IsaConsts.hs revision fdd2ea0556081ab3fdca6cd8846c4f1eee74fd3a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : constants for Isabelle terms
Copyright : (c) Sonja Groening, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
constants for Isabelle
-- possibly differentiate between HOL and HOLCF
module Isabelle.IsaConsts where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Data.List
-- | a topological sort with a @uses@ predicate
quickSort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
quickSort f ls = case ls of
[] -> []
a : as -> let (xs, ys) = partition (f a) as in
quickSort f xs ++ a : quickSort f ys
-- **** STRINGS ------------------------------------------------
-- * boolean constants
cTrue :: String
cTrue = "True"
cFalse :: String
cFalse = "False"
-- | Not string
cNot :: String
cNot = "Not"
-- * quantor strings
allS, exS, ex1S :: String
allS = "ALL"
exS = "EX"
ex1S = "EX!"
-- * Strings of binary ops
conj :: String
conj = "op &"
disj :: String
disj = "op |"
impl :: String
impl = "op -->"
eq :: String
eq = "op ="
plusS :: String
plusS = "op +"
minusS :: String
minusS = "op -"
timesS :: String
timesS = "op *"
divS :: String
divS = "op div"
modS :: String
modS = "op mod"
consS :: String
consS = "op #"
lconsS :: String
lconsS = "op ###"
compS :: String
compS = "comp"
-- | lower case pair
pairC :: String
pairC = "pair"
-- * some stuff for Isabelle
pcpoS :: String
pcpoS = "pcpo"
prodS, sProdS, funS, cFunS, lFunS, sSumS, lProdS, lSumS :: TName
prodS = "*" -- this is printed as it is!
lProdS = "lprod" -- "***"
sProdS = "**"
funS = "=>"
cFunS = "->"
lFunS = "-->"
sSumS = "++"
lSumS = "either"
-- * some stuff for HasCASL
aptS :: String
aptS = "apt"
appS :: String
appS = "app"
pAppS :: String
pAppS = "pApp"
defOpS :: String
defOpS = "defOp"
-- | Some string
someS :: String
someS = "Some"
-- * strings for HOLCF lifting functions
lliftbinS :: String
lliftbinS = "lliftbin"
fliftbinS :: String
fliftbinS = "fliftbin"
flift2S :: String
flift2S = "flift2"
-- **** CLASSES & SORTS ---------------------------------------
-- * Predifined CLASSES
pcpo :: IsaClass
pcpo = IsaClass pcpoS
isaTerm :: IsaClass
isaTerm = IsaClass "type"
-- * predefined SORTS
holType :: Sort
holType = [isaTerm]
dom :: Sort
dom = [pcpo]
sortT :: Continuity -> Sort
sortT a = case a of
NotCont -> holType
IsCont _ -> dom
--------------------- POLY TYPES --------------------------------------
listT :: Continuity -> Typ -> Typ
listT a t = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "llist" (sortT a) [t]
NotCont -> Type "list" (sortT a) [t]
charT :: Continuity -> Typ
charT a = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "charT" (sortT a) []
NotCont -> Type "char" (sortT a) []
ratT :: Continuity -> Typ
ratT a = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "ratT" (sortT a) []
NotCont -> Type "rat" (sortT a) []
fracT :: Continuity -> Typ
fracT a = Type "fracT" (sortT a) []
integerT :: Continuity -> Typ
integerT a = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "integerT" (sortT a) []
NotCont -> Type "int" (sortT a) []
boolT :: Continuity -> Typ
boolT a = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "lBool" (sortT a) []
NotCont -> Type "bool" (sortT a) []
orderingT :: Continuity -> Typ
orderingT a = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "lOrdering" (sortT a) []
NotCont -> Type "sOrdering" (sortT a) []
intT :: Continuity -> Typ
intT a = case a of
IsCont _ -> Type "intT" (sortT a) []
NotCont -> Type "int" (sortT a) []
prodT :: Continuity -> Typ -> Typ -> Typ
prodT a t1 t2 = case a of
IsCont _ -> mkContProduct t1 t2
NotCont -> prodType t1 t2
funT :: Continuity -> Typ -> Typ -> Typ
funT c a b = case c of
IsCont _ -> mkContFun a b
NotCont -> mkFunType a b
curryFunT :: Continuity -> [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
curryFunT c ls x = case c of
