IsaPrint.hs revision e604ebb440d3ed0414aa2d54ff962768f0a27933
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : printing Isabelle entities
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Printing functions for Isabelle logic.
module Isabelle.IsaPrint
( showBaseSig
, printIsaTheory
, getAxioms
, printNamedSen
, printTerm
) where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Isabelle.Translate
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Doc hiding (bar)
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Utils (number)
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isNothing,catMaybes)
printIsaTheory :: String -> Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> Doc
printIsaTheory tn sign sens = let
b = baseSig sign
bs = showBaseSig b
use = text usesS <+> doubleQuotes (text $ ld ++ "prelude.ML")
in text theoryS <+> text tn
$+$ text importsS <+> fsep (case b of
Custom_thy -> []
_ -> if case b of
Main_thy -> False
HOLCF_thy -> False
Custom_thy -> True
_ -> True then [doubleQuotes $ text $ ld ++ bs] else [text bs]
++ map (doubleQuotes . text) (imports sign))
$+$ use
$+$ text beginS
$++$ printTheoryBody sign sens
$++$ text endS
printTheoryBody :: Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> Doc
printTheoryBody sig sens =
let (sens', recFuns) = findTypesForRecFuns sens (constTab sig)
sig' = sig { constTab =
Map.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> notElem (new k) recFuns) (constTab sig) }
in callSetup "initialize" (brackets $ sepByCommas
$ map (text . show . Quote . senAttr)
$ filter (\ s -> not (isConstDef s || isRecDef s || isInstance s)
&& senAttr s /= "") sens')
$++$ printSign sig'
$++$ printNamedSentences sens'
$++$ printMonSign sig'
findTypesForRecFuns :: [Named Sentence] -> ConstTab
-> ([Named Sentence], [String])
findTypesForRecFuns ns ctab =
let (sens, recFuns') = unzip $ map (\ sen ->
let (sen', recFns') =
case sentence sen of
RecDef kw cName cType tm ->
(case Map.toList $
Map.filterWithKey (\ k _ -> new k == new cName) ctab of
(_, t) : _ ->
case cType of
Nothing ->
RecDef kw cName (Just t) tm
Just t' ->
if t /= t' then error "recFun: two types given"
else sentence sen
[] -> sentence sen
, Just cName)
_ -> (sentence sen, Nothing)
in (sen {sentence = sen'}, recFns')) ns
in (sens, map new $ catMaybes recFuns')
printNamedSentences :: [Named Sentence] -> Doc
printNamedSentences sens = case sens of
[] -> empty
s : r
| isIsaAxiom s ->
let (axs, rest) = span isAxiom sens in
(if null axs then empty else text axiomatizationS $+$ text whereS)
$+$ vcat (intersperse (text andS) $ map printNamedSen axs)
$++$ vcat (map ( \ a -> text declareS <+> text (senAttr a)
<+> brackets (text simpS))
$ filter ( \ a -> case sentence a of
b@Sentence {} -> isSimp b && senAttr a /= ""
_ -> False) axs)
$++$ printNamedSentences rest
| isConstDef s ->
let (defs_, rest) = span isConstDef sens in
text defsS $+$ vsep (map printNamedSen defs_)
$++$ printNamedSentences rest
| otherwise ->
printNamedSen s $++$ (case senAttr s of
n | n == "" || isRecDef s -> empty
| otherwise -> callSetup "record" (text $ show $ Quote n))
$++$ printNamedSentences r
callSetup :: String -> Doc -> Doc
callSetup fun args =
text "setup" <+> doubleQuotes (fsep [text ("Header." ++ fun), args])
data QuotedString = Quote String
instance Show QuotedString where
show (Quote s) = init . tail . show $ show s
getAxioms :: [Named Sentence] -> ([Named Sentence], [Named Sentence])
getAxioms = partition isIsaAxiom
isIsaAxiom :: Named Sentence -> Bool
isIsaAxiom s = case sentence s of
Sentence {} -> isAxiom s
_ -> False
isInstance :: Named Sentence -> Bool
isInstance s = case sentence s of
Instance {} -> True
_ -> False
isConstDef :: Named Sentence -> Bool
isConstDef s = case sentence s of
ConstDef {} -> True
_ -> False
isRecDef :: Named Sentence -> Bool
