IsaPrint.hs revision 613bf0ed7d98a961755408ead328687ec17f74fd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Printing functions for Isabelle logic.
todo: brackets in (? x . p x) ==> q
properly construct docs
module Isabelle.IsaPrint
( showBaseSig
, doubleColon
, printType
, printTerm
, printOUTerm
) where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.Char
import Data.List
------------------- Printing functions -------------------
showBaseSig :: BaseSig -> String
showBaseSig = reverse . drop 4 . reverse . show
instance PrettyPrint BaseSig where
printText0 _ s = text $ showBaseSig s
instance PrettyPrint IsaClass where
printText0 _ (IsaClass c) = parens $ text c
instance PrintLaTeX Sentence where
printLatex0 = printText0
{- test for sentence translation -}
instance PrettyPrint Sentence where
printText0 _ = text . showTerm . senTerm
instance PrettyPrint Typ where
printText0 _ = printTyp Null
printClass :: IsaClass -> Doc
printClass (IsaClass x) = text x
printSort :: Sort -> Doc
printSort l = case l of
[c] -> printClass c
_ -> braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ map printClass l
data SynFlag = Unquoted | Null
doubleColon :: Doc
doubleColon = text "::"
printType :: Typ -> Doc
printType = printTyp Unquoted
printTyp :: SynFlag -> Typ -> Doc
printTyp a = fst . printTypeAux a
printTypeAux :: SynFlag -> Typ -> (Doc, Int)
printTypeAux a t = case t of
(TFree v s) -> (let d = text $ if isPrefixOf "\'" v || isPrefixOf "?\'" v
then v else '\'' : v
in if null s then d else case a of
Unquoted -> d <> doubleColon <> printSort s
Null -> d, 1000)
(TVar iv s) -> printTypeAux a $ TFree ("?\'" ++ unindexed iv) s
(Type name _ args) -> case args of
[t1, t2] | elem name [prodS, sProdS, funS, cFunS, sSumS] ->
printTypeOp a name t1 t2
_ -> ((case args of
[] -> empty
[arg] -> let (d, i) = printTypeAux a arg in
if i < 1000 then parens d else d
_ -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map (fst . printTypeAux a) args)
<+> text name, 1000)
printTypeOp :: SynFlag -> TName -> Typ -> Typ -> (Doc, Int)
printTypeOp x name r1 r2 =
let (d1, i1) = printTypeAux x r1
(d2, i2) = printTypeAux x r2
(l, r) = Map.findWithDefault (0 :: Int, 0 :: Int)
name $ Map.fromList
[ (funS, (1,0))
, (cFunS, (1,0))
, (sSumS, (11, 10))
, (prodS, (21, 20))
, (sProdS, (21, 20))
d3 = if i1 < l then parens d1 else d1
d4 = if i2 < r then parens d2 else d2
in (d3 <+> text name <+> d4, r)
instance PrettyPrint TypeSig where
printText0 ga tysig = printText0 ga $ arities tysig
instance PrettyPrint Term where
printText0 _ = text . showTerm -- outerShowTerm
-- back to showTerm, because meta !! causes problems with show ?thesis
showQuantStr :: String -> String
showQuantStr s | s == allS = "!"
| s == exS = "?"
| s == ex1S = "?!"
