IsaImport.hs revision 3dde4051c307b609159a097f08a05108fdd036ef
module Isabelle.IsaImport where
import Text.XML.HaXml.OneOfN
import Text.XML.HaXml.XmlContent (fReadXml)
import Isabelle.IsaExport
import qualified Isabelle.IsaSign as IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts
import qualified Data.Map as Map
importIsaDataIO :: String ->
IO (String,[(String,IsaSign.Typ,Maybe IsaSign.Term)],
[(String,IsaSign.Term)], [(String,IsaSign.Term)],
importIsaDataIO p = do
d' <- fReadXml p
return $ importIsaData d'
importIsaData :: IsaExport ->
(String,[(String,IsaSign.Typ,Maybe IsaSign.Term)],
[(String,IsaSign.Term)], [(String,IsaSign.Term)],
importIsaData (IsaExport attrs (Consts consts)
(Axioms axioms)
(Theorems theorems)
(Types types)) =
let consts' = map mapConst consts
axioms' = map hXmlTerm2IsaTerm axioms
theorems' = map hXmlTerm2IsaTerm theorems
types' = map hXmlTypeDecl2IsaTypeDecl types
in (isaExportFile attrs,consts',axioms',theorems',types')
mapConst :: ConstDecl -> (String,IsaSign.Typ, Maybe IsaSign.Term)
mapConst (ConstDecl attrs tp tm) =
let tm' = case tm of
OneOf2 t -> Just $ snd . hXmlTerm2IsaTerm $ t
TwoOf2 _ -> Nothing
in (constDeclName attrs, hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp tp, tm')
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm :: Term -> (String,IsaSign.Term)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermBound attrs (Bound bindex)) =
-- (termName attrs, IsaSign.Free . IsaSign.mkVName $ bindex)
error "Bound not yet implemented"
-- Why is Bound not found in IsaSign.Term? cf. src/Pure/term.ML line 206
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermFree attrs f) = case f of
FreeTVar a _ -> (n, free a)
FreeTFree a _ -> (n, free a)
FreeType a _ -> (n, free a)
where n = termName attrs
free = IsaSign.Free . IsaSign.mkVName . freeName
-- Why are Frees in IsaSign.Term missing a type? cf. src/Pure/term.Ml line 205
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermVar attrs v) =
let vattrs = case v of
VarTVar d _ -> d
VarTFree d _ -> d
VarType d _ -> d
in (termName attrs,
IsaSign.Free . IsaSign.mkVName . varName $ vattrs)
-- error "Var not yet implemented"
-- Why is Var missing in IsaSign.Term? cf. src/Pure/term.ML line 205
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermConst attrs c) = (termName attrs, hXmlConst2IsaTerm c)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermApp attrs a) = (termName attrs, hXmlApp2IsaTerm a)
hXmlTerm2IsaTerm (TermAbs attrs a) = (termName attrs, hXmlAbs2IsaTerm a)
hXmlConst2IsaTerm :: Const -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlConst2IsaTerm c = case c of
ConstTVar attrs c1 -> const' attrs (OneOf3 c1)
ConstTFree attrs c1 -> const' attrs (TwoOf3 c1)
ConstType attrs c1 -> const' attrs (ThreeOf3 c1)
where const' a d = IsaSign.Const ((IsaSign.mkVName . constName) a)
$ IsaSign.Disp (hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp d)
hXmlApp2IsaTerm :: App -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlApp2IsaTerm (App f1 f2) = IsaSign.App (hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm f1)
(hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm f2)
-- Not present in Isabelle ?!?
hXmlAbs2IsaTerm :: Abs -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlAbs2IsaTerm (Abs attrs _ f) = IsaSign.Abs
(IsaSign.Free (IsaSign.mkVName . absVname $ attrs))
(hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm f)
hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm :: OneOf6 Bound Free Var Const App Abs -> IsaSign.Term
hXmlOneOf6_2IsaTerm o = case o of
(OneOf6 b) -> tm $ TermBound n b
(TwoOf6 f) -> tm $ TermFree n f
(ThreeOf6 v) -> tm $ TermVar n v
(FourOf6 c) -> tm $ TermConst n c
(FiveOf6 a) -> tm $ TermApp n a
(SixOf6 a) -> tm $ TermAbs n a
where tm = snd . hXmlTerm2IsaTerm
n = Term_Attrs ""
hXmlType_2IsaTyp :: Type_ -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlType_2IsaTyp (Type_TVar v) = hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (OneOf3 v)
hXmlType_2IsaTyp (Type_TFree f) = hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (TwoOf3 f)
hXmlType_2IsaTyp (Type_Type t) = hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (ThreeOf3 t)
hXmlType2IsaTyp :: Type -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlType2IsaTyp (Type attrs tps) =
IsaSign.Type (typeName attrs) holType (map hXmlType_2IsaTyp tps)
hXmlTFree2IsaTyp :: TFree -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlTFree2IsaTyp (TFree attrs cls) =
IsaSign.TFree (tFreeName attrs)
(map hXmlClass2IsaClass cls)
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp :: (OneOf3 TVar TFree Type) -> IsaSign.Typ
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (OneOf3 (TVar a cls)) =
IsaSign.TVar (IsaSign.Indexname (tVarName a)
((read (tVarIndex a)) :: Int))
(map hXmlClass2IsaClass cls)
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (TwoOf3 f) = hXmlTFree2IsaTyp f
hXmlOneOf3_2IsaTyp (ThreeOf3 t) = hXmlType2IsaTyp t
hXmlClass2IsaClass :: Class -> IsaSign.IsaClass
hXmlClass2IsaClass = IsaSign.IsaClass . className
hXmlTypeDecl2IsaTypeDecl :: TypeDecl -> [IsaSign.DomainEntry]
hXmlTypeDecl2IsaTypeDecl (TypeDecl _ rs) =
let recmap = foldl (\m (RecType ra _ _) ->
Map.insert ((read (recTypeI ra))::Int)
(recTypeName ra) m) Map.empty rs
in map (hXmlRecType2IsaTypeDecl recmap) rs
hXmlRecType2IsaTypeDecl :: Map.Map Int String ->
RecType -> IsaSign.DomainEntry
hXmlRecType2IsaTypeDecl recmap (RecType a (Vars vs) (Constructors cs)) =
let trans c = case c of
Constructor_DtTFree (DtTFree f) ->
(TwoOf3 (TFree (TFree_Attrs f) []))
Constructor_DtType (DtType ta dts) ->
IsaSign.Type (dtTypeS ta) holType
(map (\dt -> case dt of
DtType_DtTFree f -> trans (Constructor_DtTFree f)
DtType_DtType t -> trans (Constructor_DtType t)
DtType_DtRec r -> trans (Constructor_DtRec r)) dts)
Constructor_DtRec (DtRec r) ->
(ThreeOf3 (Type (Type_Attrs (Map.findWithDefault ""
((read r)::Int) recmap)) []))
in (IsaSign.Type (recTypeName a) holType
(map (\v -> case v of
Vars_DtTFree f -> trans (Constructor_DtTFree f)
Vars_DtType t -> trans (Constructor_DtType t)
Vars_DtRec r -> trans (Constructor_DtRec r)) vs),
map (\(Constructor ca cs') ->
(IsaSign.mkVName (constructorVal ca),map trans cs')) cs)