["ga_transitive"]
includePrefixes :: [String]
includePrefixes = ["ga_predicate_monotonicity", "ga_function_monotonicity"]
markSimpSen :: (Sentence -> Bool) -> Sentence -> Sentence
markSimpSen f s = case s of
Sentence {} -> s {isSimp = f s}
_ -> s
isSimpRuleSen :: Sentence -> Bool
isSimpRuleSen sen = case sen of
RecDef {} -> False
_ -> isCondEq $ senTerm sen
isSimplAppl :: Term -> Bool
isSimplAppl trm = case trm of
Free {} -> True
Const q _ -> not $ elem (new q)
[allS, exS, ex1S, eq, impl, disj, conj, cNot]
App f a _ -> isSimplAppl f && isSimplAppl a
Tuplex ts _ -> all isSimplAppl ts
_ -> False
isEqOrSimplAppl :: Term -> Bool
isEqOrSimplAppl trm = case trm of
App (App (Const q _) a1 _) a2 _ | new q == eq ->
isSimplAppl a1 && isSimplAppl a2 && sizeOfTerm a1 > sizeOfTerm a2
_ -> isSimplAppl trm
isEqOrNeg :: Term -> Bool
isEqOrNeg trm = case trm of
App (Const q _) arg _ | new q == cNot -> isEqOrNeg arg
_ -> isEqOrSimplAppl trm
isCondEq :: Term -> Bool
isCondEq trm = case trm of
App (Const q _) arg@Abs{} _ | new q == allS -> isCondEq (termId arg)
App (App (Const q _) a1 _) a2 _
| new q == impl -> isEqOrNeg a1 && isCondEq a2
| new q == conj -> isCondEq a1 && isCondEq a2
_ -> isEqOrNeg trm
sizeOfTerm :: Term -> Int
sizeOfTerm trm = case trm of
Abs { termId = t } -> sizeOfTerm t + 1
App { funId = t1, argId = t2 } -> sizeOfTerm t1 + sizeOfTerm t2
If { ifId = t1, thenId = t2, elseId = t3 } ->
sizeOfTerm t1 + max (sizeOfTerm t2) (sizeOfTerm t3)
Case { termId = t1, caseSubst = cs } ->
sizeOfTerm t1 + foldr max 0 (map (sizeOfTerm . snd) cs)
Let { letSubst = es, inId = t } ->
sizeOfTerm t + sum (map (sizeOfTerm . snd) es)
IsaEq { firstTerm = t1, secondTerm = t2 } ->
sizeOfTerm t1 + sizeOfTerm t2 + 1
Tuplex ts _ -> sum $ map sizeOfTerm ts
_ -> 1