| otherwise = error "IsaPrint.showQuantStr"
-- | omits type of outer abstraction
printOUTerm :: Term -> Doc
printOUTerm t = case t of
(Abs v _ tm l) -> parens $ (text $ case l of
NotCont -> "%"
IsCont -> "LAM") <+> printTerm v <> text "." <+> printOUTerm tm
_ -> printTerm t
printTerm :: Term -> Doc
printTerm = text . showTerm
showTerm :: Term -> String
showTerm (Const (VName {new=c}) _) = c
showTerm (Free (VName {new=v}) _) = v
showTerm (Tuplex ls c) = case c of
IsCont -> "< " ++ (showTupleArgs ls) ++ ">"
-- the extra space takes care of a minor Isabelle bug
NotCont -> "(" ++ (showTupleArgs ls) ++ ")"
showTupleArgs xs = case xs of
[] -> []
[a] -> showTerm a
a:as -> case a of
(Free _ t) -> showTerm a ++ "::" ++ show (printTyp Null t)
++ "," ++ showTupleArgs as
_ -> showTerm a ++ "," ++ showTupleArgs as
showTerm (Abs v y t l)
| y == noType = lb ++ (case l of
NotCont -> "%"
IsCont -> "LAM ") ++ showTerm v ++ ". " ++ showTerm t ++ rb
| True = lb ++ (case l of
NotCont -> "%"
IsCont -> "LAM ") ++ (case v of
(Free _ w) -> showTerm v ++ "::"
++ show (printTyp Null w)
_ -> showTerm v) ++ ". " ++ showTerm t ++ rb
-- showTerm (App (Const q _) (Abs v ty t _) _) | q `elem` [allS, exS, ex1S] =
-- showQuant (showQuantStr q) v ty t
-- showTerm t@(Const c _) = showPTree (toPrecTree t)
showTerm (Paren t) = showTerm t
showTerm (Fix t) = lb++"fix"++"$"++(showTerm t)++rb
showTerm t@(App _ _ NotCont) = showPTree (toPrecTree t)
showTerm t@(MixfixApp _ _ NotCont) = showPTree (toPrecTree t)
showTerm (App t1 t2 IsCont) = lb++(showTerm t1)++"$"++(showTerm t2)++rb
showTerm Bottom = "UU"
showTerm (IsaEq t1 t2) = lb ++ (showTerm t1) ++ sp ++ "=="
++ sp ++ (showTerm t2) ++ rb
showTerm (Case term alts) =
let sAlts = map showCaseAlt alts
in lb ++ "case" ++ sp ++ showTerm term ++ sp ++ "of"
++ sp ++ head sAlts
++ concat (map ((++) ("\n" ++ sp ++ sp ++ sp ++ "|" ++ sp))
(tail sAlts)) ++ rb
showTerm (If t1 t2 t3 c) = case c of
NotCont ->
lb ++ "if" ++ sp ++ showTerm t1 ++ sp ++ "then" ++ sp
++ showTerm t2 ++ sp ++ "else" ++ sp ++ showTerm t3 ++ rb
IsCont ->
lb ++ "If" ++ sp ++ showTerm t1 ++ sp ++ "then" ++ sp
++ showTerm t2 ++ sp ++ "else" ++ sp ++ showTerm t3 ++ sp ++ "fi" ++ rb
showTerm (Let pts t) = lb ++ "let" ++ sp ++ showPat False (head pts)
++ concat (map (showPat True) (tail pts))
++ sp ++ "in" ++ sp ++ showTerm t ++ rb
showTerm t = error $ "Isa.showTerm: " ++ show t
showPat :: Bool -> (Term, Term) -> String
showPat b (pat, term) =
let s = sp ++ showTerm pat ++ sp ++ "=" ++ sp ++ showTerm term
in-- showTerm (Const c _) = c
if b then ";" ++ s
else s
showCaseAlt :: (Term, Term) -> String
showCaseAlt (pat, term) =
showPattern pat ++ sp ++ "=>" ++ sp ++ showTerm term
showPattern :: Term -> String
showPattern t = showTerm t
showQuant :: String -> Term -> Typ -> Term -> String
showQuant s var typ term =
s++sp++ showTerm var ++" :: "++ show (printType typ) ++ " . "
++ showTerm term
For nearly perfect parenthesis - they only appear when needed -
a formula/term is broken open in following pieces:
(logical) connector
/ \
/ \
formula's lhs formula's rhs
Every connector is annotated with its precedence, every 'unbreakable'
formula gets the lowest precedence.
