IsaProve.hs revision ce8b15da31cd181b7e90593cbbca98f47eda29d6
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for Isabelle theorem prover.
{- todo
remove axioms/theorems keyword when formula list is empty
module Isabelle.IsaProve where
import Logic.Prover
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import TextDisplay
import Configuration
isabelleProver :: Prover Sign Sentence () ()
isabelleProver =
Prover { prover_name ="Isabelle",
prover_sublogic = "Isabelle",
prove = isaProve
-- input: theory name, theory, goals
-- output: proof status for goals and lemmas
isaProve :: String -> (Sign,[Named Sentence]) -> [Named Sentence]
-> IO([Proof_status Sentence ()])
isaProve thName (sig,axs) goals = do
let disAxs = disambiguateSens [] $ nameSens $ transSens axs
showAxs = if null disAxs then ""
else "axioms\n"++(concat $ map ((++"\n") . showSen) disAxs)
showGoals = concat
$ map (("theorem "++) . (++"\noops\n\n") . showSen)
$ disambiguateSens disAxs $ nameSens $ transSens goals
getFileName = reverse . fst . break (=='/') . reverse
showTheory = "theory " ++ getFileName thName ++ " = "
++ showPretty sig "\n\n"
++ showAxs ++ "\n\n" ++ showGoals
++ "\nend\n"
writeFile (thName++".thy") showTheory
createTextDisplay thName ("Wrote Isabelle/Isar theory "++thName++".thy")
return [] -- ??? to be implemented
-- translate special characters in sentence names
transSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a]
transSens = map (\ax -> ax{senName = transString $ senName ax})
-- disambiguate sentence names
disambiguateSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a] -> [Named a]
disambiguateSens others axs = reverse $ disambiguateSensAux others axs []
disambiguateSensAux others [] soFar = soFar
disambiguateSensAux others (ax:rest) soFar =
disambiguateSensAux (ax':others) rest (ax':soFar)
name' = fromJust $ find (not . flip elem namesSoFar)
(name:[name++show i | i<-[1..]])
name = senName ax
namesSoFar = map senName others
ax' = ax{senName = name'}
-- output a sentences
showSen :: PrettyPrint a => Named a -> String
showSen x = (if null (senName x) then ""
else senName x++": ")
++ "\""++showPretty (sentence x) "\""
-- name unlabeled axioms with "Axnnn"
nameSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a]
nameSens sens =
map nameSen (zip sens [1..length sens])
where nameSen (sen,no) = if senName sen == ""
then sen{senName = "Ax"++show no}
else sen