IsaConsts.hs revision ae59cddaa1f9e2dd031cae95a3ba867b9e8e095d
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Sonja Groening, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
utilities for the HasCASL to Isabelle comorphism
module Isabelle.IsaConsts where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
-- | application
termAppl :: Term -> Term -> Term
termAppl t1 t2 = App t1 t2 NotCont
-- | apply binary operation to arguments
binConst :: String -> Term -> Term -> Term
binConst s t1 t2 = termAppl (termAppl (con s) t1) t2
-- | construct a constant
conT :: String -> Term
conT s = Const s noType
-- | construct a constant with no type
con :: String -> Term
con s = Const s noType
-- * some stuff
someS :: String
someS = "Some"
conSomeT :: Typ -> Term
conSomeT t = Const someS t
-- | some constant with no type
conSome :: Term
conSome = con someS
-- | defOp constant
defOp :: Term
defOp = con "defOp"
-- | not constant
notOp :: Term
notOp = con "Not"
-- * quantor strings
allS, exS, ex1S :: String
allS = "All"
exS = "Ex"
ex1S = "Ex1"
-- * strings of binary ops
conj :: String
conj = "op &"
disj :: String
disj = "op |"
impl :: String
impl = "op -->"
eqv :: String
eqv = "op ="
eq :: String
eq = "op ="
-- * binary junctors
binConj, binDisj, binImpl, binEqv, binEq :: Term -> Term -> Term
binConj= binConst conj
binDisj = binConst disj
binImpl = binConst impl
binEq = binConst eq
binEqv = binConst eqv
-- * boolean constants
true, false :: Term
true = Const "True" boolType
false = Const "False" boolType
-- | pair stuff
pairC :: String
pairC = "pair"
isaPair :: String
isaPair = "Pair"