isRecDef s = case sentence s of
RecDef {} -> True
_ -> False
-- --------------------- Printing functions -----------------------------
showBaseSig :: BaseSig -> String
showBaseSig = takeWhile (/= '_') . show
printClass :: IsaClass -> Doc
printClass (IsaClass x) = text x
printSort :: Sort -> Doc
printSort = printSortAux False
printSortAux :: Bool -> Sort -> Doc
printSortAux b l = case l of
[c] -> printClass c
_ -> (if b then doubleQuotes else id)
. braces . hcat . punctuate comma $ map printClass l
data SynFlag = Quoted | Unquoted | Null
doubleColon :: Doc
doubleColon = text "::"
isaEquals :: Doc
isaEquals = text "=="
bar :: [Doc] -> [Doc]
bar = punctuate $ space <> text "|"
printType :: Typ -> Doc
printType = printTyp Unquoted
printTyp :: SynFlag -> Typ -> Doc
printTyp a = fst . printTypeAux a
printTypeAux :: SynFlag -> Typ -> (Doc, Int)
printTypeAux a t = case t of
TFree v s -> (let
d = text $ if isPrefixOf "\'" v || isPrefixOf "?\'" v
then v else '\'' : v
c = printSort s
in if null s then d else case a of
Quoted -> d <> doubleColon <> if null
$ tail s then c else doubleQuotes c
Unquoted -> d <> doubleColon <> c
Null -> d, 1000)
TVar iv s -> printTypeAux a $ TFree (unindexed iv) s
Type name _ args -> case args of
[t1, t2] | elem name [prodS, sProdS, funS, cFunS, lFunS, sSumS] ->
printTypeOp a name t1 t2
_ -> ((case args of
[] -> empty
[arg] -> let (d, i) = printTypeAux a arg in
if i < 1000 then parens d else d
_ -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map (fst . printTypeAux a) args)
<+> text name, 1000)
printTypeOp :: SynFlag -> TName -> Typ -> Typ -> (Doc, Int)
printTypeOp x name r1 r2 =
let (d1, i1) = printTypeAux x r1
(d2, i2) = printTypeAux x r2
(l, r) = Map.findWithDefault (0 :: Int, 0 :: Int)
name $ Map.fromList
[ (funS, (1, 0))
, (cFunS, (1, 0))
, (lFunS, (1, 0))
, (sSumS, (11, 10))
, (prodS, (21, 20))
, (sProdS, (21, 20))
, (lProdS, (21, 20))
d3 = if i1 < l then parens d1 else d1
d4 = if i2 < r then parens d2 else d2
in (d3 <+> text name <+> d4, r)
andDocs :: [Doc] -> Doc
andDocs = vcat . prepPunctuate (text andS <> space)
-- | printing a named sentence
printNamedSen :: Named Sentence -> Doc
printNamedSen ns =
let s = sentence ns
lab = senAttr ns
b = isAxiom ns
d = printSentence s
in case s of
TypeDef {} -> d
RecDef {} -> d
Lemmas {} -> d
Instance {} -> d
Locale {} -> d
Class {} -> d
Datatypes _ -> d
Consts _ -> d
TypeSynonym _ _ _ _ -> d
Axioms _ -> d
Lemma {} -> d
Definition {} -> d
Fun {} -> d
Instantiation {} -> d
InstanceProof {} -> d
InstanceArity {} -> d
InstanceSubclass {} -> d
Subclass {} -> d
Typedef {} -> d
Defs {} -> d
_ -> let dd = doubleQuotes d in
if isRefute s then text lemmaS <+> text lab <+> colon
<+> dd $+$ text refuteS
else if null lab then dd else fsep [ (case s of
ConstDef {} -> text $ lab ++ "_def"
Sentence {} ->
(if b then empty else text theoremS)
<+> text lab <+> (if b then text "[rule_format]" else
if isSimp s then text "[simp]" else empty)
_ -> error "printNamedSen") <+> colon, dd] $+$ case s of
Sentence {} -> if b then empty else case thmProof s of
Nothing -> text oopsS
Just prf -> pretty prf
_ -> empty
-- | sentence printing
printSentence :: Sentence -> Doc
printSentence s = case s of
TypeDef nt td pr -> text typedefS
<+> printType nt
<+> equals
<+> doubleQuotes (printSetDecl td)
$+$ pretty pr
RecDef kw cName cType xs ->
let preparedEq = map (doubleQuotes . printTerm) xs
preparedEqWithBars =
map (<+> text barS) (init preparedEq) ++ [last preparedEq]
tp = case cType of
Just t -> doubleColon <+> doubleQuotes (printType t)
Nothing -> empty
kw' = case kw of
Just str -> text str
Nothing -> text primrecS
in kw' <+> text (new cName) <+> tp <+> printAlt cName <+> text whereS $+$
vcat preparedEqWithBars
Instance { tName = t, arityArgs = args, arityRes = res, definitions = defs_,
instProof = prf } ->
