IsaPrint.hs revision 012358a4a1161f01355e80708fbd5e156585d3ae
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
adaption (c) Till Mossakowski, Uni Bremen 2002-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Printing functions for Isabelle logic.
todo: brackets in (? x . p x) ==> q
properly construct docs
module Isabelle.IsaPrint
( showBaseSig
, printIsaTheory
, getAxioms
, printNamedSen
) where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Data.Char
import Data.List
printIsaTheory :: String -> String -> Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> Doc
printIsaTheory tn libdir sign sens = let
b = baseSig sign
bs = showBaseSig b
ld = if null libdir then "" else libdir ++ "/Isabelle/"
use = if null ld then empty else text usesS <+>
doubleQuotes (text $ ld ++ "prelude")
in text theoryS <+> text tn
$$ text importsS <+> (if case b of
Main_thy -> False
HOLCF_thy -> False
_ -> True then doubleQuotes
$ text $ ld ++ bs else text bs)
$$ use
$$ text beginS
$++$ printTheoryBody sign sens
$++$ text endS
printTheoryBody :: Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> Doc
printTheoryBody sig sens =
let (axs, rest) = getAxioms sens
(defs, rs) = getDefs rest
(rdefs, ts) = getRecDefs rs
tNames = map senName $ ts ++ axs
callML "initialize" (text $ show $ map Quote tNames) $++$
printText sig $++$
(if null axs then empty else text axiomsS $$
vsep (map printNamedSen axs)) $++$
(if null defs then empty else text defsS $$
vsep (map printNamedSen defs)) $++$
(if null rdefs then empty else
vsep (map printNamedSen rdefs)) $++$
(if null ts then empty else
vsep (map ( \ t -> printNamedSen t $$
text (case sentence t of
Sentence { thmProof = Just s } -> s
_ -> oopsS)
$++$ callML "record" (text $ show $ Quote $ senName t)) ts))
callML :: String -> Doc -> Doc
callML fun args =
text mlS <+> doubleQuotes (text ("Header." ++ fun) <+> args)
data QuotedString = Quote String
instance Show QuotedString where
show (Quote s) = init . tail . show $ show s
getAxioms, getDefs, getRecDefs :: [Named Sentence] ->
([Named Sentence], [Named Sentence])
getAxioms = partition ( \ s -> case sentence s of
Sentence {} -> isAxiom s
_ -> False)
getDefs = partition ( \ s -> case sentence s of
ConstDef {} -> True
_ -> False)
getRecDefs = partition ( \ s -> case sentence s of
RecDef {} -> True
_ -> False)
------------------- Printing functions -------------------
showBaseSig :: BaseSig -> String
showBaseSig = reverse . drop 4 . reverse . show
printClass :: IsaClass -> Doc
printClass (IsaClass x) = text x
printSort :: Sort -> Doc
printSort l = case l of
[c] -> printClass c
_ -> braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ map printClass l
data SynFlag = Quoted | Unquoted | Null
doubleColon :: Doc
doubleColon = text "::"
bar :: [Doc] -> [Doc]
bar = punctuate $ space <> text "|"
printType :: Typ -> Doc
printType = printTyp Unquoted
printTyp :: SynFlag -> Typ -> Doc
printTyp a = fst . printTypeAux a
printTypeAux :: SynFlag -> Typ -> (Doc, Int)
printTypeAux a t = case t of
(TFree v s) -> (let d = text $ if isPrefixOf "\'" v || isPrefixOf "?\'" v
then v else '\'' : v
c = printSort s
in if null s then d else case a of
Quoted -> d <> doubleColon <> if null $ tail s then c else doubleQuotes c
Unquoted -> d <> doubleColon <> c
Null -> d, 1000)
(TVar iv s) -> printTypeAux a $ TFree ("?\'" ++ unindexed iv) s
(Type name _ args) -> case args of
[t1, t2] | elem name [prodS, sProdS, funS, cFunS, sSumS] ->
printTypeOp a name t1 t2
_ -> ((case args of
[] -> empty
[arg] -> let (d, i) = printTypeAux a arg in
if i < 1000 then parens d else d
_ -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma $
map (fst . printTypeAux a) args)
<+> text name, 1000)
printTypeOp :: SynFlag -> TName -> Typ -> Typ -> (Doc, Int)
