IsaPrint.hs revision 14b8979b35ac1cee33368662f45077aeb6a227c5
{-# OPTIONS -fallow-overlapping-instances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(overlapping-instances)
Printing functions for Isabelle logic.
module Isabelle.IsaPrint where
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Data.Char
import Data.Tree
import Debug.Trace
------------------- Id translation functions -------------------
showIsa :: Id -> String
showIsa = transString . flip showPretty em
showIsaSid :: SIMPLE_ID -> String
showIsaSid = transString . flip showPretty em
-- disambiguation of overloaded ids
showIsaI :: Id -> Int -> String
showIsaI ident i = showIsa ident ++ "_" ++ show i
------------------- Printing functions -------------------
instance Show Sentence where
show s = show (senTerm s)
instance PrintLaTeX Sentence where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrettyPrint Sentence where
printText0 _ = ptext . show
instance Show Typ where
show = showTyp 1000
showTyp :: Integer -> Typ -> String
showTyp pri (Type ("typeAppl",[s,t])) =
case t of
TVar _ -> showTyp pri t ++ sp ++ showTyp pri s
_ -> showTyp pri s ++ sp ++ showTyp pri t
showTyp pri (Type ("fun",[s,t])) =
bracketize (pri<=10) (showTyp 10 s ++ " => " ++ showTyp 11 t)
showTyp pri (Type ("*",[s,t])) =
showTyp pri s ++ " * " ++ showTyp pri t
showTyp _ (Type (name,args)) =
case args of
[] -> name
arg:[] -> show arg ++ sp ++ name
_ -> let (tyVars,types) = foldl split ([],[]) args
rb ++ concat (map ((sp++) . show) tyVars) ++
concat (map ((sp++) . show) types) ++ lb ++ name
where split (tv,ty) t = case t of
TVar _ -> (tv++[t],ty)
_ -> (tv,ty++[t])
showTyp _ (TFree (v,_)) = v
showTyp _ (TVar ((v,_),_)) = "\'" ++ v
instance Show TypeSig where
show tysig =
if Map.isEmpty (tycons tysig) then em
else Map.foldWithKey showTycon em (tycons tysig)
where showTycon t arity rest =
"typedecl "++
(if arity>0 then rb++concat (map ((" 'a"++).show) [1..arity])++lb
else em)
++ show t
instance Show Term where
show = showTerm
showTerm :: Term -> String
showTerm (Const (c,_)) = c
showTerm (Free (v,_)) = v
showTerm (Abs (v,_,t)) = rb++"% "++showTerm v++" . "++showTerm t++lb
showTerm (Const ("All",_) `App` Abs (v,ty,t)) =
showQuant "!" v ty t
showTerm (Const ("Ex",_) `App` Abs (v,ty,t)) =
showQuant "?" v ty t
showTerm (Const ("Ex1",_) `App` Abs (v,ty,t)) =
showQuant "?!" v ty t
-- At this point is just t1 `App` t2 left
showTerm t = show(toPrecTree t)
showQuant :: String -> Term -> Typ -> Term -> String
showQuant s var typ term =
(s++sp++showTerm var++" :: "++show typ++" . "++showTerm term)
For nearly perfect parenthesis - they only appear when needed -
a formula/term is broken open in following pieces:
(logical) connector
/ \
/ \
formula's lhs formula's rhs
Every connector is annotated with its precedence, every 'unbreakable'
formula gets the lowest precedence.
