IsaProve.hs revision 01e278bdd7dce13b9303ed3d79683d83c89d09f9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : interface to the Isabelle theorem prover
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Interface for Isabelle theorem prover.
Interface between Isabelle and Hets:
Hets writes Isabelle .thy file and starts Isabelle
User extends .thy file with proofs
User finishes Isabelle
Hets reads in created *.deps files
module Isabelle.IsaProve where
import Logic.Prover
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.IsaPrint
import Isabelle.IsaParse
import Isabelle.Translate
import Isabelle.MarkSimp
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.DefaultMorphism
import Common.ProofUtils
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char
import Data.List (isSuffixOf)
import Control.Monad
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.Cmd
isabelleS :: String
isabelleS = "Isabelle"
isabelleProver :: Prover Sign Sentence () ()
isabelleProver = mkProverTemplate isabelleS () isaProve
isabelleConsChecker :: ConsChecker Sign Sentence () (DefaultMorphism Sign) ()
isabelleConsChecker = mkProverTemplate "Isabelle-refute" () consCheck
openIsaProof_status :: String -> Proof_status ()
openIsaProof_status n = openProof_status n (prover_name isabelleProver) ()
-- | the name of the inconsistent lemma for consistency checks
inconsistentS :: String
inconsistentS = "inconsistent"
metaToTerm :: MetaTerm -> Term
metaToTerm mt = case mt of
Term t -> t
Conditional ts t -> case ts of
[] -> t
_ -> binImpl (foldr1 binConj ts) t
consCheck :: String -> TheoryMorphism Sign Sentence (DefaultMorphism Sign) ()
-> IO([Proof_status ()])
consCheck thName tm = case t_target tm of
Theory sig nSens -> let (axs, _) = getAxioms $ toNamedList nSens in
isaProve (thName ++ "_c") $
Theory sig
$ markAsGoal $ toThSens $ if null axs then [] else
[ makeNamed inconsistentS $ mkRefuteSen $ termAppl notOp
$ foldr1 binConj
$ map (metaToTerm . metaTerm . sentence) axs ]
prepareTheory :: Theory Sign Sentence ()
-> (Sign, [Named Sentence], [Named Sentence], Map.Map String String)
prepareTheory (Theory sig nSens) = let
oSens = toNamedList nSens
nSens' = prepareSenNames transString oSens
(disAxs, disGoals) = getAxioms nSens'
in (sig, map markSimp disAxs, map markThSimp disGoals,
Map.fromList $ zip (map senAttr nSens') $ map senAttr oSens)
-- return a reverse mapping for renamed sentences
removeDepFiles :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
removeDepFiles thName = mapM_ $ \ thm -> do
let depFile = getDepsFileName thName thm
ex <- doesFileExist depFile
when ex $ removeFile depFile
getDepsFileName :: String -> String -> String
getDepsFileName thName thm = thName ++ "_" ++ thm ++ ".deps"
getProofDeps :: Map.Map String String -> String -> String
-> IO (Proof_status ())
getProofDeps m thName thm = do
let file = getDepsFileName thName thm
mapN n = Map.findWithDefault n n m
strip = takeWhile (not . isSpace) . dropWhile isSpace
b <- doesFileExist file
if b then do
s <- readFile file
return $ mkProved (mapN thm) $ map mapN $
Set.toList $ Set.filter (not . null) $
Set.fromList $ map strip $ lines s
else return $ openIsaProof_status $ mapN thm
getAllProofDeps :: Map.Map String String -> String -> [String]
-> IO([Proof_status ()])
getAllProofDeps m thName = mapM $ getProofDeps m thName
checkFinalThyFile :: (TheoryHead, Body) -> String -> IO Bool
checkFinalThyFile (ho, bo) thyFile = do
s <- readFile thyFile
case parse parseTheory thyFile s of
Right (hb, b) -> do
let ds = compatibleBodies bo b
mapM_ (\ d -> putStrLn $ showDoc d "") $ ds ++ warnSimpAttr b
if hb /= ho then do
putStrLn "illegal change of theory header"
return False
else return $ null ds
Left err -> putStrLn (show err) >> return False
mkProved :: String -> [String] -> Proof_status ()
mkProved thm used = (openIsaProof_status thm)
{ goalStatus = Proved Nothing
, usedAxioms = used
, tacticScript = Tactic_script "unknown isabelle user input"
prepareThyFiles :: (TheoryHead, Body) -> String -> String -> IO ()
prepareThyFiles ast thyFile thy = do
let origFile = thyFile ++ ".orig"
exOrig <- doesFileExist origFile
exThyFile <- doesFileExist thyFile
if exOrig then return () else writeFile origFile thy
if exThyFile then return () else writeFile thyFile thy
thy_time <- getModificationTime thyFile
orig_time <- getModificationTime origFile
s <- readFile origFile
unless (thy_time >= orig_time && s == thy)
$ patchThyFile ast origFile thyFile thy
patchThyFile :: (TheoryHead, Body) -> FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
patchThyFile (ho, bo) origFile thyFile thy = do
let patchFile = thyFile ++ ".patch"
oldFile = thyFile ++ ".old"
diffCall = "diff -u " ++ origFile ++ " " ++ thyFile
++ " > " ++ patchFile
patchCall = "patch -bfu " ++ thyFile ++ " " ++ patchFile
callSystem diffCall
renameFile thyFile oldFile
removeFile origFile
writeFile origFile thy
writeFile thyFile thy
callSystem patchCall
s <- readFile thyFile
case parse parseTheory thyFile s of
Right (hb, b) -> do
let ds = compatibleBodies bo b
h = hb == ho
mapM_ (\ d -> putStrLn $ showDoc d "") ds
unless h $ putStrLn "theory header is corrupt"
unless (h && null ds) $ revertThyFile thyFile thy
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ show err
revertThyFile thyFile thy
revertThyFile :: String -> String -> IO ()
revertThyFile thyFile thy = do
putStrLn $ "replacing corrupt file " ++ show thyFile
removeFile thyFile
writeFile thyFile thy
callSystem :: String -> IO ExitCode
callSystem s = putStrLn s >> system s
isaProve :: String -> Theory Sign Sentence () -> IO([Proof_status ()])
isaProve thName th = do
let (sig, axs, ths, m) = prepareTheory th
thms = map senAttr ths
thBaseName = reverse . takeWhile (/= '/') $ reverse thName
useaxs = filter (\ s ->
sentence s /= mkSen true && (isDef s ||
isSuffixOf "def" (senAttr s))) axs
defaultProof = Just $ IsaProof
(if null useaxs then [] else [Using $ map senAttr useaxs])
$ By Auto
thy = shows (printIsaTheory thBaseName sig
$ axs ++ map (mapNamed $ \ t -> t { thmProof = defaultProof }) ths)
thyFile = thBaseName ++ ".thy"
case parse parseTheory thyFile thy of
Right (ho, bo) -> do
prepareThyFiles (ho, bo) thyFile thy
removeDepFiles thBaseName thms
isabelle <- getEnvDef "HETS_ISABELLE" "Isabelle"
callSystem $ isabelle ++ " " ++ thyFile
ok <- checkFinalThyFile (ho, bo) thyFile
if ok then getAllProofDeps m thBaseName thms
else return []
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ show err
putStrLn $ "Sorry, generated theory cannot be parsed, see: " ++ thyFile
writeFile thyFile thy
putStrLn "aborting Isabelle proof attempt"
return []