IsaImport.hs revision d5d2f79ba9303ff0b00e04eb7b3b5d0bf5c8daae
module Isabelle.IsaImport where
import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN
import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (fReadXml)
import Isabelle.IsaExport
import qualified Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromMaybe)
import Data.List (intercalate)
importIsaDataIO :: String ->
IO (String,[(String,IsaSign.Typ,Maybe IsaSign.Term)],
[(String,IsaSign.Term)], [(String,IsaSign.Term)],
importIsaDataIO p = do
d' <- fReadXml p
return $ importIsaData d'
importIsaData :: IsaExport ->
(String,[(String,IsaSign.Typ,Maybe IsaSign.Term)],
[(String,IsaSign.Term)], [(String,IsaSign.Term)],
importIsaData (IsaExport attrs (Consts consts)
(Axioms axioms)
(Theorems theorems)
(Types types)) =
let consts' = map mapConst consts
axioms' = map hXmlTerm2IsaTerm axioms
theorems' = map hXmlTerm2IsaTerm theorems
types' = map hXmlTypeDecl2IsaTypeDecl types
in (isaExportFile attrs,consts',axioms',theorems',types')
mapConst :: ConstDecl -> (String,IsaSign.Typ, Maybe IsaSign.Term)
mapConst (ConstDecl attrs tp tm) =
let tm' = case tm of
OneOf2 t -> Just $ snd . hXmlTerm2IsaTerm $ t
TwoOf2 _ -> Nothing
in (constDeclName attrs, hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp tp, tm')
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm :: Term -> (String,IsaSign.Term)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermBound attrs (Bound bindex)) =
(termName attrs, IsaSign.Bound ((read bindex) :: Int))
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermFree attrs f) = case f of
FreeTVar a _ -> (n, free a)
FreeTFree a _ -> (n, free a)
FreeType a _ -> (n, free a)
where n = termName attrs
free = IsaSign.Free . IsaSign.mkVName . freeName
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermVar attrs v) =
let vattrs = case v of
VarTVar d _ -> d
VarTFree d _ -> d
VarType d _ -> d
in (termName attrs,
IsaSign.Free . IsaSign.mkVName . varName $ vattrs)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermConst attrs c) = (termName attrs, hXmlConst2IsaTerm c)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermApp attrs a) = (termName attrs, hXmlApp2IsaTerm a)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermAbs attrs a) = (termName attrs, hXmlAbs2IsaTerm a)
hXmlConst2IsaTerm :: Const -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlConst2IsaTerm c = case c of
ConstTVar attrs c1 -> const' attrs (OneOf3 c1)
ConstTFree attrs c1 -> const' attrs (TwoOf3 c1)
ConstType attrs c1 -> const' attrs (ThreeOf3 c1)
where const' a d =
let vname = IsaSign.VName { = constName a,
IsaSign.altSyn = case constMixfix_i a of
Just i' -> let i = (read i') :: Int
in case (constInfix a,constInfixl a,constInfixr a) of
(Just s,_,_) -> Just $ IsaSign.AltSyntax (t s) [i,i] i
(_,Just s,_) -> Just $ IsaSign.AltSyntax (t s) [i+1,i] i
(_,_,Just s) -> Just $ IsaSign.AltSyntax (t s) [i,i+1] i
_ -> Nothing
where t s = "(_ "++s++"/ _)"
{- We need to do this so that pretty printing actually works
(see IsaConsts.hs 550+ and
IsaPrint.hs 319 (replaceUnderlines 399)
Maybe the use of alternative Syntax needs to be
completely overhauled?