-- term annotated with precedence
data PrecTerm = PrecTerm Term Precedence deriving (Show)
type Precedence = Int
{- Precedences (descending): __ __ (Isabelle's term application),
application of HasCASL ops, <=>, /\, \/, => -}
isaAppPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
isaAppPrec t = PrecTerm t 0
appPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
appPrec t = PrecTerm t 5
eqvPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
eqvPrec t = PrecTerm t 7
eqPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
eqPrec t = PrecTerm t 10
andPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
andPrec t = PrecTerm t 20
orPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
orPrec t = PrecTerm t 30
implPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
implPrec t = PrecTerm t 40
noPrec :: Term -> PrecTerm
noPrec t = PrecTerm t (-10)
toPrecTree :: Term -> Tree PrecTerm
toPrecTree t =
-- trace ("[sT] "++st t++"\n") (
case t of
(Const("All",t1) `App` Abs(v,ty,t2)) ->
Node (isaAppPrec (Const ("QUANT", dummyT)))
[toPrecTree (Const("All",t1)), toPrecTree (Abs(v,ty,t2))]
(Const("Ex",t1) `App` Abs(v,ty,t2)) ->
Node (isaAppPrec (Const ("QUANT", dummyT)))
[toPrecTree (Const("All",t1)), toPrecTree (Abs(v,ty,t2))]
(Const("Ex1",t1) `App` Abs(v,ty,t2)) ->
Node (isaAppPrec (Const ("QUANT", dummyT)))
[toPrecTree (Const("All",t1)), toPrecTree (Abs(v,ty,t2))]
(t1 `App` t2) ->
case t1 of
Const ("op <=>", typ) `App` t3
-> Node (eqvPrec (Const ("op =",typ)))
[toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
Const ("op =", typ) `App` t3
-> Node (eqPrec (Const ("op =",typ)))
[toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
Const ("op &", typ) `App` t3
-> Node (andPrec (Const ("op &",typ)))
[toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
Const ("op |", typ) `App` t3
-> Node (orPrec (Const ("op |",typ)))
[toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
Const ("op -->", typ) `App` t3
-> Node (implPrec (Const ("op -->",typ)))
[toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
Const (c, typ) `App` t3
-> Node (appPrec (Const (c, typ)))
[toPrecTree t3, toPrecTree t2]
_ -> Node (isaAppPrec (Const ("DUMMY", dummyT)))
[toPrecTree t1, toPrecTree t2]
_ -> Node (noPrec t) []
-- )
instance Show (Tree PrecTerm) where
show = showPTree
showPTree :: Tree PrecTerm -> String
showPTree (Node (PrecTerm term _) []) = showTerm term
showPTree (Node (PrecTerm term pre) annos) =
-- trace ("[showPTree] "++st term++"\n Prec: "++show pre++"\n")
let leftChild = head annos
rightChild = last annos
case term of
Const ("op =", _) -> infixP pre "=" leftChild rightChild
Const ("op &", _) -> infixP pre "&" leftChild rightChild
Const ("op |", _) -> infixP pre "|" leftChild rightChild
Const ("op -->", _) -> infixP pre "-->" leftChild rightChild
Const ("DUMMY", _) -> simpleInfix pre leftChild rightChild
Const ("Pair", _) -> pair leftChild rightChild
Const ("QUANT",_) -> quant leftChild rightChild
Const (c, _) -> prefixP pre c leftChild rightChild
_ -> showTerm term
{- Logical connectors: For readability and by habit they are written
at an infix position.
If the precedence of one side is weaker (here: higher number) than the
connector's one it is bracketed. Otherwise not.
infixP :: Precedence -> String -> Tree PrecTerm -> Tree PrecTerm -> String
infixP pAdult stAdult leftChild rightChild
| (pAdult < prLeftCld) && (pAdult < prRightCld) =
rb++ stLeftCld ++lb++
sp++ stAdult ++sp++
rb++ stRightCld ++lb
| pAdult < prLeftCld =
rb++ stLeftCld ++lb++
sp++ stAdult ++sp++
| pAdult < prRightCld =
stLeftCld ++
sp++ stAdult ++sp++
rb++ stRightCld ++lb
| otherwise = stLeftCld ++
sp++ stAdult ++sp++
where prLeftCld = pr leftChild
prRightCld = pr rightChild
stLeftCld = showPTree leftChild
stRightCld = showPTree rightChild
{- Application of (HasCASL-)operations with two arguments.
