Isa2DG.hs revision eca83bf7d98670ee4fa52661d2f8222429a4f91a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Import data generated by hol2hets into a DG
Copyright : (c) Jonathan von Schroeder, DFKI GmbH 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
module Isabelle.Isa2DG where
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.History
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Logic.Prover
import Logic.ExtSign
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Common.LibName
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.IRI (simpleIdToIRI)
import Isabelle.Logic_Isabelle
import Isabelle.IsaSign
import Isabelle.IsaConsts (mkVName)
import Isabelle.IsaImport (importIsaDataIO)
import Driver.Options
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO,killThread)
import Common.Utils
import System.Exit
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
makeNamedSentence :: (String, Term) -> Named Sentence
makeNamedSentence (n, t) = makeNamed n $ mkSen t
_insNodeDG :: Sign -> [Named Sentence] -> String
-> DGraph -> DGraph
_insNodeDG sig sens n dg =
let gt = G_theory Isabelle Nothing (makeExtSign Isabelle sig) startSigId
(toThSens sens) startThId
labelK = newInfoNodeLab
(makeName (simpleIdToIRI (mkSimpleId n)))
(newNodeInfo DGEmpty)
k = getNewNodeDG dg
insN = [InsertNode (k, labelK)]
newDG = changesDGH dg insN
labCh = [SetNodeLab labelK (k, labelK
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory Map.empty newDG
(k, labelK) })]
newDG1 = changesDGH newDG labCh in newDG1
analyzeMessages :: Int -> [String] -> IO ()
analyzeMessages _ [] = return ()
analyzeMessages i (x:xs) = do
case x of
'v':i':':':msg -> if (read [i']) < i then putStr $ msg ++ "\n"
else return ()
_ -> putStr $ x ++ "\n"
analyzeMessages i xs
anaThyFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaThyFile opts path = do
fp <- canonicalizePath path
tempFile <- getTempFile "" (takeBaseName fp)
fifo <- getTempFifo (takeBaseName fp)
exportScript' <- fmap (</> "") $ getEnvDef
"HETS_ISA_TOOLS" "./Isabelle/export"
exportScript <- canonicalizePath exportScript'
e1 <- doesFileExist exportScript
unless e1 $ fail $ "Export script not available! Maybe you need to specify HETS_ISA_TOOLS"
(l,close) <- readFifo fifo
tid <- forkIO $ analyzeMessages (verbose opts) (lines . concat $ l)
(ex, sout, err) <- executeProcess exportScript [fp,tempFile,fifo] ""
killThread tid
removeFile fifo
case ex of
ExitFailure _ -> do
removeFile tempFile
soutF <- getTempFile sout ((takeBaseName fp) ++ ".sout")
errF <- getTempFile err ((takeBaseName fp) ++ ".serr")
fail $ "Export Failed! - Export script died prematurely. See " ++ soutF
++ " and " ++ errF ++ " for details."
ExitSuccess -> do
ret <- anaIsaFile opts tempFile
removeFile tempFile
return ret
anaIsaFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe (LibName, LibEnv))
anaIsaFile _ path = do
<- importIsaDataIO path
let sens = map makeNamedSentence (axioms ++ theorems
++ (foldl (\ l c -> case c of
(_,_,Nothing) -> l
(n,_,Just tm) -> (n,tm):l) [] consts))
let sgn = emptySign { constTab = foldl (\ m (n,t,_) -> Map.insert (mkVName n) t m) Map.empty consts, domainTab = types, imports = imps, baseSig = Custom_thy,
tsig = emptyTypeSig { classrel = Map.fromList classes,
locales = Map.fromList locales',
defs = Map.fromList defs',
funs = Map.fromList funs' }}
let dg = _insNodeDG sgn sens name emptyDG
le = Map.insert (emptyLibName name)
dg Map.empty
return $ Just (emptyLibName name,
computeLibEnvTheories le)