text instantiationS <+> text t <> doubleColon <> (case args of
[] -> empty
_ -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $ map (printSortAux True) args)
<+> printSortAux True res $+$ text beginS $++$ printDefs defs_ $++$
text instanceS <+> pretty prf $+$ text endS
where printDefs :: [(String, Term)] -> Doc
printDefs defs' = vcat (map printDef defs')
printDef :: (String, Term) -> Doc
printDef (name, def) =
text definitionS <+>
printNamedSen (makeNamed name (ConstDef def))
Sentence { isRefuteAux = b, metaTerm = t } -> printPlainMetaTerm (not b) t
ConstDef t -> printTerm t
Lemmas name lemmas -> if null lemmas
then empty {- only have this lemmas if we have some in
the list -}
else text lemmasS <+> text name <+>
equals <+> sep (map text lemmas)
l@(Locale {}) ->
let h = text "locale" <+> text (show $ localeName l)
parents = Data.List.intersperse (text "+") $
map (text . show) (localeParents l)
(fixes,assumes) = printContext $ localeContext l
in printFixesAssumes h parents assumes fixes
$+$ printBody (localeBody l)
c@(Class {}) ->
let h = text "class" <+> text (show $ className c)
parents = Data.List.intersperse (text "+") $
map (text . show) (classParents c)
(fixes,assumes) = printContext (classContext c)
in printFixesAssumes h parents assumes fixes
$+$ printBody (classBody c)
(Datatypes dts) -> if null dts then empty
else text "datatype" <+>
andDocs (map (\d ->
let vars = map text $ datatypeTVars d
name = text $ show $ datatypeName d
pretty_cs = \c ->
let cname = show $ constructorName c
cname' = if any isSpace cname
then doubleQuotes (text cname)
else text cname
tps = map (doubleQuotes . printType) $
constructorArgs c
in hsep (cname':tps)
cs = map pretty_cs $ datatypeConstructors d
in hsep vars <+> name <+> text "=" <+>
fsep (bar $ cs)) dts)
Consts cs -> if null cs then empty
else vsep $ [text "consts"] ++
map (\(_,n,t) -> text n <+> text "::" <+>
doubleQuotes (printType t)) cs
TypeSynonym n _ vs tp -> hsep $ [text "type_synonym",
text $ show n,text "="] ++ map text vs
++ [doubleQuotes . printType $ tp]
Axioms axs -> if null axs then empty
else vsep $ [text "axioms"] ++
map (\a -> text (show $ axiomName a) <+>
(if axiomArgs a /= ""
then brackets (text $ axiomArgs a)
else empty) <+> text ":" <+>
doubleQuotes (printTerm $ axiomTerm a)) axs
l@(Lemma {}) ->
let (fixes,assumes) = printContext $ lemmaContext l
in text "lemma" <+> (case lemmaTarget l of
Just t -> braces (text "in" <+> (text $ show t))
Nothing -> empty) <+>
(case (null fixes,null assumes,lemmaProps l) of
(True,True,[sh]) -> printProps sh
_ -> (vsep $ fixes ++ assumes
[text "shows" <+> andDocs
(map printProps (lemmaProps l))]))
$+$ (case lemmaProof l of
Just p -> text p
Nothing -> empty)
d@(Definition {}) -> fsep [text "definition" <+>
(case definitionTarget d of
Just t -> braces (text "in" <+> (text $ show t))
Nothing -> empty) <+>
(case (definitionName d,definitionType d) of
(Just n,Just t) -> text (show n) <+> text "::" <+>
doubleQuotes (printType t)
(Just n,Nothing) -> text (show n)
_ -> empty), text "where" <+>
doubleQuotes (printTerm (definitionTerm d))]
i@(Instantiation {}) -> fsep $ [text "instantiation" <+> text
(instantiationType i) <+> text "::" <+> printArity (instantiationArity i)]
++ [printBody (instantiationBody i)]
InstanceProof proof -> text "instance" $+$ text proof
i@(InstanceArity {}) -> text "instance" <+>
hcat (intersperse (text "and") $ map text $ instanceTypes i) <+>
printArity (instanceArity i) $+$ text (instanceProof i)
i@(InstanceSubclass {}) -> text "instance" <+> text (instanceClass i) <+>
text (instanceRel i) <+> text (instanceClass1 i) $+$ text (instanceProof i)
c@(Subclass {}) -> text "subclass" <+> (case subclassTarget c of
Just t -> braces (text "in" <+> (text $ show t))
Nothing -> empty) <+> text (subclassClass c)
<+> text (subclassProof c)
