IsaConsts.hs revision 9e5d738f1fb98e67d8b24c1db27a41a0c5dff8ed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Sonja Groening, Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
utilities for the (Has)CASL, Haskell to Isabelle comorphisms
-- possibly differentiate between HOL and HOLCF
module Isabelle.IsaConsts where
import Isabelle.IsaSign
-- * predefined sorts
holType :: Sort
holType = [IsaClass "hol_type"]
dom :: Sort
dom = [pcpo]
isaTerm :: IsaClass
isaTerm = IsaClass "type"
pcpo :: IsaClass
pcpo = IsaClass "pcpo"
-- * predefinded types
noType :: Typ
noType = Type "dummy" holType []
boolType :: Typ
boolType = Type "bool" holType []
intType :: Typ
intType = Type "int" holType []
mkOptionType :: Typ -> Typ
mkOptionType t = Type "option" holType [t]
prodType :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
prodType t1 t2 = Type prodS holType [t1,t2]
mkFunType :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkFunType s t = Type funS holType [s,t] -- was "-->" before
{-handy for multiple args: [T1,...,Tn]--->T gives T1-->(T2--> ... -->T)-}
mkCurryFunType :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
mkCurryFunType = flip $ foldr mkFunType -- was "--->" before
voidDom :: Typ
voidDom = Type "void" dom []
{- should this be included (as primitive)? -}
flatDom :: Typ
flatDom = Type "flat" dom []
{- sort is ok? -}
mkContFun :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkContFun t1 t2 = Type cFunS dom [t1,t2]
mkStrictProduct :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkStrictProduct t1 t2 = Type sProdS dom [t1,t2]
mkContProduct :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkContProduct t1 t2 = Type prodS dom [t1,t2]
{-handy for multiple args: [T1,...,Tn]--->T gives T1-->(T2--> ... -->T)-}
mkCurryContFun :: [Typ] -> Typ -> Typ
mkCurryContFun = flip $ foldr mkContFun -- was "--->" before
mkStrictSum :: Typ -> Typ -> Typ
mkStrictSum t1 t2 = Type sSumS dom [t1,t2]
prodS, sProdS, funS, cFunS, sSumS :: TName
prodS = "*" -- this is printed as it is!
sProdS = "**"
funS = "=>"
cFunS = "->"
sSumS = "++"
-- * functions for term formation
maxPrio :: Int
maxPrio = 1000
lowPrio :: Int
lowPrio = 10
isaEqPrio :: Int
isaEqPrio = 2 -- left assoc
termAppl :: Term -> Term -> Term
termAppl t1 t2 = MixfixApp t1 [t2] NotCont
termMixfixAppl :: Term -> [Term] -> Term
termMixfixAppl t1 t2 = MixfixApp t1 t2 NotCont
-- | apply binary operation to arguments
binConst :: String -> Term -> Term -> Term
binConst s t1 t2 = MixfixApp (conDouble s) [t1,t2] NotCont
-- | construct a constant with no type
con :: VName -> Term
con s = Const s noType
conDouble :: String -> Term
conDouble = con . mkVName
-- * some stuff
someS :: String
someS = "Some"
conSomeT :: Typ -> Term
conSomeT t = Const (mkVName someS) t
-- | some constant with no type
conSome :: Term
conSome = conDouble someS
-- | defOp constant
defOp :: Term
defOp = conDouble "defOp"
-- | not constant
notOp :: Term
notOp = con $ VName "Not" $ Just $ AltSyntax "~/ _" [40] 40
-- * quantor strings
allS, exS, ex1S :: String
allS = "ALL"
exS = "EX"
ex1S = "EX!"
-- * strings of binary ops
conj :: String
conj = "op &"
disj :: String
disj = "op |"
impl :: String
impl = "op -->"
eq :: String
eq = "op ="
conjV :: VName
conjV = VName conj $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ &/ _)" [36, 35] 35
disjV :: VName
disjV = VName disj $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ |/ _)" [31, 30] 30
implV :: VName
implV = VName impl $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ -->/ _)" [26, 25] 25
eqV :: VName
eqV = VName eq $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ =/ _)" [50, 51] 50
plusS :: String
plusS = "op +"
minusS :: String
minusS = "op -"
timesS :: String
timesS = "op *"
consS :: String
consS = "Cons"
plusV :: VName
plusV = VName plusS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ +/ _)" [65, 66] 65
minusV :: VName
minusV = VName minusS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ -/ _)" [65, 66] 65
timesV :: VName
timesV = VName timesS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ */ _)" [70, 71] 70
consV :: VName
consV = VName consS $ Just $ AltSyntax "(_ #/ _)" [66, 65] 65
binVNameAppl :: VName -> Term -> Term -> Term
binVNameAppl v t1 t2 = MixfixApp (con v) [t1,t2] NotCont
-- * binary junctors
binConj, binDisj, binImpl, binEqv, binEq :: Term -> Term -> Term
binConj = binVNameAppl conjV
binDisj = binVNameAppl disjV
binImpl = binVNameAppl implV
binEq = binVNameAppl eqV
binEqv = binEq
-- * boolean constants
true, false :: Term
true = Const (mkVName "True") boolType
false = Const (mkVName "False") boolType
-- | pair stuff
pairC :: String
pairC = "pair"
isaPair :: String
isaPair = "Pair"