printTypeOp x name r1 r2 =
let (d1, i1) = printTypeAux x r1
(d2, i2) = printTypeAux x r2
(l, r) = Map.findWithDefault (0 :: Int, 0 :: Int)
name $ Map.fromList
[ (funS, (1,0))
, (cFunS, (1,0))
, (sSumS, (11, 10))
, (prodS, (21, 20))
, (sProdS, (21, 20))
d3 = if i1 < l then parens d1 else d1
d4 = if i2 < r then parens d2 else d2
in (d3 <+> text name <+> d4, r)
and_docs :: [Doc] -> Doc
and_docs ds = vcat $ prepPunctuate (text andS <> space) ds
-- | printing a named sentence
printNamedSen :: Named Sentence -> Doc
printNamedSen NamedSen { senName = lab, sentence = s, isAxiom = b } =
let d = printSentence s in case s of
RecDef {} -> d
_ -> let dd = doubleQuotes d in
if isRefute s then text lemmaS <+> text lab <+> colon
<+> dd $$ text refuteS
else if null lab then dd else (case s of
ConstDef {} -> text $ lab ++ "_def"
Sentence {isSimp = c} ->
(if b then empty else text theoremS)
<+> text lab <+>
(if c && b then brackets $ text simpS else empty)
_ -> error "printNamedSen") <+> colon <+> dd
-- | sentence printing
printSentence :: Sentence -> Doc
printSentence s = case s of
RecDef kw xs -> text kw <+>
and_docs (map (vcat . map (doubleQuotes . printTerm)) xs)
_ -> printPlainTerm (not $ isRefute s) $ senTerm s
-- | print plain term
printTerm :: Term -> Doc
printTerm = printPlainTerm True
printPlainTerm :: Bool -> Term -> Doc
printPlainTerm b = fst . printTrm b
printParenTerm :: Bool -> Int -> Term -> Doc
printParenTerm b i t = case printTrm b t of
(d, j) -> if j < i then parens d else d
-- | print the term using the alternative syntax (if True)
printTrm :: Bool -> Term -> (Doc, Int)
printTrm b trm = case trm of
Const vn _ -> case altSyn vn of
Nothing -> (text $ new vn, maxPrio)
Just (AltSyntax s is i) -> if b && null is then
(replaceUnderlines s [], i) else (text $ new vn, maxPrio)
Free vn _ -> (text $ new vn, maxPrio)
Var (Indexname _ _) _ -> error "Isa.Term.Var not used"
Bound _ -> error "Isa.Term.Bound not used"
Abs v _ t c -> ((text $ case c of
NotCont -> "%"
IsCont -> "LAM") <+> printPlainTerm b v <> text "."
<+> printPlainTerm b t, lowPrio)
If i t e c -> let d = printPlainTerm b i <+>
text "then" <+> printPlainTerm b t <+>
text "else" <+> printPlainTerm b e
in case c of
NotCont -> (text "if" <+> d, lowPrio)
IsCont -> (text "If" <+> d <+> text "fi", maxPrio)
Case e ps -> (text "case" <+> printPlainTerm b e <+> text "of"
$$ vcat (bar $
map (\ (p, t) -> printPlainTerm b p <+> text "=>"
<+> printPlainTerm b t) ps), lowPrio)
Let es i -> (text "let" <+>
vcat (punctuate semi $
map (\ (p, t) -> printPlainTerm b p <+> text "="
<+> printPlainTerm b t) es)
<+> text "in" <+> printPlainTerm b i, lowPrio)
IsaEq t1 t2 -> ((case t1 of
-- Const vn y -> text (new vn) <+> doubleColon <+> printType y
_ -> printParenTerm b (isaEqPrio + 1) t1) <+> text "=="
<+> printParenTerm b isaEqPrio t2, isaEqPrio)
Tuplex cs c -> ((case c of
NotCont -> parens
IsCont -> \ d -> text "<" <+> d <+> text ">") $
fsep (punctuate comma $ map (printPlainTerm b) cs)
, maxPrio)
Fix t -> (text "fix $" <+> printParenTerm b maxPrio t, maxPrio - 1)
Bottom -> (text "UU", maxPrio)
Wildcard -> error "Isa.Term.Wildcard not used"
Paren t -> (parens $ printPlainTerm b t, maxPrio)
App f a c -> printTrm b $ MixfixApp f [a] c
MixfixApp f args c -> case f of
Const (VName n (Just (AltSyntax s is i))) _ -> let l = length is in
case compare l $ length args of
EQ -> if b || n == cNot || isPrefixOf "op " n then
(replaceUnderlines s
$ zipWith (printParenTerm b) is args, i)
else printApp b c f args
LT -> let (fargs, rargs) = splitAt l args in
printApp b c (MixfixApp f fargs c) rargs
GT -> printApp b c f args
Const vn _ | new vn `elem` [allS, exS, ex1S] -> case args of
[Abs v _ t _] -> (text (new vn) <+> printPlainTerm b v
<> text "."