t@(Typedef {}) -> text "typedef" <+> (case typedefVars t of
[] -> empty
[v] -> printVarWithSort v
vs -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map printVarWithSort vs) <+>
text (show $ typedefName t) <+> text "=" <+>
doubleQuotes (printTerm $ typedefTerm t) <+>
(case typedefMorphisms t of
Just (m1,m2) -> text "morphisms" <+> text (show m1)
<+> text (show m2)
Nothing -> empty) $+$ text (typedefProof t)
d@(Defs {}) -> fsep $ [text "defs" <+> (if defsUnchecked d
then text "unchecked"
else empty) <+>
(if defsOverloaded d
then text "overloaded"
else empty)]
++ map (\(name,tm,args) ->
text (show name) <+> text ":" <+> doubleQuotes (printTerm tm) <+>
if null args then empty else brackets (text args)) (defsEquations d)
printArity :: (Sort,[Sort]) -> Doc
printArity (sort,sorts) = (parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map (printSortAux True) sorts) <+> printSort sort
printVarWithSort :: (String,Sort) -> Doc
printVarWithSort (name,[]) = text name
printVarWithSort (name,sort) = text name <+> printSortAux True sort
printBody :: [Sentence] -> Doc
printBody sens = fsep $ if null sens then []
else [text "begin"] ++ map printSentence sens ++ [text "end"]
printContext :: Ctxt -> ([Doc],[Doc])
printContext ctxt =
let fixes' = map (\(n,tp) -> if n == "" then empty else text n
<+> case tp of
Just tp' -> text "::" <+>
(doubleQuotes . printTyp Null) tp'
Nothing -> empty)
(fixes ctxt)
assumes' = map (\(n,tm) -> if n == "" then empty else text n <+> text ":"
<+> (doubleQuotes . printTerm) tm)
(assumes ctxt)
in (fixes',assumes')
printProps :: Props -> Doc
printProps (Props {propsName=n,propsArgs=a,props=p}) =
printMaybe (text . show) n <+> printMaybe text a
<+> (if (isNothing n && isNothing a)
then empty else text ":") <+>
vcat (map printProp p)
printProp :: Prop -> Doc
printProp (Prop {prop=t,propPats=ts}) =
let t' = doubleQuotes $ printTerm t
ts' = hsep $ map (doubleQuotes . printTerm) ts
in t' <+> if null ts then empty
else parens (text "is" <+> ts')
printSetDecl :: SetDecl -> Doc
printSetDecl setdecl =
case setdecl of
SubSet v t f -> braces $ printTerm v <> doubleColon <> printType t <> dot
<+> printTerm f
FixedSet elems -> braces $ sepByCommas $ map printTerm elems
printPlainMetaTerm :: Bool -> MetaTerm -> Doc
printPlainMetaTerm b mt = case mt of
Term t -> printPlainTerm b t
Conditional conds t -> sep
[ text premiseOpenS
<+> fsep (punctuate semi $ map printTerm conds)
<+> text premiseCloseS
, text metaImplS <+> printTerm t ]
-- | print plain term
printTerm :: Term -> Doc
printTerm = printPlainTerm True
printPlainTerm :: Bool -> Term -> Doc
printPlainTerm b = fst . printTrm b
-- | print parens but leave a space if doc starts or ends with a bar
parensForTerm :: Doc -> Doc
parensForTerm d =
let s = show d
b = '|'
in parens $ if null s then d
else (if head s == b then (space <>) else id)
((if last s == b then (<> space) else id) d)
printParenTerm :: Bool -> Int -> Term -> Doc
printParenTerm b i t = case printTrm b t of
(d, j) -> if j < i then parensForTerm d else d
flatTuplex :: [Term] -> Continuity -> [Term]
flatTuplex cs c = case cs of
[] -> cs
_ -> case last cs of
Tuplex rs@(_ : _ : _) d | d == c -> init cs ++ flatTuplex rs d
_ -> cs
printMixfixAppl :: Bool -> Continuity -> Term -> [Term] -> (Doc, Int)
printMixfixAppl b c f args = case f of
Const (VName n (Just (AltSyntax s is i))) (Hide {}) ->
if length is == length args &&
(b || n == cNot || isPrefixOf "op " n) then
(fsep $ replaceUnderlines s
$ zipWith (printParenTerm b) is args, i)
else printApp b c f args
Const vn _ | new vn `elem` [allS, exS, ex1S] -> case args of
[Abs v t _] -> (fsep [text (new vn) <+> printPlainTerm False v
<> dot
, printPlainTerm b t], lowPrio)
_ -> printApp b c f args
App g a d | c == d -> printMixfixAppl b c g (a : args)
_ -> printApp b c f args
-- | print the term using the alternative syntax (if True)