IsCont _ -> mkCurryContFun ls x
NotCont -> mkCurryFunType ls x
-- **** predefinded HOL TYPES ----------------------------------
noTypeT :: Typ
noTypeT = Type "dummy" holType []
noType :: DTyp
noType = Hide noTypeT NA Nothing
noTypeC :: DTyp
noTypeC = Hide noTypeT TCon Nothing
hideNN :: Typ -> DTyp
hideNN t = Hide t NA Nothing
hideCN :: Typ -> DTyp
hideCN t = Hide t TCon Nothing
dispNN :: Typ -> DTyp
dispNN t = Disp t NA Nothing
dispMN :: Typ -> DTyp
dispMN t = Disp t TMet Nothing
boolType :: Typ
boolType = boolT NotCont
mkListType :: Typ -> Typ
mkListType t = Type "list" holType [t]
mkOptionType :: Typ -> Typ
mkOptionType t = Type "option" holType [t]
prodType :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
prodType t1 t2 = Type prodS holType [t1,t2]
mkFunType :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkFunType s t = Type funS holType [s,t] -- was "-->" before
{-handy for multiple args: [T1,...,Tn]--->T gives T1-->(T2--> ... -->T)-}
mkCurryFunType :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
mkCurryFunType = flip $ foldr mkFunType -- was "--->" before
-- **** predefinded HOLCF TYPES --------------------------------------
voidDom :: Typ
voidDom = Type "void" dom []
{- should this be included (as primitive)? -}
flatDom :: Typ
flatDom = Type "flat" dom []
tLift :: Typ -> Typ
tLift t = Type "lift" dom [t]
{- sort is ok? -}
mkContFun :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkContFun t1 t2 = Type lFunS dom [t1,t2]
mkStrictProduct :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkStrictProduct t1 t2 = Type sProdS dom [t1,t2]
mkContProduct :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkContProduct t1 t2 = Type lProdS dom [t1,t2]
{-handy for multiple args: [T1,...,Tn]--->T gives T1-->(T2--> ... -->T)-}
mkCurryContFun :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
mkCurryContFun = flip $ foldr mkContFun -- was "--->" before
mkStrictSum :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkStrictSum t1 t2 = Type lSumS dom [t1,t2]
-- **** TERM FORMATION -------------------------------------------
-- | 1000
maxPrio :: Int
maxPrio = 1000
-- | 10
lowPrio :: Int
lowPrio = 10
-- | 2
isaEqPrio :: Int
isaEqPrio = 2 -- left assoc
-- | construct constants and variables
mkConstVD :: String -> Typ -> Term
mkConstVD s t = Const (mkVName s) $ hideNN t
mkConstV :: String -> DTyp -> Term
mkConstV s t = Const (mkVName s) t
mkConstD :: VName -> Typ -> Term
mkConstD s t = Const s $ hideNN t
mkConst :: VName -> DTyp -> Term
mkConst s t = Const s t
mkFree :: String -> Term
mkFree s = Free $ mkVName s
-- | construct a constant with no type
con :: VName -> Term
con s = mkConst s noType
conC :: VName -> Term
conC s = mkConst s noTypeC
conDouble :: String -> Term
conDouble = con . mkVName
conDoubleC :: String -> Term
conDoubleC = conC . mkVName
-- | apply VName operator to two term
binVNameAppl :: VName -> Term -> Term -> Term
binVNameAppl v t1 t2 = termAppl (termAppl (con v) t1) t2
-- | binary junctors
binConj, binDisj, binImpl, binEqv, binEq :: Term -> Term -> Term
binConj = binVNameAppl conjV
binDisj = binVNameAppl disjV
binImpl = binVNameAppl implV
binEq = binVNameAppl eqV
binEqv = binEq
-- | HOL function application
termAppl :: Term -> Term -> Term
termAppl t1 t2 = App t1 t2 NotCont
-- **** Poly terms for HOL-HOLCF ----------------------------------
andPT :: Continuity -> Term
andPT a = case a of
NotCont -> con conjV
IsCont _ -> conDouble "andH"
orPT :: Continuity -> Term
orPT a = case a of
NotCont -> con disjV
IsCont _ -> conDouble "orH"
notPT :: Continuity -> Term
notPT a = case a of
NotCont -> con notV
IsCont _ -> conDouble "notH"
bottomPT :: Continuity -> Term
bottomPT a = conDouble $ case a of
NotCont -> "arbitrary"
IsCont _ -> "UU"
nilPT :: Continuity -> Term
nilPT a = conDoubleC $ case a of
NotCont -> "[]"
IsCont _ -> "lNil"
consPT :: Continuity -> Term
consPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conC consV
IsCont True -> conDouble "llCons"
IsCont False -> conC lconsV
truePT :: Continuity -> Term
truePT a = conDoubleC $ case a of
NotCont -> "True"
IsCont _ -> "TRUE"
falsePT :: Continuity -> Term
falsePT a = conDoubleC $ case a of
NotCont -> "False"
IsCont _ -> "FALSE"
headPT :: Continuity -> Term
headPT a = conDouble $ case a of
NotCont -> "hd"
IsCont _ -> "llHd"
tailPT :: Continuity -> Term
tailPT a = conDouble $ case a of
NotCont -> "tl"
IsCont _ -> "llTl"
unitPT :: Continuity -> Term
unitPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDouble "()"
IsCont _ -> termAppl (conDouble "Def") (conDouble "()")
fstPT :: Continuity -> Term
fstPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDoubleC "fst"
IsCont True -> conDouble "llfst"
IsCont False -> conDoubleC "lfst"
sndPT :: Continuity -> Term
sndPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDoubleC "snd"
IsCont True -> conDouble "llsnd"
IsCont False -> conDoubleC "lsnd"
pairPT :: Continuity -> Term
pairPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDoubleC "pair"
IsCont True -> conDouble "llpair"
IsCont False -> conDoubleC "lpair"
nothingPT :: Continuity -> Term
nothingPT a = conDouble $ if a == NotCont
then "None" else "lNothing"
justPT :: Continuity -> Term
justPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDouble "Some"
IsCont True -> conDouble "llJust"
IsCont False -> conDoubleC "lJust"
leftPT :: Continuity -> Term
leftPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDouble "left"
IsCont True -> conDouble "llLeft"
IsCont False -> conDoubleC "lLeft"
rightPT :: Continuity -> Term
rightPT a = case a of
NotCont -> conDouble "right"
IsCont True -> conDouble "llRight"
IsCont False -> conDoubleC "lRight"
compPT :: Term
compPT = conDouble "compH"
eqPT :: Term
eqPT = conDouble "eqH"
neqPT :: Term
neqPT = conDouble "neqH"
eqTPT :: Typ -> Term
eqTPT t = mkConstVD "eqH" t
neqTPT :: Typ -> Term
neqTPT t = mkConstVD "neqH" t
-- **** TERMS ---------------------------------------------------
-- * Boolean constants
true :: Term
true = mkConstVD cTrue boolType
false :: Term
false = mkConstVD cFalse boolType
-- * UNTYPED terms
-- | defOp constant
defOp :: Term
defOp = conDouble defOpS
-- | Not constant
notOp :: Term
notOp = con notV
-- | some constant
conSome :: Term
conSome = conDouble someS
-- * HOLCF
liftString :: Term
liftString = conDouble "liftList"
lpairTerm :: Term
lpairTerm = conDoubleC "lpair"
-- **** VNAMES -------------------------------------------------
-- | Not VName
notV :: VName
notV = VName cNot $ Just $ AltSyntax "~/ _" [40] 40
-- * VNames of binary operators
conjV :: VName
conjV = VName conj $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ &/ _)" [36, 35] 35
disjV :: VName
disjV = VName disj $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ |/ _)" [31, 30] 30
implV :: VName
implV = VName impl $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ -->/ _)" [26, 25] 25
eqV :: VName
eqV = VName eq $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ =/ _)" [50, 51] 50
plusV :: VName
plusV = VName plusS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ +/ _)" [65, 66] 65
minusV :: VName
minusV = VName minusS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ -/ _)" [65, 66] 65
divV :: VName
divV = VName divS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ div/ _)" [70, 71] 70
modV :: VName
modV = VName modS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ mod/ _)" [70, 71] 70
timesV :: VName
timesV = VName timesS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ */ _)" [70, 71] 70
consV :: VName
consV = VName consS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ #/ _)" [66, 65] 65
lconsV :: VName
lconsV = VName lconsS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ ###/ _)" [66, 65] 65
compV :: VName