Both arguments are usually bracketed, except single ones.
prefixP :: Precedence -> String -> Tree PrecTerm -> Tree PrecTerm -> String
prefixP pAdult stAdult leftChild rightChild
| (pAdult <= prLeftCld) && (pAdult <= prRightCld) =
stAdult ++
sp++rb++ stLeftCld ++lb++
sp++rb++ stRightCld ++lb
| pAdult <= prLeftCld =
stAdult ++
sp++rb++ stLeftCld ++lb++
sp++ stRightCld
| pAdult <= prRightCld =
stAdult ++
sp++ stLeftCld ++
sp++rb++ stRightCld ++lb
| otherwise = stAdult ++
sp++ stLeftCld ++
sp++ stRightCld
where prLeftCld = pr leftChild
prRightCld = pr rightChild
stLeftCld = showPTree leftChild
stRightCld = showPTree rightChild
{- Isabelle application: An operation/a datatype-constructor is applied
to one argument. The whole expression is always bracketed.
simpleInfix :: Precedence -> Tree PrecTerm -> Tree PrecTerm -> String
simpleInfix pAdult leftChild rightChild
| (pAdult < prLeftCld) && (pAdult < prRightCld) =
rbb++ stLeftCld ++lb++
sp++rb++ stRightCld ++lbb
| pAdult < prLeftCld =
rbb++ stLeftCld ++lb++
sp++ stRightCld ++lb
| pAdult < prRightCld =
rb++ stLeftCld ++sp++
rb++ stRightCld ++lbb
| otherwise = rb++ stLeftCld ++sp++
stRightCld ++lb
where prLeftCld = pr leftChild
prRightCld = pr rightChild
stLeftCld = showPTree leftChild
stRightCld = showPTree rightChild
{- Quantification _in_ Formulas
quant :: Tree PrecTerm -> Tree PrecTerm -> String
quant (Node (PrecTerm (Const("All",_)) _) []) (Node (PrecTerm (Abs(v,ty,t)) _) []) =
rb++showQuant "!" v ty t++lb
quant (Node (PrecTerm (Const("Ex",_)) _) []) (Node (PrecTerm (Abs(v,ty,t)) _) []) =
rb++showQuant "?" v ty t++lb
quant (Node (PrecTerm (Const("Ex1",_)) _) []) (Node (PrecTerm (Abs(v,ty,t)) _) []) =
rb++showQuant "?!" v ty t++lb
quant _ _ = error "[Isabelle.IsaPrint] Wrong quantification!?"
pr :: Tree PrecTerm -> Precedence
pr (Node (PrecTerm _ p) _) = p
-- Prints: (p1, p2)
pair :: Tree PrecTerm -> Tree PrecTerm -> String
pair leftChild rightChild = rb++showPTree leftChild++", "++
showPTree rightChild++lb
-- Not, =, and, or, -->: Absteigende Prio, alle rechtsassoz (ausser Not)
--sT t = trace ("[sT] "++st t++"\n") (showTerm 1000 t)
-- st (Const (c,_)) = "Const ("++c++")"
-- st (Free (v,_)) = "Free ("++v++")"
-- st (Abs (v,_,t)) = "%"++showTerm v++" . "++showTerm t
-- st (Const ("All",_) `App` Abs (v,ty,t)) =
-- ("! "++showTerm v++" :: "++show ty++" . "++showTerm t)
-- st (Const ("Ex",_) `App` Abs (v,_,t)) =
-- ( "? "++showTerm v++" . "++showTerm t)
-- st (Const ("Ex1",_) `App` Abs (v,_,t)) =
-- ( "?! "++showTerm v++" . "++showTerm t)
-- st (t1 `App` t2) = "App(["++st t1++"],["++st t2++"])"
instance Show Sign where
show sig =
baseSig sig ++":\n"++
shows (tsig sig) (showDataTypeDefs (dataTypeTab sig))
++ (showsConstTab (constTab sig))
showsConstTab tab =
if Map.isEmpty tab then ""