printTrm :: Bool -> Term -> (Doc, Int)
printTrm b trm = case trm of
Const vn ty -> let
dvn = text $ new vn
nvn = case ty of
Hide {} -> dvn
Disp w _ _ -> parens $ dvn <+> doubleColon <+> printType w
in case altSyn vn of
Nothing -> (nvn, maxPrio)
Just (AltSyntax s is i) -> if b && null is then
(fsep $ replaceUnderlines s [], i) else (nvn, maxPrio)
Free vn -> (text $ new vn, maxPrio)
Abs v t c -> (text (case c of
NotCont -> "%"
IsCont _ -> "Lam") <+> printPlainTerm False v <> dot
<+> printPlainTerm b t, lowPrio)
If i t e c -> let d = fsep [printPlainTerm b i,
text (case c of
NotCont -> "then"
IsCont _ -> "THEN")
<+> printPlainTerm b t,
text (case c of
NotCont -> "else"
IsCont _ -> "ELSE")
<+> printPlainTerm b e]
in case c of
NotCont -> (text "if" <+> d, lowPrio)
IsCont _ -> (text "IF" <+> d <+> text "FI", maxPrio)
Case e ps -> (text "case" <+> printPlainTerm b e <+> text "of"
$+$ vcat (bar $ map (\ (p, t) ->
fsep [ printPlainTerm b p <+> text "=>"
, printParenTerm b (lowPrio + 1) t]) ps), lowPrio)
Let es i -> (fsep [text "let" <+>
vcat (punctuate semi $
map (\ (p, t) -> fsep [ printPlainTerm b p <+> equals
, printPlainTerm b t]) es)
, text "in" <+> printPlainTerm b i], lowPrio)
IsaEq t1 t2 ->
(fsep [ printParenTerm b (isaEqPrio + 1) t1 <+> isaEquals
, printParenTerm b isaEqPrio t2], isaEqPrio)
Tuplex cs c -> case c of
NotCont -> (parensForTerm
$ sepByCommas (map (printPlainTerm b)
$ flatTuplex cs c)
, maxPrio)
IsCont _ -> case cs of
[] -> error "IsaPrint, printTrm"
[a] -> printTrm b a
a : aa -> printTrm b $ App (App
lpairTerm a $ IsCont False)
(Tuplex aa c) (IsCont False)
App f a c -> printMixfixAppl b c f [a]
Set setdecl -> (printSetDecl setdecl, lowPrio)
printApp :: Bool -> Continuity -> Term -> [Term] -> (Doc, Int)
printApp b c t l = case l of
[] -> printTrm b t
_ -> printDocApp b c (printParenTerm b (maxPrio - 1) t) l
printDocApp :: Bool -> Continuity -> Doc -> [Term] -> (Doc, Int)
printDocApp b c d l =
( fsep $ (case c of
NotCont -> id
IsCont True -> punctuate $ text " $$"
IsCont False -> punctuate $ text " $")
$ d : map (printParenTerm b maxPrio) l
, maxPrio - 1)
replaceUnderlines :: String -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
replaceUnderlines str l = case str of
"" -> []
'\'' : r@(q : s) -> if q `elem` "_/'()"
then consDocBarSep (text [q]) $ replaceUnderlines s l
else consDocBarSep (text "'") $ replaceUnderlines r l
'_' : r -> case l of
h : t -> consDocBarSep h $ replaceUnderlines r t
_ -> error "replaceUnderlines"
'/' : ' ' : r -> empty : replaceUnderlines r l
q : r -> if q `elem` "()/" then replaceUnderlines r l
else consDocBarSep (text [q]) $ replaceUnderlines r l
consDocBarSep :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
consDocBarSep d r = case r of
[] -> [d]
h : t -> let
b = '|'
hs = show h
ds = show d
hhs = head hs
lds = last ds
in if null hs || null ds then (d <> h) : t else
if hhs == b && lds == '(' || last ds == b && hhs == ')'
then (d <+> h) : t
else (d <> h) : t
-- end of term printing
printLocales :: Locales -> Doc
printLocales = vsep . map printLocale . orderLDecs . Map.toList
printDefinitions :: Defs -> Doc
printDefinitions = vsep . map printDefinition . Map.toList
printFunctions :: Funs -> Doc
printFunctions = vsep . map printFunction . Map.toList
printFixesAssumes :: Doc -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> [Doc] -> Doc
printFixesAssumes h p' a f = vcat
[ h <+> (if null $ p' ++ a ++ f then empty else text "=") <+> hsep p'
<+> if null p' || null a && null f then empty else text "+"
, if null f then empty else text "fixes" <+> andDocs f
, if null a then empty else text "assumes" <+> andDocs a
printDefinition :: (String, Def) -> Doc
printDefinition (n,(tp,vs,tm)) = text "definition" <+> text n <+> text "::"
$+$ (doubleQuotes . printTyp Null) tp <+> text "where"
