446N/ACopyright : (c) Andy Gimblett, Liam O'Reilly and Markus Roggenbach, Swansea University 2008
446N/AMaintainer : csliam@swansea.ac.uk
446N/AData structures for Isabelle Proofs
446N/Adata IsaProof = IsaProof
446N/A { proof :: [ProofCommand],
446N/A } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
446N/A -- | Pr Int -- This proof command simply sets the number of
5073N/A -- goals shown in the display and is not needed
446N/A deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
4744N/A = Auto -- This is a plain auto with no parameters - it is used
4744N/A -- so often it warents its own constructor
4744N/A | Simp -- This is a plain auto with no parameters - it is used
4744N/A -- so often it warents its own constructor
4744N/A | Induct String -- Induction on a variable
4744N/A | CaseTac String -- apply case_tac to a term
4744N/A | SubgoalTac String-- apply subgoal_tac to a term
4744N/A | Other String -- used for proof methods that have not been
4744N/A -- implemented yet - including auto and simp
4744N/AtoIsaProof :: ProofEnd -> IsaProof
5073N/AtoIsaProof e = IsaProof [] e