IsaProve.hs revision a348b2eb46eb51f376c910d6dd4415fdab6713bd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for Isabelle theorem prover.
todo: thy files in subdir
Interface between Isabelle and Hets:
Hets writes Isabelle .thy file and opens window with button (GUI/HTkUtils.hs, uni/htk/test, ask cxl)
User extends .thy file with proofs
User presses button
Hets reads in user-modified .thy file
Hets write new .thy file (different name), consisting of
- original theory (i.e. put theory string into variable)
- proof part of user-modified file (look for first "\ntheorem")
- ML code for check_theorem
- ML "check_theorem \"name1\" \"theorem1\" name.thy" (name: thName)
- ML "check_theorem \"namen\" "\theoremn\" name.thy"
Hets runs new .thy file in Isar batch mode (system " .... ")
Hets inspects log file and extracts proven theorems
fun check_theorem name thm thy =
aconv(#prop(rep_thm(Drule.freeze_all(get_thm thy name))), snd(read_axm (sign_of thy) (name,thm)))
handle _ => false;
module Isabelle.IsaProve where
import Logic.Prover
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Configuration
import ChildProcess
import Directory
import System
import HTk
isabelleProver :: Prover Sign Sentence () ()
isabelleProver =
Prover { prover_name = "Isabelle",
prover_sublogic = "Isabelle",
prove = isaProve
-- input: theory name, theory, goals
-- output: proof status for goals and lemmas
isaProve :: String -> (Sign,[Named Sentence]) -> [Named Sentence]
-> IO([Proof_status Sentence ()])
isaProve thName (sig,axs) goals = do
let fileName = thName++".thy"
origName = thName++".orig.thy"
patchName = thName++".patch"
proofedName = thName++".proofed.thy"
theory = showTheory
ex <- doesFileExist fileName
exorig <- doesFileExist origName
case (ex,exorig) of
(True,True) -> do
putStrLn ("diff -u "++origName++" "++fileName++" > "++patchName)
system ("diff -u "++origName++" "++fileName++" > "++patchName)
writeFile fileName theory
putStrLn ("cp "++fileName++" "++origName)
system ("cp "++fileName++" "++origName)
putStrLn ("patch -u "++fileName++" "++patchName)
system ("patch -u "++fileName++" "++patchName)
return ()
(True,False) -> do
system ("cp "++fileName++" "++fileName++".old")
writeFile fileName theory
system ("cp "++fileName++" "++origName)
return ()
(False,_) -> do
writeFile fileName theory
system ("cp "++fileName++" "++origName)
return ()
isabelle <- getEnv "HETS_ISABELLE"
isa <- newChildProcess (isabelle ++ "/bin/Isabelle") [arguments [fileName]]
htk <- initHTk [withdrawMainWin]
t <- createToplevel [text "Proof confirmation window"]
b <- newButton t [text "Please press me when current theory is proofed!",size(50,10)]
pack b []
clickedb <- clicked b
spawnEvent (clickedb >>> destroy htk)
closeChildProcessFds isa
proofedThy <- readFile fileName
let newThy = withoutThms theory ++ onlyThms proofedThy ++ checkThm ++ concat (map checkThms disGoals)
writeFile proofedName newThy
-- system (isabelle ++ "/isabelle -e "++newThy++" -q HOL" ++ " heap.isa")
return [] -- ??? to be implemented
disAxs = disambiguateSens [] $ nameSens $ transSens axs
(lemmas, decs) = unzip (map formLemmas disAxs)
showLemma = if showLemmas sig
then concat lemmas ++ "\n" ++ concat (map (++"\n") decs)
else ""
showAxs = concat $ map ((++"\n") . showSen) disAxs
disGoals = disambiguateSens disAxs $ nameSens $ transSens goals
showGoals = concat $ map showGoal disGoals
getFN = reverse . fst . break (=='/') . reverse
showGoal goal = (("theorem "++) . (++"\noops\n") . showSen) goal
showTheory = thyPath
++ "theory " ++ getFN thName ++ " = "
++ showPretty sig "\n\naxioms\n"
++ showAxs ++ "\n" ++ showLemma ++ "\n\n" ++ showGoals
++ "\nend\n"
withoutThms thy = (unlines . takeWhile (isNotPrefixOf "theorem")) (lines thy)
onlyThms thy = (unlines . dropWhile (isNotPrefixOf "theorem")) (lines thy)
isNotPrefixOf t s = (not . (isPrefixOf t)) s
checkThm = "\n\nML \"fun check_theorem name thm thy = "
++ "aconv(#prop(rep_thm(Drule.freeze_all(get_thm thy name))),"
++ "snd(read_axm (sign_of thy) (name,thm))) handle _ => false;\"\n\n"
checkThms thm = "ML \"check_theorem \\\""
++ senName thm ++ "\\\" "
++ "\\\""++showPretty (sentence thm) "\\\" "
++ thName ++ ".thy \"\n"
thyPath = "ML \"val hetsLib = (OS.Process.getEnv \\\"HETS_LIB\\\"); \n"
++ "case hetsLib of NONE => add_path \\\".\\\" \n"
++ "| SOME s => add_path (s ^ \\\"/Isabelle\\\")\"\n\n"
-- translate special characters in sentence names
transSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a]
transSens = map (\ax -> ax{senName = transString $ senName ax})
-- disambiguate sentence names
disambiguateSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a] -> [Named a]
disambiguateSens others axs = reverse $ disambiguateSensAux others axs []
disambiguateSensAux :: [Named a] -> [Named a] -> [Named a] -> [Named a]
disambiguateSensAux _ [] soFar = soFar
disambiguateSensAux others (ax:rest) soFar =
disambiguateSensAux (ax':others) rest (ax':soFar)
name' = fromJust $ find (not . flip elem namesSoFar)
(name:[name++show (i :: Int) | i<-[1..]])
name = senName ax
namesSoFar = map senName others
ax' = ax{senName = name'}
-- output a sentences
showSen :: PrettyPrint a => Named a -> String
showSen s = (if null (senName s) then ""
else senName s++": ")
++ "\""++showPretty (sentence s) "\""
-- name unlabeled axioms with "Axnnn"
nameSens :: [Named a] -> [Named a]
nameSens sens =
map nameSen (zip sens [1..length sens])
where nameSen (sen,no) = if senName sen == ""
then sen{senName = "Ax"++show no}
else sen
-- form a lemmas from given axiom and add them both to Isabelles simplifier
formLemmas :: Named a -> (String, String)
formLemmas sen =
let (sn, ln) = lemmaName (senName sen)
("lemmas " ++ ln ++ " = " ++ sn ++ " [simplified]\n",
dec ln ++ "\n" ++ dec sn)
lemmaName s = (s, s++"'")
dec s = "declare " ++ s ++ " [simp]"