$+$ doubleQuotes (text n <+> (hsep $ map (text . fst) vs)
<+> text "\\<equiv>" <+> printTerm tm)
printFunction :: (String, FunDef) -> Doc
printFunction (n,(tp,def_eqs)) = text "fun" <+> text n <+> text "::"
$+$ (doubleQuotes . printTyp Null) tp <+> text "where"
$+$ (vcat . punctuate (text "|"))
(map (\(pats,tm) -> doubleQuotes $ text n
<+> hsep (map printTerm pats) <+> text "="
<+> printTerm tm) def_eqs)
printLocale :: (String, LocaleDecl) -> Doc
printLocale (n, (parents, in_ax, ex_ax, params)) =
let p' = Data.List.intersperse (text "+") $ map text parents
a = map (\ (s, t) -> text s <+> text ":"
<+> (doubleQuotes . printTerm) t) in_ax
f = map (\ (s, t, alt) -> text s <+> text "::"
<+> (doubleQuotes . printTyp Null) t
<+> (case alt of
Just (AltSyntax s' [i1, i2] i) -> parens ((
if i1 == i2 then text "infix "
else if i1 < i2 then text "infixr "
else text "infixl ") <+> doubleQuotes (text s')
<+> text (show i))
_ -> empty
)) params
in vcat [
printFixesAssumes (text "locale" <+> text n) p' a f,
vcat (map (\ (s, t) -> text ("theorem (in " ++ n ++ ")")
<+> text s <+> text ":"
<+> (doubleQuotes . printTerm) t
<+> text "apply(auto)"
<+> text "done") ex_ax)]
printClassrel :: Classrel -> Doc
printClassrel = vsep . map printClassR . orderCDecs . Map.toList
printClassR :: (IsaClass, ClassDecl) -> Doc
printClassR (y, (parents, assumptions, fixes)) =
let a = map (\ (s, t) -> text s <+> text ":"
<+> (doubleQuotes . printTerm) t) assumptions
f = map (\ (s, t) -> text s <+> text "::"
<+> (doubleQuotes . printTyp Null) t) fixes
parents' = filter (\ (IsaClass s) -> notElem s
["HOL.type_class", "HOL.type", "type", "type_class"]) parents
p' = Data.List.intersperse (text "+") $ map printClass parents'
in printFixesAssumes (text "class" <+> printClass y) p' a f
orderCDecs :: [(IsaClass, ClassDecl)] -> [(IsaClass, ClassDecl)]
orderCDecs =
topSort crord
crord (_, (cs, _, _)) (c, _) = elem c cs
orderLDecs :: [(String, LocaleDecl)] -> [(String, LocaleDecl)]
orderLDecs =
topSort crord
crord (_, (cs, _, _, _)) (c, _) = elem c cs
printMonArities :: String -> Arities -> Doc
printMonArities tn = vcat . map ( \ (t, cl) ->
vcat $ map (printThMorp tn t) cl) . Map.toList
printThMorp :: String -> TName -> (IsaClass, [(Typ, Sort)]) -> Doc
printThMorp tn t xs = case xs of
(IsaClass "Monad", _) ->
if isSuffixOf "_mh" tn || isSuffixOf "_mhc" tn
then printMInstance tn t
else error "IsaPrint, printInstance: monads not supported"
_ -> empty
printMInstance :: String -> TName -> Doc
printMInstance tn t = let nM = text (t ++ "_tm")
nM2 = text (t ++ "_tm2")
in prnThymorph nM "MonadType" tn t [("MonadType.M", "'a")] []
$+$ text "t_instantiate MonadOps mapping" <+> nM
$+$ text "renames:" <+>
brackMapList (\ x -> t ++ "_" ++ x)
[("MonadOpEta.eta", "eta"), ("MonadOpBind.bind", "bind")]
$+$ text "without_syntax"
$++$ text "defs "
$+$ text (t ++ "_eta_def:") <+> doubleQuotes
(text (t ++ "_eta") <+> isaEquals <+> text ("return_" ++ t))
$+$ text (t ++ "_bind_def:") <+> doubleQuotes
(text (t ++ "_bind") <+> isaEquals <+> text ("mbind_" ++ t))
$++$ lunitLemma t
$+$ runitLemma t
$+$ assocLemma t
$+$ etaInjLemma t
$++$ prnThymorph nM2 "MonadAxms" tn t [("MonadType.M", "'a")]
[("MonadOpEta.eta", t ++ "_eta"),
("MonadOpBind.bind", t ++ "_bind")]
$+$ text "t_instantiate Monad mapping" <+> nM2
$+$ text "renames:" <+>
brackMapList (\ x -> t ++ "_" ++ x)
[("Monad.kapp", "kapp"),
("Monad.lift", "lift"),
("Monad.lift", "lift"),
("Monad.mapF", "mapF"),
("Monad.bind'", "mbbind"),
("Monad.joinM", "joinM"),
("Monad.kapp2", "kapp2"),
("Monad.kapp3", "kapp3"),
("Monad.lift2", "lift2"),
("Monad.lift3", "lift3")]
$+$ text "without_syntax"
$++$ text " "
lunitLemma w = text lemmaS <+> text (w ++ "_lunit:")
<+> doubleQuotes (text (w ++ "_bind")
<+> parens (text (w ++ "_eta x"))
<+> parens (text $ "t::'a => 'b " ++ w)
<+> equals <+> text "t x")