-- term annotated with precedence
data PrecTerm = PrecTerm Term Precedence deriving (Show)
type Precedence = Int
{- Precedences (descending): __ __ (Isabelle's term application),
application of HasCASL ops, <=>, =, /\, \/, =>
Associativity: = -- left
=> -- right
/\ -- right
\/ -- right
data PrecTermTree = Node PrecTerm [PrecTermTree]
isaAppPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
isaAppPrec t = PrecTerm t 0
appPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
appPrec t = PrecTerm t 5
eqPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
eqPrec t = PrecTerm t 10
andPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
andPrec t = PrecTerm t 20
orPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
orPrec t = PrecTerm t 30
implPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
implPrec t = PrecTerm t 40
capplPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
capplPrec t = PrecTerm t 999
noPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
noPrec t = PrecTerm t (-10)
quantS :: String
quantS = "QUANT"
dummyS :: String
dummyS = "Dummy"
binFunct :: String -> Term -> PrecTerm
binFunct s | s == eq = eqPrec
| s == conj = andPrec
| s == disj = orPrec
| s == impl = implPrec
| s == cappl = capplPrec
| otherwise = appPrec
toPrecTree :: Term -> PrecTermTree
toPrecTree trm =
case trm of
App c1@(Const vn _) a2@(Abs _ _ _ _) _
| new vn `elem` [allS, exS, ex1S] ->
Node (isaAppPrec $ conDouble quantS) [toPrecTree c1, toPrecTree a2]
App (App t@(Const vn _) t3 NotCont) t2 NotCont ->
Node (binFunct (new vn) t) [toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
App t1 t2 NotCont -> Node (isaAppPrec $ conDouble dummyS)
[toPrecTree t1, toPrecTree t2]
MixfixApp t@(Const (VName {new=n,orig=o}) v) (t2:t3) NotCont ->
if length t3 == 1 then
Node (binFunct n t) [toPrecTree t2, toPrecTree (head t3)]
let (_, tl) = getParts ' ' $ tail $ tail o in
Node (binFunct n t)
[toPrecTree t2,
toPrecTree $ MixfixApp
(Const (VName {new=n,orig=tl}) v) t3 NotCont]
_ -> Node (noPrec trm) []
twoUs :: Char -> Char -> Bool
twoUs c x = c == '_' && x == '_'
getParts :: Char -> String -> (String, String)
getParts _ "" = ("", "")
getParts c (x : xs) =
if twoUs c x then ("" , c : x : xs)
else let (hd, tl) = getParts x xs in (x : hd, tl)
data Assoc = LeftAs | NoAs | RightAs
showPTree :: PrecTermTree -> String
showPTree (Node (PrecTerm term _) []) = showTerm term
showPTree (Node (PrecTerm term pre) annos) =
let [leftChild, rightChild] = annos
in case term of {
Const (VName {orig=c}) _
| c == eq -> infixP pre "=" LeftAs leftChild rightChild
| c == "op +" -> infixP pre "+" LeftAs leftChild rightChild
| c == "op -" -> infixP pre "-" LeftAs leftChild rightChild
| c == "op *" -> infixP pre "*" LeftAs leftChild rightChild
| c == "(op ##)" -> infixP pre "##" RightAs leftChild rightChild
-- | c1 == cappl -> infixP pre "$" LeftAs leftChild rightChild
| c `elem` [conj, disj, impl] ->
infixP pre (drop 3 c) RightAs leftChild rightChild
| c == dummyS -> simpleInfix pre leftChild rightChild
| c == isaPair -> pair leftChild rightChild
| c == quantS -> quant leftChild rightChild
{- | hasDoubleULines ' ' c ->
infixP pre
(takeWhile (/='_') (dropWhile (=='_') c))
RightAs leftChild rightChild
-- this does not work for __::__-->__ in Graph.casl
| otherwise -> prefixP pre c leftChild rightChild;
_ -> showTerm term}
{- Logical connectors: For readability and by habit they are written
at an infix position.
If the precedence of one side is weaker (here: higher number) than the
connector's one it is bracketed. Otherwise not.
infixP :: Precedence -> String -> Assoc -> PrecTermTree -> PrecTermTree -> String
infixP pAdult stAdult assoc leftChild rightChild
| (pAdult < prLeftCld) && (pAdult < prRightCld) = both
| pAdult < prLeftCld =
case assoc of
LeftAs -> if pAdult == prRightCld then both else left
RightAs -> left
NoAs -> left
| pAdult < prRightCld =
case assoc of
LeftAs -> right
RightAs -> if pAdult == prLeftCld then both else right
NoAs -> right
| (pAdult == prLeftCld) && (pAdult == prRightCld) =
case assoc of
LeftAs -> right
RightAs -> left
NoAs -> no
| pAdult == prLeftCld =
case assoc of
LeftAs -> no
RightAs -> left
NoAs -> no
| pAdult == prRightCld =
case assoc of
LeftAs -> right
RightAs -> no
NoAs -> no
| otherwise = no
where prLeftCld = pr leftChild
prRightCld = pr rightChild
stLeftCld = showPTree leftChild
stRightCld = showPTree rightChild
left = lb++ stLeftCld ++rb++sp++ stAdult ++sp++ stRightCld
both = lb++ stLeftCld ++rb++sp++ stAdult ++sp++lb++ stRightCld ++rb
right = stLeftCld ++sp++ stAdult ++sp++lb++ stRightCld ++rb
no = stLeftCld ++sp++ stAdult ++sp++ stRightCld
{- Application of (HasCASL-)operations with two arguments.