<+> printPlainTerm b t, lowPrio)
_ -> printApp b c f args
MixfixApp g margs@(_ : _) d | c == d ->
printTrm b $ MixfixApp g (margs ++ args) d
App g a d | c == d -> printTrm b $ MixfixApp g (a : args) d
_ -> printApp b c f args
printApp :: Bool -> Continuity -> Term -> [Term] -> (Doc, Int)
printApp b c t l = case l of
[] -> printTrm b t
_ -> (hsep $ (case c of
NotCont -> id
IsCont -> punctuate $ text " $")
$ printParenTerm b (maxPrio - 1) t : map (printParenTerm b maxPrio) l
, maxPrio - 1)
replaceUnderlines :: String -> [Doc] -> Doc
replaceUnderlines str l = case str of
"" -> empty
'\'': r@(q : s) -> if q `elem` "_/'()"
then text [q] <> replaceUnderlines s l
else text "'" <> replaceUnderlines r l
'_' : r -> case l of
h : t -> h <> replaceUnderlines r t
_ -> error "replaceUnderlines"
q : r -> if q `elem` "()/" then replaceUnderlines r l
else text [q] <> replaceUnderlines r l
-- end of term printing
printClassrel :: Classrel -> Doc
printClassrel = vcat . map ( \ (t, cl) -> case cl of
Nothing -> empty
Just x -> text axclassS <+> printClass t <+> text "<" <+>
(if null x then text pcpoS else printSort x)) . Map.toList
printArities :: String -> Arities -> Doc
printArities tn = vcat . map ( \ (t, cl) ->
vcat $ map (printInstance tn t) cl) . Map.toList
printInstance :: String -> TName -> (IsaClass, [(Typ, Sort)]) -> Doc
printInstance tn t xs = case xs of
(IsaClass "Monad", _) -> printMInstance tn t
_ -> printNInstance t xs
printMInstance :: String -> TName -> Doc
printMInstance tn t = let tyNm = text t
thNm = text tn
thMorNm = text (t ++ "_tm")
tArrow = text ("-" ++ "->")
in (text "thymorph" <+> thMorNm <+> colon <+>
text "MonadType" <+> tArrow <+> thNm)
$$ (text " maps [" <> (parens $ (doubleQuotes $ text "MonadType.M")
<+> text "|->" <+> thNm <> text "." <> tyNm) <> text "]")
$$ text "t_instantiate Monad " <+> thMorNm
thymorph t : MonadType --> State maps [("MonadType.M" |-> "State.S")]
t_instantiate Monad t
printNInstance :: TName -> (IsaClass, [(Typ, Sort)]) -> Doc
printNInstance t xs = text instanceS <+> text t <> doubleColon <>
(case snd xs of
[] -> empty
ys -> parens $ hsep $ punctuate comma
$ map (doubleQuotes . printSort . snd) ys)
<> printClass (fst xs) $$ text "by intro_classes"
printTypeDecls :: Sign -> Doc
printTypeDecls sig =
Map.foldWithKey (printTycon sig) empty $ arities $ tsig sig
printTycon :: Sign -> TName -> [(IsaClass, [(Typ, Sort)])] -> Doc -> Doc
printTycon sig t arity' rest =
let arity = if null arity' then
error "IsaPrint.printTycon"
else length (snd $ head arity') in
if dtyp sig t then empty else
text typedeclS <+>
(if arity > 0
then parens $ hsep (map (text . ("'a"++) . show) [1..arity])
else empty) <+> text t $$ rest
dtyp :: Sign -> TName -> Bool
dtyp sig t = elem t $
concat [map (typeId . fst) x | x <- domainTab sig]
-- | show alternative syntax (computed by comorphisms)
printAlt :: VName -> Doc
printAlt (VName _ altV) = case altV of
Nothing -> empty