$+$ text "sorry "
runitLemma w = text lemmaS <+> text (w ++ "_runit:")
<+> doubleQuotes (text (w ++ "_bind")
<+> parens (text $ "t::'a " ++ w) <+> text (w ++ "_eta")
<+> equals <+> text "t")
$+$ text "sorry "
assocLemma w = text lemmaS <+> text (w ++ "_assoc:")
<+> doubleQuotes (text (w ++ "_bind")
<+> parens (text (w ++ "_bind")
<+> parens (text $ "s::'a " ++ w) <+> text "t") <+> text "u"
<+> equals <+> text (w ++ "_bind s")
<+> parens (text "%x." <+>
text (w ++ "_bind") <+> text "(t x) u"))
$+$ text "sorry "
etaInjLemma w = text lemmaS <+> text (w ++ "_eta_inj:")
<+> doubleQuotes (parens (text $ w ++ "_eta::'a => 'a " ++ w)
<+> text "x"
<+> equals <+> text (w ++ "_eta y")
<+> text "==>" <+> text "x = y")
$+$ text "sorry "
prnThymorph :: Doc -> String -> String -> TName -> [(String, String)]
-> [(String, String)] -> Doc
prnThymorph nm xn tn t ts ws = let qual s = tn ++ "." ++ s in
text "thymorph" <+> nm <+> colon <+>
text xn <+> cfun <+> text tn
$+$ text " maps" <+> brackets
(hcat [ parens $ doubleQuotes (text b <+> text a) <+> mapsto
<+> doubleQuotes (text b <+> text (qual t))
| (a, b) <- ts])
$+$ brackMapList qual ws
brackMapList :: (String -> String) -> [(String, String)] -> Doc
brackMapList f ws = brackets $ hsep $ punctuate comma
[ parens $ doubleQuotes (text a) <+> mapsto <+> doubleQuotes (text $ f b)
| (a, b) <- ws]
-- filter out types that are given in the domain table
printTypeDecls :: BaseSig -> DomainTab -> Arities -> Doc
printTypeDecls bs odt ars =
let dt = Map.fromList $ map (\ (t, _) -> (typeId t, [])) $ concat odt
in vcat $ map (printTycon bs) $ Map.toList $ Map.difference ars dt
printTycon :: BaseSig -> (TName, [(IsaClass, [(Typ, Sort)])]) -> Doc
printTycon bs (t, arity') = case arity' of
[] -> error "IsaPrint.printTycon"
(_, rs) : _ ->
if Set.member t
$ Map.findWithDefault (error "Isabelle.printTycon") bs
$ preTypes isaPrelude
then empty else
text typedeclS <+>
(if null rs then empty else
parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma
$ map (text . ("'a" ++) . show . snd) $ number rs) <+> text t
-- | show alternative syntax (computed by comorphisms)
printAlt :: VName -> Doc
printAlt (VName _ altV) = case altV of
Nothing -> empty
Just (AltSyntax s is i) -> parens $ doubleQuotes (text s)
<+> if null is then empty else text (show is) <+>
if i == maxPrio then empty else text (show i)
instance Pretty Sign where
pretty = printSign
-- | a dummy constant table with wrong types
constructors :: DomainTab -> ConstTab
constructors = Map.fromList . map (\ v -> (v, noTypeT))
. concatMap (map fst . snd) . concat
printMonSign :: Sign -> Doc
printMonSign sig = let ars = arities $ tsig sig
printMonArities (theoryName sig) ars
printSign :: Sign -> Doc
printSign sig = let dt = ordDoms $ domainTab sig
ars = arities $ tsig sig
printAbbrs (abbrs $ tsig sig) $++$
printTypeDecls (baseSig sig) dt ars $++$
printDefinitions (defs $ tsig sig) $++$
printFunctions (funs $ tsig sig) $++$
printLocales (locales $ tsig sig) $++$
printClassrel (classrel $ tsig sig) $++$
printDomainDefs dt $++$
printConstTab (Map.difference (constTab sig)
$ constructors dt) $++$
(if showLemmas sig
then showCaseLemmata dt else empty)
printAbbrs tab = if Map.null tab then empty else text typesS
$+$ vcat (map printAbbr $ Map.toList tab)
printAbbr (n, (vs, t)) = case vs of
[] -> empty
[x] -> text ('\'' : x)
_ -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map (text . ('\'' :)) vs
<+> text n <+> equals <+> doubleQuotes (printType t)
printConstTab tab = if Map.null tab then empty else text constsS
$+$ vcat (map printConst $ Map.toList tab)
printConst (vn, t) = text (new vn) <+> doubleColon <+>
doubleQuotes (printType t) <+> printAlt vn
isDomain = case baseSig sig of
HOLCF_thy -> True
HsHOLCF_thy -> True
MHsHOLCF_thy -> True
_ -> False