else "consts\n" ++ Map.foldWithKey showConst "" tab
showConst c t rest = show c ++ " :: " ++ "\"" ++ show t ++ "\"\n" ++ rest
showDataTypeDefs dtDefs = concat $ map showDataTypeDef dtDefs
showDataTypeDef [] = ""
showDataTypeDef (dt:dts) =
"datatype " ++ showDataType dt
++ (concat $ map (("and "++) . showDataType) dts) ++ "\n"
showDataType (t,op:ops) =
show t ++ " = " ++ showOp op
++ (concat $ map ((" | "++) . showOp) ops)
showOp (opname,args) =
opname ++ (concat $ map ((sp ++) . showArg) args)
showArg arg = case arg of
TVar _ -> show arg
_ -> "\"" ++ show arg ++ "\""
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 _ = ptext . show
instance PrintLaTeX Sign where
printLatex0 = printText0
em :: String
em = ""
sp :: String
sp = " "
rb :: String
rb = "("
rbb :: String
rbb = rb++rb
lb :: String
lb = ")"
lbb :: String
lbb = lb++lb
bracketize :: Bool -> String -> String
bracketize b s = if b then rb++s++lb else s
isIsaChar :: Char -> Bool
isIsaChar c = (isAlphaNum c && isAscii c) || c `elem` "_'"
replaceChar1 :: Char -> String
replaceChar1 c | isIsaChar c = [c]
| otherwise = replaceChar c++"__"
transString :: String -> String
transString "" = "X"
transString (c:s) =
if isInf (c:s) then (concat $ map replaceChar1 (cut (c:s)))
else ((if isAlpha c && isAscii c then [c]
else 'X':replaceChar1 c) ++ (concat $ map replaceChar1 s))
isInf :: String -> Bool
isInf s = has2Under s && has2Under (reverse s)
has2Under :: String -> Bool
has2Under (fs:sn:_) = fs == '_' && sn == '_'
has2Under _ = False
cut :: String -> String
cut = reverse . tail . tail . reverse . tail . tail
-- Replacement of special characters
replaceChar :: Char -> String
replaceChar '\t' = "_"
replaceChar '\n' = "_"
replaceChar '\r' = "_"
replaceChar ' ' = "_"
replaceChar '!' = "Exclam"
replaceChar '\"' = "_"
replaceChar '#' = "Sharp"
replaceChar '$' = "Dollar"
replaceChar '%' = "Percent"
replaceChar '&' = "Amp"
replaceChar '(' = "OBra"
replaceChar ')' = "CBra"
replaceChar '*' = "x"
replaceChar '+' = "Plus"
replaceChar ',' = "Comma"
replaceChar '-' = "Minus"
replaceChar '.' = "Dot"
replaceChar '/' = "Div"
replaceChar ':' = "Colon"
replaceChar ';' = "Semi"
replaceChar '<' = "Lt"
replaceChar '=' = "Eq"
replaceChar '>' = "Gt"
replaceChar '?' = "Q"
replaceChar '@' = "At"
replaceChar '[' = "_"
replaceChar '\\' = "Back"
replaceChar ']' = "_"
replaceChar '^' = "Hat"
replaceChar '`' = "'"
replaceChar '{' = "Cur"
replaceChar '|' = "Bar"
replaceChar '}' = "Ruc"
replaceChar '~' = "Tilde"
replaceChar '\128' = "A1"
replaceChar '\129' = "A2"
replaceChar '\130' = "A3"
replaceChar '\131' = "A4"
replaceChar '\132' = "A5"
replaceChar '\133' = "A6"
replaceChar '\134' = "AE"
replaceChar '\135' = "C"
replaceChar '\136' = "E1"
replaceChar '\137' = "E2"
replaceChar '\138' = "E3"
replaceChar '\139' = "E4"
replaceChar '\140' = "I1"