Just (AltSyntax s is i) -> parens $ doubleQuotes (text s)
<+> if null is then empty else text (show is) <+>
if i == maxPrio then empty else text (show i)
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 _ sig =
printTypeDecls sig $++$
printClassrel (classrel $ tsig sig) $++$
printDomainDefs (domainTab sig) $++$
printConstTab (constTab sig) $++$
(if showLemmas sig then showCaseLemmata (domainTab sig) else empty) $++$
-- this may print an "o"
printArities (theoryName sig) (arities $ tsig sig)
printConstTab tab = if Map.null tab then empty else text constsS
$$ vcat (map printConst $ Map.toList tab)
printConst (vn, t) = text (new vn) <+> doubleColon <+>
doubleQuotes (printType t) <+> printAlt vn
isDomain = case baseSig sig of
HOLCF_thy -> True
HsHOLCF_thy -> True
_ -> False
printDomainDefs dtDefs = vcat $ map printDomainDef dtDefs
printDomainDef dts = if null dts then empty else
text (if isDomain then domainS else datatypeS)
<+> and_docs (map printDomain dts)
printDomain (t, ops) =
printTyp (if isDomain then Quoted else Null) t <+> equals <+>
hsep (bar $ map printDOp ops)
printDOp (vn, args) = let opname = new vn in
text opname <+> hsep (map (printDOpArg opname)
$ zip args [1 :: Int .. ])
<+> printAlt vn
printDOpArg o (a, i) = let
d = case a of
TFree _ _ -> printTyp Null a
_ -> doubleQuotes $ printTyp Null a
in if isDomain then
parens $ text (o ++ "_" ++ show i) <> doubleColon <> d
else d
showCaseLemmata dtDefs = text (concat $ map showCaseLemmata1 dtDefs)
showCaseLemmata1 dts = concat $ map showCaseLemma dts
showCaseLemma (_, []) = ""
showCaseLemma (tyCons, (c:cons)) =
let cs = "case caseVar of" ++ sp
sc b = showCons b c ++ (concat $ map ((" | " ++)
. (showCons b)) cons)
clSome = sc True
cl = sc False
showCons b ((VName {new=cName}), args) =
let pat = cName ++ (concat $ map ((sp ++) . showArg) args)
++ sp ++ "=>" ++ sp
term = showCaseTerm cName args
if b then pat ++ "Some" ++ sp ++ lb ++ term ++ rb ++ "\n"
else pat ++ term ++ "\n"
showCaseTerm name args = if null name then sa
else [toLower (head name)] ++ sa
where sa = (concat $ map ((sp ++) . showArg) args)
showArg (TFree [] _) = "varName"
showArg (TFree (n:ns) _) = [toLower n] ++ ns
showArg (TVar v s) = showArg (TFree (unindexed v) s)
showArg (Type [] _ _) = "varName"
showArg (Type m@(n:ns) _ s) =
if m == "typeAppl" || m == "fun" || m == "*"
then concat $ map showArg s
else [toLower n] ++ ns
showName (TFree v _) = v
showName (TVar v _) = unindexed v
showName (Type n _ _) = n
proof = "apply (case_tac caseVar)\napply (auto)\ndone\n"
"lemma" ++ sp ++ "case_" ++ showName tyCons ++ "_SomeProm" ++ sp
++ "[simp]:\"" ++ sp ++ lb ++ cs ++ clSome ++ rb ++ sp
++ "=\n" ++ "Some" ++ sp ++ lb ++ cs ++ cl ++ rb ++ "\"\n"
++ proof
instance PrintLaTeX Sign where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrintLaTeX Sentence where
printLatex0 = printText0
instance PrettyPrint Sentence where
printText0 _ = printSentence
sp :: String
sp = " "
rb :: String
rb = ")"
lb :: String
lb = "("