IsaSign.hs revision 38f350357e92da312d2c344352180b3dc5c1fc8a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Data structures for Isabelle sigantures and theories.
Adapted from Isabelle.
module Isabelle.IsaSign where
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Data.Dynamic
bracketize :: Bool -> String -> String
bracketize b s = if b then "("++s++")" else s
---------------- from src/Pure/Syntax/syntax.ML -------------------
type Syntax = () -- leave this for later
-------------------- from src/Pure/term.ML ------------------------
{-Indexnames can be quickly renamed by adding an offset to the integer part,
for resolution.-}
type Indexname = (String,Int)
{- Types are classified by sorts. -}
type Class = String;
type Sort = [Class]
{- The sorts attached to TFrees and TVars specify the sort of that variable -}
data Typ = Type (String,[Typ])
| TFree (String, Sort)
-- | TVar (Indexname, Sort)
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Typ where
show = showTyp 1000
showTyp _ (Type (t,[])) = t
showTyp pri (Type ("fun",[s,t])) =
bracketize (pri<=10) (showTyp 10 s ++ "=>" ++ showTyp 11 t)
showTyp pri (Type (t,args)) = "("++concat (map ((" "++).show) args)++")"++t
showTyp pri (TFree (v,_)) = v
infix -->
infix --->
dummyT :: Typ
dummyT = Type("dummy",[])
boolType :: Typ
boolType = Type("bool",[])
s --> t = Type("fun",[s,t])
{-handy for multiple args: [T1,...,Tn]--->T gives T1-->(T2--> ... -->T)-}
(--->) = flip $ foldr (-->)
{-Terms. Bound variables are indicated by depth number.
Free variables, (scheme) variables and constants have names.
An term is "closed" if every bound variable of level "lev"
is enclosed by at least "lev" abstractions.
It is possible to create meaningless terms containing loose bound vars
or type mismatches. But such terms are not allowed in rules. -}
data Term =
Const (String, Typ)
| Free (String, Typ)
-- | Var (Indexname, Typ)
-- | Bound Int
| Abs (String, Typ, Term)
| App Term Term
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Term where
show = showTerm 1000
showTerm :: Int -> Term -> String
showTerm pri (Const (c,_)) = c
showTerm pri (Free (v,_)) = v
showTerm pri (Abs (v,_,t)) = "%"++v++" . "++showTerm pri t
showTerm pri (Abs (v,_,t)) = "%"++v++" . "++showTerm pri t
showTerm pri (Const ("All",_) `App` Abs (v,_,t)) =
bracketize (pri<=10) ("! "++v++" . "++showTerm pri t)
showTerm pri (Const ("Ex",_) `App` Abs (v,_,t)) =
bracketize (pri<=10) ( "? "++v++" . "++showTerm pri t)
showTerm pri (Const ("Ex1",_) `App` Abs (v,_,t)) =
bracketize (pri<=10) ( "?! "++v++" . "++showTerm pri t)
showTerm pri (t1 `App` t2) =
bracketize (pri<=10) (showTerm 11 t1 ++ " " ++ showTerm 10 t2)
data Sentence = Sentence { senTerm :: Term
instance Eq Sentence where
s1 == s2 = senTerm s1 == senTerm s2
instance Ord Sentence where
compare s1 s2 = compare (senTerm s1) (senTerm s2)
instance Show Sentence where
show s = show (senTerm s)
instance PrettyPrint Sentence where
printText0 _ = ptext . show
-------------------- from src/Pure/sorts.ML ------------------------
{-- type classes and sorts --}
Classes denote (possibly empty) collections of types that are
partially ordered by class inclusion. They are represented
symbolically by strings.
Sorts are intersections of finitely many classes. They are
represented by lists of classes. Normal forms of sorts are sorted
lists of minimal classes (wrt. current class inclusion).
(already defined in Pure/term.ML)
{- sort signature information -}
table representing the proper subclass relation; entries (c, cs)
represent the superclasses cs of c;
table of association lists of all type arities; (t, ars) means
that type constructor t has the arities ars; an element (c, Ss) of
ars represents the arity t::(Ss)c;
type Classrel = Map.Map String [Class]
type Arities = Map.Map String [(Class, [Sort])]
-------------------- from src/Pure/type.ML ------------------------
data TypeSig =
TySg {
classes:: [Class],
classrel:: Classrel,
defaultSort:: Sort,
tycons:: Map.Map String Int,
log_types:: [String],
univ_witness:: Maybe (Typ, Sort),
abbrs:: Map.Map String ([String],Typ),
arities:: Arities }
deriving (Eq)
emptyTypeSig :: TypeSig
emptyTypeSig = TySg {
classes = [],
classrel = Map.empty,
defaultSort = [],
tycons = Map.empty,
log_types = [],
univ_witness = Nothing,
abbrs = Map.empty,
arities = Map.empty }
instance Show TypeSig where
show tysig =
if Map.isEmpty (tycons tysig) then ""
else Map.foldWithKey showTycon "" (tycons tysig)
where showTycon t arity rest =
"typedecl "++
(if arity>0 then "("++concat (map ((" 'a"++).show) [1..arity])++")"
else "")
++ show t
-------------------- from src/Pure/sign.ML ------------------------
data Sign = Sign { baseSig :: String, -- like Pure, HOL etc.
tsig :: TypeSig,
constTab :: Map.Map String Typ,
syn :: Syntax
deriving (Eq)
emptySign :: Sign
emptySign = Sign { baseSig = "Pure",
tsig = emptyTypeSig,
constTab = Map.empty,
syn = () }
instance Show Sign where
show sig =
baseSig sig ++":\n"++
shows (tsig sig)
(showsConstTab (constTab sig))
showsConstTab tab =
if Map.isEmpty tab then ""
else "consts\n" ++ Map.foldWithKey showConst "" tab
showConst c t rest = show c ++ " :: " ++ "\"" ++ show t ++ "\"\n" ++ rest
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 _ = ptext . show
instance PrintLaTeX Sign where
printLatex0 = printText0
sentenceTc, signTc :: TyCon
sentenceTc = mkTyCon "Isabelle.Sign.Sentence"
signTc = mkTyCon "Isabelle.Sign.Sign"
instance Typeable Sentence where
typeOf _ = mkAppTy sentenceTc []
instance Typeable Sign where
typeOf _ = mkAppTy signTc []