IsaProve.hs revision b6a54d7292d7a3713000847334de4316d105f40f
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for Isabelle theorem prover.
todo: thy files in subdir, check of legal changes in thy file
consistency check
Interface between Isabelle and Hets:
Hets writes Isabelle .thy file and starts Isabelle
User extends .thy file with proofs
User finishes Isabelle
Hets reads in created *.deps files
module Isabelle.IsaProve where
import Logic.Prover
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
import Isabelle.Translate
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DefaultMorphism
import Common.ProofUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Driver.Options
import Data.Char
import Directory
import System
isabelleS :: String
isabelleS = "Isabelle"
isabelleProver :: Prover Sign Sentence ()
isabelleProver =
Prover { prover_name = isabelleS,
prover_sublogic = isabelleS,
prove = isaProve False
isabelleConsChecker :: ConsChecker Sign Sentence (DefaultMorphism Sign) ()
isabelleConsChecker =
Prover { prover_name = "Isabelle-refute",
prover_sublogic = isabelleS,
prove = \ thn mor -> error "isabelleConsChecker" }
prepareTheory :: Theory Sign Sentence ()
-> (Sign, [Named Sentence], [Named Sentence], Map.Map String String)
prepareTheory (Theory sig nSens) = let
oSens = toNamedList nSens
nSens' = prepareSenNames transString oSens
(disAxs, disGoals) = getAxioms nSens'
in (sig, map markSimp disAxs, map markSimp disGoals,
Map.fromList $ zip (map senName nSens') $ map senName oSens)
-- return a reverse mapping for renamed sentences
removeDepFiles :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
removeDepFiles thName = mapM_ $ removeFile . getDepsFileName thName
getDepsFileName :: String -> String -> String
getDepsFileName thName thm = thName ++ "_" ++ thm ++ ".deps"
getProofDeps :: Map.Map String String -> String -> String
-> IO (Proof_status ())
getProofDeps m thName thm = do
let file = getDepsFileName thName thm
mapN n = Map.findWithDefault n n m
strip = takeWhile (not . isSpace) . dropWhile isSpace
b <- checkInFile file
if b then do
s <- readFile file
if null s then return $ Open $ mapN thm
else let l = filter (not . null) $ map strip $ lines s
in return $ mkProved (mapN thm) $ map mapN l
else return $ Open $ mapN thm
getAllProofDeps :: Map.Map String String -> String -> [String]
-> IO([Proof_status ()])
getAllProofDeps m thName = mapM $ getProofDeps m thName
mkProved :: String -> [String] -> Proof_status ()
mkProved thm used = Proved
{ goalName = thm
, usedAxioms = used
, proverName = isabelleS
, proofTree = ()
, tacticScript = Tactic_script "unknown isabelle user input"
prepareThyFiles :: String -> String -> IO ()
prepareThyFiles thyFile thy = do
let origFile = thyFile ++ ".orig"
exOrig <- checkInFile origFile
exThyFile <- checkInFile thyFile
if exOrig then return () else writeFile origFile thy
if exThyFile then return () else writeFile thyFile thy
s <- readFile origFile
if s == thy then do -- orig file is up to date
thy_time <- getModificationTime thyFile
orig_time <- getModificationTime origFile
if thy_time >= orig_time then -- use the current file
return ()
else patchThyFile origFile thyFile thy
else patchThyFile origFile thyFile thy
patchThyFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
patchThyFile origFile thyFile thy = do
let patchFile = thyFile ++ ".patch"
oldFile = thyFile ++ ".old"
diffCall = "diff -u " ++ origFile ++ " " ++ thyFile
++ " > " ++ patchFile
patchCall = "patch -u " ++ thyFile ++ " " ++ patchFile
callSystem diffCall
renameFile thyFile oldFile
writeFile origFile thy
writeFile thyFile thy
callSystem patchCall
callSystem :: String -> IO ExitCode
callSystem s = putStrLn s >> system s
isaProve :: Bool -> String -> Theory Sign Sentence () -> IO([Proof_status ()])
isaProve checkCons thName th = do
let (sig, axs, ths, m) = prepareTheory th
thms = map senName ths
hlibdir <- getEnv "HETS_LIB"
let thBaseName = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse thName
thy = show $ printIsaTheory thBaseName hlibdir sig $ axs ++ ths
thyFile = thName ++ ".thy"
prepareThyFiles thyFile thy
removeDepFiles thName thms
isabelle <- getEnv "HETS_ISABELLE"
callSystem $ isabelle ++ " " ++ thyFile
getAllProofDeps m thName thms
markSimp :: Named Sentence -> Named Sentence
markSimp = mapNamed markSimpSen
markSimpSen :: Sentence -> Sentence
markSimpSen s = case s of
Sentence {} -> s {isSimp = isSimpRuleSen s}
_ -> s
isSimpRuleSen :: Sentence -> Bool
isSimpRuleSen sen = case sen of
RecDef {} -> False
_ -> isSimpRule $ senTerm sen
-- | test whether a formula should be put into the simpset
isSimpRule :: Term -> Bool
-- only universal quantifications
isSimpRule App { funId = Const {termName = VName { new = q }}
, argId = arg@Abs{}}
| q == exS || q == ex1S = False
| q == allS = isSimpRule (termId arg)
-- accept everything expect from abstractions
isSimpRule App {funId = arg1, argId = arg2} =
isSimpRule arg1 && isSimpRule arg2
isSimpRule MixfixApp {funId = arg1, argIds = args } =
isSimpRule arg1 && all isSimpRule args
isSimpRule Const{} = True
isSimpRule Free{} = True
isSimpRule Var{} = True
isSimpRule Bound{} = True
isSimpRule Abs{} = False
isSimpRule If{} = True
isSimpRule Case{} = True
isSimpRule Let{} = True
isSimpRule (Paren t) = isSimpRule t
isSimpRule _ = False