Nothing -> Nothing
in IsaSign.Const vname
$ (if isJust $ constMixfix_i a
then IsaSign.Hide
else IsaSign.Disp)
(hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp d)
hXmlApp2IsaTerm :: App -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlApp2IsaTerm (App f1 f2) = IsaSign.App (hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm f1)
(hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm f2)
hXmlAbs2IsaTerm :: Abs -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlAbs2IsaTerm (Abs attrs _ f) = IsaSign.Abs
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName . absVname $ attrs))
(hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm f)
hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm o = case o of
(OneOf6 b) -> tm $ TermBound n b
(TwoOf6 f) -> tm $ TermFree n f
(ThreeOf6 v) -> tm $ TermVar n v
(FourOf6 c) -> tm $ TermConst n c
(FiveOf6 a) -> tm $ TermApp n a
(SixOf6 a) -> tm $ TermAbs n a
where tm = snd . hXmlTerm2IsaTerm
n = Term_Attrs ""
hXmlType_2IsaTyp :: Type_ -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlType_2IsaTyp (Type_TVar v) = hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (OneOf3 v)
hXmlType_2IsaTyp (Type_TFree f) = hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (TwoOf3 f)
hXmlType_2IsaTyp (Type_Type t) = hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (ThreeOf3 t)
hXmlType2IsaTyp :: Type -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlType2IsaTyp (Type attrs tps) =
IsaSign.Type (typeName attrs) holType (map hXmlType_2IsaTyp tps)
hXmlTFree2IsaTyp :: TFree -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlTFree2IsaTyp (TFree attrs cls) =
IsaSign.TFree (tFreeName attrs)
(map hXmlClass2IsaClass cls)
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp :: (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type) -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (OneOf3 (TVar a cls)) =
IsaSign.TVar (IsaSign.Indexname (tVarName a)
(read (fromMaybe "0" (tVarIndex a)) :: Int))
(map hXmlClass2IsaClass cls)
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (TwoOf3 f) = hXmlTFree2IsaTyp f
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (ThreeOf3 t) = hXmlType2IsaTyp t
hXmlClass2IsaClass :: Class -> IsaSign.IsaClass
hXmlClass2IsaClass = IsaSign.IsaClass . className
hXmlTypeDecl2IsaTypeDecl :: TypeDecl -> [IsaSign.DomainEntry]
hXmlTypeDecl2IsaTypeDecl (TypeDecl _ rs) =
let recmap = foldl (\m (RecType ra vs _) ->
Map.insert ((read (recTypeI ra))::Int)
((if length (recTypeVsToString vs) > 0
then (recTypeVsToString vs) ++ " "
else "") ++ (recTypeName ra))
m) Map.empty rs
where recTypeVsToString (Vars vs) = intercalate " "
(map (\v -> case v of
Vars_DtTFree f -> dtTFreeS f
_ -> "") vs)
in map (hXmlRecType2IsaTypeDecl recmap) rs
hXmlRecType2IsaTypeDecl :: Map.Map Int String ->
RecType -> IsaSign.DomainEntry
hXmlRecType2IsaTypeDecl recmap (RecType a (Vars vs) (Constructors cs)) =
let trans c = case c of
Constructor_DtTFree (DtTFree f) ->
(TwoOf3 (TFree (TFree_Attrs f) []))
Constructor_DtType (DtType ta dts) ->
IsaSign.Type (dtTypeS ta) holType
(map (\dt -> case dt of
DtType_DtTFree f -> trans (Constructor_DtTFree f)
DtType_DtType t -> trans (Constructor_DtType t)
DtType_DtRec r -> trans (Constructor_DtRec r)) dts)
Constructor_DtRec (DtRec r) ->
(ThreeOf3 (Type (Type_Attrs (Map.findWithDefault ""
((read r)::Int) recmap)) []))
in ((IsaSign.Type (recTypeName a) holType
(map (\v -> case v of
Vars_DtTFree f -> trans (Constructor_DtTFree f)
Vars_DtType t -> trans (Constructor_DtType t)
Vars_DtRec r -> trans (Constructor_DtRec r)) vs),
recTypeAltname a),
map (\(Constructor ca cs') ->
(IsaSign.mkVName (constructorVal ca),map trans cs')) cs)