replaceChar '\141' = "I2"
replaceChar '\142' = "I3"
replaceChar '\143' = "I4"
replaceChar '\144' = "D1"
replaceChar '\145' = "N1"
replaceChar '\146' = "O1"
replaceChar '\147' = "O2"
replaceChar '\148' = "O3"
replaceChar '\149' = "O4"
replaceChar '\150' = "O5"
replaceChar '\151' = "x"
replaceChar '\152' = "O"
replaceChar '\153' = "U1"
replaceChar '\154' = "U2"
replaceChar '\155' = "U3"
replaceChar '\156' = "U4"
replaceChar '\157' = "Y"
replaceChar '\158' = "F"
replaceChar '\159' = "ss"
replaceChar '\160' = "_"
replaceChar '�' = "SpanishExclam"
replaceChar '�' = "c"
replaceChar '�' = "Lb"
replaceChar '�' = "o"
replaceChar '�' = "Yen"
replaceChar '�' = "Bar1"
replaceChar '�' = "Paragraph"
replaceChar '�' = "\""
replaceChar '�' = "Copyright"
replaceChar '�' = "a1"
replaceChar '�' = "\""
replaceChar '�' = "not"
replaceChar '�' = "Minus1"
replaceChar '�' = "Regmark"
replaceChar '�' = "_"
replaceChar '�' = "Degree"
replaceChar '�' = "Plusminus"
replaceChar '�' = "2"
replaceChar '�' = "3"
replaceChar '�' = "'"
replaceChar '�' = "Mu"
replaceChar '�' = "q"
replaceChar '�' = "Dot"
replaceChar '�' = "'"
replaceChar '�' = "1"
replaceChar '�' = "2"
replaceChar '�' = "\""
replaceChar '�' = "Quarter"
replaceChar '�' = "Half"
replaceChar '�' = "Threequarter"
replaceChar '�' = "Q"
replaceChar '�' = "A7"
replaceChar '�' = "A8"
replaceChar '�' = "A9"
replaceChar '�' = "A10"
replaceChar '�' = "A11"
replaceChar '�' = "A12"
replaceChar '�' = "AE2"
replaceChar '�' = "C2"
replaceChar '�' = "E5"
replaceChar '�' = "E6"
replaceChar '�' = "E7"
replaceChar '�' = "E8"
replaceChar '�' = "I5"
replaceChar '�' = "I6"
replaceChar '�' = "I7"
replaceChar '�' = "I8"
replaceChar '�' = "D2"
replaceChar '�' = "N2"
replaceChar '�' = "O6"
replaceChar '�' = "O7"
replaceChar '�' = "O8"
replaceChar '�' = "O9"
replaceChar '�' = "O10"
replaceChar '�' = "xx"
replaceChar '�' = "011"
replaceChar '�' = "U5"
replaceChar '�' = "U6"
replaceChar '�' = "U7"
replaceChar '�' = "U8"
replaceChar '�' = "Y"
replaceChar '�' = "F"
replaceChar '�' = "ss"
replaceChar '�' = "a2"
replaceChar '�' = "a3"
replaceChar '�' = "a4"
replaceChar '�' = "a5"
replaceChar '�' = "a6"
replaceChar '�' = "a7"
replaceChar '�' = "ae"
replaceChar '�' = "c"
replaceChar '�' = "e1"
replaceChar '�' = "e2"
replaceChar '�' = "e3"
replaceChar '�' = "e4"
replaceChar '�' = "i1"
replaceChar '�' = "i2"
replaceChar '�' = "i3"
replaceChar '�' = "i4"
replaceChar '�' = "d"
replaceChar '�' = "n"
replaceChar '�' = "o1"
replaceChar '�' = "o2"
replaceChar '�' = "o3"
replaceChar '�' = "o4"
replaceChar '�' = "o5"
replaceChar '�' = "Div1"
replaceChar '�' = "o6"
replaceChar '�' = "u1"
replaceChar '�' = "u2"
replaceChar '�' = "u3"
replaceChar '�' = "u4"
replaceChar '�' = "y5"
replaceChar '�' = "f"
replaceChar '�' = "y"
replaceChar _ = "_"