Both arguments are usually bracketed, except single ones.
prefixP :: Precedence -> String -> PrecTermTree -> PrecTermTree -> String
prefixP pAdult stAdult leftChild rightChild
| (pAdult <= prLeftCld) && (pAdult <= prRightCld) =
stAdult ++
sp++lb++ stLeftCld ++rb++
sp++lb++ stRightCld ++rb
| pAdult <= prLeftCld =
stAdult ++
sp++lb++ stLeftCld ++rb++
sp++ stRightCld
| pAdult <= prRightCld =
stAdult ++
sp++ stLeftCld ++
sp++lb++ stRightCld ++rb
| otherwise = stAdult ++
sp++ stLeftCld ++
sp++ stRightCld
where prLeftCld = pr leftChild
prRightCld = pr rightChild
stLeftCld = showPTree leftChild
stRightCld = showPTree rightChild
{- Isabelle application: An operation/a datatype-constructor is applied
to one argument. The whole expression is always bracketed.
simpleInfix :: Precedence -> PrecTermTree -> PrecTermTree -> String
simpleInfix pAdult leftChild rightChild
| (pAdult < prLeftCld) && (pAdult < prRightCld) =
lbb++ stLeftCld ++rb++
sp++lb++ stRightCld ++rbb
| pAdult < prLeftCld =
lbb++ stLeftCld ++rb++
sp++ stRightCld ++rb
| pAdult < prRightCld =
lb++ stLeftCld ++sp++
lb++ stRightCld ++rbb
| otherwise = lb++ stLeftCld ++sp++
stRightCld ++rb
where prLeftCld = pr leftChild
prRightCld = pr rightChild
stLeftCld = showPTree leftChild
stRightCld = showPTree rightChild
{- Quantification _in_ Formulas
quant :: PrecTermTree -> PrecTermTree -> String
quant (Node (PrecTerm (Const (VName {new=q}) _) _) [])
(Node (PrecTerm (Abs v ty t _) _) []) =
lb++showQuant (showQuantStr q) v ty t++rb
quant _ _ = error "[Isabelle.IsaPrint] Wrong quantification!?"
pr :: PrecTermTree -> Precedence
pr (Node (PrecTerm _ p) _) = p
-- Prints: (p1, p2)
pair :: PrecTermTree -> PrecTermTree -> String
pair leftChild rightChild = lb++showPTree leftChild++", "++
showPTree rightChild++rb
-- instances for Classrel and Arities, in alternative to TSig
instance PrettyPrint Classrel where
printText0 _ s = Map.foldWithKey showTyconClass empty s
showTyconClass t cl rest = case cl of
Nothing -> rest
Just x -> text "axclass" <+> printClass t <+> text "<" <+>
(if null x then text "pcpo" else printSort x) $$ rest
instance PrettyPrint Arities where
printText0 _ s = if Map.null s then empty
else Map.foldWithKey showInstances empty s
showInstances t cl rest =
(vcat $ map (showInstance t) cl) $$ rest
showInstance t xs =
text "instance" <+> text t <> doubleColon
<> showInstArgs (snd xs)
<> printClass(fst xs) $$ text "by intro_classes"
showInstArgs ys = case ys of
[] -> empty
_ : _ -> parens $ showInstArgsR ys
showInstArgsR ys = hsep $ punctuate comma $ map
(doubleQuotes . printSort . snd) ys
printTypeDecls :: Sign -> Doc
printTypeDecls sig =
Map.foldWithKey (showTycon sig) empty $ arities $ tsig sig
showTycon :: Sign -> TName -> [(a, [b])] -> Doc -> Doc
showTycon sig t arity' rest =
let arity = if null arity' then
error "IsaPrint.printText0 (TypeSig)"
else length (snd $ head arity') in
if dtyp sig t then empty else
text "typedecl" <+>
(if arity > 0
then parens $ hsep (map (text . ("'a"++) . show) [1..arity])
else empty) <+> text t $$ rest
dtyp :: Sign -> TName -> Bool