printDomainDefs dtDefs = vcat $ map printDomainDef dtDefs
printDomainDef dts = if null dts then empty else
text (if isDomain then domainS else datatypeS)
<+> andDocs (map printDomain dts)
printDomain (t, ops) =
printTyp (if isDomain then Quoted else Null) t <+> equals <+>
fsep (bar $ map printDOp ops)
printDOp (vn, args) = let opname = new vn in
text (if any isSpace opname then show opname else opname)
<+> hsep (map (printDOpArg opname) $ number args)
<+> printAlt vn
printDOpArg o (a, i) = let
d = case a of
TFree _ _ -> printTyp Null a
_ -> doubleQuotes $ printTyp Null a
in if isDomain then
parens $ text "lazy" <+>
text (o ++ "_" ++ show i) <> doubleColon <> d
else d
showCaseLemmata dtDefs = text (concatMap showCaseLemmata1 dtDefs)
showCaseLemmata1 = concatMap showCaseLemma
showCaseLemma (_, []) = ""
showCaseLemma (tyCons, c : cns) =
let cs = "case caseVar of" ++ sp
sc b = showCons b c ++ concatMap ((" | " ++) . showCons b) cns
clSome = sc True
cl = sc False
showCons b (VName {new = cName}, args) =
let pat = cName ++ concatMap ((sp ++) . showArg) args
++ sp ++ "=>" ++ sp
term = showCaseTerm cName args
if b then pat ++ "Some" ++ sp ++ lb ++ term ++ rb ++ "\n"
else pat ++ term ++ "\n"
showCaseTerm name args = case name of
"" -> sa
n : _ -> toLower n : sa
where sa = concatMap ((sp ++) . showArg) args
showArg (TFree [] _) = "varName"
showArg (TFree (n : ns) _) = toLower n : ns
showArg (TVar v s) = showArg (TFree (unindexed v) s)
showArg (Type [] _ _) = "varName"
showArg (Type m@(n : ns) _ s) =
if elem m ["typeAppl", "fun", "*"]
then concatMap showArg s
else toLower n : ns
showName (TFree v _) = v
showName (TVar v _) = unindexed v
showName (Type n _ _) = n
proof' = "apply (case_tac caseVar)\napply (auto)\ndone\n"
lemmaS ++ sp ++ "case_" ++ showName tyCons ++ "_SomeProm" ++ sp
++ "[simp]:\"" ++ sp ++ lb ++ cs ++ clSome ++ rb ++ sp
++ "=\n" ++ "Some" ++ sp ++ lb ++ cs ++ cl ++ rb ++ "\"\n"
++ proof'
instance Pretty Sentence where
pretty = printSentence
sp :: String
sp = " "
rb :: String
rb = ")"
lb :: String
lb = "("
-- Pretty printing of proofs
instance Pretty IsaProof where
pretty = printIsaProof
printIsaProof :: IsaProof -> Doc
printIsaProof (IsaProof p e) = fsep $ map pretty p ++ [pretty e]
instance Pretty ProofCommand where
pretty = printProofCommand
printProofCommand :: ProofCommand -> Doc
printProofCommand pc =
case pc of
Apply pms plus ->
let plusDoc = if plus then text "+" else empty
in text applyS <+> parens
(sepByCommas $ map pretty pms) <> plusDoc
Using ls -> text usingS <+> fsep (map text ls)
Back -> text backS
Defer x -> text deferS <+> pretty x
Prefer x -> text preferS <+> pretty x
Refute -> text refuteS
instance Pretty ProofEnd where
pretty = printProofEnd
printProofEnd :: ProofEnd -> Doc
printProofEnd pe =
case pe of
By pm -> text byS <+> parens (pretty pm)
DotDot -> text dotDot
Done -> text doneS
Oops -> text oopsS
Sorry -> text sorryS
instance Pretty Modifier where
pretty = printModifier
printModifier :: Modifier -> Doc
printModifier m =
case m of
No_asm -> text "no_asm"
No_asm_simp -> text "no_asm_simp"
No_asm_use -> text "no_asm_use"
instance Pretty ProofMethod where
pretty = printProofMethod
printProofMethod :: ProofMethod -> Doc
printProofMethod pm =
case pm of
Auto -> text autoS
Simp -> text simpS
AutoSimpAdd m names -> let modDoc = case m of
Just mod' -> parens $ pretty mod'
Nothing -> empty
in fsep $ [text autoS, text simpS, modDoc,
text "add:"] ++ map text names
SimpAdd m names -> let modDoc = case m of
Just mod' -> parens $ pretty mod'
Nothing -> empty
in fsep $ [text simpS, modDoc, text "add:"] ++
map text names
Induct var -> text inductS <+> doubleQuotes (printTerm var)
CaseTac t -> text caseTacS <+> doubleQuotes (printTerm t)
SubgoalTac t -> text subgoalTacS <+> doubleQuotes (printTerm t)
Insert ts -> fsep (text insertS : map text ts)
Other s -> text s