compV = VName compS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ o/ _)" [55, 56] 55
-- **** keywords in theory files from the Isar Reference Manual 2005
endS :: String
endS = "end"
headerS :: String
headerS = "header"
theoryS :: String
theoryS = "theory"
importsS :: String
importsS = "imports"
usesS :: String
usesS = "uses"
beginS :: String
beginS = "begin"
contextS :: String
contextS = "context"
axiomsS :: String
axiomsS = "axioms"
defsS :: String
defsS = "defs"
oopsS :: String
oopsS = "oops"
mlS :: String
mlS = "ML"
andS :: String
andS = "and"
lemmasS :: String
lemmasS = "lemmas"
lemmaS :: String
lemmaS = "lemma"
corollaryS :: String
corollaryS = "corollary"
refuteS :: String
refuteS = "refute"
theoremsS :: String
theoremsS = "theorems"
theoremS :: String
theoremS = "theorem"
axclassS :: String
axclassS = "axclass"
classesS :: String
classesS = "classes"
instanceS :: String
instanceS = "instance"
typedeclS :: String
typedeclS = "typedecl"
typesS :: String
typesS = "types"
constsS :: String
constsS = "consts"
structureS :: String
structureS = "structure"
constdefsS :: String
constdefsS = "constdefs"
domainS :: String
domainS = "domain"
datatypeS :: String
datatypeS = "datatype"
fixrecS :: String
fixrecS = "fixrec"
primrecS :: String
primrecS = "primrec"
declareS :: String
declareS = "declare"
simpS :: String
simpS = "simp"
applyS :: String
applyS = "apply"
backS :: String
backS = "back"
deferS :: String
deferS = "defer"
preferS :: String
preferS = "prefer"
byS :: String
byS = "by"
doneS :: String
doneS = "done"
sorryS :: String
sorryS = "sorry"
autoS :: String
autoS = "auto"
markups :: [String]
markups =
[ "--", "chapter" , "section", "subsection", "subsubsection", "text"
, "text_raw", "sect", "subsect", "subsubsect", "txt", "txt_raw"]
-- | toplevel keys that are currently ignored
ignoredKeys :: [String]
ignoredKeys =
[ domainS, oopsS, refuteS, fixrecS, primrecS, declareS
, "sorry", "done", "by", "proof", "apply", "qed"
, "classrel", "defaultsort", "nonterminls", "arities"
, "syntax", "no_syntax", "translations"
, "global", "local", "hide", "use", "setup", "method_setup"
, "ML_command", "ML_setup", "oracle"
, "fix", "assume", "presume", "def", "note", "then", "from", "with"
, "using", "have", "show", "hence", "thus", "shows", ".", ".."
-- , "rule", "iprover","OF", "of", "where", "assumption", "this", "-"
, "let", "is", "next", "apply_end", "defer", "prefer", "back"
, "pr", "thm", "prf", "term", "prop", "typ", "full_prf"
, "undo", "redo", "kill", "thms_containing", "thms_deps"
, "cd", "pwd", "use_thy", "use_thy_only", "update_thy"
, "update_thy_only"
, "display_drafts", "in", "locale" -- "intro_classes"
, "fixes", "constrains", "assumes", "defines", "notes", "includes"
, "interpretation", "interpret", "obtain", "also", "finally"
, "moreover", "ultimately" -- "trans", "sym", "symmetric"
, "case", "judgment", "typedef", "morphisms", "record", "rep_datatype"
, "recdef", "recdef_tc", "specification","ax_specification"
, "inductive", "coinductive", "inductive_cases", "codatatype"
, "code_module", "code_library", "consts_code", "types_code" ]
++ map (++ "_translation")
[ "parse_ast", "parse", "print", "print_ast", "typed_print"
, "token" ]
++ map ("print_" ++)
[ "commands", "syntax", "methods", "attributes", "theorems"
, "tcset"
, "facts", "binds", "drafts", "locale", "locales", "interps"
, "trans_rules", "simp_set", "claset", "cases", "induct_rules" ]
-- | toplevel keywords currently recognized by IsaParse
usedTopKeys :: [String]
usedTopKeys = markups ++
[ importsS, usesS, beginS, contextS, mlS, axiomsS, defsS, constsS
, constdefsS, lemmasS, theoremsS, lemmaS, corollaryS, theoremS
, datatypeS
, classesS, axclassS, instanceS, typesS, typedeclS, endS ]
-- | all Isabelle keywords
isaKeywords :: [String]
isaKeywords = "::" : andS : theoryS : map (:[]) ":=<|"
++ usedTopKeys ++ ignoredKeys