dtyp sig t = elem t $
concat [map (typeId . fst) x | x <- domainTab sig]
-- | show alternative syntax (computed by comorphisms)
showAlt :: VName -> Doc
showAlt VName { new = newV, orig = origV } = if newV /= origV then
parens $ doubleQuotes $ text origV else empty
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 ga sig = printText0 ga
(baseSig sig) <> colon $++$
printTypeDecls sig $++$
printText0 ga (classrel $ tsig sig) $++$
showDomainDefs (domainTab sig) $++$
showsConstTab (constTab sig) $++$
(if showLemmas sig then showCaseLemmata (domainTab sig) else empty) $++$
-- this may print an "o"
printText0 ga (tsig sig)
showsConstTab tab = if Map.null tab then empty else text "consts"
$$ Map.foldWithKey showConst empty tab
showConst vn t rest = text (new vn) <+> doubleColon <+>
doubleQuotes (printType t)
<+> showAlt vn $$ rest
isDomain = case baseSig sig of
HOLCF_thy -> True
HsHOLCF_thy -> True
_ -> False
showDomainDefs dtDefs = vcat $ map showDomainDef dtDefs
showDomainDef dts = if null dts then empty else
text (if isDomain then "domain" else "datatype")
<+> vcat (prepPunctuate (text "and ") $ map showDomain dts)
showDomain (t, ops) =
printType t <+> equals <+>
hsep (punctuate (text " |") $ map showDOp ops)
showDOp (VName { new = opname }, args) =
text opname <+> hsep (map (showDOpArg opname)
$ zip args $ reverse [1 .. length args])
showDOpArg o (a, i) = if isDomain then
parens $ text (o ++ "_" ++ show i) <> doubleColon <> showOpArg a
else showOpArg a
showOpArg arg = case arg of
TFree _ _ -> printTyp Null arg
_ -> doubleQuotes $ printTyp Null arg
showCaseLemmata dtDefs = text (concat $ map showCaseLemmata1 dtDefs)
showCaseLemmata1 dts = concat $ map showCaseLemma dts
showCaseLemma (_, []) = ""
showCaseLemma (tyCons, (c:cons)) =
let cs = "case caseVar of" ++ sp
sc b = showCons b c ++ (concat $ map ((" | " ++)
. (showCons b)) cons)
clSome = sc True
cl = sc False
showCons b ((VName {new=cName}), args) =
let pat = cName ++ (concat $ map ((sp ++) . showArg) args)
++ sp ++ "=>" ++ sp
term = showCaseTerm cName args
if b then pat ++ "Some" ++ sp ++ lb ++ term ++ rb ++ "\n"
else pat ++ term ++ "\n"
showCaseTerm name args = if null name then sa
else [toLower (head name)] ++ sa
where sa = (concat $ map ((sp ++) . showArg) args)
showArg (TFree [] _) = "varName"
showArg (TFree (n:ns) _) = [toLower n] ++ ns
showArg (TVar v s) = showArg (TFree (unindexed v) s)
showArg (Type [] _ _) = "varName"
showArg (Type m@(n:ns) _ s) =
if m == "typeAppl" || m == "fun" || m == "*"
then concat $ map showArg s
else [toLower n] ++ ns
showName (TFree v _) = v
showName (TVar v _) = unindexed v
showName (Type n _ _) = n
proof = "apply (case_tac caseVar)\napply (auto)\ndone\n"
"lemma" ++ sp ++ "case_" ++ showName tyCons ++ "_SomeProm" ++ sp
++ "[simp]:\"" ++ sp ++ lb ++ cs ++ clSome ++ rb ++ sp
++ "=\n" ++ "Some" ++ sp ++ lb ++ cs ++ cl ++ rb ++ "\"\n"
++ proof
instance PrintLaTeX Sign where
printLatex0 = printText0
sp :: String
sp = " "
rb :: String
rb = ")"
rbb :: String
rbb = rb++rb
lb :: String
lb = "("
lbb :: String
lbb = lb++lb